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02 June 2011 @ 09:39 pm
Hello everyone ^^

It's been a while, and I'm sorry for having stopped my Journal so suddenly. I decided to create a new post because there is something that I would like to report to everyone who still follows this journal somewhat.

With the help of a few friends, I have started the launch of a new AKB48 fansite - Everyday48.

Right now it is still only just a forum, however we are also planning on creating a main news/information site to go along with it. Hopefully it can become another great resource for English-speaking AKB fans everywhere.

And finally, some of you who have been going to Stage48, should know that I have continued to upload my files there after I closed my journal. Now, that I have my own forums, my files can be found over there as well.

Not everyone is able to access the download center immediately, but if you join and help liven up the community, it won't be long until you get access.

Please visit and we hope that this site can grow to something big!

07 April 2011 @ 05:25 pm
Hi guys...

I really really really didn't want to have to do this, but I don't think I can continue uploading files if they're just going to be taken down soon after. I decided that I will stop uploading for now. I don't know whether this is temporary or permanent, but this will be the end for this journal.

I'm very sorry and I feel terrible for having to do this. Reading through all of your comments and messages when the site was closed briefly made me realize just how many people appreciated what I was doing. I really don't want to stop doing this, because I understand many of your situations. I'm terribly sorry for this outcome.

I started this journal mainly on a whim. I picked it up when I just started getting into AKB48 myself about a year ago. This one year has been really amazing for me in many levels. I've become such a big part of this fandom and every day I grow to love them more and more. This journal has also grown to something I never imagined. When I started it, I never even imagined I would ever get a million pageviews, to have gotten 3.5 millions views in a year is really shocking. I'm really glad I was able to help so many of you.

There were many comments from you guys talking about how you were able to become fans of AKB/SKE/SDN/NMB because of this site. For that, I'm really glad I helped to increase this fandom. There are also many people who are unable to watch the countless TV shows and varieties that the girls appear in, I'm glad that I was able to help you as well.

This journal had really become a part of my daily life as I updated it every day. It's going to feel weird not making posts and all and I'm going to miss you guys, but this is the decision I've come to.

Please continue to support the girls from now on. I'm sure that one day, someone else will start doing the same thing as I did. Hopefully this fandom will never die.

Lastly, I spend a lot of my time over at the Stage48 forums. If you would like to just hang around and talk, you can find me in the community. The forum is filled with really nice people and I'm sure you'll eventually feel like you're at home there.

Thank you for everything until now.

Best wishes,

P.S. Please remember that I have my own source for these files. There are other ways in which you can get them, so don't give up.

P.S.2 For those that weren't here and don't know what happened. My files are being removed because someone has been reporting the links to Megaupload as I upload them. There is no way I can stop this from happening, even setting it to private has failed. This is why I have come to this conclusion.