Update: Loyal Dog & Friend’s Safety STILL UNCONFIRMED


3/13/11 – Watch: Loyal Tsunami Dogs video

3/17/11 – Help: How To Help & Donate To Japan’s Lost and Injured Pets

3/19/11 – Editorial: Read more details of Kenn Sakurai’s interview

3/20/11 – Related: Global Animal Readers Donate $18,000 to Japan Animal Rescues

3/25/11 – Editorial: Still No ‘Proof Of Life,’ Despite Rumor Mill

3/28/11 – Related: Global Animals Donate $27,000+ To Japan Animal Rescue

4/1/11 – Related: Japan: This Week In Animal Rescue (PHOTOS)

4/1/11 – Related: Tsunami Dog Found After Drifting In Ocean For 3 Weeks




4/15/11 – UPDATE: Nearly Five Weeks After Tsunami, Still No Proof Of Life

In our fifth week of updating this page, still no independent and verifiable evidence has emerged that the disappeared “loyal tsunami dogs” were rescued or are receiving veterinary care. At this point, the controversy has died down, as have the fabulist Facebook rumors. And so have the attacks on Global Animal for seeking a second source to verify the wellbeing of the two dogs who captured our hearts and became the symbols of the animal victims of Japan’s earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011.

This is a good thing because as we’ve been reporting, there are still many animals within the radiation zone that desperately need attention and help. We hope that animal lovers who have been caught up in the emotion of this story can take a step back and focus their attention on the animals that can still be saved. We are all passionate, we all love animals, and Global Animal hopes we can all work together helping the animals of Japan, as well as animals around the world that desperately need vocal advocates.

To that end, we will no longer be updating this page on a weekly basis every Friday. No news is simply no news, and addressing the rumor mill feels counterproductive. If real evidence or news emerges about the two loyal tsunami dogs, we will immediately report it in an update here. Nothing would make all of us who’ve been concerned about the dogs’ wellbeing happier. But at this point, and unfortunately, in keeping with our concerns from the very beginning, it does not seem likely.


4/8/11 – UPDATE: Nearly A Month After Tsunami, Still No Proof Of Life

Nearly a month after Global Animal sought to confirm news reports taken from a single Facebook page that the ”loyal tsunami dogs” were rescued and receiving veterinarian care, still no verifiable evidence, photograph or witness has surfaced.
A week after promises that a picture of the dogs now existed, none has materialized. All ‘news’ of medical procedures, pending reunions with guardians, and other claims, still come from one individual’s Facebook page, which are repeated as unquestioned fact in a few blogs. What we do know is that beyond the claims of Kenn Sakurai, no one has reported to have seen the dogs since they were filmed by the FujiTV crew, which left the area before witnessing any alleged rescue.
Global Animal has been acknowledged by journalists and a groundswell of concerned animal lovers for adhering to ‘Journalism 101′ and seeking to verify one person’s uncorroborated claim. We only wish the initial concerns GlobalAnimal.org raised almost four weeks ago about the absence of any evidence proving the well-being of these two dogs would have been resolved by some proof of life. This would allow many hearts, who care about all victimized animals, to rest one way or the other.
Sadly, in this case, no news is not good news.


4/1/11 – UPDATE: Three Weeks After Tsunami, Still No Proof Of Life

Despite countless words written on Facebook and elsewhere, despite rumors of photos and medical “updates” of an amputation performed on the Brittany (the healthier dog) on various blogs, Global Animal regrets to report that still no verifiable evidence, photograph, or reliable corroborating witness (like a veterinarian) have surfaced this week. Global Animal continues to investigate and will post a weekly Friday update here if no legitimate and verifiable news breaks earlier in the week. Like so many animal lovers around the world, we are hoping for the best for these two tsunami survivors who have disappeared since being filmed by FujiTV nearly three weeks ago. Meanwhile, Global Animals are showing extraordinary generosity and support for the animals they can help through Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue & Support and other excellent non-profits organizations. This week there have been many successful rescues to give us all hope.


UPDATE: 7:30 PM PST, March 27, 2011 – FujiTV Did NOT Witness Any Rescue Of The Two Dogs

Yesterday, Global Animal shared FujiTV’s official statement that the “loyal dogs” were rescued by “an animal protection group” at the site where the film crew shot the video. FujiTV’s statement:

Fuji Television has received countless inquiries regarding the two dogs our camera crew met in the earthquake/tsunami ruins. As we have explained in our news program, shortly after, they were both rescued by an animal protection group that has professional knowledge regarding animal rescue. The brown dog is doing very well. The white dog was weak at first, but was given an IV injection and is currently with a vet. Both dogs had ID chips and their respective owners have been identified. Many pets are still stranded in the ruins looking for their owners. Fuji Television is relieved that our footage captured the attention of our viewers and resulted in the rescue of at least those two dogs.

Initially we were delighted at this news, so Global Animal inquired about the details behind the statement with a staff member at FujiTV, communicating by both phone and email. We wanted to be sure and confirm FujiTV’s press release. We specifically asked whether the TV crew stayed and met the rescue group they described as having professional knowledge, and if they witnessed the dogs getting rescued. She said no. The camera crew left and never met any rescue group. The international representative of FujiTV wrote via email:

Actually, our news crew wanted to air the outcome of the two dogs and contacted Mr. Sakurai, but he would not give us information on the vet. Therefore, we do not have any information on the vet nor the whereabouts of the dogs.

Unfortunately, all the information Fuji Television has about the dogs comes from Mr. Kenn Sakurai. This is true for everybody pursuing the truth, from journalist to mobilized animal welfare groups, to donors, to animal lovers worldwide. All roads lead to one person: Mr. Sakurai, who started the story on his Facebook page.

At this time, there is still no hard evidence that the dogs were rescued by Mr. Sakurai (who has never seen the dogs himself) or anybody with whom he is acquainted. The only truth is that ever since the two dogs were videotaped, no new concrete evidence has emerged that they survived, are getting care, or have been reunited with their guardians.

We are sorry to report at this time all ‘news’ is still all speculation. For a full accounting of Mr. Sakurai’s changing story, read “Still No ‘Proof Of Life,’ Despite Rumor Mill.”

UPDATE: 10:45 AM PST, March 24, 2011 – FujiTV Releases Statement About Dogs

Finally, there is a substantive statement regarding the wellbeing of the two loyal tsunami dogs. FujiTV released a statement that the dogs were rescued by a professional animal rescue organization at the site where the film crew shot the video. Both dogs received medical attention, and the white dog is still at a vet. Thankfully, the two dogs each has an ID microchip and their guardians are identified.

The following is the email response issued by the international desk of FujiTV:

Fuji Television has received countless inquiries regarding the two dogs our camera crew met in the earthquake/tsunami ruins. As we have explained in our news program, shortly after, they were both rescued by an animal protection group that has professional knowledge regarding animal rescue. The brown dog is doing very well. The white dog was weak at first, but was given an IV injection and is currently with a vet. Both dogs had ID chips and their respective owners have been identified. Many pets are still stranded in the ruins looking for their owners. Fuji Television is relieved that our footage captured the attention of our viewers and resulted in the rescue of at least those two dogs.

A big thanks goes to Global Animal reader Joanne Langan who posted FujiTV’s above response in GA’s comments section and another reader who also contacted us.

Global Animal is actively pursuing a conversation with FujiTV in their Tokyo bureau by phone to verify the statement as well as provide additional details, including the contact information of the professional animal protection group that rescued the two dogs. We are also pursuing a sharing of information with the FujiTV bureau in Los Angeles. Global Animal has also alerted a long-standing animal rescue group in the area where the dogs were found to locate any other stray pets who are stranded in the ruins, as noted by FujiTV.

To ensure the wellbeing of the two dogs, as well as prevent any publicity disruption for the attending vet and the professional animal rescue group, we do not plan to publish location specifics. Global Animal is, however, committed to receiving photographic verification and speaking to a credible source who can solidly confirm the FujiTV statement above. Additionally, Global Animal has been in communications about these dogs with a New York-based photojournalist who is leaving for Japan today to cover the events and rebuilding in the northeastern prefectures for several newspapers.

We hope to have verifiable answers later today or tomorrow on the dogs’ health and status and will publish our findings as soon as possible.

Thank you to all Global Animals for their concern for all the people and animals in Japan. We can all recognize that these two lost and injured pets are only two of far too many in what’s surely an overwhelming situation. We have seen through the outpouring of support to numerous animal welfare charities and rescue organizations, many of which are unrelated to the loyal tsunami dogs, that individuals worldwide care deeply and equally for all who are suffering. There is no contradiction in having empathy for two while having empathy for all. Compassion is boundless, unrestricted – and that is its power. GlobalAnimal.org will report as facts become available.

UPDATE: 10:30 AM PST, March 19, 2011 – Mr. Sakurai Talks To Global Animal

The co-founders of GlobalAnimal.org spoke by phone this morning with Mr. Kenn Sakurai, who last week claimed in his Facebook Page that he assisted in the rescue of the two dogs in the “Loyal Friends” video. Given the apparent health of the dogs in the video, particularly the white dog (pictured right), it remains unclear whether they have survived. We have asked for photos of the dogs to confirm their survival and safekeeping. Given the unconfirmed reporting of the fate of these two dogs, Global Animal is awaiting the requested photos to verify the rest of Mr. Sakurai’s story about the dog’s rescue before printing it. Mr. Sakurai clarified in our interview that the donations he is accepting on his Facebook page are not for these two dogs or their care.

UPDATE: 12:14 AM, March 18, 2011 – Tsunami Dogs Safety Unconfirmed

Truth is a moving target, and sometimes comes in the form of uncertainty, without being wrapped up in a quick happy ending. Global Animal has received many inquiries regarding the loyal tsunami dog video (above) and we now regret to say that sources saying these two dogs are safe are unconfirmed. Susan Mercer, from Heart-Tokushima, one of the three rescue organizations connected with Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue And Support, wrote the following to Global Animal:

“We are amazed at the amount of support we are receiving from the International community and are deeply grateful.  Isabella and team searched until dark for the two dogs that appeared in the YouTube video but were unable to locate them.  It has been rumored that they were rescued but we have yet to see any photos or videos of them post-rescue.  We will update you when we find documented proof of their well-being.”

In Global Animal’s follow-up interview with Susan Mercer, she categorically stated that Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support did not rescue these two dogs, even though they went searching for them. So, the three legitimate rescue organizations connected with JEARS don’t know the dogs’ whereabouts, despite reports from CNN and The Telegraph UK. CNN’s video report by Jeanne Moos reported the dogs were rescued, citing a Facebook entry by a man named Kenn Sakurais.

From a member of Nevada Voters For Animals, an animal rights group in Nevada, comes this:

“There still is NO CONFIRMATION those dogs were rescued. Many requests have been made to Kenn Sakurai, who claims to have rescued the dogs to provide some definitive proof of rescue (video, pics) and he refuses. A local investigative reporter in LV, NV has made requests and he will not respond. CNN reported rescue based on his FB updates, however, NO PROOF has been provided. This guy is either a Saint or a Fraud, not sure which. I requested on his Facebook page to provide some sort of proof of the work he is doing since he is requesting donations and he quickly blocked me from his page and I believe he deleted my posts. WHY WILL HE PROVIDE NO PROOF? People from all over the world are donating to his organization but I fear he may be a fraud. I hope someone will prove me wrong by providing some sort of update on those dogs who have made him famous. Please do not perpetuate this fraud by asking people to donate to his org until he provides some shred of evidence of the work he is doing. How hard is it to snap a picture on a camera phone and upload? He had no problem posting updates on Facebook and asking for money.”

Global Animal has sent a message to Kenn Sakurai’s via his Facebook page asking him about the whereabouts of the dogs and for photographic proof that they are safe. We have not heard back yet. Global Animal is also in the process of finding the names of the veterinarians supposedly caring for the dogs to establish proof. Too little is known at this time of his intentions. If Ken Sakurai responds to us with photographic proof, Global Animal will report it immediately. Such is the nature of news in the social media age. Until proof can be established on the safety and whereabout of these dogs, Global Animal cannot recommend that donations be made to Kenn Sakurai on his Facebook page.

Our aim is to keep Global Animal readers updated as we continue to find out what is happening in a chaotic and often desperate situation.  The truth is important. To this end, we will post continuous updates on this story and will notify Global Animal’s Facebook friends (“like” us on Facebook to receive updates). Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support is doing exceptional work. Susan Mercer explained to Global Animal that donations will provide food and water for the animals who are in evacuation sites with their guardians. Plus, they are actively trying to transfer lost and injured pets out of the devastated areas to safe undamaged areas, such as the HEART -Tokushima shelter.

There are terrific organizations and people on the ground working on behalf of animals. It’s important these organizations receive the help they need and not be lumped in with one person who may or may not share their impeccable actions. For those who want to donate to animal rescue efforts, Global Animal recommends that donations go directly to Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support and organizations that are supporting them and/or the other agencies on our “How To Help Japan’s Pets.”


(TRANSLATION OF JAPANESE FILM CREW THAT FOUND THE DOGS) Many people questioned what the two men who found the dogs were discussing. The summary of the mens’ conversation in Japanese is: at first the two thought the injured dog was dead. They immediately called a vet for assistance for both dogs. The men say they wish they had brought food to give the dogs. You can hear their empathetic tone as they discuss the dogs and it seems their actions and follow-up  got the dogs rescued.

(REGARDING ADOPTION INQUIRIES FOR THESE TWO DOGS) In response to those seeking to adopt the dogs, first efforts will be to find their guardians, then to find a home for them both in Japan. Global Animal will post an adoption update here if the dogs are available for adoption after these two options are exhausted.

Previous posts, now unconfirmed:

(UPDATE): 1:50 pm PST, March 16, 2011 – CNN Reports Dogs Receive Medical Attention

CNN and The Telegraph UK are reporting that both dogs received medical attention. The injured dog is currently at a veterinarian in Mito and the loyal white and brown spaniel friend is at a shelter with vet services in the same town. Everybody is hopeful for their full recovery.

(UPDATE): 2:20 pm PST, March 15, 2011 – Kenn Sakurai Reports Both Dogs Rescued

According to a Facebook entry, a resident of Japan, Kenn Sakurai, is reporting that both dogs were found alive in Mito, Ibaraki. And thanks to the efforts of Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support, the two dogs are currently in the care of a local shelter.

We wish all the people and animals of Japan heartfelt love during this incomprehensibly difficult time. We know that the people of Japan will respond like these two friends, sticking together in this time of need. Ganbatte kudasai! (“Don’t give up!”) – Global Animal

How To Help & Donate To Japan’s Lost and Injured Pets

Read about  Shane, the Akita dog who swam the tsunami to reunite with guardians

Another amazing story of animals caring for each other through a disaster:

Two Katrina Survivors Teach Love Is Blind

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  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1718616708 Joanne Langan

    I am disappointed to find that the fate of the dogs is unknown. Credit was given to an organization that apparently did not rescue the dogs. Instead of immediately stating this, the organization continued to accept donations, mostly driven by the fact that they were credited with the rescue. I gave to that organization. It is stated in the update that they looked until dark and were unable to find the dogs and their fate is unknown at this time. They have contacted the man, who said that the dogs were rescued and is , himself, taking donations. Has anyone tried to contact the news agency that filmed the dogs, since they supposedly made a call to have the dogs helped? I know that I am not the only one that is feeling more than a little disappointed by all of this.

  • Japan “Buddy” Dogs left to die

    Exactly! Where are the update photos? I knew this would happen. Nobody went back for those dogs and some guy claiming to have rescued them is pulling some scam on Facebook and asking for donations. The media takes his word and spreads the lie that the dogs have been rescued. These dogs were probably left to die or worse as the situation deteriorates. The disoriented horse seen in another video probably shares the same fate. That dog was begging for help, for water. You don’t have to speak dog to understand. People and animals are suffering. This is sad beyond belief.

  • Cindy

    Is it truth that the rescued animals will be gassed in 72hrs???????


  • DreamOutLoud

    I am wondering why the guys who filmed that video of them didn’t do anything? Rescue them or at least try and take them to a vet or shelter? And why didn’t they at least try and give them food and water? I smell someone just wanting to be famous here.. And the guy claiming to have rescued them and taking donations.. Karma buddy, karma..

  • pauline

    I felt release yesterday when i read that the 2 dogs were saved. Now today…I was burst into tears as i read this current update, i couldn’t believe what i read until i have to reverse back and read the word ‘UNCONFIRMED’ pretty slowly to make sure that i read it right.
    Please help to find these dogs please…please don’t abandon the dogs that have touched the heart of so many people around the world, dogs that have spread the example of unconditional love and loyalty to all the world in this difficult moment.
    There have been more help coming to Japan after people were enlighten by them.
    They must be saved, must not give up of looking for them.

    I really couldn’t believe this news that i have just read…it’s very bad!!!

  • Deon Gates

    Thank you for following up on this.

  • Alexandrina

    Actually both of these dogs were found in ARAHAMA in SENDAI CITY not in Mito. As you know they were found by a television crew of journalists and cameramen from Fuji TV station. It seems to me that they misunderstood the loyal dogs intentions. She was clearly trying to attract their attention to her mate, hence the woof and walking away requesting them to follow. Clearly too, she has injured ribs and spins to nip her flanks regularly.

    Somehow the TV crew arranged for the Kenn Sakurai team of rescuers, on track road bikes, to rescue both dogs. This must have been after quite some considerable time as they spent at least an hour trying to approach both dogs before gaining confidence. The dogs were bundled into cages, and perched onto the back of the bikes and driven 2 hours south over very rough terrain before locating the animal hospital veterinarian in Mito Shi in Ibaraki Ken. As you know this is quite some distance south from Sendai. How the injured dog ever made it that far in such a terrible condition, we may never know.

    I have tried to locate all animal hospitals and vets plus animal shelters in Mito to no avail. Does anyone have access to a Japanese Yellow pages?

  • Marie

    The Japanese Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support group was also credited in several news articles for trying to arrange cat food to be delivered to Tashiro Island (Cat Island) via a relief helicopter operated by the Japanese Army.

    Despite repeated requests JEARS has not provided any further updates on the welfare of the cats on Tashiro Island, even though they continued to receive donations based on the news stories crediting them with trying to help the cats.

    This is what JEARS posted on their facebook page on 3/14
    “The people and cats (of Tashirojima ["Cat Island"]) are safe but short of food. A volunteer looked into transporting food by boat, but there is too much debris in the water. A helicopter is the only way. The army will probably get a helicopter ready soon so we are looking into the possibility of asking them to take cat food too.”

    1ST News article mentioning & crediting JEARS with helping the cats on Cat Island

    2ND news article crediting JEARS with helping the cats on Cat Island

    3RD news article crediting JEARS with helping the cats on Cat Island

  • Mia

    This is such a horrific update on these two dogs who tried to survive the most devastating tragedy to just end up with the wrong people. Please whoever got these two dogs have a heart like the loyal dog to get both of them to a safe place where they can be taking care of.

  • pauline

    I found this website on the net, but i’m not sure this will be helpful enough, probably you have been into this site before, anyway;

    I sincerely hope that the dogs survive and someone find them and rescue them.

  • Kimiko

    I realize that things must be very difficult and chaotic in the area so getting news and updates must be a challenge. I would just hate for anything more to happen to these two dogs, especially when there are people who would have the resources to adopt them, if not in Japan, from another country. I know that I would be interested in either providing a home, or finding them a home though I live in California. We are all hoping that in the confusion they are safe and being treated somewhere.

  • Joe


  • Susan Stahler

    I asked Kenn S. on his Facebook page about the dogs and what Global Animal is claiming – and he deleted my post! What up!

  • Trixie

    Here is a good link to the rescue story: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.anda.jor.br%2F2011%2F03%2F16%2Fvideo-que-mostrou-caes-nos-escombros-chama-a-atencao-do-mundo-para-a-situacao-dos-animais-no-japao%2F&sl=pt&tl=en&hl&ie=UTF-8 I know that you wont want to click a random link. The Kenn Sakurai is the President of a rescue group in Japan. I doubt he is a scammer, but was already involved with rescuing dogs before all of this.

    Before you all jump in and become indignant, and sent rude messages to the guy, you should really do your homework on it.

  • Eunice Day-Smith


  • Cinzia Rocca

    I feel like getting on a flight to Japan to go and get those two dogs and bring them home where they can be loved and cared for. They deserve it.

  • Mia

    Pleassse, if you can. You have less than 72 hours if they are in one of the shelters or worse, they are left to die. Those of you out there who have some kind of way to intervene for these dogs, please help. I know there are a lot of victims of this catastrophe but these two deserve a second chance, they fought for their lives.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/scribblechick/ scribblechick

    Hi Cindy:

    Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support is pressing to get a reprieve on the 72-hour kill policy at the animal centers in the impacted areas. To be clear, this short time frame before animals are euthanized is not because of the earthquake/tsunami crisis. This has been the policy in Japan for years and animal advocates are working for change. Global Animal received this statement from Sharon Lacey of Japan Cat Network, which is part of the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support (JEARS) coalition:

    I have heard there is a petition going around on the internet regarding displaced animals being gassed within 72 hours. I don’t know how this got started, but there is a bit more to it than that. JEARS is a staunchly no-kill organization. We WILL NOT euthanize any animal, with the rare exception of an animal that is suffering terribly and has no chance of survival. We exist to save animals, not destroy them. Any animals that come into our care will be cared for until they can be reunited with their original families, or, if that is not possible, placed in new adoptive homes – regardless of how long that takes. The 72 hour period is common practice at animal control centres throughout the country. 72 hours is a very general time frame given to surrendered cats, while dogs usually have 7 days. Sometimes less. This tragic system has been a reality for Japanese animals long before the earthquake. JEARS has absolutely no intention of sending rescued animals to animal control centres, as long as these practices continue.

    - Global Animal

  • Anony Mouse

    i absolutely cannot believe how many news outlets are reporting this follow-up as fact based on a FACEBOOK posting! Kenn Sakurai’s posts have not been confirmed and nothing that he claims he’s doing have been confirmed! On top of that, he’s refusing to speak to the press (he claims because he doesn’t want to take his mind off the matter at hand; i think it’s because he may have something to hide). One thing he is doing, however, is collecting a lot of money to his paypal account. He’s reiterated time and time again that he needs money for his operation and then gives his paypal account. In between that, he talks about his dog food company producing the best dog food in the world. I can’t believe nobody else has considered the idea that he may be a complete scam? He may not, but there is not an ounce of proof that he is saving dogs, rescuing them, or anything else. the only proof I see is that he’s probably collecting tons of donations at this point, and CNN and Telegraph UK are just helping promote that.

  • Anke

    That would be wonderful Cinzia …you would be a Hero for me…
    are the dogs safe ???

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/tanya-gresham/ Tanya Gresham

    Can anyone speak to the two reporters who initially found the two dogs, and ask them who they called to come and rescue them from this area? The reporters had to be the ones who made the original call for assistance in their rescue. If they could tell anyone who they called, then it’s possible someone could contact that person or organization, and ask them who currently has these two animals. Hopefully, whoever has these two beautiful dogs is caring for them with the love they deserve. I know they are not the only animals in need right now, however; I hope we can save them, and keep them from being euthanized, especailly since they have fought so hard to live.

  • Joe

    Update on this issue please?

  • BP

    I also was wondering about the outcome of these two dogs, so did a search today and found the video from CNN that the two dogs were safe and sound, but when I went to Kenn Sakurai’s Facebook, I became immediately suspicous that he is claming to be in such a mess, which is most likely true, but if this were me and I knew showing the proof that they are indeed safe and sound would generate more donations for an animal rescue cause, I would do everything I could to be getting photos, videos or whatever for all the world to see. This would certainly bring in more donations to help out. Needless to say, I’m ver skeptical about weather Kenn Sakurai is actually the person that went and picked up the two dogs as he did not document the rescue in photos or video.

    Now I’m so disturbed that they are still out there somewhere, along with so many critters, that they could even be put to death if are in a kill shelter, geez, hard to even imagine the devastation that these poor people and animals are facing.

    The sad part is that some people will use this to their advantage and appeal to our human compassion and scam people out of their money for their own personal benefit.

    From now on I will only come here for updates on the animal rescues or other reputable sites.

    Thanks for all you have done in the past and keep doing on behalf of the vulnerable, abused, helpless and homeless critters.

  • GW

    I emailed Fuji television; to see if they know anything. Doubt that I will hear back. I don’t believe they were rescued :(

    I did see that many many people all over the world were sending Kenn money.

  • Oks

    I am completely heartbroken to learn that the safety of these two Hero Surviving dogs is still unconfirmed and nobody knows about their whereabouts. I would like to bring to you attention that while reading comments on thread I came across the information posted by fellow facebooker Biggi Hu .
    It mentioned that one of the dogs possibly could be at
    Types Ecommerce
    -B2B (Business-to-Business)
    Address: Kanto/Ibaraki, Japan, 310-0851
    Tel 029-241-6242
    Fax 029-241-6249
    E-mail :mailmag@ibajyuu.com
    Website http://www.ibajyuu.com
    The other dog might be in The animal refugee Kansai
    It would be great if you could try to contact both places, as I do not speak Japaneese. I trully hope that this information was of help to you in locating these two friends.

  • Sandy

    The Japanese Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support group received a ton of press for doing absolutely nothing to help the cats on Tashiro Island (Cat Island)

    Despite repeated requests JEARS has not provided any further updates on the welfare of the cats on Tashiro Island, even though they continued to receive donations based on the news stories crediting them with trying to help the cats.

    1ST News article mentioning & crediting JEARS with helping the cats on Cat Island

    2ND news article crediting JEARS with helping the cats on Cat Island

    3RD news article crediting JEARS with helping the cats on Cat Island

  • Dolly

    It is so sad to hear both of them are not confirmed safe. It is so frustrated that all I can do is donate money. Please someone please safe them and those helpless animals!

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/april-honaker/ April

    This is a direct quote from Kenn Sakurai’s Facebook page. This man claims to have rescued the dogs and is actively taking donations for their care.

    “For those who ask me for more photos of those two dogs, and telling me as iits up to that whether they donate or not, then don’t do that.
    I’ve never asked for donation based on the give and take basis.
    If I will be asked fort such again, then I am forced to block you off because I don’t want to have the people who cannot think of the re…ality we are facing here and try to fulfill their naiveness, as a “friend.”

    What?? Give and take? What legitimate rescuer would not want to post updated pics of the dogs he claims to have rescued? For the sake of these dogs and all the people who are sending money, this guy needs to be stopped.

  • Amanda

    I agree. If he has no pictures, simply providing the name of the shelter or vet he took the dogs to would have resolved the uncertainty long ago. He spends enough time online talking about other activities, so posting a line or two wouldn’t keep him from rescue work.

  • Amanda

    I have serious doubts about him at this point. He won’t see a dime of my money!

  • Dwight


  • Stjlangan

    If you do a search of Kenn’s Facebook page, it shows up as Japan and Montenegro. I think that this is pretty strange.

  • kristi

    i was very saddened to see that the fate of these 2 dogs has not been confirmed. I love animals and hate to see such beautiful creatures suffer. I think it is even more disheartening to see that there are horrible people out there that have so little regard for life that they use others’s suffering for their own greedy gains. I pray and hope that these two lost souls have been rescued. I would take them in a heartbeat and give them a wonderful home if i could. May god bless them wherever they are, and to the people who have taken advantage of this situation, you have to live with your heartless souls everyday. Man never ceases to amaze me.

  • Nancy


    I’m sorry to tell you that the link you provided does NOT prove the Kenn Sakurai is the President of a rescue group. It says he is president of a dog food company, Butch.

    “But the good news came with the passing of time: Kenn Sakurai, president of a company to “feed” a “Butch,” was dedicated to helping and rescuing animals, since it was given the warning of earthquake and tsunami.”

    I truly hope that this man is legitimate but, I am getting very concerned after reading the posts on his FB page and seeing how many people have friended him and are sending money. Anyone can set up an account and ask for money. I pray that what this man says is true but, there are other ways to donate and be sure of where your donation goes. Until he provides proof or CNN checks into this further, I hope that people will think about where there money is going…

  • Nancy

    Trixie, please check my recent post. The link you provided does NOT say that this man is president of a animal rescue group. He is president of Butch dog food. I’m getting very concerned that this COULD be a potential scam. I just pray that it’s not.

    “But the good news came with the passing of time: Kenn Sakurai, president of a company to “feed” a “Butch,” was dedicated to helping and rescuing animals, since it was given the warning of earthquake and tsunami.”

  • Sarah

    He doesn’t post any pictures of Japan on his FB page. He is able to post pictures and update his status frequently, but nothing shows him out in the field. He gives rescue work as the reason for not being able to work with the press and describes grueling conditions (wearing a diaper, etc), but how much is he really getting done between posts? Curiouser and curiouser..

  • rsm

    I’m not sure who people think they are that they can just demand information from Mr. Sakurai while he’s in the midst of a crisis. The man has no food, no running water and is still out there helping people and animals alike. Not to mention the blantant disregard for cultural differences. In Japan people don’t take credit for the good things they do and most likely Mr. Sakurai probably didn’t want to but thought it would be best in order to help other animals, which is true. I’m sure that when people have running water, electricity, and telephone access that an update will be posted about the two dogs. I’m just dumbfounded at the rudeness of people to sit here and accuse someone of lying for attention or fraud. That’s just typical of Westerners (btw I’m also a Westerner) to automatically misunderstand someone’s good intentions – do you know why there’s not looting going on in Japan? Because in times of crisis people step up and help eachother. Mr. Sakurai doing what his cultural upbringing has taught him to do which is to help those in times of crisis and expect nothing in return because that’s just what you do when this happens. Once again, in Japan people won’t decieve eachother because everything is based upon honor. Mr. Sakurai is the president of a dog food company (this is confirmed yes?) so if he were exposed as a fraud or someone who had lied to gain money then he and his family would be unable to live or operate any sort of business in Japan and very likely wouldn’t be able to get a decent job doing manual labor as well as it is an honor based society.

  • http://www.facebook.com/ahonaker1 April Honaker

    Amen Lord!!!!

  • http://www.facebook.com/ahonaker1 April Honaker

    ANY honorable person who has rescued animals and especially who wants money for it would be more than glad to snap a pic of said animals for the concerned supporters. It is taking him way more time to post insults and block everyone who asks for pics. IF he had the dogs he WOULD have taken a picture. No doubt about it. He will be exposed.

  • Preben

    Any updates?

  • kitty

    rsm, i agree with you. honor and reputation is extremely important in Japan. i wouldn’t like it if people send me messages asking for proof of rescue and location of the dogs. i can see how he could have been offended by the insinuation that he was scamming people. i understand why people want to know what happened to the dogs but they’re not seeing or choosing to ignore the current situation. if people can’t get travel freely, how can you ask them to drop everything and go find the dogs? what’s more important during a rescue, take pictures or get the dogs to a vet immediately?

    i’m choosing to believe he’s helping animals in distress. there’s no proof that he’s a scammer but there’s no proof that he isn’t. as you stated, he has a business and scamming people will surely ruin his reputation and kill his livelihood. i will wait and see what happens next. i can’t imagine trying to help and people turn on you.

    he’s not asking for donation from people who wants pictures and proof. if he’s trying to scam people, he would try to stall and asks people for patience while asking for more money. he’s not doing that and is thinking about stop taking donations.

    by the way, i don’t know Mr. Sakurai. i’ve never communicated with him. it’s really unfair to accuse him of fraud when there’s a humanitarian crisis going on and the world just found out about the dogs in the past few days. not enough time has pass to see the whole story.

    about the dogs: i don’t know how accurate this info is but someone on facebook found a japanese blog (http://ameblo.jp/japandisasteranimals/entry-10832164575.html) and it states that the dogs are in a clinic/shelter. however the people who run the facilities do not want the media to know; thus distracting the work being done there.

  • peek-a-poo

    Sandy is 100% CORRECT. JEARS has made so much mention of Cat Island and rescue, but NOT ONE animal rescue has landed foot on the entire peninsula, at least not that ANY news have ever reported. The same exact story has been circulating the net since March 12 or 13TH! Hundreds of blogs and facebook pages now contain the same OLD story with altered snippets, yet NOTHING has been updated.

    However, all is not possibly lost – there is another blog out there with more reliable information, from actual islanders on the peninsula. I’ve been trying to spread the link around so that people can actually hear from islanders themselves who are hearing it first person from friends and relatives on Cat Island (also indicative there is now spotty phone coverage in which to make limited contacts).

    The translated version of the blog:


    Please note that much of this information has yet to be 100% confirmed, but I would trust the word of the islanders long before I would trust the word of rescue organizations who only consist of a few people in a group and who can’t seem to get anywhere but Sendai. Cat Island is outside of the nuclear warning zone so far, but may not be if someone doesn’t get in gear and get to them or get to some other group who CAN.

    Even better news, WorldVets is aware of Cat Island and have stated they will update when they hear more, they may be more likely to get the ball rolling, so please support their efforts!!!

  • kristi

    i hope that you are right in saying that Mr. Sakurai is not necessarily commiting fraud. I also believe that in this day and age, people have the right to be concerned about where there hard earn money is being used and that it is being used properly. We live in a scary world with a lot of mean hearted people who want to scam people out of anything. I don’t believe it is right to judge someone’s character without knowing all the facts, but I also believe people have the right to not easily trust, sometimes trust needs to be earned. I am sure the Japanese as a whole are wonderful people, i am not nor i claim to be an expert on Japanese culture, however as in any other society in the world, there are always a few deviant people. Criminals are everywhere. I hope Mr. Sakurai is not one of these people. I don’t think people are being rude, I think they are concerned, and are only asking for verification. I, being a Westerner, am not intentionally rude, but i am not going to be taken advantage of either. As i said before, i hope these two dogs got the aid they required, i know that it is a mess over there right now also, and that they are 2 lives, with thousands others like them, and no resources to do it. God Bless all of them!

  • peek-a-poo

    This is the second page, most updated from the blog linked above.


    Here is another blog with updates:


  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/scribblechick/ scribblechick

    Hi Peek-a-poo,

    Thank you for your kind concern about the cats residing on cat island. GlobalAnimal.org received this update from Sharon Lacey of JEARS on March 18, 2011:

    Unfortunately, we still do not have any information about cat island. To my knowledge, the island is still inaccessible, and sadly, the chances of survivors may be slim. Hopefully, we will be able to get more information soon or gain access.

  • http://www.facebook.com/ahonaker1 April Honaker

    kitty, you are right, he will be ruined if this is proved a scam. I should say he will be exposed or he will take 5 seconds a snap a photo, then he wont have to waste hours of his time blocking people on FB. His whole attitude just does not make sense, and my personal opinion is he thinks he is going to get away with this. After all, he has now clarified that donations have nothing to do with those two animals, but others.

    However if he has those dogs and provides proof, I would be ecstatic. I want to see the best for those two poor little guys and know they were not left to die, which is what it feels like right now.

  • jon_m

    A huge thank you for following up on this story. I feel like the information you provide is reliable. While I will continue to donate to organizations working for the safety of all of the animals in the affected area, I still would like to know the status of these two friends.

  • randy manglicmot

    What gives….. How about just tell us the name of the vet/shelter where the dogs were taken. I’ve seen news reports of people looking for these dogs. Are they in some kind witness protection program? Maybe they didn’t make it all way to the vet and he’s leaving that part out.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/scribblechick/ scribblechick

    Hi Peek-a-poo,
    Thank you for your kind concern about the cats residing on cat island. GlobalAnimal.org received this update from Sharon Lacey of JEARS on March 18, 2011:
    Unfortunately, we still do not have any information about cat island. To my knowledge, the island is still inaccessible, and sadly, the chances of survivors may be slim. Hopefully, we will be able to get more information soon or gain access.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/hp/ hp

    First of all, my heart goes out to the people and animals who are caught in this disaster. It is sad beyond belief.

    I’ve been keeping up with Kenn Sakurai Facebook updates for several days. Having been one of the first people to donate to JEARS, I’ve watched this story unfold since the beginning. I have the luxury of being at a computer all day so I’ve been very attentive to Kenn’s Facebook page. At first he seemed legit, claiming to have rescued 60 dogs, a day later he claimed he rescued 150 – although I can’t locate that post of his now, perhaps deleted he edits his Facebook page actively. This was refreshing to hear that something was getting done to help these animals. His entries made him seem much more proactive and successful than the progress of JEARS. Now, I feel something is amiss with Kenn’s stories.

    What is bothering me is that he claimed to be so busy rescuing dogs that there was no time in this disaster to answer questions or take photos of the dogs BUT he had time to continually update his FB page. Last night or the night before he was happy to take time to rent a Will Farrell movie. Today he’s asked if Cityville was fun to play, would anyone recommend it. Who would have a free moment in a disaster, with a critical window of opportunity to save lives, to do either of these things? He has time to post photos of his own and friend’s dogs on his FB page but no time to answer a phone call? Sorry but I really don’t understand his behavior.

    At first he welcomed the attention from CNN. Now he does not want any attention. First he claimed he had no time to photo the two dogs, today he says he made a promise to the biker friends to not give information because the vet / shelter / whoever does not want the attention or to get lots of donation money. What? What shelter would not want donations? He wants all the attention to go away and no one to ask him about the two dogs. He says he is unfortunate for doing a good deed.

    I’d rather he had said he was working on getting photos than to flat out refuse. If I’ve missed something in Japanese culture that would prohibit him taking credit then I apologize but at this point, his story doesn’t seem to add up since he was happy to take credit for it all in the beginning. Seriously, go back to his entry on the day CNN wanted to interview him, he was excited and pleased for the publicity.

    Whatever is going on with Kenn, the fact remains that we all hope for the best with these dogs. Someone here suggested contacting the Fuji TV reporters which is a GREAT idea. They might remember what vet they called to assist the dogs or who was in the area that might have taken them. If the wounded one looked too weak to walk but when JEARS arrived the dogs were gone. Hopefully someone picked them up who is unaware of the TV coverage. Maybe it’s not a big story there since they have so much to deal with. I truly hope that one day we find the truth.

  • Susanna

    HP: My sentiments exactly!

  • Susanna

    rsm: you may be correct, but in any country/culture don’t you think it’s possible to have at least a few bad apples? Or is every single person in Japan perfect. This is no longer about THOSE 2 dogs, it about him claiming to rescue over 100 animals. People who have been following his posts for a week have actually seen the opposite in his behavior. Like many have stated, he’s actually not acting like there is a crisis at all, seems glued to FB almost all day, so obviously not “out rescuing”, rents movies, inquires about online games, would you be doing any of that in such a crisis? I am totally aware that this is starting to look like a witch hunt, I’ve seen them before, and that just sucks, nevertheless, truth is more important in situations of life and death for many animals, then possibly sounding rude towards an individual that appears to be doing just fine. Sorry :(


    Heartless moviemakers !!
    They could have helped those two poor dogs with something. Why didn’t they bring them to a vet themselves ?? Brutal, extremely brutal, that’s all I can say. Do they even know what friendship you receive from saved animals , I can, we have taken up a lost cat in our home and one of an anima shelter. Now everey day we get a lot of friendship of them.It seems that tey still thank us every day for rescueing them . I sincerely hope these two poor friends are rescued, if I would have been there I surely would have taken them to my home too, The ‘people’ who made this movie have to be in need one day too, and also left behind,maybe then they would realize sorry but that is what think about this ‘people’ !!,

  • A Montana

    CNN should be ashamed of themselves for such bad reporting. They replayed this video at least five times, claiming they had been rescued, and have had plenty of time to verify the facts and fate of these two dogs. Mr Sakurai sounds like a real nut job and should be ashamed of himself for making unsubstantiated claims of false hope, as should the two reporters who left these dogs behind and didn’t help them. (boooooo!)

    Keep up the good work, and update when you can. This movie devastated me and I really want to believe in the kindness of humans, and that there is still hope for the animals (and humans) who desperately need it…not the opposite.

  • Natalie in AZ

    Can someone please tell me what happened to the little white lost kitten that was meowing in the picture?? I haven’t been able to sleep since seeing this picture…thanks

  • Sally

    I find it hard to believe the TV crew walked away from those dogs. At the very least I’m sure they alerted rescue workers in the area. If you look at the translation from the video – the reporters voiced concern/relief the dog laying on the ground was alive. Also, it’s very possible other people in the same area rescued them. When other groups went back to the area, both animals were gone. The dog on the ground didn’t look like he was in any condition to get far on his own, which leads me to believe they WERE rescued — but probably not by the mysterious “bikers”. My guess is that Ken saw the news story himself and posted it on facebook to tug at heart-strings for donations. The real people who rescued them are probably unaware of the national attention.

  • Sarah

    My thoughts exactly regarding Cityville. For someone rescuing animals in a crisis zone at a critical time, he has way to much time to spend on Facebook.

  • Sarah

    Several people asked for just that. It stands to reason that it would be hard to travel in Japan and backtracking is too much to ask for. The names and addresses of the vet and/or shelter could be made available. This thing about a promise to a biker friend is just hard to understand.

  • peek-a-poo

    Global Animal, I think that’s the same story we’re going to get forever, until SOMEONE ELSE makes attempts to get onto the island. For them to say chances of survival are slim is unacceptable after KNOWING there is proof the residents are still alive there and not doing anything about it. I don’t expect JEARS to get to the island, I expect them to make contact with whomever they can, whether that is authorities or other people they are meeting up with along the way, to alert them and find out how to get aid to them. If it’s left up to JEARS, it’s never going to get done!

    Not that they don’t have enough on their hands to worry about, but why aren’t they alerting authorities of the plight of Cat Island? Or, maybe I should put this another way, exactly who should we be talking to, to aid in getting help to the island?

  • augusta beetle

    Please would Global Animal….or anyone….. update as soon as they know anything of these two dogs. I realize there are thousands of animals out there, injured and alone, but now the attention has been drawn to these two distraught creatures, there are so many wanting to know their fate.

  • amy

    I am glad to hear at least that the other rescuers after seeing the video went to the area, and found the building that had been behind the two dogs, but did not find the dogs. That is hopeful I guess. I give monthly to IFAW dot org. They are an international FUnd for Animal Welfare. The radiation threat has them on hold to being allowed into Japan (as the worst hit areas are near the nuclear plant right?). Their bags are packed and they are ready to go in. For now they are sending money directly to Japan rescuers who are there on the ground. They are reputable. They have been to many countries that faced devastation. Haiti, etc. Please consider donating to them.

  • Kris

    This posting states they are in the town of Mito. Is there any way of contacting places there to see if it is true?

  • kaylee

    thank you for the link. the pics look to be pulled off of all we have seen in the media and i cannot translate japanese. i have yet to see anyone address the spaniel’s dog tag which is pretty prominent in most pics. is it the pet’s name or represents a family perhaps that is missing? could explain the restraint shown in receiving recent pics of the dogs saved or the fact that one or both did not make it due to injuries sustained. if you learn of anything more please share. we do appreciate it. i do not understand the facebook trend and the commitment of so much time spent to update but any entries suggesting movies and games do not sound like a rescue focused existence to me either. any word on the dogs identification tag and what it says would be appreciated. thanks again.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/rivergull/ Rivergull

    I wish someone would contact the news reporters/filmmakers who initially found the dogs. They might know something. Has anyone done this?

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/rivergull/ Rivergull

    Did the moviemakers identify themselves as being with a certain organization? Does CNN know who they were? Seems that the moviemakers need to speak up and let everyone know whether or not they took the dogs, or notified anyone in particular.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/rivergull/ Rivergull


  • Dog Lover

    Exactly. Something is really wrong with his story. Kenn Sakurai’s facebook updates show a consistent contradiction. The excuses he gives for not being able to show anything are endless. Now he is claiming he made a promise to his biker friend who rescued the dogs not to reveal his identity and some crazy story about how the vets feared donations would be given improperly (what rescue vet doesn’t need donations??!!) …as if he didn’t receive any donations after giving his story to CNN? He is doing the right thing by offering to give donations back, but somebody needs to investigate this guy for donation fraud! Or just plain fraud. The people supporting him, without asking about his legitimacy or why he can’t verify his own claims to fame, remind me of unthinking, blind lemmings.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/rivergull/ Rivergull

    New idea: Yesterday it was reported that a family named Kikuchi, in Arahama, Miyagi prefecture, had been reunited with their own dog. Since the Kikuchi’s live in the very same place where the ‘now famous’ tsunami dogs were videotaped, perhaps they are familiar with them…or even knew the owners. Has anyone thought to contact the Kikuchi family to show them the video and photographs? Does anyone know how to contact them?

  • Ness

    Crazy I know, but I am having sleepless nights over those two dogs. Please as soon as anyone gets news of whats happened to them, can they post it on here. Having seem them in the video, I just can’t stop thinking of them. I know there are so many other animals in similar circumstances but these two have been brought to our attention and it makes it more personal. Am keeping everything crossed for them.

  • Sandy

    Cat Island Rescue

    It’s been a week, so a boat should be able to reach tTashiro Island island. JEARS needs to commission a boat, arrange for one or more World Vets to visit the island, bring a translator, volunteers and pack the boat with food, water and medical supplies. DONE!

    JEARS needs to assign more resources to the Cat Island RESCUE project before the cats perish. Imagine the cats survive the earthquake and tsunami and die from starvation.

    With all the donations that JEARS has received over the last week, locating (and paying) a captain with a working boat to transport people and supplies to Cat Island (40 minute ride from Ishinomaki) should be NO PROBLEM. If every person who “LIKED’ JEARS on Facebook gave $10 that means JEARS so far has raised an estimated $320,000 dollars.

  • jon_m

    I don’t think it’s crazy; I am having sleepless nights, too. I’ve even tried to use Google translate to find information in Japanese…to no avail!

    I keep praying for them and donating, and I am glad GA is looking into the issue.

  • kitty

    hi kaylee

    i believe a japanese fluent fb user translated some information from the page. i wrote above what i remembered from the discussion. i used google translator to read that website and it seems to match what the fb user mentioned. the dogs have been identify by what seems to be microchips. what looks like a tag seem to be a part of a chain.

    one of the block of red letters seem to be saying that the blogger will not disclose the location of the dogs.

    translated version:
    “To say that safely secured,
    Dog disclosure of these two animals
    I want to end.”

    this portion sounds like a mention of Kenn, the rescuers and the vet who’s taking care of the dogs:
    “To the president, people of riders, veterinarian,
    To continue the relief efforts in the disaster area and
    HUGE HUG!!!!! HUGE HUG !!!!!”

    this website does have some information in english and an email address where you can ask info about your lost pet: info@dear-paws.com
    i sent them an email asking for current status of the dogs and got a reply linking me to this page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001466816099#!/kenn.sakurai1?sk=wall
    about the game and movies posts, if you scroll down and read the previous posts, he did mention that he will take a 2-day break. i don’t think that’s unreasonable. this is his personal page after all. we can’t expect it to be all business. i don’t think rescue is his full time job since he has an actual job importing and selling pet foods. from what i read, he usually rescues animals near him and the rescue of the 2 days were arranged by him.

  • Alexandrina

    Fuji TV. Japan. I contacted them by email at the time. Still awaiting a reply

  • Alexandrina

    I agree with you. These demanders simply do not comprehend do they>

  • pauline

    It’s been almost 1 week, how’s the dogs now..it’s been too long for them, especiall for the sick one…

  • loveanimals

    It breaks my heart not knowing about their well-being right this moment. I am having sleepless nights over these wonderful dogs and many other helpless animals as well. Lord, please protect the lives of every single animals that are affected by recent tsunami.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/mrs-mcfish/ mrs mcfish

    This is such a disturbing twist to this story; the man who says he saved the 2 dogs won’t provide any proof that they are safe and sound.
    How can we believe him.
    Why should we believe him.
    He may be using this supposed ‘rescue’ to seek donations. And, before any money is given, he must provide proof that the dogs are OK or at least tell the world what happened to them.

  • Sam

    I’m just going to say that there is NO WAY those dogs were found in Mito, I lived in Mito, my friends still live in Mito. There was not a tsunami in Mito, but there was some damage from the earthquake. I rescued two cats while living there and I know some of the local vets, but there are no animal shelters in Mito, I looked. Hiroki Animal Hospital near Senba Lake is the best animal hospital in the area and they have not been brought there. Dr. Hiroki speaks some English and would be very excited to talk to people like CNN in order to try to find the dog’s owners.

    I don’t believe this guy, he is very shady.

  • Preben

    Does anyone know which television network who made the film? And eventually how to contact them?

    I find it extremely hard to believe that any human being can shoot that video and not take the dogs with them, get them to a vet etc.
    Wasn’t there a rescuing crew who recognised the location and went to look for the dogs but only found them not to be there?
    That surely must mean someone (not necessarily this Kenn dude) managed to save them or maybe this is just wishful thinking from my point of view

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/melissa-sirois/ Melissa Sirois

    I’m glad to know I’m not the only kook who’s been worried sick over these guys. I don’t understand why they can’t just take a quick picture just to appease everyone. If the dogs didn’t make it, then I’d rather know than losing sleep wondering if they’re being treated well.

  • Cathy

    They better have saved those poor little angels or else. . .all I will say is we all meet our maker one day:) SO I HOPE THEY SAVED THOSE BABIES:) SEND US A PICTURE NOOOOOOOOOOW.

  • Just some KS quotes

    Here are some statements from the man’s Facebook page. My favorite is where he tells people to fake a ” payment’ to him since he is not supposed to be accepting donations as he is not a NPO. Also, he mentions where he finds dogs with information attached to their collars. How many of these has he posted for their owners to find?

    Part 4: Help for dogs in Japan
    The off road motorcycle delivery men. They are expensive. They are reducing the price for us but they need the gas and live their life. But so far, they are working for us with the trust bond almost just a piece of paper with trust. So donation would be very much appreciated. Then we are able to pay them …and have the special food to be delivered to those dogs need such.

    So it is now the time to make the thing happen. With the Prime Minister’s approval, the Non Profit Organization such as SPCA could have the donation from big time corporations with the tax deduction. Canon, Panasonic, Sony and those Japanese firms are doing that outside Japan but here in their own country.

    So I’m gonna do this.
    And I tell you the reality and the truth that bites. We need money.
    But have no idea how to collect and save until we can make sure for what to do. Tomorrow, I will go to the Prime Minister’s office for the NPO app works and so on. Maybe open up a bank account with the SPCA-J name but that cannot be done until t…he NPO exists. Gee, is there anyone who has an idea to break some walls ?

    Telling you the truth, one of the client of my ex-business who is the British lady has already wired me the money and I was notified that today.
    It is the large sum and I had the list of “Things to do with the money” from her secretary. Many things are hard to do because we are unable to go to the disaster area. She’s asking me to s…ave as many dog’s life possible.

    Okay, after getting the busy officers from the Prime Minister’s office, what we could know is that we are going to prep all the required papers and
    things and do the rest of the work by the lawyer who said he would offer us a big discount because of he’s a dog lover (owner of 4 Great Danes.)
    Cont. to #2

    From now on, the appearance or say the meeting with them will be done by the lawyer and the beautiful celebrities. Mrs. Kumiko Akiyoshi and Ms. Judy Wong who are the actress and a singer for having the more attention by magnetizing them for the matter. They are our supporters.
    Cont. to #3.

    Here comes another idea, those independent trusty shelters have limits, Even they could have money, it is hard to find the helping hands because of the inland areas are having the damage from the earthquake.TV news is showing the shoreline areas because it is more dramatic but what’s
    going on inside… the land is awful as well. And here comes another idea but maybe it will work.

    There is a closed farmland in Akita prefecture, where the place has lesser damage. Also some lands with water, power and gas but not been used. Think of a parking lot being not used of a closed Denny’s. We would have the cages there and have the local people hired to take care. We will have the lea…der there and take care of the dogs there.

    Gathering the numbers, total of 120 plus dogs are rescued. About half of them had the waterproof (mostly letter or memo in the Ziplock bag) notes attached to the collar telling its name and their home address and phone numbers. They are the dogs released while the owner or the family was trying to getaway from the Tsunami. Some of the attached bags had money in it.

    I tell you, now we have the budget to manage things but pretty soon we
    will need the actual money and we are not sure that how soon the government officials would accept the Aimal Rescue/ SPCA-J app papers
    to be accepted and stamped and release the papers. Otherwise we are not able to open up the bank account. Oh God…, please have those slow men work fast.

    This time, these Rescuers are leaving their home and they have their family to take care of. And so we have to come up with at least the minimum budget to pay them. This could be covered by the present budget we have.

    Dog Rescue Donations via Paypal: rescue@butch-japan.jp

    The email address as well as its bank account to be opened on 03/14/11 Wedenesday. This is the least better way and the detailed reason has been
    described on my note of “DONATIONS FOR DOG RESCUE/ JAPAN.”

    I’ve just did what I could as Liam Nieson on the A-team. BTW suddenly a girl from CNN in NYC emailed me and asked to be on their morning interview or something like that. She wants me to be here at home on 8PM
    Friday, so that means Thursday morning there in the States. I’m not sure yet but maybe my voice might be on air.

    Telling you the truth, there is a organization called Japan SPCA. But what it is, is a group of people who don’t do anything like those SPCA in anoth er countries. They are not active. They are not trying. They have the great raw models in the States, NZ and many other places. But they are not doing anything. If they are active, they …could sent their own people there and do
    the activities.

    I asked to many what the J-SPCA is ? Many answered as it is the nest of retired government authorities. But even those people could do something.
    Also there is another organization called SPCA-Nippon. Nippon means Japan. I have no idea what this one is either. The common things both
    J-SPCA and SPCA-Nippon have is that they don’t know th…e reality of the
    front line of animal rescue. No idea.

    The fact is, the true animal rescue works are done by the independent individuals and groups having no support from the government nor the
    regional offices. And there are limited numbers of trusty ones. Some of
    them are the camouflage of the puppy mills. But both J-SPCA and SPCA-Nippon don’t know anything about it.

    It seems as they don’t allow the donations if the receiver isn’t the NPO.
    Just fake it as a payment and we are able to save fees as bank charges.
    The bank charge minimum of US$55 ! So if someone donates US$55.
    we will be notified as we have received nothing or charged for more if
    …the exchange rate is higher (or lower) and less than JPY5,000. This is

    Dear Everyone,
    The reason why we thought the Paypal is good was because it is handy, and their fee is extremely low than the bank transfer. The bank transfer
    for international is minimum of US$55 and it’s up to the exchange rate.
    But we have found out that to donate thru Paypal as a gift, then the receiving party should be the NPO. We ar…e not NPO.

    We are the pet food importer and had the extra email address to accept the donation because of lesser cost than using the bank. We are receiving the money from many whom somehow know this. We will relay the money to the trusty rescuers and shelters for sure. The rason why have decided to this is because of the other reason as well. The J-SPCA and Nippon SPCA are not reliable. First, they are not NPO at all.

    The original J-SPCA used to be good. But after many years, it became the cozy nest of the retired government officials who don’t do anything with the daily basis. They accept donations and it is government approved but they don’t spend the most of it for how it should be used. They are like bookies. They always appear with the other humane groups of the same type and enjoy their harvest. Can be looked good, too.

    But the real rescue works done and the shelters are owned by the local independent people. The only reason for relying on J-SPCA is that if the animal is brought to the “facility” they will be killed aft 72 hours. What they do is just make the time longer. Nippon-SPCA is new and once we asked
    the chairman lady for why not NPO ? The ans…wer was “The accountant said this is okay. I’m new so be kind to me.”

    So this is the reason why for the donation@butch-japan.jp has set. We will
    have all the money relayed to those trusty people we know of and to be spend what is needed for.

    Additional Notes:
    Some friends told me that the Paypal said as the email address is not “registerd yet.” So we will check the thing out and will put the note on the list tomorrow. But the strange thing is, we are receiving the donations from many.

    To: Those whom may concern
    Re.: The Paypal account which was told as the email address has not been

    Dear Everyone,
    …The registration work has done and now there will be no problem for using the Paypal for sending the donations. It took just a few hours because we have the good records on transactions as well as no complaints in the past.
    Thanks and regards,
    Kenn Sakurai

    I was wondering why many people are trying to find them beyond which I think as the reality, which means after rescuing succeeded and left my hands, but people keep ask me for more images and information. It is true that I’ve started the Paypal based donation but as I’ve been writing, those money to be sent or spend for the trusty rescuers and shelters

    Why shelter is because telling you honestly, they are doing the hard work on daily basis and we know that. I will not relay the money to those Rescue Teams which I don’t know who they are and what they really do. Especially those who are always looking for the “fund raiser” to collect the more money as possible. For me, this donation thing is not a business at all.

    When we went back to those roads without any roads, we have found a few lost dogs with the usual memo in the Ziploc attached on the collar.
    We took care of them (4) and with having such chances to see those dogs while we took the rough roads, I think the numbers of them waiting for us would be huge.

  • Just some KS quotes

    The television crew was from FujiTv. You can find them via internet search and they have e-mail that can be sent either in English or Japanese.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/charlieboy/ Charlieboy

    I keep crying when i watch the video of these poor dogs, i hope they were rescued.

  • Alex

    The dogs were found in Arahama Sendai Miyaghi Ken NOT Mito Ibaraki-Ken. This was clearly reported everywhere, even on the video on the homepage of this site. The dogs were taken overland by cross country bikes at least a 2 hour journey south to Ibaraki Ken & nearby to Mito Shi.

  • Alex

    Excellent idea Rivergull. Perhaps Fuji TV reporters who found the dogs could chase that one up.

  • Alex

    I contacted Fuji TV a week ago however have not heard back yet.

  • Alex

    He wasn’t there to take the photo April. As has been stated clearly over and over again at infinitum. The rescuers had no idea that these dogs were famous. They did the same thing they do with all other injured animals during this crisis. Photographs were not even an issue during those early days.

  • Alex

    The animals were both tagged and microchipped. Their owners have already been identified according to reports. Wrapped around the collars of many dogs was a jiffy plastic bag with the owners details and/or money for food. The owners placed it there before the tsunami or during , then let the dogs escape. According to reports almost half of all dogs recovered were carrying these little waterproof bags around their collars.

  • hp

    Thank you for posting these Kenn facebook entries in one place and seeing the progression of his entries. It’s as if he was sitting in his Chiba (near Tokyo) apartment making things up as he went along.

    There was a FB entry where he mentioned the name of a company, Bike-Bin in Sendai, thanking them for help. This is a messenger service. Are they the “outlaw, off road bikers”? Can they lend some support or confirm they were involved with the rescue?

    Did anyone notice that first he states the dogs were rescued on the back of a bike in cages then later in a blankets? Small detail but he elaborated on both versions saying donations would be spent on making more cages. Never heard about that again. Then later he explains the biker’s keep these blankets on board. Transport a dog wrapped up in a blanket on a bike?

    I had forgotten about the Ziploc story. Sorry but I’m having a hard time believing anyone would take the time to attach a Ziploc, with a note inside when a tsunami is bearing down on them. There are several first hand accounts reported in the news (including one here about the faithful Akita) about how people simply unlatched their dogs in the yard and ran for their lives!

    Also, if it is against the culture to seek proof or recognition then why are there pictures posted on Japan based rescue sites of rescuers and rescued animals? The vet in Sendai had his photo taken and posted on Jears site. They also have photos of many rescued animals. This argument is hollow.

    There has been some reference to a Japanese blog that says they were tagged and microchipped. I am sorry to say that it appears that blogger used Kenn’s page as their source – again. Reporting fact from an unsubstantiated facebook page.

    BTW if anyone thinks he was in the field everyday or any day… check the facts. He was able to contribute to FB seveal time per day (not by mobile apps) and walk his dog everyday last week which doesn’t seem possible if he was, as he says, wearing diapers scouting for dogs in the back country. To get from Tokyo to Sendai one way in the best of times is FOUR HOURS by car according to Google Maps. Mito is two hours. God only knows how long it would take currently. Southbound lanes were clogged by evacuees (photos on the news). There is simply no way he was commuting from the damaged areas.

    The critical matter is whether these animals were saved. As another person here said, if no one went out to rescue these dogs because Kenn claimed to already have them I say he is responsible for them NOT being saved. What a horrible thought.

  • Sarah

    I am glad this is all in one place, too. He is on Facebook too much to be out doing anything.

    His followers can be equally surreal. One has a “Masters in Research.” I can’t find any university that offers a degree in research. Research is something you do to get a degree.

  • hp

    @ Sarah
    No kidding. At first I thought the “Researcher” could shed some light on the situation. Unfortunately, I see she has provided a circular argument stating more “facts” from Kenn and from another blogger, Nozumi Kugita, who also got her information from Kenn.
    What kind of research is that? Can we please have some corroboration from someone who is not citing Kenn or Kenn’s FB page??

    I applaud Global Animal for being one of the few info sources that attempted to dig for facts.

  • Critter Chitter

    Posted on JEARS by Selena Kyle

    Perhaps people here could also devote some attention to Japan’s NIPPON SPCA, who desperately needs help with a dire problem

    Since it is not a LAW to hold off on gassing found animals, any kill shelter, govt or otherwise CAN GAS AT THEIR SOLE DISCRETION and apparently will or have despite what has been posted on various FB pages i.e. JEARS):

    http://www.facebook.com/notes/nippon-spca/nippon-spca-northern-japan-animal-rescue-plans-update-1-the-truth-about-governme/153925448002680 …so what say you, animal lovers, can you also spare your time, effort and donations to NIPPON SPCA to aid in saving more pets?

    Also, here is an excellent video that helps us understand their plight: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf2mCX1Grbk&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 … Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOzqrYMcmhU&feature=youtu.be&hd=1

  • JossC

    No your not the only kook I’ve been thinking about them every night and checking the internet every morning hoping for news. I think we all just need to have some closure.

  • Megan

    Other groups went back for the dogs but they were both gone — that’s GOOD NEWS! I’m confused by all the panic about them not being rescued. The dog on the ground couldn’t have gotten far on his own —- which means SOMEONE got to him. Either the TV Crew, someone else in the area or a rescue worker got to the dogs. It seems pretty simple – Ken saw the story on the news and took credit for their rescue, thinking that only his facebook friends would see it. It doesn’t seem like a question of IF the dogs were rescued but by WHO rescued them. And honestly, we might not ever find out. Someone rescued them but his name isn’t Ken. Those two dogs are okay — Ken’s business after this lie — not so much.

  • Sarah

    I keep waiting for a “researcher” to use wikipedia as a valid source. (It might actually improve the quality of their research…)

    Now KS is sending back all donations. Curiouser and curiouser.

    From Kenn’s Facebook page:

    I could have rest during the weekend and I have thought about the thing I’m doing at the moment. And came up to the decision to send the donated money back to you for now.

    Many of our friends are telling me that there are people spreading out the negative publicity for collecting the money. Many messages are coming in and calling us as crooks and liars. Whew!

    So this is what we have decided to do. Let us send back the money to you at first. The north east area will take the more time because almost all the local offices are collapsed with the town and damaged. So it will take the much more time to have the town or the city’s function back.

    But when the time comes, the tent village for the families who want to live with their dogs, and other Dog Tents to be set by the NPO’s which is the meeting place of the lost dogs and the lost owners. The actual example can be seen on the actual link. This is the example of the Kobe earthquake and the animal support center works.

    Please scroll down and take a look. When the time comes and these people start working, then they are the ones who would need the donations. They are running the shelters and bring the dogs to the
    near by areas where the dogs are found and set the tents there for the facility to let the owners and dogs find each other.

    This kind of activity could be done fast in Kobe because the City Office
    wasn’t destroyed and the function of the city could be brought back
    much faster than expected. But this time, the Tsunami has swept
    everything away. The function of the City Office as well. So it will be the long and hard work to put the things together.

    When the time comes, I will let you know those NPO’s name and the email address and the money will be given to them without any charge.
    So in the meantime, let us send you back the money otherwise those
    people who are telling us crooks still threat us with thoughtless words.

    For those who has sent the money by the other way by means of not the Paypal, please let us know your email address so we are able to send the money back. Gee, a simple idea was misunderstood and called as
    liar and or the crook. The tidal wave of those words are just too much.

  • Doris

    This message is for the good person who rescued the two dogs we saw in the video. Please we need to see the update PICTURES that show how they are doing now. We hope the dogs are in good hands now.. my children ask if they are alive?? I hope they are doing well. God bless you and we hope to hear from you again…

  • Ang

    INTERPOL …. It is sounding like an international fraud case that the international police should be investigating. http://www.interpol.int/ I can’t believe the mainstream media is not doing more to follow this up too. They are all about ratings and the world is watching now. Makes me sick.

  • Ang

    General Secretariat
    200, quai Charles de Gaulle
    69006 Lyon
    Fax: +33 (0)4 72 44 71 63

    People should start flooding Interpol with requests to investigate Kenn Sakurai

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/ang/ Ang

    I have created a FB page to raise awareness, and demanding accountability that directs people back to this page and a request to flood Interpol with requests for an investigation. I did a FB search and could not find anything similar in my searches already existing (but I am sure they must be there) and did not want to hesitate to create it. If there are similar pages, please let me know. I would like to join them and put my mind at ease that someone is utilizing FB for something good and working on this. I know that countless numbers of people are already on the phone all day working on this, I would like to join them in my own way. Please consider joining and directing others to this page by sharing on your wall.

    I posted 1 link to the video with 8.5million views yet he has less then 300 supporters. I can’t state an exact member number as it went from 286, back down to 249.

    Oh, and I will be accepting NO DONATIONS…I can’t believe this guy…ugh

    Facebook page>>> Answers Accountability Proof: The dogs of Japan & Kenn Sakuari

    Blessings to all

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/carpenter/ Carpenter

    As a concerned person in this matter that pertains specifically to Kenn, the guy who’s now “offering” to give back the money people gave him as ‘donations and wanting the best info to get out so i can feel secure in where my donations are actually going, I checked in with Paypal about donation to charities…
    So far here’s what I found out about PayPal and how they shut down people claiming to be charities and taking money from others under the pretense that they are one.

    PayPal has policies to prevent individuals from collecting donations if he or she is not part of a legitimate charity or authorized by a legitimate charity to collect donations on their behalf. Once a person hits a certain dollar amount of collecting “donations,” or violates a policy,
    they must provide proof of their charity status. The person usually has about a week to prove they’re legit. If they can’t, PayPal can suspend the person’s activity. PayPal either requires that the person refunds donations when he/she is in breech of policy. Or Paypal returns all funds.

    It takes about a week for PayPal to shut someone down. Well meaning or not there is a definite policy in place to protect those that are so generous to give. I hope this helps clear some things up.
    Good for you Global Animal to help us get the info we need to help out. I am using your widget for the japan rescues you have been working with and the list you have provided for us here……As a GA I am happy to help the People and Animals of Japan.

  • pauline

    Seriously I don’t see any point of Kenn Sakurai writing such a long message on FB.
    All I need to know is, ‘How’s the dogs doing!’
    The dog is wearing an ID so he/she must be belong to someone, therefore whoever found the dog must inform it publicly so that the owner can find them.
    and for Kenn, if he has been saving many animals and a kind of short of fund right now, it’d be better if he shows up publicly with the dogs, isn’t it. I belive many animal lovers and animal organization will support his works afterwards.
    why playing hide and seek.

  • hp

    Trust me, I have my doubts and have stated them here on these boards but I think this is going too far.
    We are all waiting for the truth to come out. At this point the story is simply unconfirmed with no proof either way. I don’t think you need to involve Interpol or create a facebook page to denigrate the man before we have more facts.

    If you have donated to through Paypal via credit card, do a charge back. If not, then Paypal had measures in place for protection. Call them and ask for your options.

  • nyrvg

    First Kenn Sakurai refuses to answer anyone who questions him and deletes their posts on FB.Then he comes up w/the “biker friends”who he promised not to divulge any info about the dogs.Now it’s the vet.who has sworn him to secrecy.He is like a child who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and still lies .
    Right now he is probably scouring the street trying to find look – alikes to even further perpetuate his lies of a rescue.Lets not for get he is now liable for criminal/civil action if found to not be truthful.
    I hope I am proven wrong but only for the dogs sake.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/mina-mcwhorter/ Mina McWhorter

    Have these dogs ever been found? or confirmed that they are indeed ok?

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/linda-richter/ Linda Richter

    Thank you. This is a real human being who is being talked about by annonymous people. The fact that this has taken on such proportions is truly sad…and says a lot about human beings. Unfortunately, you too are annonymous so you will not be believed either. Thank you for your effort. This story is out of proportion on this site in terms of the immense disaster affecting Japan and the suffering of animals in our everyday lives here in the U.S. I am disappointed with GA as this is my first experience with them. Whether it was their intent or not, they fanned the flames with their articles, without taking into account possible over-reaction by animal lovers. It would have been best, and more honorable, to investigate fully first and then opine. That did not happen. Thank you for doing it the proper way, even if you are annonymous.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/linda-richter/ Linda Richter

    Well, this reply isn’t very clear since the post I replied to got deleted.

  • Joanne

    When will Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support group (JEARS) make good on their promise to transport cat food to the feline residents of Tashiro Island?

    That promise helped JEARS obtain unprecedented media coverage and receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations.

    Yet JEARS has still not issued an ETA on when they will deliver cat food and supplies to Tashiro Island. Getting supplies to Tashiro Island seems to be a low priority now.

    This is what happens when the media foolishly gives credit to an organization without performing due diligence i.e. like finding out if the organization has the resources to follow through with their objectives.

    JEARS is doing good work rescuing animals in some of the hardest hit areas. Hopefully the latest cash infusion (donations) will allow them to honor their commitments cited by the press ASAP i.e. Deliver cat food and supplies to Tashiro Island.

  • Libby

    Not that has been verified.

    There was footage of a rescue group who travelled to the area they thought appeared in the video of the two dogs and they could not find the dogs, so they assumed someone had found them. But the area shown in their footage and the area shown in the video of the two dogs look nothing alike. The two dogs could, in all likelyhood, be still sitting there waiting for help.

    Meanwhile news outlets continue to perpetuate the apparently fabricated story that the heroic Kenn Sakurai has rescued the dogs and people continue to donate.


  • Hermann

    We have to organize a search mission for these two dogs!!!

    As the safety of these two dogs is still unconfirmed, chances are that the two dogs may have not been rescued at all, or even if they have been taken away that they are not doing well. The risk of being fooled into passivity is especially high in view of the account spread by Mr Kenn Sakurai.
    The story has generated a lot of interest from people all over the world and the two dogs truly deserve that someone goes and looks after them. The video shows the city name of Arahama and maybe it is also possible to contact the TV crew to get some information on where exactly they took the video ? Maybe one can contact Animal Rescue Teams in Japan, or also get Japanese or other News or TV stations worldwide involved in the search.

    I would be more than willing to take my share in donating as much as I can for a special search mission for these two dogs. Given the world-wide interest in this case, I am sure that the costs of any such mission can be fully covered.

    Time is not on our side – let us please act now!

  • JR


  • Lena

    So, How do we get in touch with people on soite in order to ask for help and an attempt at finding the place? Any ideas? I’ll help with a donation but can’t do the deed. How do we manage that?

  • Vanessa Rose

    How is it that two dogs that have generated such heart felt concern and whose whereabouts were filmed by a camera crew cannot be found? Is it not possible for GA to get in touch with the film crew and find out what happened after filming had finished. Or even to get someone from that crew to take take a member from GA to the actual place where these dogs were. It seems so wicked that these dogs whose own plight helped raise awareness of the plight of animals in general in Japan, have been left to die. PLEASE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING.

  • Laurie

    Oh, Kenn. Now he’s reporting on facebook that the white one is still critical but “getting better” and the brown one hurt it’s “toe” and lost consciousness. He said he got the information from the leader of “the bikers.” He’s unbelievable. I can’t believe anyone believes his story.

  • Anna

    Laurie, You are wrong. He did not write that. One of his fb friends did. I am not sure how you could confuse the two. It’s more than clear who wrote what.

  • lilbunnyfoo

    “To insure the wellbeing of the two dogs, as well as prevent any publicity disruption for the attending vet and the professional animal rescue group, we do not plan to publish location specifics.” Hmmmmm…sounds familiar anyone??

    (Editor’s note: Following sentence reads “Global Animal is, however, committed to receiving photographic verification and speaking to a credible source who can solidly confirm the FujiTV statement above.” That is to say, there will be photographic proof to be shared.]

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/shibadiva/ shibadiva

    Laurie, do you have some information that can shed some light on the truth?

  • Anna

    Laurie I see what he said now. Sorry. I don’t know if it’s believable or not. I just hope the truth will be revealed soon.

  • randy manglicmot

    Thanks to all for the 3/24 update. I wonder if these dogs even knew each other before the tsunami. May God bless all the people and animals still out there.

  • shibadiva

    Joanne, JEARS reported that the ferry had been out and that they were on their way to Cat Island.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/shibadiva/ shibadiva

    Vanessa, they are in the care of a vet who has asked for anonymity. I’m sure you understand that they have a lot to deal with, without the media spotlight. GA is, even as we speak, trying to find out information from the film crew, to reassure readers and with due respect for the veterinarian that is treating these dogs. Hope you can be patient.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/shibadiva/ shibadiva

    Nyrvg, do you have information to share with us?

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/tlr59/ tlr59

    Thanks for the update – good news! Does anyone have any insight as to why their well-being has been so secretive? I’m just curious.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/shibadiva/ shibadiva

    Great news! The information from FujiTv was reported awhile ago. I hope you are able to corroborate it and find the contact information for the rescue team that transported these two dogs to the vet clinic. It will give many of your readers closure. I understand that, although the white dog had nearly drowned, it may now be recovering. The brown dog, though, although it was active in the original video, may have some issue with an infected leg, according to the vet. Hopefully they will both pull through. Hopefully, you will connect with FujiTV to get the truth on these two dogs (who are two in a million). The best outcome would be to actually find the owners of these dogs, as they appeared to have identication. I hope you are pursuing that.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/shibadiva/ shibadiva

    Yes, although the white dog had ingested a lot of sea water and almost drowned, it seems to be doing better. The brown dog, which appeared to be healthy in the video, has suffered an injury. You refer to the toe, and it’s possible that there may be gangrene spreading to the leg. So this dog is in critical condition at the vet. You can believe this or not.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/shibadiva/ shibadiva

    Ang, what are you suggesting? Are you, yourself, providing Interpol with evidence? Or do you want people to email Interpol? They are very busy. Will theydrop what they are doing and investigate on the basis that you haven’t received photos of the dogs? Have you considered the legal implications?

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/tlr59/ tlr59

    For those of you who don’t follow Kenn on facebook; here’s an update from him today, 3/25:

    “Both dogs are not well. The brown Brittany S looked okay but her toe started to swelling and lost consciousness. Some part of the BS’s leg is showing the gangrene could be in there somewhere. That’s what I have heard this morn…ing and I will meet the chef, the leader of the bike team guys tonight and hear the more from him.” (End Quote)

    He continues …

    “An information I could have from my juniors is that the one of the Ryouyukai (Hunting Society) member who had those dogs (plus those are telling that there was another one, so total of three) is in the hospital. We are trackin…g the information to find out whether the man is the owner.”

    [emphasize there were 3 DOGS rescued not only the 2....some people had pointed this out and noticed a 3rd restless dog in the original fuji video] END QUOTE

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/vanessa/ vanessa

    Shibadiva, I hope I can be patient too – but after a week or more of waiting, a little more won’t hurt. I am truly feeling a little more hopeful about these two dogs. After everything they have been through, they deserve a happy ending. Fingers crossed they’re gonna be ok. Let’s hope we get some conclusive proof in the not too distant future.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/ranger/ Ranger

    Why won’t you say where the dogs are? How can we know they are really safe if you don’t tell us where they are? I’m very worried that you won’t say.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/ranger/ Ranger

    You know, I noticed in the video that the brown/white dog had a limp. I’m so worried about him.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/randy-m/ randy m

    Sorry to read the 3/25/11 blog den that the TV crew did not actually see the dogs get rescued and their information about the dogs is actually from Mr. Sakurai. No doubt Mr. Sakurai or someone he knows picked up the dogs. Otherwise that part could be refuted. What happened after that is anyone’s guess. He could be an unwilling participant in this story. Very frustrating.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/urasucker/ UraSucker

    How are you going to say the dogs are safe with you and then say your friend wrote it? Who lets’ their “Friend” write on their facebook page? Not mine. Not any of my friends.. Maybe their loved ones who have not decided to create a FB profile. Either way, I’m sure people will agree that if these dogs were “actually’ found, they would want to brag (not in a negative way) that these dogs were found. What? You don’t want to create attention? Get out of here! Not only will you receive generous donations and pouring letters of support, you will become a international Hero. It would be in the best interest of any “foundation” to release “Proof of Life” photos.. Sure, don’t let the media know where these dogs are being treated, but show some pictures. No Pictures=SCAM SCAM SCAM (For the time being). THe dogs are not found. I believe they are alive but not found by these guys. And now saying that the donations are used for other dogs as well. What a joke. What a joke. What a joke. He’s like the boy who cried, “2 dogs”. Way to lie and then try to cover himself. Who really knows if these dogs are alive or not. I think they are, but they were probably rescued well before the world saw such sad footage Japanese TV team..

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/mrs-mcfish/ mrs mcfish

    Can anyone explain how confusion continues to surrounding the story of these 2 dogs?
    Why can’t we get a definitive answer about the status of the dogs?
    This is 2011, we have computers and the internet so why is it such a daunting task to get an update???
    Until someone or a legitimate organization clearly states where the dogs are, provides a photo or video of each dog , we are left with nothing more than pure speculation about their status.
    Shame on everyone who has commented on the status of these dogs.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/summertime/ summertime

    One of Animal Rescue organization in japan, Kokusai NGO Life Investigation Agency (http://ngo-lia.org/en_about.html) (http://blog.livedoor.jp/liablog/archives/1478325.html) reported in their blog (http://blog.livedoor.jp/liablog/archives/1478325.html) that two dogs had been rescued by Butch Japan, a pet food company (http://www.butch-japan.jp/). According to the report that the president of Butch Japan lead the rescue team and brown dog is in the shelter in Ibaraki and white dog has been treated by Vet in Mito. As both dogs are wearing chips, rescue team could identify their owners. I will contact them to find out the truth.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    KS supporters : Please read this :
    My thanks for GA allowing me to post on this site. I do want to make sure that this is understood since some KS supporters are unable to differentiate between GA allowing someone to post a message on their site and GA . I am not channelling or having thoughts projected upon me by anyone at Global Animal. I am able to form my own thoughts about an issue. And, I will say that in my opinion Mr. Sakurai has been disingenuous about the 2 , no wait, 3 dogs , or is it 2 again? I almost had forgotten that the story had changed yet again but sometimes I am unable to keep up with all the new changes. And, last of all, Global Animal is allowing me to post my comment on this site. This does not mean that Global Animal approves with what I have to say , it means that they are allowing me to express my opinion on an issue on their site.

    Here is my actual comment, but please remember the disclaimer above ( and feel free to go back and review it – if it starts to get blurry).

    Wonder why there seems to be less people willing to ask a question about why there is still no proof about the 2 dogs?

    Read on: There are now several sites operated by either Kenn Sakurai or by his supporters ( one of which does have his approval ). Found on one site is a supporter stating the following :

    Page-CNN-UTube video- hero tsunami dogs. Supporter : If fellow group members have a mind to do so please have a look-@ 3pages of discussion-much disparagement of Mr Sukurai & what seems to be 1-2 lone defenders.Might I ask a few of you fighting for his reputation to contribute? If you are unable to do so-we must leave the site to the uninformed detractors.I for one would prefer to see the informed having a say too.What about you?

    Please go and check , you will be able to see how his supporters join the discussion. Makes for interesting reading.

    This comment found on another of KS support site :

    Someones def trolling us..:) I sure do hope … has seen this page! Via page insights: 158 Monthly Active Users; 6,116 Daily Post Views

    Talk about trolling. Isn’t that what they are doing to be able to come and notify fellow supporters that this or that is happening on a particular site ?

    If there is anyone ( individual or a site ) that asks a question, maybe even shows a little doubt, we already know that they do notify each other ( from the comment above ), and then you can expect comments from the supporters like ( names have been removed and will show as supporter or questioner ) :

    Loading…Supporter ‎@ questioner- “they are the ones that got all the attention to the fact that animals deserve to be rescued” May I ask, are you on crack?? I can promise you there were MANY people out there rescuing animals before those 2 dogs were found. The at…tention those 2 dogs have gained seems to be only about those 2 dogs. Most of the posters who don’t believe in Kenn couldn’t care less about any other animals. They’re interested in 2 dogs, out of hundreds of thousands still to be rescued. Your negative thoughts aren’t appreciated here.

    Loading…Supporter :I choose not to suspend judgement and honestly believe Questioner is a C***. Stop asking for pics, if you need them so badly, go to Japan and get them yourself. GO, PLEASE!!! Also, do us all a favor and go into the evacuation zone and stay for a while…actually, stay for a LOOOOONG WHILE.

    Loading Supporter: Already in some forums people have declared any photos produced now would be nothing more than fakes.
    Those people have deliberately set the stage for any true photos produced as evidence to be a failure. It is a no-win situation because …there are cruel, selfish people out there that are hell-bent on demonizing Kenn and those working in the field day and night doing their best to save lives. They are smug in their warm, dry homes sitting in their comfy chairs clicking away on their computers, passing judgment with no intent to help in any way. Only to judge, threaten, and criticize. They are the dregs of humanity.

    As for GA : supporter :Thats an understatement. Global Animal and their floozies are responsible entirely for the defamation against Kenn Sakurai. They have damaged their reputation with bullshit research.

    And, the best one of all :

    from Kenn himself : Kenn Sakurai “… I knew that the space in between the journalism and scandalism is paper thin. I didn’t like it at all. By the way the editor at large lady there at GA used to work for CNN. When I was in the journalism field, they were getting paid so low and was called as the Chickn Noodle Network. ANyway GA i their part of the business and they are getting paid from what they are doing. I talked with the woman and her partner by the phone and the phone bill is on me.”

    Hats off to all supporters of the honorable dog rescuer, and a wink and a nod to the honorable man himself.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/hp/ hp

    I have questions –

    Has anyone else noticed that the dogs “update” of yesterday is not truly an update? The information given had been previously reported in separate FB and blog entries through the week. The only point slightly different is now they say the white dog is well enough to go to a shelter although on Monday it was reported “may not make it” but now it’s had a bath and may be on the way to a shelter. We have no further information on the reported leg surgery (brown dog) of four days ago. Not to mention there has been no follow up on the photograph that was reported to have been taken five day ago (or so).
    copied from http://www.ausfox.com/Ultimate_Loyalty_Dogs_Latest_News.html

    MONDAY March 28th 2011- chiba japan

    Photo obtained today by initial rescuer of White English Setter ; standing up and healthy in his cage.

    Condition said to be much much better…standing up in cage today…..
    Has had a bath and shampoo,
    Eating etc. (Rice initially)
    Photo obtained by rescuer involved, from the Veterinarian. [As per K. Sakurai]
    Further information will be posted if / as it comes to hand.

    Please note that this information has been obtained through correspondence between the rescuers involved and Mr Kenn Sakurai and the veterinarian above-mentioned.


    Five days ago a photo was taken?
    Read that again,”photo has been obtained”. If electrical outages are the reason for no updates or photos then why / how can JEARS send photos, videos and reports from the stricken areas every single day but the vet and/or bikers can’t? Do JEARS people upload at a city outside of the blackout zone?
    I did check the rolling blackout schedule for Sendai and to my untrained eye, it seems the blackouts have subsided. Further searching is in Japanese which I can’t read so I could be way off on this.
    The door is open if anyone would care to address this post. I’m very keen to know. My mind is not made up either way and would like to hear some answers.

    And now for today’s update from http://www.ausfox.com/Ultimate_Loyalty_Dogs_Latest_News.html

    The biker dog rescuers are going up North to help the orphan children as reported by Kenn Sakurai. What does this mean for reporting on the dogs? We will now have a news gap on the dogs due to lack of bikers in the Sendai region? There is so much to be done in the devastated regions of Japan. The people effected have my whole heart and of course this is a genuinely worthy cause. It’s so worthy that perhaps no one will question it at all, it may be genius.
    There are so many things that need attention in Japan now. I realize the dogs are far down the priority list. Maybe before the outlaw bikers leave for the North, they could snap a pic?

    To the benefit of Kenn Sakurai, interest in this subject seems to be waning except for the character jabs back and forth.
    I’m on the fence. I desperately want to believe the dogs were rescued. Every single report about these dogs can be traced only to Kenn. There have been “reports” from blogs ( Nozumi?) and Fuji TV but their information was obtained from Kenn. I am not saying that Kenn is not telling the truth but could someone please provide some verifiable facts? Please?

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/scribblechick/ scribblechick

    It has taken me a bit to realize why I have been so skeptical of Kenn Sakurai’s story and his ” hero rescuer ” status. Woven into all of this, is the emotion that was invoked by viewing the ” Loyal Dogs ” video.

    But I had an epiphany :

    Here is the reason and it is quite simple : KENN SAKURAI DID NOTHING BUT TAKE CREDIT FOR THE RESCUE.

    * He did not actually find the dogs : FujiTV found the dogs.

    * He did not actually retrieve the dogs and take them to the vet : The Biker guys did that.

    * He did not treat the dogs : The Vet did that.


    Wow, it is so mind boggling.

    Why is everybody patting the guy on the back?

    Ok, so since he made the claim that he was the guy that rescued the dogs, he had all these people that wanted to donate money to him. At first, it was because he needed to procure items for other rescues, build cages, etc. Yea !!!!! Then, he changed where the money was going, it was to all be donated somewhere else, the Tent City. Yea!!!!

    Each and every time he speaks and says this is what he is going to do, there is a chorus of YEAS.

    But, hold on , where are the other dogs ( over a 100 ) that he had once stated he has rescued???? We all get in trouble when we ask ” Where are the pictures of the 2 dogs? ”

    Ok, so where are the pictures of the other dogs not the 2 dogs but the other ones? Where is the information about the other dogs? How many have been reunited? I would like information about them. Did he post the information on line ? Did he coordinate with JEARS so that if anyone contacted them or any of the other rescue places, they could then let that person know that Kenn had their dog????? How are those dogs doing?

    Did everyone forget about the other dogs that Kenn Sakurai has said that he rescued???? Is there no interest in what happened to them??

    Is there no one else that has figured out that Kenn Sakurai has not actually gone out and rescued anything himself??? Check his facebook entry time, his tweet times. When did he actually have time to do this , if it is so difficult to get there ( don’t forget that he would have to wear a diaper ) , find the dogs, and then get them back to where he has all the other dogs and then drive home so that he can log onto FB ? From what I understand, you can’t get a good connection when you are out there ( which is why there are no pictures ), so he wasn’t chatting on FB, etc while he was out there. If he was out searching and saving, then who was online acting like he was Kenn Sakurai?? But, wait, if he was out there and checking on the dogs, where are the pictures??? He has known that people would like to see the dogs, so if he actually went to see any dog, he could have taken a picture. And, no, taking a picture of his own dog does not count.

    What I have seen on his FB page was a few pictures that were taken by other people and then posted on his site. There is nothing wrong with that, but the only pictures that I have seen of a dog, is the pictures that Kenn took of his dog. And, that is ok , too. I am glad that he loves his dog , but where are the other dogs that have lost their owners. Why is there no information about them???

    There is truth in one thing that is undeniable : He did say that he was the guy that helped/saved the dogs. WOW! Amazing !

    KS supporters : Please read this I posted it on the bottom this time :
    My thanks for GA allowing me to post on this site. I do want to make sure that this is understood since some KS supporters are unable to differentiate between GA allowing someone to post a message on their site and GA . No one at Global Animal is channelling or having their thoughts projected upon me . I am able to form my own thoughts about an issue. And, I will say that in my opinion Mr. Sakurai has been disingenuous about the 2 , no wait, 3 dogs , or is it 2 again? I almost had forgotten that the story had changed yet again but sometimes I am unable to keep up with all the new changes. And, last of all, Global Animal is allowing me to post my comment on this site. This does not mean that Global Animal approves with what I have to say , it means that they are allowing me to express my opinion on an issue on their site.


    私がなぜKenn桜井の話と「ヒーロー救助者」ステータスにこれほど懐疑的だったのか気付くことは少し私を必要としました。 これの全ての中へ編まれるは「忠実なDogs」ビデオを見ることによって訴えられた感情〔興奮〕です。


    ここに、理由はあって、全くシンプルです: KENN桜井はただ救出のための名声を取りました。

    * 彼は実際犬を見つけませんでした: FujiTVは犬を見つけました。

    * 彼は実際犬を取り戻さないで、それらをベテラン〔獣医〕に持って行きませんでした: バイク乗り男たちはそれをしました。

    * 彼は犬を扱いませんでした: ベテラン〔獣医〕はそれをしました。

    KENN桜井がした全部は、それらを救った男だったと言うことでした。 そして、それらの最新情報を私たちに話してください。



    Ok、それで彼が犬を救った男だったという主張をしたので彼にはお金を彼に寄付することを望んでいたこれらの全ての人々がいました。 当初、彼が項目〔商品〕を他の救出、造り鳥かご〔檻〕、などにあっせんする必要があったのででした。 肯定!!!!! そして、彼がお金がどこに行ったかを変えた それにだった 全部が寄付される 他のどこか(テント設営地) 肯定!!!!


    を除いて 続けて保持 100以上 (彼が一度救ったと述べていた他の犬)が どこにである???? 尋ねる時私たちの全てがトラブルを中に入れて「2匹の犬の絵〔写真〕はどこにありますか? 「Ok、それで他の犬の絵〔写真〕がどこで2匹の犬ではなく他のものですか? 他の犬についての情報はどこにありますか? 多数がどうだったのかは再結合しましたか? 私はそれらについての情報を望んでいます。 彼はオンラインで情報を掲示しましたか? もし誰でもそれらと連絡を取ったかあるいは他のどれも場所を救えば、それらがその人にKennが犬を飼っていたことを知らせるだろうように、彼はJEARSで連携しましたか????? それらの犬はどのようにしていますか?

    皆が他の犬を忘れて Kenn桜井が救ったと言ったか???? それらに起こったものに対する興味がありませんか??

    外でKenn桜井が実際出掛けないで、何でも救わなかったと思った他の誰自身もいませんか??? 彼のfacebook項目時間(さえずり時間)をチェックしてください。 彼が実際、いつこれをする時を持っていた もしそれがとてもそれら持って来る犬見つけてあげて、そこ彼がおむつを身に付ける持つ(忘れない)得て、の困難ならば 彼が全ての他の犬を飼っている所に、後退して、そして彼がFBにログオンできるように強調する? 私が理解しているものから、向こう(どれが絵〔写真/映画〕がなぜないかである)にいるので、向こうにいる間彼がFBなどでおしゃべりしていなかった時、あなたは良い接続〔関係〕を入手できません。 そして 彼が捜して、蓄えてもし出ていれば、彼がKenn桜井だったように行動して、誰がオンラインでしたか?? を除いて 待つ もし彼が向こうにいれば そして 犬を調べた 絵がどこにである??? 彼は、人々が犬を見ることを望んでいるのでもし実際犬を見に行けば、写真を撮っただろうことを知っていました。

    私が彼のFBページで会ったものに 他の人に取られて、そしてサイトに掲示された数枚の絵があった。 それで具合が悪いことが何もなくて私が見た犬の唯一の絵〔写真/映画〕を除いてKennが撮った彼の犬の写真です。 そして、同様に、それはokです。 私が彼が犬を愛していることがうれしいが、オーナーたちを失った他の犬がどこにいます。 それらについての情報はなぜありませんか???

    明白な1つの事〔物〕の中に真実があります: 彼は、犬を助けて、/救った男であると言いました。 WOW! 驚きです!

    KSサポーター: これを読んでください私が今回それを底〔一番下〕に掲示しました:
    私がこのサイトで投函することを許しているGAのための私の感謝. 私 望んでいる に 確認する この いくつかのKSサポーターが誰かがメッセージをサイトとGAに掲示することを許しているGAを区別できないので理解されている。 私にそれらの考えを投影されませんか 流されていない 世界的な動物の誰も あるいは。 私は問題〔号〕についての自分自身の考えを形成できます。 そして 私が2についての私が思うには桜井氏が腹黒かったと言う 少しの待つこと 3匹の犬 あるいは 再び2である? 私 ほとんど 話がまだ再び変わっていたが時々、私が全ての新しい変化について行くことができないのを忘れていた。 そして、全部での最後の世界的なAnimalは私がこのサイトについてのコメントを掲示することを許しています。 これは、その世界的な動物が私が言わなければならないもので認めて、それらが私がサイトの問題〔号〕の上の意見を述べることを許していることを意味することを意味しません。

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/lanahi/ lanahi

    I read on another web site that Japanese authorities will not have the animals put to sleep after 72 hours because they are going to keep trying to bring animals and owners together as “it’s all they have left.” So that is good news.

    Sakurai did not himself rescue the dogs and apparently didn’t even see them, but rescue workers who came a few hours later could not find the dogs, so it is likely they were rescued. The only way to get into this area was on bike, so it is plausable that bikers were rescuing animals and taking them to shelters or vets. It is also believable that this could take several hours because of all the devastation and debris to go through. It would be a rough ride for sick animals. It could be that Sakurai told the bikers of the dogs and they took them to a vet and that Sakurai himself may not even know which one or where they are.

    If he lives several hours from where the dogs were taken, I can see that photos of the dogs now would be difficult and would take time to do it and that he feels no need to do so. He has indicated a lack of trust in professional organizations who collect money and little of it goes to the actual victims, so he may feel no need to cooperate.

    This is how I would give him a benefit of a doubt. However, he may have hit on a scam also. I think he does arrange for the rescue of some animals, although maybe not personally doing so, but I’m not so sure that means he is a kind hearted or honorable man. He seems to be telling a few contradictory stories to go with his pleas for money. The money may be going to animals or might not. In any case, I would not send him any money.

    I know one person in a group I was in who perpetuated a scam once about an ill baby, and it turned out there wasn’t even a baby, ill or not…but he collected a lot of money for his care until he was busted. His stories started to contradict each other but were quite convincing and became quite elaborate. Sakurai may be doing the same thing.

    We may never know what happened to these two dogs, but I’m thinking they were rescued and both are hopefully still alive. The fact that they weren’t there when other rescuers looked for them only a short time later indicates that they were likely rescued.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/ranger/ Ranger

    I’m confused why you are updating this editorial instead of your latest editorial where you said “Enough. Mr. Sakurai has our benefit of the doubt, but no longer our attention.” That was so classy on your part. I am sad to see that some people posting are continuing this situation.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    First, I would like to state that I am not an alternate personality of any of the staff on Global Animal. I am not employed by Global Animal nor am I a volunteer of Global Animal. This comment was made based on comments made by KS supporters such as the one made by an Administrator of Kenn Sakurai-Japan Tsunami Pet Rescue.

    Kenn Sakurai – Japan Tsunami Pet Rescue TO: GA/JEON/VIN MAN/ANG ELINA/SELENA/VM = who we all know are same person!!

    (Ex Ang: “I have created a facebook page to …. demand accountability … and a request to flood Interpol with requests for an investigation.” “Please consider join…ing and directing others to this page.”)

    Congrats because you just did yourself in with that one!!! Along with the many other screenshots we have where you continually mention claims of FRAUD, lying, scamming, cheating, and demanding others NOT to contribute financially to the rescue efforts of KS…plus let’s not forget that little FB page you created a few days ago which was so discriminatory in nature and illegally defamatory that it got SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY!!

    Surely as a “journalist” you understand the difference between your 1st amendment free speech rights (to say whatever you want to say) versus the thin line you must walk not to violate another individuals rights by the words that you speak, write, and spread in the public arena, don’t you?

    And then there’s that whole little manipulating the justice system thing you tried doing by persuading and demanding/directing everybody else to file FALSE complaints to Interpol against KS alleging FRAUD when you had absolutely not one single shred of evidence to base those accusation on, right??!

    Ok ok so, let’s see if we’ve got this straight so far – there’s: 1) Libel, 2) Slander, 3) Defamation, 4) False Accusation of a Crime, and last but not least 5) Malicious Prosecution!! Here’s a little summary of the law for you:See MoreYesterday at 7:15am
    ( I have left out the summar of the law part but can be read on the site, where this came from “.

    And, if you weren’t sure about this site : this is a site that Kenn Sakurai supports. This is just one of his comments of support for this site.

    Kenn Sakurai – Japan Tsunami Pet Rescue
    Dear Everyone, I am so grateful for this page. I have a day time job and responsible for the customers as well as my employees and my family. And as a person who is having my both legs on the other edges of the digital divide, this is just wonderful by all means to help everyone. Thank you, than you, thank you. Friday at 6:40am

    Although, there are some KS supporters that wish this would all go away or fade away, some people would still like answers.

    KS Supporter‎ ( name withheld )@ Person( name withheld ) I think it would be best if the dogs were no longer newsworthy. I hate to say this but in the face of everything else going on I have to wonder why so much emotional energy being spent trying to get info on a dog’s whereabouts and current status. Kenn who had his name dragged through the mud has even moved on. So has most of the world. If the information fell into my lap perhaps I may be intrigued. In other words, other than a very minuscule number of individuals, who cares at this point? 15 hours ago

    Now, why is it ok to just move on? I have waited to write since I wanted to see if there was any picture posted on the site that KS supporters are urging people to go and read, but there aren’t any pictures of the 2 dogs that were rescued.

    Ah, the picture thing again. What shall we say about that ? That I must be an insensitive Westerner, that I have no idea about the Japanes culture. That won’t work. My mother is Japanese. She is from Otaku , and by the way , she is from a samurai family, if you like. Her family crest is the Sagari Fuji which was associated with the Fujiwara Clan. Her family history goes back to the famous Heiki/ Genji war. Her mother’s side of the family fought for the Genji side. Her father’s side of the family fought for the Heiki side. So, when I asked her about the “samurai oath” that Kenn Sakurai took, she laughed. And, she couldn’t believe anyone would actually believe something like that. You may believe what you like. I think I will go with what my mother thinks , she seems to have enough of a background to be credible for me.

    I also noted where Kenn Sakurai is thinking about closing down his Facebook page.

    Name Withheld
    …..I received a response from Mr. Sakurai to my message requesting friend status. He is a most gracious man. He declined my request. He’s not accepting further requests because he’s thinking of shutting down his personal FB page. It has been the source of information misquoted, twisted and otherwise used against him. He also says that the important story — the dogs and the rescue work going on in the area — is on the Hunting Dogs site, an endorsement if ever I heard one, and a reminder of what really matters. I’m resolved to follow his example.
    16 hours ago

    I hope that he doesn’t shut it down before he provides us a picture.

    All of this really did start because someone asked about a picture. And, for some of us, we are still waiting. I hope that I am not the only one that would have a problem with Kenn signing off of Facebook before he posts a picture of the dogs for us.

    By the way, I do care about the fate of these dogs, and I am sure that there are still others that still want to know what happened to them. There is nothing wrong with that. It provides a kind of closure. By now, there is not any reason that a picture hasn’t been produced. So, where is it?

    And, there is nothing wrong for me to keep asking. Just because I may ask for a picture, doesn’t detract from my understanding of what else is happening in Japan. I may not be there, but I still pray for everyone in Japan. I cry when I think of the Fukushima 50. I have been crying and praying for them and for their families, that have a full understanding of just what their volunteering meant. As soon as I heard that they volunteered, I cried and prayed that they be protected as best as they can. When I read that they had run out of protective suits, I started to write to companies that produced them and asked them to ship them to these workers. So that they would never run out again. When I saw the conditions of some of the shelters that people had to stay, I started to write to Corporations that had hotels in Japan. I asked them to open up their conference rooms, banquet rooms, and any unused rooms and let any of the evacuees that wanted to leave the shelter, come and stay at the hotel. I have written to Purina asking them to donate not only dog and cat food, but food for cattle, horses, chickens, and other animals that you might find on a farm, because it isn’t just cats and dogs that are starving. I have written to companies that produce geiger counters and I have asked them to donate them to JEARS, so that they know just how far they can go and be safe . So, don’t think that just because I am interested in the fate of the 2 dogs, it detracts from my concern for the people of Japan. You see, it doesn’t. I can worry about the 2 dogs and also care about the people of Japan at the same time. One doesn’t detract from the other.

    KS supporters : Please read this I posted it on the bottom this time :
    My thanks for GA allowing me to post on this site. I do want to make sure that this is understood since some KS supporters are unable to differentiate between GA allowing someone to post a message on their site and GA . No one at Global Animal is channelling or having their thoughts projected upon me . I am able to form my own thoughts about an issue. Global Animal is allowing me to post my comment on this site. This does not mean that Global Animal approves with what I have to say , it means that they are allowing me to express my opinion on an issue on their site.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    This message is specifically directed to the KS supporters that initiated and contributed to a Facebook site that was shutdown by Facebook.

    Although this might have been funny to the person that posted it : the face with a big red No sign logo that someone created and decided to use in place of the Global Animal Logo. I will tell you that when I first saw this, I was shocked. What you might think is funny, really is not. For me, it was scarey to see that KS supporters could do something like this. There are some people that have psychological issues and for them, seeing something like that is what they could interpret as being a sign that it is ok to do this person harm. For me, I am still aware of what happened in Arizona. No one knows why, but something was a trigger. I may be overly cautious about something like this, but I would rather err on the side of caution. I did notify Facebook about this. And, I kept notifying them. This was not funny.

    Amy L. Lifshitz
    Well at least the logo still comes up when you search for your page!! And unless he has that picture of his face “trademarked” I don’t understand why it’s copy infringement if it’s not a copy! He doesn’t have a big red NO sign on his logo now does he???? DIDNT THINK SO. NOT A COPY THEN

    And, saying that you hadn’t any awareness of people that may have psychological issues, that doesn’ t work, especially where you are all making up new syndromes or personality disorders.

    Mia Farley
    What are ONE of the symptoms of a histrionic personality disorder? In many cases, people with histrionic personality disorder have good social skills; however, they tend to use these skills to manipulate others so that they can be the center of attention. Hmmm… very interesting 16 hours ago ·

    Jan McCartney
    Reminds me of a three year old that’s learned how to manipulate mommy and daddy then doesn’t get what he wants. 15 hours ago

    Burden of Proof ( Site Administrator ):

    The efforts of Global Animal to defame Kenn Sakurai Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inap…propriate seductiveness, usually beginning in early adulthood. These individuals are lively, dramatic, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. They may be inappropriately sexually provocative, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and be easily influenced by others. Associated features may include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.See More 14 hours ago

    Linda Richter
    there is something called “inability to shut up about someone in a nation experiencing a natural disaster of immense proportions when one is warm and cozy disorder” 14 hours ago

    Kenn Sakurai – Japan Tsunami Pet Rescue ‎( Site Administrator )
    @ Linda – I’ll never remember all that, couldn’t we shorten it? How about “Jeonus Ego Rectus Karmic” syndrome – hmmm, how could we abbreviate that…? 11 hours ago

    Linda Richter
    lol…pretty good :) 11 hours ago

    Kristin ‘lilbunnyfoo’ McMahon
    LOL you are brilliant Kenn :) I don’t know if it will make it into the DSM-IV, but brilliant none the less :) 10 hours ago

    Mia Farley
    Too funny! :) 10 hours ago

    Linda Richter
    okay, but I’d like to know, is KS-JTPR Kenn or are you ever Kenn, or always someone else?–or are you a group? Did you all come up with the diagnostic category by committee? :) 9 hours ago

    Now, why is it that none of these KS supporters recognized just what they were doing?

    Heather Yampolsky
    Linda, I have made what I think about GA very clear to Miriam Fosburgh. I have done so on JEARS discussion boards quite recently. Go there and see. As for taking the “high road,” I think we should for no other reason than Global Animal is not. Do we want to be the same as Global Animal? We are better than that. Think about this, if we act like those we disagree with we become exactly like them. Humour – Humour is not calling someone a name or insulting them. I grew up being intensively and constantly subjected to this sort of “joke” by my classmates. It is not funny, trust me. I still carry deep scars from this. Humour is not calling someone a name or insulting them. I grew up being intensively and constantly subjected to this sort of “joke” by my classmates. It is not funny, trust me. I still carry deep scars from this. ( I have to add that this person is not commenting about any of the comments shown above ).

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    Good for you, Mr. Sakurai. I just read that Mr. Sakurai has been helping orphans. This information was taken from a site that has updates about the 2 loyal dogs and provides information about other charitable work Mr. Sakurai has been doing. I was pretty shocked to see the conditions the orphans and the one lone woman had to endure. It conjures up images of a Charles Dickens novel. All I know is that this was wrong and that the Japanes government needed to do something about it.

    I didn’t want to irritate anyone by asking questions about where this place was located, so I decided to write to 2 Japanese newspapers ( dy@yomiuri.com and kouhou@asahi.com ) and asked them if they new how horrible it was for this woman and her wards. I told them what I had read this in a posting, and provided them the link. I asked them to find out where this woman and her orphans were and to make sure that they got help. Maybe some more volunteers like what Mr. Sakurai had been doing. Maybe someone could stay overnight so that the poor woman could have a few moments to attend to her personal hygiene and other matters. What would have happened to the children if anything happened to that lone woman ? And, I told them that they should thank Mr. Sakurai for bringing it to people’s attention.

    I also notified the Japanese Ministry of Health , Labour , and Welfare. I wrote to them letting them know that I had found out about the conditions that this woman and the orphans had to endure. And, that if it hadn’t been for Mr. Sakurai’s information, many people may not have ever found out about this place. Unfortunately, I could not provide the exact location but if they couldn’t find it out on their own, they could try the link that I had attached and if that didn’t work, I was sure that Mr. Sakurai would provide them the information. I told the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour , and Welfare that no wonder people wanted to adopt children from Japan if they thought this is how Japan treats their orphans. How is 1 woman supposed to take care of everything having to do with the children? Didn’t Japan have any standards? Thank goodness Mr. Sakurai brought this to my attention. If it hadn’t been for him, I would never have known this and would never have been motivated to write to the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. (www-admin@mhlw.go.jp) Shame of them for not knowing about this. I can only hope that I wasn’t the only person that was outraged by the conditions that this woman and her orphaned wards are enduring. It just isn’t right. Thank you, Mr. Sakurai for bringing this to my attention.

    Members of Team return to Tokyo. [One or two still at scene]

    The team of rescuers had undertaken a mission to Tohuku region to spend quality time with orphan children whose plight was broadcast on Japanese Television. This was accomplished with 1 Van & 1 x 4 wheel drive loaded with sheep skin sheets, blankets and other items for children. Mr Sakurai helped with supplies of soft stuffed animals, toys & books etc, as these are collected in Tokyo and dropped into cartons for the children to be despatched in the delivery vans to Tohuku at no cost by the delivery company.

    The shelter where the children are lodging is run by one lone woman, and all the light available is via a kerosine lamp. NO heating or electricity is available. The rescuers then read stories to the children & sang to them etc, just spending quality time.

    One of the rescuers had already departed Tokyo a day or two earlier and gone back to the scene of the devastation ~ he was moved to tears when he found a scene that was exactly the way he left it almost 2 weeks prior. [Arahama?]

    This posting has been edited. I had several drafts and had used a marker ( 100 ) to keep count as to how many times I had used a word. I sent the wrong one. Global Animal had nothing to do with any changes made to this posting. At my request, they have removed my draft, and have posted the reply that should have been sent. Global Animal is allowing me to post my comment on this site. This does not mean that Global Animal approves with what I have to say , it means that they are allowing me to express my opinion on an issue on their site.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/christine/ Christine

    It has been over 3 weeks since the earthquake-tsunami and JEARS has still not delivered cat food and supplies to Tashiro Island.
    The ferry to the island is now operational so from a logistics standpoint JEARS can now travel to the island.

    JEARS has received over $500, 000 in donations. Global Animal, the Brigette Bardot foundation and Kristin Davis, all contributed large amounts of cash to JEARS coffers, YET JEARS will not reply to any questions concerning Cat Island or more specifically when they will deliver cat food to the island. I have sent several messages to David Wybenga (JEARS) regarding Cat Island and received no response. I posted the same questions on JEARS’ facebook page and received no response.

    Right after the earthquake – tsunami JEARS was cited in the press stating the group was researching ways to deliver food to Cat Island. After that statement was made JEARS received a ton of coverage in the press due to the popularity of the island cats.
    All the free press placed JEARS in a position to receive at $500,000 in donations.

    The ferry is now working, JEARS has enough cat food, and enough CASH, so there is no reason in the world why JEARS cannot assemble a team of two volunteers and deliver the supplies to the island.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/hp/ hp

    Good thinking. I applaud your efforts on behalf of the children!

    Don’t forget that even though the outlaw biker friends were trying to lend assistance to that poor woman with 100 children, the bikers have since departed to help the Japan Defense force build 100 Helicopter pads in remote areas.

    I too am finding interesting reading. Kenn announced Butch Dog Food is contributing dog food to the effected areas via refrigerated trucks. If the situation is so grim that there is no electricity (as Kenn reported repeatedly) how are the shelters going to keep the food refrigerated once it arrives? Actually, it seems Kenn amended that to say they are using all or part of the food to help his neighborhood dogs. He lives in Chiba – a suburb of Tokyo – far from the effected zone.

    All I can say is that these stories from Kenn are starting to seem preposterous to me. IMO.

    Also, thank you Global Animal, for allowing opinion to be expressed in a forum setting. The FB pages for Kenn have been turned into “supporters only” forums. Thank you for keeping this issue alive, I’m interesting to find out the truth whatever it may be.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/kaitlinf/ Kaitlin Flynn

    I was so happy to see that the little dog in Japan that was on the rooftop in the ocean was rescued and happier that his “mom” got him back. What a super duper story with a “happy” ending. I was touched and then hurt to see that the TV crew in Japan did nothing to assist the 2 hurt dogs that they videod. They should be ashamed of themselves. What cruel and heartless creatures they are. Damn them.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    I had some things forwarded to me via e-mail. The first e-mail was something that had been posted on another site and I read it. Then, I got towards the end, that’s where I just couldn’t quit laughing. Really? Is that my name? Was I really that obvious? Was this the same logic that was used for coming to the conclusion that is posted below?

    Kenn Sakurai-Japan Tsunami Pet Rescue.
    Kenn Sakurai – Japan Tsunami Pet Rescue TO: GA/JEON/VIN MAN/ANG ELINA/SELENA/VM = who we all know are same person!!

    If some of this had to do with an e-mail from FujiTV that was posted on this site, then, I hope that it was remembered that there was a GA article that stated :

    “A big thanks goes to Global Animal reader Joanne Langan who posted FujiTV’s above response in GA’s comments section and another reader who also contacted us.”

    I hope that part was factored into my so called ” outing”. I will say thank you, though, it had been awhile since I laughed like that. One might think that someone working on my identification had a Masters in Research. And, speaking of Masters of Research, sometimes when posting questions on different sites, one should be careful about providing an e-mail address ( @gmail). Brilliant. I think that is the correct word used in this situation.

    And, if another contributor for helping to identify me was this person ( name withheld ):

    “I am trained in library and editorial work; I can research anyone silly. Call me “Conan the Librarian.”

    Mr. J***** and GA need a good PROFESSIONAL editor experienced in the mass media. An experienced editor would have told him about the legal and professional risks of what he wrote. At this point, I would tell him retract his story and post a formal apology. Newspapers and magazines do this at need. Mr. Jeon is very effectively destroying his own career by staying on his current course of action. I have been published, and despite the odd typo on line, I am an editor. My advice is from experience.

    If you need any help let me know. I am a copy editor, and if you do decide to step up a website/blog I can help.”

    Wow. I am speechless. Indeed, the only word that comes to mind is ” Professional “. And, it might explain all those nifty changes that keep happening on certain sites. Read something one day, gone the next. When I go and look at those sites, I inevitably think of that phrase ” Look, nothin’ up my sleeve”. Magic!

    Consider this a public announcement : I do hope that when posting replies, etc, time and date stamps are being noticed. It would be a shame to find out that work had been done on an employer’s time, using an employer’s resources, unless,of course, one is independently wealthy or is the owner of their own business. This does include logging into a work account from home to do research not associated with actual work. And, I would certainly hope that no one has called in sick to do work on a site because another site got shut down, that would be wrong. Unless, of course, one has a great working relationship with their company, owner, etc. I just remembered all that because I had read an article about more and more employers getting tired of paying their employees for time that is not actual work. Interesting, right?

    I am happy to see that there are some people that I recognize and are actually posting on this site again. I have always enjoyed reading on this site. I even don’t mind the ones that don’t agree with what GA is all about. In fact, didn’t I just say that the one that was sent to me, made me laugh.

    So, I say post here and keep asking for a picture. I will not stop. If the man that said he rescued the dogs said he was going to provide a picture, and he is an honorable man, then, he owes us a picture. And, I guess part of this is motivated by the discussion topic found on another site : Topic: Why the Loyal Dogs are not an important story ( name withheld ). Well, maybe they are not important to others or even to the man that rescued them, but they are to me.

    By the way, I am sure that I wasn’t the only person to do this and get this in reply. I sent this in when I first read about people sending in money as a donation to a corporate account. I had been meaning to post it, but kept getting distracted by so many other issues that needed to be addressed. When I have some more time, I will have to provide a list of all the other places that I have written. Did you know that the FBI site actually has some interesting things to read about? And, here is something that I didn’t realize, they have offices that are in other countries. They are not just located in the US. They can actually investigate something reported here in the US but that is happening in another country. Good to know , in case, you find yourself having to answer a trivia question. I have learned so many things from my interest in the fate of these 2 dogs. For me, that would be another reason for continuing to demand a picture.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: webform
    To: Name withheld
    Sent: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 12:42 am
    Subject: Re: ReportFraud/ProhibitUse (ID: numbers withheld) (KMMnumbers withheld ) :ppk1

    Dear Name withheld,

    Thank you for contacting PayPal. Thanks for letting us know about this user’s unusual or suspicious activity. We’ll look into the issue immediately and take the appropriate
    action. Please note that, to protect our users’ privacy, we don’t share the results of an investigation unless a claim is filed.

    If you don’t receive goods you paid for, you should work directly with the seller to resolve the issue. If you aren’t able to resolve the issue with the seller, you can open a dispute. A dispute must be filed within 45 days of the initial transaction payment.

    Here’s how to open a dispute:
    1. Log in to your PayPal account.
    2. Click “Resolution Center.”
    3. Click “Dispute a Transaction,” or click “Report a Problem,” then
    click “Report a Problem.”
    4. Click “Item dispute,” then click “Continue.”
    5. Click “Find transaction ID.”
    6. Change the beginning and ending dates, then click “Show.”
    7. Click the “Transaction ID,” then click “Continue.”
    Here’s how to view a tutorial about the dispute process:
    1. Log in to your PayPal account.
    2. Click “Resolution Center.”
    3. Click “Tutorial: How to dispute a transaction.”

    PayPal Account Review Department
    PayPal, an eBay Company

    Original Message Follows:
    Form Message
    customer subject: legality
    customer message: trans_id: ‘no id’
    message: ‘I have no transaction id, however the person that is using rescue@butch-japan.jp and / or donation@butch-japan.jp is not a Non profit organization. This person is not registered as such. Just thought you might want to know this.’

    Global Animal is allowing me to post my comment on this site. This does not mean that Global Animal approves with what I have to say , it means that they are allowing me to express my opinion on an issue on their site.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/sandyke/ sandyke

    JEARS said they were unable to locate these 2 dogs after seachering for them until dark. Did they actually locate the site where they were spotted by the FujiTV crew and find them not there? Did they ask or get informed by the FujiTV crew the exact location where they were seen? Why did they stopped looking for these 2 poor dogs before their rescue was being confirmed. I believe the heartbreaking story of these 2 dogs helps them raise a lot of attention and donations.
    It sounds ridiculous to me that the FujiTV news crew wanted to air the outcome of the dogs and asked Kenn Sakurai (who claimed he has rescued the 2 dogs) about them but this guy (probably a fraud) refused to give out any information (probably he didn’t have any). The FujiTV crew would have those information firsthand and every animals lover’s relieve, and didn’t have to looked for the information anywhere else to no avail if they had rescued the dogs themselves or simply had called for help and stayed at the site until they had been rescued by a legitimate rescue group. They should have known that if they didn’t stay until the help arrived, the rescue group might having problem finding the exact location of the dogs since the area was so badly damaged even the GPS could not help.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/truthie/ Truthie


    Is there a way to contact you non-publicly?

    You have valid points and concerns :-)


  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/mrs-mcfish/ mrs mcfish

    This very sad saga continues…
    Without any verifiable proof that these 2 dogs are alive and well, we can only assume that they are gone.
    How sad and disgusting that one man tried to profit from the story of these 2 dogs- there is a special place for people like him– he will find out that it is not Heaven but Hades.
    No one should associate with anything that has to do with him.
    May God watch over these 2 dogs.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/dougerlast/ Dougerlast

    I have read many comments made about the 2 Tsunami dogs on various sites. My friends and I would like to know what happened to the dogs. I also wanted to say, I know who J is, and J does not stand for Joanne. Nice try, though.

    Global Animal, I hope that you will continue to keep this site open until we know what has happened to the dogs.

    Thank you, Global Animal, for allowing me to post on tnis site.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/pono/ PONO

    I agree, as I have been following the status of these 2 Tsunami dogs since its inception and like everyone else feel very sad and frustrated of not knowing what happened to those 2 dogs. However, recently I have been seeing pictures and videos of all those abandon animals in the Fukushima Nuclear Plant’s evacuation zones, like Minami Soma, Itoga, Fukushima, etc. with dogs and cats left roaming the streets. Especially, I just seen a video of a poor dog chained to a pole since everyone evacuated the city without any food and water.

    Will anyone try and help those poor animals abandoned on the streets of these evacuated cities??

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    To Global Animal and to all Global Animal readers :

    Based on this statement : I will from this point use the name , Conan the Librarian , when referring to comments made by this individual :

    “I am trained in library and editorial work; I can research anyone silly. Call me “Conan the Librarian.”

    And, following the advice of Conan the Librarian ” , although I am not Mr. J ****** , nor am I associated with GA , but since Conan the Librarian is studying to be a Buddhist, I will try to follow the advice.

    Mr. J***** and GA need a good PROFESSIONAL editor experienced in the mass media. An experienced editor would have told him about the legal and professional risks of what he wrote. At this point, I would tell him retract his story and post a formal apology. Newspapers and magazines do this at need. Mr. Jeon is very effectively destroying his own career by staying on his current course of action. I have been published, and despite the odd typo on line, I am an editor. My advice is from experience.

    I owe an apology to Global Animal and to Global Animal readers. I was wrong about about the Kenn Sakurai – Japan Tsunami Pet Rescue site. I had thought it was magic how things disappeared on that site. No, indeed it was not. I was wrong. I apologize.


    SPAM FILTER MALFUNCTION by Kenn Sakurai – Japan Tsunami Pet Rescue on Monday, April 4, 2011 at 2:58pm
    We seem to be having trouble with the facebook spam filter and some posts have disappeared when an admin has attempted to unmark these posts from spam indicator. It is unclear as to whether or not some-one is deliberately marking certain posters comments as spam [greyed out post in Admin view] with the knowledge that there is a facebook glitch. Please repost your comments as these are not being deliberately deleted by admins. At the same time some serious profanity has sneaked through the filter. This has now been deleted. Could posters be mindful that until we can sort out this glitch a post may disappear. Please notify us if this is the case and we shall rectify it as soon as possible & apologies to those affected.

    Who can argue with a reason like that? I know it sure beats the classic ” my dog ate the comments ” or ” a rogue animal ran over my keyboard and accidentally hit the delete button “.

    If you need help putting back the comments, let me know. I made sure I had copied any comments posted on that site and the other 2 sites, since they have a habit of disappearing.

    Check back soon for the metamorphosis of comments from what they were to what they are now. Maybe it’s the Spam Filter Malfunction making that happen, also.

    GA denigrators : Please read this I posted it on the bottom this time :
    My thanks for GA allowing me to post on this site. I do want to make sure that this is understood since some GA denigrators are unable to differentiate between GA allowing someone to post a message on their site and GA . Global Animal is allowing me to post my comment on this site. This does not mean that Global Animal approves with what I have to say , it means that they are allowing me to express my opinion on an issue on their site.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    To Truthie,

    Please don’t think that I am ignoring you. I saw your message. However, knowing that Ranger and Gramma dog are actually not what they seem, I will have to hold off on any new contacts other than the few that I know already posting on this site. Thank you , though.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/sandyke/ sandyke

    According to the associate editor of The Diplomat who shot the “Japan Tsunami Aftermath Video”,http://the-diplomat.com/new-emissary/2011/03/17/tsunami-aftermath-video/, she went to look for these 2 dogs with JEARS rescue team on March 15 to “Natori”, another city in Miyagi Prefecture, instead of the “Arahama” district in Sendai where these 2 dogs were spotted by the FujiTV crew. The news footage shows the names of the district and city in Japanese, there is also a sign on the ground showing the name “Arahama” in both English and Japanese. I don’t understand why the rescue team didn’t spend a few moments to call the FujiTV crew for information about the location or have someone know Japanese to watch the youtube video before heading out. When comparing the building in The Diplomat video clip to the one in the youtube video, they look different obviously. Why did JEARS wait so long to go out to look for them again (it says on their facebook page that they went searching for them again on March 24 in the Arahama district) despite the lack of proof of their rescue? I know JEARS are very busy rescuing a lot of animals and doing a wonderful job in the affected areas. But I believe these 2 celebrity dogs deserve some serious rescue effort.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/hp/ hp

    New Question –
    Can anyone independently confirm this story? Since I don’t speak Japanese I’m not able to delve too deep into Japan news.
    It’s getting posted all over the web (blogs) but I can only trace it back to the Kenn Pet Rescue page. I’m not saying it’s not true. I’m just looking for another source before I quote it.
    Thank you in advance.

    “The Governor of the Fukushima Prefecture was furiously mad”

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/hp/ hp

    Correction – this is the link I meant to post.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    hp :

    I would suggest since there isn’t a source of reference for the article , that you write to some of the Japanese news organizations and provide a link and a copy of the story for them . If you need some e-mail addresses, you can use the ones that I used for confirmation about the Japanese orphans’ living conditions that I learned about from Kenn Sakurai’s support pages. Most news organizations in Japan have people working that are fluent in both Japanese and English. If you like, you can go to an online translator and ask for the Japanese translation of ” please confirm” and just paste that onto your e-mail subject portion. You may or may not hear back from them, and maybe they weren’t aware of the Mayor being upset. The news organizations just might appreciate the tip. Unfortunately, like many things posted on some of the KS support sites, there no names or original source given , that makes it difficult to be able to follow up with the actual source, if there is a concern about what you just read. Good luck.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/joanne-langan/ J

    As GA has already stated, there has been no new updates about the 2 dogs. Nothing. I don’t know about you, but I am hoping that the next update provided isn’t the obvious one. For me the obvious and the convenient new update for explaining the lack of information and the lack of photographs about the 2 dogs, would be that Kenn Sakurai has made a mistake. That , in fact, his biker boy pals gave him the wrong information about where the dogs were taken and where the vet is located. Is anyone thinking what I am thinking? I have been expecting to hear that the reason Kenn Sakurai can’t provide any new information about the dogs or provide a picture is that the dogs and vet were located in the area that has been evacuated because of the nuclear power plant. And, because the vet and the dogs were evacuated, he, Kenn Sakurai, has not been able to contact the vet nor the vet contact him. This would be the best excuse and the best reason for Kenn to give as his reason for not being able to say anything about the dogs. And, most importantly, for him not to be accountable for the dogs anymore. How could he, if he doesn’t know where they are. I guess I can wait and see if this or something similar to this is announced by either Kenn Sakurai or by one of his support pages. If or when it does happen, I won’t be surprised, I will still be thinking about the fate of the 2 dogs, hoping that they were actually rescued. And, as always, I am able to worry about multiple things. My concern for the dogs does not preclude me from being concerned about all the other issues Japan is facing.

  • http://www.globalanimal.org/members/arthur-jeon/ GA

    The comments on this page are now closed. Weekly updates on this page will continue, but given the vitriolic nature of the discourse, keeping this comment forum open is not constructive. It has been a month; let us all put our passion and energy into saving the animals we know we can still help. Thank you. – Global Animal

  • Markuniko

    I know GA said the comments page is closed but I need to know the up date of Loyal Tsunami Dog. Where are they? Who is taking care of them if they are arrive. People in Japan have been saying the dogs were not saved and they are dead. Sakurai made a comment saying he would be returning the money he unethically corrected from falsely claimed that his friend rescued the dogs .

  • Milly London

    Please can we have an update, does anyone know where these dogs are now?

  • Milly London

    Please can we have an update, does anyone know where these dogs are now?

  • dog lover

    i also would like to learn about these two dogs’ current status. they’ve touched my heart for a very long time, and i’ve been trying to follow there news. no news is just as bad as bad news. =( i pray that the group/person who helped them step forward or else i will have to assume the worst.