Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning Associate Professor Darko Radovic

Associate Professor Darko Radovic

DEngArch MSci (UrbArch) PhD (Belgrade)

Head of Urban Design, Associate Professor in Architecture

Room BS G34, Architecture And Planning Building

T: 8344 6456
F: 8344 5532
E: d.radovic@unimelb.edu.au


Associate Professor Darko Radovic is Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Melbourne, where he has served as Head of Urban Design (2000 - 2007). In the period from October 2006 to January 2008 he was Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Tokyo's Centre for Sustainable Urban Regeneration (Faculty of Engineering).

Darko Radovic received his doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. He has taught, researched and practised architecture and urban design in Europe, Australia and Asia. Dr Radovic was the head of an interdisciplinary team (CEP, Belgrade) which was awarded the Yugoslav Grand Prix for urbanism in 1992. In 1994 he was a member of the Sustainable Human Habitat team which won the national competition for the Sustainable Urban Development of Jerrabomberra Valley. In 1996–97 he was an STA Research Fellow in Japan. He is a Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) Associate, the Banksia National Environmental Awards judge, and sits on the Advisory Board of the Melbourne Institute of Asian Languages and Societies. Darko Radovic has published in Serbo-Croatian, English and recently in Japanese and Chinese. His participation in international conferences includes key-note addresses at conferences in Australia, Yugoslavia and Japan. In 1999, Darko co-organised (with the city of Melbourne and the City of Port Phillip) and chaired the international PLEA 2000 symposium 'Sustainable Urban Futures - Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives'.

Over the last three years, Darko has guest lectured in France, Japan, Serbia and Monte Negro, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom and Vietnam. He is published in Europe, Australia and Asia. His research books include The Green City (Routledge/UNSW Press; with Low, Glesson, Green); Urbophilia (2007 the University of Belgrade Public Art Public Space publishers); Cross-Cultural Urban Design (2007, Routledge; with Bull, Boontharm, Parin); Another Tokyo (2008, University of Tokyo and Ichii Shobou); and Eco-urbanity (2008, Routledge).


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