Putin up for second stint as Russia’s president


Vladimir Putin came to power after Boris Yeltsin left office in 2000. His tough stance on Chechnya and Russia’s oligarchs won him domestic kudos.

Under Putin, Russia experienced rapid economic growth. At the same time, he clamped down on political and press freedoms.

When forced to leave office in 2008 by term limits, he introduced his successor, Dimitri Medvedev.

Medvedev talked the reformist talk, which impressed President Obama and other world leaders.

Unfortunately, Medvedev was Putin’s puppet all along and will give up the job for Putin for the next election.

vlcsnap 2011 09 26 18h10m09s35 Putin up for second stint as Russia’s president

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  • http://profiles.google.com/rrwillsj richard wills

    I suspect Putin & Medvedev will be trading the top czar’s throne back & forth
    for some time to come.  This “apparatus” provides the Russian people the
    level of continuity in leadership they are comfortable with.  And provides
    the western business interests with the fig-leaf of democracy to placate the
    chaotic political systems they manipulate back home.


  • http://www.rutoday.com/archives/230068 Тайваньское ТВ объяснило возвращение Путина едким мультиком: от пьяного Ельцина до кукольного Медведева (ВИДЕО)

    [...] РФ, тайваньский телеканал гонконгского медиа-гиганта Next Media Ltd решил разъяснить зрителям все случившееся просто и [...]

  • Lex

    Anyone can explain me – What wrong with Putin’s right hand?


    Yamaksa335 Reply:

    Its iron hand…


  • Anonymous

    Good video, basically reflects the situation in Russia. But I would not say, that in zero’s Russia live better, thah in 1995, for example. Before 1997 Russian people live normally, for Russia of course :) Just crime became less. More precisely crime “moved” from street to others instance. But freedom gone, mostly.

    Of course that my personal opinion.


  • андрей

    балом правят ни путин, ни медведев. балом правит клан во главе с путиным. основная масса братков 90-х сегодня или во власти, или крупные бизнесмены. срастание власти и братков с силовиками, в этом клан путина добился больших успехов. основная масса населения безграмотна или зомбирована. а мне пох…


    Oleg Reply:

    ну и зря…


  • андрей

    ball is ruled by neither Putin nor Medvedev. ball ruled the clan, headed by Putin.most of the lads 90 today or in the government or big business. fusion power and the lads from the security forces, in this clan of Putin has made great strides. bulk of the population illiterate, or zombie. FSUs and me …


  • Viacheslav

    Bull shit. Putin is not mad like a king-kong. He’s very very silent and tricky dictator.


  • Edik151290

    Ахаахаха, классно сделали ролик


  • Русский

    Я считаю этот мультик оскорблением моей страны – России !!!
    Вы там в своей Тайвании не лезьте в чужие дела, а то по носу получите !!!
    Со своими бедами сами разберемся !!!


    Sdf Reply:

    ой ли


  • Russian people

    I think this cartoon an insult to my country – Russia!You are there in their climb into the Taiwan affairs of others, and then get on the nose!Themselves with their troubles We will understand!


  • Unholyone

    sad but true


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