Porn Shutdown Over After Performer Retests HIV Negative

Porn Shutdown Hiv

By SHAYA TAYEFE MOHAJER   09/ 3/11 08:00 PM ET   AP

LOS ANGELES -- An adult film performer who tested positive for HIV and caused the porn industry to shut down production as a precaution has been retested and the actor does not have the virus, a porn industry trade group said Saturday.

Production can now resume, said Free Speech Coalition executive director Diane Duke.

"The industry will be abundantly cautious as we try to nail down the reasons for what now appears to have been a false positive result on a previous test," Duke said.

The actor, who was in Florida, had been slated to work on a shoot for Mofos.com, but production was halted last week when the test came back positive for HIV.

Duke declined to release the performer's name, age or gender, citing the person's right to medical privacy. She also declined to say how her group learned of the case.

Production has been shut down since Monday in the San Fernando Valley's multi-billion dollar adult entertainment industry, which includes Hustler and Evil Angel's productions. The case was found at an out-of-state clinic that does not report to California health officials, Duke said.

The porn industry was similarly shuttered in late 2010, after porn actor Derrick Burts was diagnosed as HIV-positive. His case was confirmed, and he has since left the industry to become an advocate for the use of condoms in pornography.

The Free Speech Coalition is working on a database to track sexually transmitted disease testing among porn actors, a task formerly handled by the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation before it closed in December 2010.

Known as AIM, the San Fernando Valley clinic had catered to porn stars since it opened in 1998. It was forced to close because of inadequate licensing.


Filed by Anna Almendrala  | 
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Mr Anonymous
34 minutes ago (10:39 PM)
How do you get a false positive? Wouldn't it be more likely to get a false negative?
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45 minutes ago (10:28 PM)
Well, that must have been terribly frightenin­g for them and their friends/fa­mily/loved ones, whoever it was.
Super Congress,NO! Troika, JAH!
25 minutes ago (10:48 PM)
Thank goodness. My whole weekend was in tatters.
46 minutes ago (10:27 PM)
I don't care about HOW the porn industry monitors their members and acting "stars", but to know for sure that their many actors are "monitored­" for the many possibly fatal sexual deceases that are apparent in our lives, I commend the effort to keep the masses aware. I doubt very sincerely that many of us---the usual population­, would have any interactio­n with most porn stars, but if we did, I'd hope that they would be savvy enough to consider the risks involved, if they found themselves sexually involved with this genre.
Sabra Bruning
50 minutes ago (10:23 PM)
Sexual relations was created by God. Invented by HIM.

It is meant to stay within a closed-cir­cuit relationsh­ip
within the framework of marriage between 2 virgins.

Adultery, fornicatio­n, homosexual­ity and prostituti­on
bring trouble and God forbids it because He loves us.
(He doesn't want to rain on your parade; He wants to
lead it!)
Parti de Donner
36 minutes ago (10:37 PM)
HE tells that to all the women.
34 minutes ago (10:40 PM)
bible thumping zellot.
go away and keep out of other peoples lives,
your religion ends at the tip of your nose so dont poke it into to others.
17 minutes ago (10:56 PM)
Like it or not disregardi­ng religion from a pathosocia­l perspectiv­e this person couldn't be more correct. The liberal(an­d I don't mean politicall­y liberal) associatio­n with social sexual activities "is" the single greatest cause for the spread of STD's as well as many other diseases. One does not have to apply religious references to be aware of the scientific reality. Promiscuit­y which the vast majority of religions - admittedly hypocritic­ally - admonish is an appropriat­e attitude for the survival of future generation­s. Such an attitude also serves to reduce healthcare costs when applied properly. When abused sex is also a medically costly killer!
31 minutes ago (10:42 PM)
if god created sex... then who is banging god? can I bang HER? Maybe get a kinky 3 way going with the holy spirit?
29 minutes ago (10:44 PM)
Then why are you reading a story about porn? Aren't your eyes going to burn out of your head? Or you just love porn and can't admit it.
Super Congress,NO! Troika, JAH!
24 minutes ago (10:49 PM)
I don't tell you what to do with your sexual life. Stay out of mine.
52 minutes ago (10:21 PM)
Kidding right ? Basically the "B" sample tested negative and every thing is now ok. Alright then lets get back to making movies as what the world needs is more porn.
1 hour ago (9:55 PM)
One positive test and one negative test.

Yeah, they're probably safe.
Real eyes, realize, real lies.
50 minutes ago (10:23 PM)
Seriously. Let's go 2 outta 3, just to be sure.
26 minutes ago (10:47 PM)
It actually happens more than people think. The initial test is designed to be sensitive as to not accidental­ly say someone doesn't have HIV when they do. Better to say someone does have it and then find out they don't (from a medical standpoint­, not psychologi­cal), then say someone doesn't and have them miss treatment time or infect others. Then the follow up tests are a bit more accurate.
a long the riverrun
25 minutes ago (10:49 PM)
A false positive is far more likely than a false negative.
2 hours ago (9:42 PM)
Oh thank goodness. With only 73 days of porn per person on the planet in existence we may have fallen behind schedule on our way to a year of porn per person.
1 hour ago (10:00 PM)
you right, what a relief
49 minutes ago (10:24 PM)
Ok! get the cameras up there...I mean on there...I mean...