A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
Below portable apps are in a simplified PortableApps standard.
Tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 and Windows 7 Integrale since 22 october 2009.
On Vista and 7 turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

More portable apps (reported to Blogger by Adobe and Techsmith) can be found here.

17 September 2011

Web browser without installation.
Download Portable Firefox 9.0a1 32-64 en-US Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Firefox 8.0a2 Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Firefox 7.0b6 Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Firefox 6.0.2 Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Firefox 5.0.1 Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Firefox 4.0.1 Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Firefox 3.6.22 Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Firefox 3.0.19 Multilingual Online from MediaFire (0.4 MB)
Final and Beta use same launcher and profile but Aurora (8.0a2) and Nightly (9.0a1) have their own.

Optimized Firefox Browser without installation.
Download Portable Pale Moon 6.0.2 32-64 bit Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Pale Moon 3.6.22 for Athlon XP (SSE) Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
3.6.20-AthlonXP is for unsupported CPUs.

Flash Plugin

Can use Java Runtime Environment Portable

Multilingual Online will download setup in selected language (Afrikaans, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, SpanishInternational, Spanish, Basque, Finnish, French, Irish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Norwegian, Dutch, NorwegianNynorsk, Polish, PortugueseBR, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, SimpChinese, TradChinese) and extract files.
Extract and run FirefoxPortable or PaleMoonPortable (both use the same profile).
Settings of installed Firefox should be preserved.

Multi-Users: change Profile by editing FirefoxPortable.ini or PaleMoonPortable.ini with User=NameOfNewUser
Associated to Thunderbird Portable if FirefoxPortable and ThunderbirdPortable folders are in the same folder. A click on a mailto link in FirefoxPortable open a new mail in ThunderbirdPortable.

MozillaCookiesView 1.36, MozillaHistoryView 1.40 and PasswordFox 1.30 for Firefox Portable.
Download NirSoft Firefox Viewers 4.06 from MegaUpload (0.2 MB)
Extract and run MozillaCookiesViewPortable, MozillaHistoryViewPortable or PasswordFoxPortable.

16 September 2011

Manage your digital photos without installation.
Download Portable ImageResizer Online from MegaUpload (0.3 MB)

Extract and run ImageResizerPortable.
You can add switches (App\ImageResizer\switches.txt) with AdditionalParameters in ImageResizerPortable.ini.
Settings of installed ImageResizer should be preserved.

Google Internet browser without installation.
Download Portable Google Chrome MultiVersion Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)

In first screen of Chrome MultiVersion Online, enter ver number:
15.0.874.15 for Chrome Dev
14.0.835.163 for Chrome Stable
Chrome Online will download setup and extract files.

Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome.
Download Portable Chromium Latest Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)

Chromium Latest Online will download latest build (you can run also as updater to check if you have latest) and extract files.

SRWare Iron is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome but without the critical points that the privacy concern.
Download Portable SRWare Iron 13.0.800.1 Online from MegaUpload (0.2 MB)

Iron Online will download setup and extract files.

Flash Plugin (not needed for Chrome)

Can use Java Runtime Environment Portable

Extract and run ChromePortable or ChromiumPortable or IronPortable.
If you want to add parameters, start in incognito mode, not set cache in temp, not delete cache or allow multiple instances: edit *Portable.ini.
Example: AdditionalParameters=--app=http://portableappz.blogspot.com
Settings of installed Chrome, Chromium & Iron should be preserved.

Results in Acid3 Test :
Chrome, Chromium & Iron: 100 %

Screen captures from Windows screen, and text capture without installation.
Download Portable HyperSnap 7 Online from MegaUpload (0.2 MB)
Download Portable HyperSnap 6 from MegaUpload (7.5 MB)
(md5: ea1bad47005db901ac85b40f0ffe0716)

Extract and run HyperSnapPortable.
English, German, French, Hungarian, Polish, Russian (no russian help).
Settings of installed HyperSnap should be preserved.

15 September 2011

Copy Blu-ray/DVD and convert video file without installation.
Download Portable DVDFab from MegaUpload (18.0 MB)
(md5: 165f7d837473e224bc6a3c8de451dd60)

Options: "DVD to DVD", "DVD to Mobile", "Blu-ray to Blu-ray", "Blu-ray to Mobile", "File to Mobile" and "File Mover"
Extract and run DVDFabPortable.
Settings of installed DVDFab should be preserved.

Synchronize and back up your data without installation.
Download Portable SuperFlexibleSynchronizer 5.x En-De Online from MegaUpload (0.3 MB)
Download Portable SuperFlexibleSynchronizer 4.97 En-Fr-De-Es from MegaUpload (9.9 MB)
(md5: 1daf1a0d9efa633a9d3dd2295ab8e7ea)

Extract and run SuperFlexibleSynchronizerPortable.
Letter of portable drive updated in settings.
Settings of installed SuperFlexibleSynchronizer should be preserved.

13 September 2011

Mount rar, zip, DVD, CD, HDD images quickly without installation.
Download Portable WinMount 32 bit from MegaUpload (3.4 MB)
Download Portable WinMount 64 bit from MegaUpload (3.7 MB)

Extract and run WinMountPortable or WinMountPortable_64.
Don't forget to unmount drives before leaving.
Settings of installed WinMount should be preserved.

Complete image retouching program without installation.
Download Portable PhotoFiltre Studio Multilingual from MegaUpload (10.9 MB)
(md5: 54e06447507aea56772b1f6e4925846b)

Languages of installer: English, French, Belarussian, PortugueseBR, Czech, Danish, German, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, SimpChinese, TradChinese, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian,
Extract and run PhotoFiltreStudioPortable.
Not registered but unlimited trial (always 30 days remaining)
If you drag'n drop a file on (or open with) PhotoFiltreStudioPortable: it will be opened in PhotoFiltreStudio.
Settings of installed PhotoFiltreStudio should be preserved.

Fast and free Web browser without installation.
Download Portable Opera Pre-Alpha Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Opera Final Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB) (same as RC2)

Flash Plugin

Can use Java Runtime Environment Portable

Extract and run OperaPortable.
Edit OperaPortable.ini to choose Open & Save Dir, not empty cache, not backup icons & thumbnails...
Settings of installed Opera should be preserved.

Results in Acid3 Test: 100 %

Free internet calls without installation.
Download Portable Skype 5 Online from MegaUpload (0.2 MB)
On first screen enter:
Download Portable Skype 4 from MegaUpload (13.0 MB)
(md5: 4f28a6561abbae0add6ea0cfd166aa69)
Download Portable Skype 3 from RapidShare (12.2 MB)
(md5: e79812518a03fdb0d291185cf22909f7)

Extract and run SkypePortable.
Multi-Users: Edit SkypePortable.ini with User=NameOfNewUser (Default is Skype)
Don't forget to close in systray when leaving.
Settings of installed Skype should be preserved.

Online translator for all your outgoing messages in Skype without installation.
Download Portable Clownfish from MegaUpload (0.5 MB)

Extract and run ClownfishPortable.
Language set by launcher according UserDefaultLang (if you don't want: write UserDefaultLang=false in ClownfishPortable.ini).
Settings of installed Clownfish should be preserved.