Sending file
Do not close the window until the upload ends.
The time required for this operation depends on the file size, the net load and your connection speed.
Performing URL submission
Please wait while submitting the URL provided
Do you wish to reanalyse the URL?
The submitted URL has already been scanned by VirusTotal. This is the date and detection rate of the most recent report on the URL provided:
Do you wish to reanalyse it?
Service load
Shows the current service load level. The higher the load the longer you will have to wait for your result.
Send it over SSL
You can use an encrypted channel if you are behind a proxy with antivirus support.
If you wish, you can also send files via email or using VirusTotal's public API
(Maximum file size: 20MB)
Service load
Shows the current service load level. The higher the load the longer you will have to wait for your result.
If you wish, you can also submit URLs using VirusTotal's public API