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Festo Bionic
FestoHQ さんのチャンネル
アラート アイコン登録リストに追加しました
JavaScript がオフになっているか、古いバージョンの Adobe Flash Player を使用しています。最新の Flash Player を入手してください
Festo SmartBird - Bird flight deciphered
Festo SmartBird - Vogelflug entschlüsselt
Festo - Robotino® XT Animation (English)
Festo - Robotino® XT Animation (Deutsch)
Festo - SmartBird Animation (English)
Festo - SmartBird Animation (Deutsch)
Festo - SmartBird
Festo - Robotino® XT
Festo - OptoFluidic
Festo - Bionic Tripod 3.0
Festo - Inspired by nature
Festo - Humanoid
Festo - Hovercraft Vector
Festo - b-IONIC Airfish
Festo - Airacuda
Festo - Bionic Learning Network 2007
Festo - Bionic Learning Network 2007
Festo - The Soundmachines
Festo - Bionische Materialweiche/Bionic material sorting gate
Festo - Airmotion_ride
Festo - Sky_liner
Festo - Airic's_arm
Festo - Aqua_ray
Festo - Air_ray
Festo - YoYo
Festo - AirArm
Festo - AirJelly
Technik macht Spaß: Eindrücke von den Science Days 2010
Nominated for "Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2010"
Nominiert für den Deutschen Zukunftspreis 2010
Festo - Bionic Learning Network 2010 (version en)
Festo - Bionic Learning Network 2010 (Version de)
Festo - Modular Lightweight Handling
Festo - Modulares Leichtbau Handling
Festo - BionicTripod 2.0
Festo - Bionic Handling Assistant
Festo - Bionischer Handling-Assistent
Festo - Bionic Handling Assistant - Animation
Festo - Bionischer Handling-Assistent - Animation
Festo - CyberKite
Festo - Bionic Learning Network 2009 (Polish Version)
Festo - AirArm 2
Festo Bottling Station simulated in CIROS Studio
Festo MPS 500 System in CIROS simulation and reality
Impressionen HM2009
Festo - Molecubes
Festo - InteractiveWall
Festo - iFab
Festo - AquaPenguin
アラート アイコン登録リストに追加しました
Inspired by nature: Official channel of Festo's Bionic Learning Network. In this cooperation with renowned universities, institutes, and development companies, principles from nature provide new impetus for technology and industrial applications.

Von der Natur inspiriert: Offizielle Filme zum Bionic Learning Network von Festo. Im Verbund mit namhaften Hochschulen, Instituten und Entwicklungsfirmen liefern natürliche Prinzipien neue Impulse für die Technik und industrielle Applikationen.
Festo innovations in pneumatic and electric drive technology deliver higher productivity for the success of your business. For industrial and process automation -- from single components to turnkey solutions. Festo Didactic is a global leader in basic and further training in industry.

Pneumatische und elektrische Antriebstechnik von Festo steht für Innovation in der Industrie- und Prozessautomatisierung - vom Einzelprodukt bis zur einbaufertigen Lösung. Festo Didactic ist weltweit führend in der industriellen Aus- und Weiterbildung. http://www.festo.com
Festo AG & Co. KG
チャンネルのコメント (59)
GrahamTVdotNet (2 週間前)
What's in a Channel name, Different content, Different stories. That's what makes the Youtube thing so interesting.

So let's watch each others Vids, comment and rate them. After that, we like what we see, we Sub ! GrahamTVdotNet Yes !
Kerndental (3 週間前)
I'll watch just about any movie on the Festo channel
bikeskills (1 か月前)
Extraordinary applied technology! At BIKESKILLS we help people become better, safer bike riders. We appreciate all firms that are likewise committed to excellence.
GrahamTVOne (1 か月前)
I know you forgot.
Don't Worry, it's just a little reminder to go watch my Vids ! Give me your opinion and rate them. So that you don't forget where U saw them. Sub to GrahamTVdotNet. No Worries !
axelcj (1 か月前)
I NEVER saw things like this in my life...good job
Bylochino (1 か月前)
Festo ...Festo .. Festo
Keep it up ...
ooooneeee (1 か月前)
I love your work! So inspiring! Every company should be so visionary :).
albodeejay (1 か月前)
i really like this channel
IgorAlvesAS (1 か月前)
I love the things that FESTO make. Man... I would love to work there. : ( Want so bad.
electrodacus (2 か月前)
Brilliant work.
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    1. キューが空です。このボタン を使ってキューに動画を追加するか、