About the player
Media Player Classic Home Cinema project is based on the original "Media Player Classic" SourceForge project created by Gabest. After the original author stopped working on it the new versions came under the new project called Media Player Classic Home Cinema also hosted at SourceForge.net.
Currently about 24 developers are working on the Home Cinema project. The player supports all common video, audio and image file formats available as well as video playback (click here for all features). The MPC HC programming language is C++ and was started on 06.21.2006.
More information on the project
- Click to view the project activity statistics
- The project home page at SourceForge.net
- MPC-HC Support page
- Click to Download MPC Home Cinema Free
Here is the list of the contributors (in order of appearance in the SVN) that made Media Player Classic Home Cinema possible and still continue to update and provide support:
Nickname | Contribution | Email address |
Casimir666 | Code, Admin, French | casimir666 at users.sourceforge.net |
Alexander Wild | Code, German | alexwild at users .sourceforge.net |
_xxl | FFMpeg | drevil_xxl at users.sourceforge.net |
clsid | Code | clsid2 at users.sourceforge.net |
MatMaul | Code | matmaul at users.sourceforge.net |
Vodyannikov Aleksandr | Code | aleksoid at users.sourceforge.net |
Beliyaal | Code | beliyaal at users.sourceforge.net |
tetsuo55 | Project Manager, Admin | tetsuo55 at users.sourceforge.net |
Arto Jarvinen | Code | ar-jar at users.sourceforge.net |
spec-chum | Code | spec-chum at users.sourceforge.net |
Tomas Sen | Code | tomasen at users.sourceforge.net |
jonasno | Code, Swedish | jonasno at users.sourceforge.net |
XhmikosR | Various stuff | xhmikosr at users.sourceforge.net |
KindDragon | Code | kinddragon at users.sourceforge.net |
nevcairiel | Code | nevcairiel at users.sourceforge.net |
Attila T. Afra | Code | attila.afra at gmail.com |
Di Luo (sansnom05) | Code | sansnom05 at users.sourceforge.net |
xpc1000 | Code | xpc1000 at users.sourceforge.net |
Underground78 | Code, French | underground78 at users.sourceforge.net |
v0lt | Code | v0lt at users.sourceforge.net |
Nickname | Language | Email address |
YDY | Russian | ydy at users.sourceforge.net |
Bosluk | Turkish | bosluk at users.sourceforge.net |
khagaroth | Czech | khagaroth at users.sourceforge.net |
SquallMX | Spanish | squallmx at users.sourceforge.net |
Tamas Kleiber | Hungarian | klei at users.sourceforge.net |
XNeo | Korean | xneokr at users.sourceforge.net |
arch__stanton | Polish | arch__stanton at users.sourceforge.net |
SigiTM | Italian | sigitm at users.sourceforge.net |
Ihor Bobalo | Ukrainian | ibobalo at users.sourceforge.net |
Marian Hikanik | Slovak | mhikanik at users.sourceforge.net |
Kene Lin | Chinese Traditional | kenelin at users.sourceforge.net |
Bonami | Chinese Simplified | bonami at users.sourceforge.net |
Mister-sh | Belarusian | mister-sh at users.sourceforge.net |
Roger Felipe | Portuguese - Brazil | rfrfrfrf at users.sourceforge.net |
Paul Tjepkema | Dutch | pietpuk123 at users.sourceforge.net |
xiulet | Catalan | xiulet at users.sourceforge.net |
arestarh | Ukrainian | arestarh1986 at users.sourceforge.net |
Sebastiii | French | sebastiii at users.sourceforge.net |
roytam1 | Japanese, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified | roytam1 at users.sourceforge.net |
hrant77 | Armenian | hrant77 at users.sourceforge.net |
Superb | Hebrew | - |
Markus Gaugg | German | prinzeugen at users.sourceforge.net |
Web Design and Graphic Design
Nickname | Contribution | Email address |
M Panayotov | Webdesign | martin at xpressmovers.com |
Casimir666 | Webdesign | casimir666 at users.sourceforge.net |
Contributors (listed alphabetically)
Alexx999, foxx1337, heksesang, mtrz, nielsm, skaarj1, VSFilterMod team, X-Dron |
Trac Moderators
namaiki, thevbm |
Based on original version (C) 2002-2006 by gabest (e-Mail unknown)
Also many thanks to everyone who supported development of Media Player Classic - Home Cinema without having svn write access.
The website design, search engine optimization and the Media Player classic Facebook page development and support are possible thanks to Xpress Movers and Weberest. You are always wecome to support our project just by suggesting your ideas and comments in facebook or by involvment in the project.