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[Korean Vocaloid] SV01 SeeU 1st Demo-song M/V
チャンネルのコメント (30)
SuikaIrie (9 時間前)
SeeU will make the crowds go wild! ^w^
sakurakeni (20 時間前)
this is awesome !! woo i am so happy !! this is like a dream because i love vocaloid but also i love Kpop ... and woo this is a perfect combination!! thks!!
We love SeeU !1
sakurakeni (20 時間前)
this is awesome !! woo i am so happy !! this is like a dream because i love vocaloid but also i love Kpop ... and woo this is a perfect combination!! thks!!
We love SeeU !1
razuberi399 (1日前)
Please release a japanese demo of SeeU, it gonna to be nice to heard the japanese voicebank of SeeU.
DecisiveZoom (1日前)
god danmmit if they had I=Fantasy on here id say F*ck my own channel and never leave this one :P
dpscorpiobrio (1日前)
I love SeeU! I'm gonna cosplay as her for Halloween! XD SO EXCITED!
and guys I've seen an English sub out there *cough*andIalsomadeanEnglishco­ver*coughcough*
So yeah, one of my favorites after 2 songs! (It helps that she's the first hyped-up one since I joined the fandom!)
Can't wait to hear more! (extended i=fantasy plz? :3)
Lottiepopxx (1日前)
I love this song the first time I heard it :D
xxNekoOfDarknessxx (1日前)
wow i really love tht SeeU has her own channel!!! i cant wait til she has more songs!!! ans also plz bring out english subs!!! <3 thankies!!!
NekoNeko104 (1日前)
wow! this is the first time i seen a vocaloid get a youtube account.i can't wait to get her and add her to the rest of my vocaloid family!XD
DecisiveZoom (1日前)
SBSartech make enlgish chinese and japanese subs please along with the korean thank u ^w^
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