Education Update: See Shocking Excerpts From Tucson‘s ’Mexican-American Studies’ Curriculum

Earlier today we brought you the story of how students chained themselves together at a local Tucson school board chamber to protest administrators who wanted to change the Mexican-American studies curriculum. Currently, a class that teaches history from a Mexican-American perspective is allowed to substitute for the required U.S. history class. But the school superintendent also wants to reevaluate the entire program (and possibly get rid of the class),* in part because it advocates the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Below are excerpts from the controversial curriculum, which (among other things) calls for abolishing Thanksgiving for a National Day of Atonement and includes the headline “Death to the Invader!”

But first, we‘ve also uncovered the superintendent’s findings, which he presented after he reviewed the curriculum. According to him, the Mexican-American Studies Program was found to include all of the below elements that are banned by state law:

Here are the words taken directly from the superintendent’s findings:

So what is so egregious about this program? We’ll let the documents (which were distributed as handouts) speak for themselves (courtesy of Tucsonans United for Sound Districts):

You can see more excerpts, including those from the class “Social Justice, Resistance, and Latino Literature,” here.

Included in the superintendent’s findings was a startling testimonial from a former Hispanic teacher in the district:

Considering the excerpts, it’s not hard to understand how that happened.

(H/T: Mike Shaw)

*According to an editorial in the Arizona Republic, the school board’s plan is not that radical (and some might argue not radical enough). The board only wants to make the classes true electives, instead of allowing them to substitute for core classes. So that means the disturbing handouts in this story would still theoretically remain in the classroom, just not as prevalent in the overall curriculum.


This is video featuring the full version of the above song, “Decolonize:”

Comments (356)

  • rightwingheroes
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:20pm

    Students are mad because they can;t learn how to hate Americans in American schools.

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  • Smug
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:19pm

    What is happening to our country?! We have people coming here in droves, that hate us and hate everything we stand for, they have destroyed their own country with corruption and Marxism and now they want to bring it to our Nation. They act like we owe them something, the only thing we owe them is the front door we have to start moving these people out of our country or we’re going to become a banana republic with Obama as dictator. MSSMJG

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    • commonsenseguy
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:12pm

      @smug, not the front door, that is for anyone who loves this great country to come and go, the back door is for all the commies who hate this country and for anyone else who believes that this country is no good, and we should not let them walk out the back door,but rather we kick them in the but on the way out.

      Report Post »  
  • OneRepublic4us
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:17pm

    Raul Grijalva (D)
    (Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations. )

    It’s all out there for the world to see. I still think the Communists need to start putting (C) next to their names.

    Report Post » OneRepublic4us  
  • TeaPartyPatriot
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:15pm

    The Tucson school district (TUSD) is a blight on Arizona, much like lunatic-left San Francisco (crazy pelosi’s district) is a blight on the entire world. TUSD is so radically lunatic, it actively promotes extremism in its students with its La Raza (The Race) Studies Program that praises socialism and socialists and denounces America and American ideals. Tucson and the surrounding Pima County, for those that don’t know, are essentially ILLEGALS sanctuaries and are completely at odds with the rest of the state. Grijalva, who is one of the most radical, extremist members of congress, “represents” a district dominated by hispanics and ILLEGALS (as does lunatic-left pelosi puppet gabby giffords). He is the nut-job that called for a boycott of his own state because it wanted to enforce federal immigration law. The overwhelming majority in Arizona citizens view Tucson, TUSD, Pima and grijalva as embarrassments, like most Americans view crazy pelosi. Knowing this helps one understand the nonsense.

    Report Post » TeaPartyPatriot  
  • OH, I Get It!
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:15pm

    Typical – Rather than stay in their respective countries and clean-up the corruption and decay they come here and demand we change our ways and GIVE them the bounty from our success.

    Report Post » OH, I Get It!  
  • Kerri g
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:14pm

    Is this not sedition? And Unions, don‘t tell me we can’t fire these teachers, tenured or not! They are teaching rasism and treason.

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    • Kalshion
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 10:11pm

      We can’t fire them. Period. Tenure means that a teacher can‘t be fired unless they’ve some unspeakable act, and clearly, teaching racism and how to overthrow our government is considered an unspeakable act.

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  • Ray2447
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:14pm

    For all those people playing the race card, I have a suggestion where they can put that card.

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  • dcwu
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:14pm


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    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:13pm

    Push them back across the Damn border already if they choose to act this way!

    Report Post » ENTITLEMENTSBLOW  
    • RepubliCorp
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:15pm

      Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

      Report Post » RepubliCorp  
  • Ray2447
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:13pm

    Another facet of the hate group, otherwise known as the Democrat party. This goes against the precepts of our founding fathers: equal rights, equal justice, and equal protection. The Democrat party is all about identity politics and divisive propaganda, pitting one group against another to undermine America as an exemplary country in all the world. No, America isn’t perfect, but it’s a whole lot better than the crime plagued, poverty stricken country they come from.

    They want to destroy America and remake it in the image of the country they fled from, transfering our wealth to them. Why are they surprised that so many oppose those insane ideas?

    Report Post »  
  • Lloyd Drako
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:12pm

    Let’s just start by saying things are more complicated than either the Anglo or the “la raza” version of southwestern history.

    One wonders if this course will acknowledge that several times, most notably in the late 17th century, Pueblo Indians actually drove Spanish occupiers out of what is now New Mexico.

    Or that the secularization of the California missions by the government of newly independent Mexico in the 1830s resulted in the virtual enslavement and at least the beginning of the near-total extermination of the native population, which was of course completed afte annexation by the US.

    Report Post » Lloyd Drako  
  • caexpat
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:12pm

    Is this real!!! are they promoting a race I seeing this in rear time?…and is this not a terrorist threat??? Wake up America!!!

    Report Post » caexpat  
    • Lord_Frostwind
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:07pm

      I‘m going to play the pessimist and say that they won’t wake up until the bullets start to fly. Too many people are willing to shove their heads in the sand while everything burns down around them.

      Report Post » Lord_Frostwind  
  • publicuss
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:11pm

    They wanna be Mexican so bad? Send the Mexicans back to Mexico!

    Report Post » publicuss  
    • i want the truth
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 12:09pm

      The Liberals won’t deport or close our borders! Because they are the types that vote them in office!!! There is nothing good about this group. They are evil and all Americans need to know this! They(democraps/liberal/commies/socialist) are all together!! To destroy this great country!!

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  • Susan Harkins
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:09pm

    When we do NOTHING for LONG enough, we might as well endorse what we DO NOT want.

    I have a feeling that its going to take a decade-long global depression to turn everyone around and straighten them up, sadly enough.

    Report Post » Susan Harkins  
  • Hiswill
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:09pm

    In Americas attempt to be soooooo politically correct, we have allowed foreign history to overthrow
    U. S. History. Whatever happened to the slogan “ bringing the country together”?. I hope the school superintendant sticks to his guns and gets rid of this class.

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  • Ssenkrad
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:08pm

    Those students don’t just have chains on their bodies. They have chains on their minds. This is brainwashing of the first degree.

    Report Post » Ssenkrad  
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 11:55pm

      Ssenkrad…..The worst degree, useing a countrys children to destroy it Americans are doing this to America. Unforgiveable. There is not enough rope to hang all the traitors.Lotus.

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  • Alvin691
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:07pm

    I really like Stu‘s explanation of how many times that land has changed hands over the 1000’s of years.

    Report Post » Alvin691  
  • progressiveslayer
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:06pm

    Looks like La razza made up the indoctrination for the kiddies to learn,this crap has been going on for years.

    Report Post » progressiveslayer  
  • APatriotFirst
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:06pm

    My question is how long was this taught BEFORE anyone took notice of the teachings?

    In every history book from every country, the history written will be from a different point of view. Some will be truth, some will be lies.
    Is anyone capable of finding the truth and writing that? Or teaching that? Just plain old bare a$$ facts.

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  • I_Hate_Libs
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:05pm

    Where are the parents? Oh I forgot they went up to Wisconsin to protest communism with fat Trumpka.


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  • ares338
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:03pm

    The border is a semi-permeable membrane that let’s illegals through with impunity.

    Report Post » ares338  
  • clockwatcher
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:03pm

    Voters of the black jimmy carter. VOTE VOTE save our country.

    Report Post » clockwatcher  
  • Gonzo
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:02pm

    Promote resentment toward a class of people? If it’s against AZ state law, I guess Obama won’t ever teach in AZ.

    Report Post » Gonzo  
    • Robert-CA
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 6:42pm

      INVADERS ????????
      Why aren’t they going after Spain ?
      if they’re talking about real invaders
      & why aren’t they changing the Spanish language into their native language .
      Again that‘s if they’re only seriously talking about the invaders .

      Report Post » Robert-CA  
  • kickagrandma
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 2:59pm

    Excuse me?????

    Defund that school system TODAY!

    Parents, AMERICAN parents and patriots, get your kids out of that school today.

    Report Post »  
    • lightbeam
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:08pm

      You can take the kid outta the school…but we still gotta worry about the school in the kid.

      Abolish the Dept. of Education [a.k.a. Liberal Indoctrination and Propaganda Central] …AND THEY ARE MAKING US PAY with our own money to destroy the character of our children!!!!!!!!!

      LET’S GET LOUD!!!!

      Report Post » lightbeam  
    • peaceandlove
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:14pm

      Do you just not want to accept that you are the bad guys???

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    • SgtB
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:42pm

      @ peace and love,
      We are not the “bad guys”. Sure, there are things in our nations past that we are not proud, but WE are not bad people. WE do not teach our children to hate others and resent skin color. That is what this class did. There is not a time machine that we can go back in to end all wars and trespasses and we should not try to do anything but learn to accept what has been and work TOGETHER toward a future that we can all share. Your post shows exactly how shallow your version of peace and love really are.

      Report Post » SgtB  
    • MastrSSG
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:20pm

      Get your kids out of school?
      Sorry but this is what happens when you don’t participate. 2300 kids in school and less than 150 parents show up for parent teacher conferences!

      Report Post » MastrSSG  
    • donnawolf
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:44pm

      I agree. Get them out of there TODAY!

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    • MidWestMom
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:49pm

      and once again, I say HOMESCHOOL, HOMESCHOOL, HOMESCHOOL
      Teach your children history…and teach them the good & the bad with equal presentation.

      THEN teach them: “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke

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    • hologram5
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 5:59pm

      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:14pm
      Do you just not want to accept that you are the bad guys???
      That was our ancestors toolshed, you are free to leave at any time and I’m sure many of us here will donate to a fund to help you move.

      Report Post » hologram5  
    • Oldbutnotsenile
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 4:50pm

      Parents need to get more involved in what their children are being taught. This has been going on for some time. We should fly no one’s flag except the flag of the USA. I know I am going out on a limb, but parents really need to be supervising their children’s studies, activities, take away the damn cell phones and stop the text messaging and the computer games. Get back to family traditions. Twitter and Facebook will take the youth down the wrong path. I know times change, but this change is not for the betterment of our children or our country, when so much negative propaganda is out there and we are turning a blind eye to it all until it hits you square in the face. Wake up America before you have no America to wake up to.

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    • AmericanPatriot01
      Posted on May 4, 2011 at 2:47pm

      If we elect RON PAUL he will eliminate the Dept of Education and so many more dept’s of Oppression.

      VOTE for RON PAUL for Pesident 2012!!!!!

      He is the only one with the balls to actually make the changes needed to save our way of life and our country!!! If you don’t, you only have yourself to Blame!!!

      Report Post » AmericanPatriot01  
  • BrerRabbit
    Posted on April 28, 2011 at 2:56pm

    Just unbelievable. We are soooooo doomed!

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    • CatB
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:00pm

      This should NEVER have been in an AMERICAN school .. .you don’t like it here .. the border works both ways .. go!

    • afishfarted
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:07pm

      Yeah, this is absolutely abhorant. But I have to ask–why weren’t conservatives running for their local school boards? Without conservatives, the libs have gotten away with this crap. Now, we have a much bigger fight on our hands.
      We need to return the cirriculum back to local jurisdiction. The whole situation is a mess

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      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:14pm

      This is deplorable, we are doomed is an understatement and this leaves many questions to be answered.

      Why was it being taught in the first place? Who gave the green light for it? Did they, principal school board etc, even review the material before permitting it to be taught? Who is/are the teachers teaching this, what is their background?

      I’m getting quite tired of this anti American movement in the school system. Many are funded through tax dollars who are these ppl to dictate what our children are taught. Folks this is why you must ask children questions about school. I have none but have nephews and nieces, I ask them random out of the blue questions about what they learn keeping tabs on their education b/c I know my siblings and their spouses DO NOT. No one is going to watch out for kids except ourselves. Principals school boards admins etc cannot be trusted.

      In this case the school board wants it out, well how in the hack did the curriculum get in in the first place? Were the administrators lied to in order to get the greenlight for the class? Too many questions on this but again this garbage it must end. It only divides the nation with the most influential kids. If you ask me this is indoctrination.

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    • bassist237
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:16pm

      Get the HELL out of my country!

      Report Post » bassist237  
    • smithclar3nc3
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:19pm

      This isn‘t a red flag it’s a nuke blast as to the intent of our Public Educational System or as I call it you local Socialist Indoctrination Center. It a sign that American true American need to remove their kids from public schools and home school their kids or send them to private schools.

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    • VerySeniorCitizen
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:27pm

      Oh, Heaven Forbid! We should NEVER give thanks for the bounty of this country – and to the aboriginal peoples who introduced us to corn, potatoes, yams and many other indigenous foods that the Europeans had never heard of or considered using as a supplement to the beans they had brought from the old country!

      We should NEVER teach un-edited history to our young children! Heaven forbid they actually grow up understanding both the good, the bad and the ugly of our past, or of the world’s past. For without that understanding how would we ever understand that the horrors of the past MUST NEVER be repeated.

      And of course, if we don’t teach our students about our neighbors, their problems and wars – including the one with the USA, then we might just as well ‘blow-up’ the Alamo – which is the greatest reminder of that war!

      Report Post »  
    • Vixvenom
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:33pm

      @afishfarted (funny by the way)

      It’s too late…it’s gone too far…you can’t put the baby back. This is the problem with progressivism, it is nearly impossible to reverse. The only way to is to reestablish a government….that, I’m afraid, will not happen. The American government has usurped the power of her people. And yes, we are doomed. Resist, I will. But only to disrupt, I have no illusions of victory. Pesimist? No, realist. NOTW….learn it, know it, live it.

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    • Itchee Dryback
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:35pm

      How is it possible that this curriculum “progressed” to this level? Surely someone didn’t just bring it in one busy day and say “Can you authorize this?…I know you’re busy, so just O.K. it, I read it and it sounds fine to me…Thanks”

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    • Itchee Dryback
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:39pm

      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:14pm

      Do you just not want to accept that you are the bad guys???

      No they don’t.
      Thats part of the mental illness called “Progressive Liberalism”.
      A strong intervention is in order. These people are not living in the world of objective reality.

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    • sissykatz
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:44pm

      In this case it looks like the entire school system needs to be closed down. It would be better to teach them nothing than to teach them to overthrow the Government. WHO APPROVED THIS? Find out and throw them out send the dissenters back across the border. This is simply incredible… How dare they use tax payers money to teach this crap. No wonder the country is in so much trouble.

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    • VanGrungy
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 3:57pm

      M&M’s: muslims and mexicans, plotting to wipe out America, separate, yet so similar in hate

      Report Post » VanGrungy  
    • avenger
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:06pm

      we are truly heading for a civil war….no other way to get rid of this cancer…

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      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:14pm

      Reached our great country, the dark side has. For us it may be too late.

      Report Post » MASTER YODA  
    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:21pm

      I promote the OVERTHROW of illegals and kick em out of this country PRONTO, May 5th is a comin…on a serious not though. KICK ALL ILLEGALS OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!

      And then we can focus on the REAL problem at hand!

      Let it rain, let it rain all over the land, a good rain will water the tree of Liberty once again!

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    • dealer@678
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:29pm

      The mexican flag has been hanging in a lot of elemetary school rooms in Dallas Tx. for a long time now

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    • kryptonite
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:31pm

      It is highly probable that these textbooks were written by people affiliated with the Mexican guerillas. The rhetoric and style are not even academic. This qualifies as politcal diatribe.

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    • 79USMC83
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:32pm

      Moving from Georgia to Texas as a youth in 1971 I knew the world as Black and White. One of my first jobs in Texas was working in a wholesale nursery one summer as a High School Sophmore. One day the immigration van pulled in and all the Hispanic workers went running. I had NO idea what an Illegal immigrant was. I have witnessed the INVASION and it is a HISPANIC Invasion NOT a Mexican one. if you look at most ILLEGALS they have more INDIAN features than Spanish. They are from ALL countries south of the border. Many do not read or write well. They have been persecuted in their own countries. They have NO regard for OUR laws for sure or want to learn our customs. I have many Mexican/American friends that have served in the military, were born and raised in this country and LOVE this country just as much as I do. These young students are being taught this, NOT by Hispanic/Americans parents or ILLEGAL Immigrant parents but by SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST leaning teachers. look at any Spanish TV station and all the actors are of SPANISH decent, very few Indian looking. It has nothing to do with HISPANIC pride but all to do with stoking REVOLUTIONARY fires against America and what it stands for FREEDOM and CAPITALISM!!! Yes evil America and EVIL white people. So it is about RACISM, they are being taught to hate whites. The same ones that give there mother and fathers JOBS !!!!! The same companies that give them and their parents JOBS!!! What a freaking joke. They all come here ILLEGALY to work and their kids are taught to hate the very country that DOES NOT discriminate them but gives them HANDOUTS for being here ILLEGAL !! OH and educates their kids better than any school in their villiages !!!

      Report Post »  
    • ginsberg
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:37pm

      I find it highly unlikely that these “handouts” are a part of the required reading in this course. If they even are real they were likely handed out by a particuler teacher as extra reading. History is supposed to be taught objectively to the young, with discussion focused on what happened and why. While it is true that the u.s. often violently overthrew natives in its expansion, it should be noted that other cultures were violent as well. It isnt ok to just say mexico was right, or the u.s. was right, it isnt that simple. It is sad how history is pretty much dumbed down for highschoolers, with no room for critical thought.

      Report Post »  
    • seeker9
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:42pm

      WHAT is this country coming to?

      Report Post » seeker9  
    • Brejamin
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:57pm

      How does this make sense? So it happened to some people 200 years ago so lets now do it again.
      I thought we were suppose to learn from history so as not to repeat it and how do these people feel justified to do it to some people who didn’t do any of these things.

      The sins of the father? Really?

      Report Post »  
    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 5:04pm

      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:37pm
      I find it highly unlikely that these “handouts” are a part of the required reading in this course. If they even are real they were likely handed out by a particuler teacher as extra reading. History is supposed to be taught objectively to the young, with discussion focused on what happened and why. While it is true that the u.s. often violently overthrew natives in its expansion, it should be noted that other cultures were violent as well. It isnt ok to just say mexico was right, or the u.s. was right, it isnt that simple. It is sad how history is pretty much dumbed down for highschoolers, with no room for critical thought.
      Progressives – Liberals, ugh, ostriches once the pain becomes clear, however, they caused the problem in the first place?

      Rain is a comin’

      Report Post »  
    • TheHardTruth
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 5:05pm

      Hmmmm, so what have we learned the last few weeks?
      1. Muslims are RACIST and hate America (duh)
      2. Blacks are RACIST and hate America
      3. Mexicans are RACIST and hate America
      4. Hispanics are RACIST and hate America
      5. Chinese are RACIST and hate America

      ….yet they are ALL LOVING OUR FREEDOMS and WELFARE.
      I say round ‘em all up and drop them in the nearest ocean. Bunch of fat lazy good for nothings.

      Report Post »  
    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 5:08pm

      We are not doomed, we just have to kick the illegals out, our gov’t wont do it? no matter.

      Let it rain on the land, we need the rain!

      Report Post »  
    • stormcrow53
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 5:47pm

      @ vangrunguy: and Black panthers and nation of Islam and Trumka and the union thugs and BHO the Foreign Dictator. They seek the destruction of Western Civilization.

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    • techengineer11
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 6:11pm

      thehardtruth: you left out one group.. I bet verysensiorcitizen and ginsberg are amont that group? lol Actually you ever hope to change America that group better be the first into the ocean.

      Report Post » techengineer11  
    • DonnaAngelStar
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 6:13pm

      Why should taxpayer money go to trash classes designed to brainwash our youth? I wonder how many of these students are “anchor babies?”
      This is elective and if these students want to learn Mexican History they con do it on their own time. That’s what libraries are for, better yet, “Go HOME!”
      One major problem with illegal aliens is that they don’t come here to meld into our society and culture, they lug their Socialist Marxist philosophies with them. It is an invasion and not assimilation.


      Report Post » DonnaAngelStar  
    • DonnaAngelStar
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 6:16pm

      Remeber the Alamo!


      Report Post » DonnaAngelStar  
    • techengineer11
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 6:45pm

      Issachar Crust: Surely you jest? lol The next step is combining the US Can and Mexico into 1.. Our leaders want the Mexicans in. You underestimate how evil the dogs are running this Nation today.

      Report Post » techengineer11  
    • Ajb
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 7:14pm

      We need a demilitaryzed zone between Mexico and the USA I would use a scorched earth policy starting at our border and extending 100 miles into Mexico. Anyone would be welcome to go back to their homeland if they did not want to plege alegence to the USA. It would have a two fold effect as it would slow down illegal immigrents.

      Report Post »  
    • militiaman
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 7:23pm

      Keep in mind that if the same situation occurred in Mexico and points south the people responsible would be lucky if they just went to the slammer, because chances are they’d be taken out and shot.

      Join a civil defense group today. You’re going to need it soon.

      Report Post »  
    • Lord_Frostwind
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:02pm

      Doomed, no this is going to get fuuun! I can‘t wait to see an army of little cholo’s thinking they’re all big and bad. I’ve got an axe to grind, and I think we just found its new home!

      Report Post » Lord_Frostwind  
    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:12pm

      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 6:45pm
      Issachar Crust: Surely you jest? lol The next step is combining the US Can and Mexico into 1.. Our leaders want the Mexicans in. You underestimate how evil the dogs are running this Nation today.
      Jest about kicking illegals out LOL, not on your life, then we turn attention to the liberal progressives and kick them out next!

      The rain is coming my friends, the rain is on the horizon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Report Post »  
    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:12pm

      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 4:42pm
      WHAT is this country coming to?


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    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:14pm

      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 7:14pm
      We need a demilitaryzed zone between Mexico and the USA I would use a scorched earth policy starting at our border and extending 100 miles into Mexico. Anyone would be welcome to go back to their homeland if they did not want to plege alegence to the USA. It would have a two fold effect as it would slow down illegal immigrents.
      we need a militarized zone between mehico and the usa…

      Report Post »  
    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:39pm

      Everyone should be prepared – the war is coming, right to your front door! Laugh me off all you want, I’ve lived this stuff, and it will not be pretty!

      Report Post »  
    • restorehope
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:44pm

      We are NOT doomed! We are waking up just in time. The superintendent and school board in this situation are finally doing something about the anti-Americanism that the progressives promote.

      And we need to keep spotlighting other schools, other evil (and they truly ARE evil) teachers who want to subvert our youth and the future of our country. We can repair the damage they have done….even if it is one school district at a time. Wake up, parents. Your kids are under attack.

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    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:54pm

      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:02pm
      Doomed, no this is going to get fuuun! I can‘t wait to see an army of little cholo’s thinking they’re all big and bad. I’ve got an axe to grind, and I think we just found its new home
      As GOD is my witness, illegals will be falling hard, they better get the hell out now while they can!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • DocH
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 8:56pm

      Where is your fight? Will you not fight for your liberty? The only fear I have is fear of people who talk like you. I was born one year before Pearl Harbor and went to war in Vietnam. I was only a C student but I didn’t stop fighting. I lived the American dream because I went out and got it. It’s never been easier to get federal loans for college, but so many young people are so apathetic. 30% of our kids are so fat they can’t get into the military. You people have beat yourselves already. But, you will not have a choice; you will prepare for the future or you will die. There will be no one to help you. I am going with people like me; people who fight.

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    • ozchambers
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 9:01pm

      I just read the whole article. It will make your head literally explode. These invaders from outside AND inside our borders calling for violence, calling for revolution are planning. It’s right in our faces now. You know what to do. There are no excuses anymore for not preparing.

      Report Post » ozchambers  
    • pappy
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 9:09pm

      Can anyone enlighten an old timer & ‘splain to me HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?
      What has happened in the past 20 or so years that has our country in a shambles?
      I think all non americans should go back to the cesspools from whence they came & we need to start over with some new rules, new leaders.

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    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 9:33pm

      The country is DEAD people, so why do we wait for the left to rise up, are you a bunch of panty waists? They have KILLLED our country and there is no fixing it – either we rise up now and start anew, or we let them gather strength against us, what are YOU waiting for? Kill the beast before it kills you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read the Declaration of Independence again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • Issachar Crust
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 9:35pm

      You people thing the law is on your side – pffft – they make the laws to subjugate us, FIGHT OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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    • GPS-Tech
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 9:39pm

      Idiots like this are a blight upon the hispanics in America that are proud to call themselves Americans. Right at this moment I have a relative in Afghanistan serving in the marine corp. My father served in Vietnam and flies the American flag in his front yard. I am sickened by these weak minded third world morons.

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    • paperpushermj
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 10:07pm

      Possession is 9 tenths of the law

      Report Post » paperpushermj  
    • techengineer11
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 10:30pm

      I see that my post with the references to Jews was deleted. I also had a link to Dr. Duke’s newest video describing how officials on the Canadian border routinely confiscate his books and have them placed in incinerators! So this is the game we play? I see tens of thousands of posts concerning radical Muslims on this site and I’m not offended by the first one of them but if we post something about Marxist Jews then we are hate mongering? Is that how it works? lol From henceforth I’ll create a new word and I won’t use the term Jew any longer. I’ll just refer to them as Juslims… lol

      Regardless, educate yourselves people and take a peek at Dr. Duke’s new video. Then ask yourself how much longer before the Juslims have banished free speech in America?? America is the last place on this globe where there is a remote resemblance to free expression.. Better be prepared to fight for it because the Juslims are coming after it and coming hard! By the way the Canadian Supreme Court is almost or it may be entirely Juslims.. Today the US Supreme Court has 3 maybe 4 Jusmlims depending on how you classify Sotomayer. I’ve heard that her dad was a Juslim from NYC so maybe not officially a Juslim but she will vote with the other Marxist Juslims you can be assured of that.. lol Enjoy the clip and become enlightened!

      Report Post » techengineer11  
    • mikem1969
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 10:35pm

      This is proof that the federal department of education is nothing but a liberal progressive propaganda machine, and now since they have an approved program that is for the overthrow of the US government, they are now a treasonous organization and need to be dealt with accordingly. It is high time we get these pieces of crap out of our schools. People all of us need to start home schooling our kids.

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    • MiketheTrucker
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 11:16pm

      May I ask one simple question?

      Who the hell are these people to accuse America of conquering Mexico and Spain over land that is now part of the U.S., I mean after all, who did SPAIN conquer for that land?

      THEY have NO claim of “rights” to this land any more than Britain does.

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    • Bigfatlies
      Posted on April 28, 2011 at 11:44pm

      Those students should take their backpacks
      and go walk home, to Mexico.

      USA, Love it or Leave it.

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    • Former CA School Board Member
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 2:05am

      This is nothing new. MECHA (Movimiento Esudiental de Aztlan) has been in our schools for years. Starting at the colleges, this racist “school club” is now in high schools promoting the return of the southwest to Mexico. Dealt with them as a school board member. Cannot discuss or begin to deal with this issue until you eliminate this race based club from school campuses.

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    • Cemoto78
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 3:20am

      I give up, you can have California.

      Report Post » Cemoto78  
    • John 3:16
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 8:46am

      “The pen is mightier than the sword” I hope that all the patriots on this site and in this case especially, Arizonians, are bombarding their elected officials with e mail and phone calls. We must stand up. Please use any influence you have with your peers/ friends/ relatives to make them understand it’s time to open their eyes and focus on saving this Great country. They must focus on America or one day they might wake up and realize it’s too late. We are still the majority but not if half of us are too busy with our own concerns.Please try to write or call daily your “represenatives” and talk to all your friends and family.It’s time to“ pledge our lives our fortunes and our sacred honors” to GOD and country.

      Report Post » John 3:16  
    • leftcoastslut
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 9:34am

      how many of ou little people have not shown up for jury duty…. what ever the excuse…. some progressive will always yake your place in the jury pool.. food for thought

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    • paperpushermj
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 2:22pm

      GET OFF THIS SITE. This is a congregation for decent people. Your fixation about Jews offends me.Take your bilge and go to a Muslim site where I’m sure you will fine a receptive audience there.

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    • lastforty
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 3:22pm

      Catb: The borders are open but they will not go, why, because the left are going to make them part of the voter base, then they will be put on regular wellfare, but they do not realize this well reduce their income by a considerable amount. Then they may leave, if they can not afford their Chebbys.

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    • lastforty
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 5:41pm

      You are sooo right, the first forty was a breaze, now the last forty is turning into pure hell, first it was the communists coming out of the closet, then the gays, then the socialists, then the markist, then the progressives, and now the left wing idots all with the same thing in mind to destroy this county as we know and love. As Catb said the border is open, but you will not be able to push them accross it, they know they will soon be granted voting rights,with this citizenship, but one thing they do not know, is when that happens they will loose a lot of their income and will not be able to afford teir Chebbies, then they may flock to the south. The education system has been corrupted for many years, that is how the sixties came about, and many of those sixty people are in Washington today running our country. You want to know who to blame? Take a long hard look in the mirror and admit it was you.. And now all are trying to close the barn door after the horse got out, for thise of you that are not close to the end of their last forty, I wish you luck!

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    • treasuregem
      Posted on April 29, 2011 at 6:09pm

      I guess I might have been wrong but to date, I’ve never been told/informed that the USA has turned into Mexico. If Mexican parents and students don’t like AMERICAN HISTORY, then go back to YOUR HOME IN MEXICO and learn YOUR history. Time for us to write off more letters to our state’s reps that we INSIST ONLY AMERICAN history be taught in all 50 states. ALL parents NEED READ THEIR SCHOOL KID’S BOOKS AND SEE FIRSTHAND WHAT THEIR CHILD IS BEING TAUGHT. We can‘t fix what we don’t know about. I’m proud of those students who stood up for AMERICA.

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    • slimster
      Posted on April 30, 2011 at 12:04am

      Im pretty sure that the Tuscon district pays money to the kids and their families to attend school, they were having problems with too many kids dropping out…. and this is what they were paying them to learn.

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    • Communism Sucks
      Posted on April 30, 2011 at 10:27am


      Conservatives aren‘t running for school boards because we’ve finally decided to divorce ourselves completely from the fetid system. More and more conservatives are becoming committed homeschoolers, doing it right, doing it from home, instilling true American values in our children.
      More conservative families are realizing Mom does have an important role in the family, not just as a secondary bread-winner,but as an educator of their children.

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    • Shugdj
      Posted on May 2, 2011 at 11:51am

      Amen to that.

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    • OneCitizenOfTheRepublic
      Posted on May 4, 2011 at 3:58pm

      If the representatives of the people betray their constituents,
      there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of
      that original right of self-defense…
      Alexander Hamilton

      When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
      Thomas Jefferson

      “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.
      We will preserve for our children this,
      the last best hope of man on earth,
      or we will sentence them to take the first step
      into a thousand years of darkness.

      If we fail, at least let our children
      and our children’s children say of us
      we justified our brief moment here.
      We did all that could be done.
      Ronald Reagan, October 27, 1964
      (from “The Speech”)

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