








Prof. Dr Christopher Busby

Date/Place of Birth 

01/09/45, Paignton, Devon UK




1966-69 Chemistry, University of London



BSc, PhD, C.Chem, MRSC


1969 University of London First Class Honours Special Degree in
1970-71 SRC research studentship for PhD Physical Chemistry (nmrspectroscopy), Queen Mary College, London
1974 Elected Member of Royal Society of Chemistry
1974 Chartered Chemist
1981 PhD Chemical Physics (Raman spectroscopy/electrochemistry)
University of Kent, Canterbury

Learned Societies:


Member: Royal Society of Chemistry
Member: Royal Society of Medicine
Member: International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
Member: Ukraine Committee: Physicians of Chernobyl

UK Government Committees

Member: (Department of Health and DEFRA) CERRIE
Committee Examining Radiation Risk from Internal Emitters

Member: Ministry of Defence DUOB
Depleted Uranium Oversight Board

Other Committees
Scientific Secretary: European Committee on Radiation Risk

Science Policy group Leader: Policy Information Network on Child Health
and Environment PINCHE


1970 Taught O-level Chemistry part time, Inner London Education
1980-1981 Gave tutorials in quantum mechanics at the Dept. of Chemistry.
University of Kent
1995-1997 Invited lecturer at the University of Sussex Dept. of Physics.
1995-1997 Invited lecturer in the University of Wales, `Aberystwyth,
Physics Department and Geography Department
2000 – 2005 Invited lecturer in the University of Liverpool Faculty of
Medicine SSM5 ‘Environment and Health’ addressing internal
radiation risk and cancer epidemiology of small areas.
2005 Invited lecturer University of West of England; Radiation Risk
and epidemiology
2006 Invited lecturer: Dept. of Law, University of Wales,
2006 Invited lecturer: Dept. of Environment, University of West of
2007 Invited lecturer: Centre for Molecular Bioscience, University of
Ulster (annually)



Professional Administration:
Senior Scientist
Dept of Physical Chemistry, Wellcome Research Laboratory, Langley Park, Beckenham
Science Director, Green Audit
2004-2006 Leader: Workpackage 6 Science and Policy; PINCHE (EU)

Editorial boards (Current):

European Journal of Biology and Bioelectromagnetics

Invited Reviewer


1969 – 1975 Research physical chemist, Wellcome Foundation, Beckenham
1975 - 1978 Self employed scientific consultant and science writer
1979 - 1981 PhD student University of Kent
1981- 1982 SERC Research Fellow University of Kent
1983- 1992 Self employed scientific consultant and science writer
1992- present Science Director, Green Audit, commissioned to research the
health effects of ionizing radiation and funded by a number of charities
and independent bodies.
1995 Funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust to write and produce
'Wings of Death- The health effects of low level radiation.'
1997-2000 Directed research at Green Audit Funded by Irish State to research
health effects of Sellafield
1997 Appointed UK Representative of European Committee on Radiation
Risk (ECRR)
1997 Foundation for children with leukaemia; research on non-ionising
2001 Appointed Scientific Secretary of ECRR and commissioned to prepare
the report ECRR 2003- The Health effects of low doses of Ionizing
Radiation (Published 2003)
2001 Appointed to UK Government Committee Evaluating Radiation Risk
from Internal Emitters (CERRIE)
2001 Appointed to the UK Ministry of Defence Oversight Committee on
Depleted Uranium (DUOB)
2002 Funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust to write a new book
on the epidemiological evidence of health consequences of exposure to
ionizing radiation: 'Wolves of Water'
2003 Appointed Honorary Fellow, University of Liverpool, Faculty of
Medicine, Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology
1992-2008 Science Director, Green Audit
2003 Funded by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust to write Book Wolves of
Water Cancer and the Environment
2004 Leader of Science Policy for( EU) Policy Information Network for
Child Health and Environment PINCHE based in Arnhem, The
2005 3 year research funding by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust;
Corporate Responsibility in Science and Policy
2008 3-year research funding from The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust;
Corporative Responsibility in Science

2008 Appointed Guest Researcher, German Federal Research Laboratories,
Julius Kuhn Institute, Braunschweig, Germany
2008 Appointed Visiting Professor, School of Molecular Bioscience, Faculty
of Life and Health Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern

European Journal of Biology and Bioelectromagnetics
European Journal of Cancer
Journal of Public Health (Royal College of Physicians, School of Public Health)
Science and Public Policy
The Lancet
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (BMJ)


Since 1997 Chris Busby has been engaged as an expert witness in several cases that relate to
the effects of radioactive pollution on health, in several refugee appeals (Kosovo) based on
Depleted Uranium risks, several trials of activists accused of criminal damage at weapons
establishment and one at the House of Commons (evidence on Depleted Uranium and
other radioactive substances), MoD pension appeals tribunals for the widow of a A-Bomb
test veteran and once in the Connecticut State Court for an appeal against licensing releases
of radioactivity from the Millstone reactor on Long Island Sound. He is currently acting or
has recently acted as expert witness on two cases in the UK involving the health effects of
internal irradiation from Depleted Uranium. One of these is in the Royal Courts of Justice
and also in three cases in the USA. Two of these (against Exxon) have recently been settled.
The third, a landmark case involving childhood cancer near a nuclear plant in Florida is
currently being appealed in the US Supreme Court. He also advised on the case of
Rocketdyne (Boeing) and the Santa Susana Field Laboratory childhood retinoblastoma
cluster in Western Los Angeles which was settled in January 2008 and a TENORM radiation
case involving Ashland Oil in Martha Kentucky, also other TENORM cases in Louisiana.
He is currently also expert witness and advisor on the UK Atomic Test veteran litigation in
the Royal Courts of Justice. He has been active in several test veterans pensions appeals
tribunals gaining reversal in every case of MoD refusals to pay war service pensions in
respect of diseases linked to radiation exposure at the test sites. He testified in 2009 before a
coroners jury in the case of the death of Stuart Dyson arguing that Dyson probably died of
cancer due to his exposure to depleted uranium in the Persian Gulf. Despite opposition from
the MoD the jury unanimously agreed that the uranium exposure was the probable cause of
death. A full list and brief description of the court cases in which Dr Busby has been
retained as an expert witness is given below.