
7-Zip 9.22 beta

  1. 2011-04-18 19:19:47 UTC
    7-Zip 9.22 beta was released. 7-Zip for 32-bit Windows: 7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64: all files: What's new: - 7-Zip now uses progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button under Windows 7. - The BUG in 7-Zip 9.21 beta was fixed: 7-Zip could ignore some options when you created ZIP archives. For example, it could use ZipCrypto cipher instead of AES-256.
  2. 2011-04-18 20:31:27 UTC
    Очень нехватает запоминания параметров для разных уровней сжатия (compression level) в GUI-версии. Например: сжимаю игровые ресурсы, уровень сжатия Ультра, параметры сжатия "mf=bt4 mc=65535 lc=8", при следующем запуске сжимаю базу, уровень сжатия Скоростной, параметры сжатия остались от ультры, приходится их удалять. В следующий раз при сжатии ультрой приходится опять заново прописывать параметры сжатия.
  3. 2011-04-19 05:12:45 UTC
    1 Новое примечание в справке: опечатка в слове switches. 2 Информация о файле 7-zip32.dll добавлена в descript.ion/i], но в readme.txt/i] ее так и нет (версия x64).
  4. 2011-04-22 20:58:35 UTC
    The bug with compress and email on x64 operating systems isn't fixed yet since years. Please fix it because it's really annoying. What happens? On x64 windows (doesn't matter if 7z is x32 or x64), you can click on compress and email, but ALWAYS the integrated windows mail opens. Not the real Outlook or Thunderbird or ... With WinRAR (x32 and x64) everything is working perfect. You can read about it here
  5. 2011-04-24 12:54:08 UTC
    regarding the small sfx, quote, Small SFX uses 3 levels of priorities to select file to execute: 1) Files in root folder have higher priority than files in subfolders. 2) File extension priorities (from high to low priority order): bat, cmd, exe, inf, msi, cab (under Windows CE), html, htm 3) File name priorities (from high to low priority order): setup, install, run, start May I ask why you chose to have inf between exe and msi? I am interested in your reasoning for this. Wouldn't it be more useful if inf were before both exe and msi? I am considering using this module but it would be more convenient to have inf before exe.
  6. 2011-04-25 06:27:37 UTC
    omega8bit: I didn't check real examples with different inf and exe installers. What filenames (*.exe and *.inf) do you have? Do you know other examples where .inf is used?
  7. 2011-04-25 12:35:07 UTC
    Just to note still points to the older 9.21 Beta. As for me, no bugs detected.
  8. 2011-04-27 04:18:23 UTC
    Unpacking exe files ... There is a file VirtualBox-4.0.6-71344-Win.exe. It opens in archiver, and I can see and extract the following components: \.rsrc\RCDATA\BIN_00 \.rsrc\RCDATA\BIN_01 \.rsrc\RCDATA\BIN_02 There is a file VirtualBox-4.0.6-71416-Win.exe. It opens in archiver, and I immediately get into \.rsrc\RCDATA\BIN_02. If you press "Info", then I see: "Path:.rsrc\RCDATA\BIN_02". To get and unpack the other side (BIN_00 and BIN_01) failed. How can I fix it?
  9. 2011-04-27 04:28:25 UTC
    Switch -tpe I found, and it helped, but why the previous versions unpacked without him?
  10. 2011-04-27 05:11:17 UTC
    7-Zip tries to detect main file in resorces and then 7-Zip opens that file.
  11. 2011-06-02 05:18:33 UTC
    I would like to suggest that like winzip and winrar already have, you add to the new version (maybe in the next beta version) the "shread" (tab) option, to "shread" temp files created by the 7-zip program in order to make recovery of deleted temp files more difficult. Should you find that hard to do, it shouldn't be that hard to create the interface in the options to add the command line to call the dedicated program to do that task [like the free SDelete from Microsoft ( or the free Eraser from Heidi (]. Maybe you could have already the pre-defined options to SDelete and Eraser, but allow other dedicated programs to be included (if the person knows how to call them properly). I write more on this request in the following topic:
  12. 2011-06-02 16:37:15 UTC
    Why CPanel::OnContextMenu do judge the negative number to xPos and yPos? Because this judgment exists, it is not displayed at the position where the context menu is correct under the multi display environment. It is compare original and comment outed.
  13. 2011-06-03 03:17:13 UTC
    MSDN: If the context menu is generated from the keyboard—for example, if the user types SHIFT+F10—then the x- and y-coordinates are -1 and the application should display the context menu at the location of the current selection rather than at (xPos, yPos). I'll change the line to: if (xPos == -1 && yPos == -1) Thanks!
  14. 2011-06-10 01:44:17 UTC
    если внутри архива переименовать какой либо файл на название содержащее знак / внутри архива появляются новые папки, например файл 100.txt переименовать в файл aabb/ww/ddd/p745.txt
  15. 2011-06-10 12:18:23 UTC
    Не хватает сходства с експлорером в плане отступа перед значками файлов в режиме "вид списком" для выделения их (файлов) курсором мауса.
  16. 2011-07-10 13:06:43 UTC
    tahattmeruh The code for sending email is at 7z922\CPP\7zip\UI\Common\Update.cpp:864 and below lines. I see it uses MAPISendDocuments, while it should use MAPISendMail, which is the only supported call in 64-bit systems. That's according to official documentation at: (see paragraph "Exception: MAPISendMail") It should be easy to fix. Some sample code is also at: If I find some time I'll try to rebuild 7-zip myself and try it out, but I guess it would be easier for some developer to do that.
  17. 2011-07-10 21:42:17 UTC
    @ppescher Just note the community-added comment below the cited MSDN article. At least some clients don't support this call. So the proper solution would be to use MAPISendMail, and on failure to fallback to MAPISendDocuments.
  18. 2011-07-13 01:33:17 UTC
    With every new release I hope for you to add the ability to use my mouse's forward and back button, but with every release, it's still not possible. This seems like it's a standard thing with all software, except for 7z. I just don't get it.
  19. 2011-07-25 20:39:28 UTC
    <quote>tahattmeruh The code for sending email is at 7z922\CPP\7zip\UI\Common\Update.cpp:864 and below lines. I see it uses MAPISendDocuments, while it should use MAPISendMail, which is the only supported call in 64-bit systems. That's according to official documentation at: (see paragraph "Exception: MAPISendMail") It should be easy to fix. Some sample code is also at: If I find some time I'll try to rebuild 7-zip myself and try it out, but I guess it would be easier for some developer to do that.</quote> Please, please fix this. It really should'nt be such a big issue.
  20. 2011-07-26 03:35:56 UTC
    I've already changed the code for MAPISendMail. So just wait next alpha version of 7-Zip to test it. I plan it in 3 weeks.
  21. 2011-07-26 06:34:31 UTC
    Great news. I'm looking forward to it...
  22. 2011-07-27 06:58:51 UTC
    tks for your share...
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