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An archive of disturbing illustration
The soft white underbelly of the net, eviscerated
for all to see: Rotten dot com collects images and information
from many sources to present the viewer with a truly
unpleasant experience.
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Fresh amputee
Why does a living man have this condition?
Meat Grinder II
Very unfortunate kitchen mishap
Myanmar Hackjob
Cyclones are only half the problem
Black Dahlia
The unfortunate end of Elizabeth Short
Run For Your Life
Rotten Toybox
Software toys and more...
Dr. Sputnik's Society Pages
Updated daily: Celebrity gossip & news
Knife Fight
Resident half-wit weighs in
Nostalgic Pan-Asian Kink
Some of the more bizarre erotica from the East
The Stereoscopic Skin Clinic
It makes me dizzy, too
Banjo Goiter
When Deliverance meets Deformity
Dismemberment II
An unfortunate end in the Philippines
Fashion update: Crystal meth is the "new black"
Dog Shit
An in-depth look at what comes out of your pet
Tissue Cleansing
If it quacks like a duck, it must be...
Man struck by lightning
Bottled water is for pussies
Medecins Chanteclair
Very strange illustrations of doctors
Rate My Finger
Give us the finger -- You know which one
Sports Dignity
Can we have some decorum here
2 Girls 1 Cup
The Tattoo
Bad Goat!
From Boners.com
Failed Mission
Combatant killed by American troops
Mother of God
St. Someone-or-other gets an extra helping
A blast from the handicapped past
Massacre in Agricola
Tabloid from Georgetown, Guyana
Momias de Guanajuato
Perhaps the world's most morbid tourist trap
Boy Becomes a Klan
It's Strom's world, we just live in it
A series of burials from the third world
Red Light Means Stop
A lesson in traffic safety
Abu Ghraib
Keeping torture traditions alive
Cab Driver
A hazard of the carriage service
Bad Face
European pandhandling vacation
Wurms Man
Man's ultimate destiny
The Strange Case of the Shocker
Two in the pink
Michael Jackson Mugshot
The King of Pop, booked
Don't Gawk
Suicide Jumper lands on a car
Annual Halloween exhibit
Goiter II
Always get your iodine
First in our penii-of-the-candidates series. Next: Arianna Huffington
Finger Head
This seems to make everyone uncomfortable
Bumfights: our long awaited review
Erstwhile fisticuffs in public places
Uday and Qusay post-mortem UPDATED
Careers of your favorite bad boys have been truncated
Uday Hussein Bio
Woodchippered corpses make good fish food
On the rocks
Hazards of the international drug trade
James Bond, high heels, airplane glue, and a plastic bag
Man's best meal
If strung up like a duck, might not be a duck
A fond look back at SARS
New plagues upon humanity eagerly await
It's not what it looks like we swear
College sporting event blowout
Philippine Morgue
Death in 1920's Manila
Decapitation done by helicopter
Hooker in the Morgue
Early point-click interface
Boiled broth of a man
A woman reduced to component parts
Signal Corps
Injury in pursuit of communications
Puddle 1, Woman 0
Stained Glass
Glory to God in the high
The Gaping Maw
Killing Chompy
Meat Grinder Accident
Boy's hand caught in a meat grinder
Early stages of decomposition
Family Matters
Brutal axe murderin' between kin
Demonstrating the value of embalming
Extreme lipectomy
A morbidly obese man under the knife
Soccer Whizz
Can we have some dignity please
Trouble near the Mexican border
Criminal Mind
Early attempt to see what makes a criminal tick
Was there or wasn't there a massacre?
The Bowhunter
Hunting trip gone awry
Elephantiasis by Stillfried
Balls out, the best such portrait
A very severe head trauma
Potatoes and Jelly
Embarrassment at the emergency room
From a journalist in Colombia
New set of autopsy photos
Chechnya operation
Spectacular obliteration
Lenny Bruce
Addition to the Celebrity Morgue
Alan Jones
Candidate has the subliminal vote sewn up.
A murdered child sleeps
A nasty start to the new year
What manner of...?
Some practices are best left misunderstood
EMT Train Photo
A man played chicken with a train and lost
Styrofoam Balls
Now if they would only eat their broccolli
Sand Jockeying
The Mother of All Sand Castles
Five Footer
A magnificent five foot long fecal impaction
John Fu
With friends like these!
Gran Canarias
Jingle jangle joystick
Shotgun suicide
Man takes his life inside his car
Mind the Gap
Oopsie at the train station
Dog Knowledge
An extremely distressing snapshot
French Algeria
Traditional dick-in-mouth atrocities
Probably shouldn't have this
Quite an amazing photograph
All The King's Horses
Motorcycle accident
The best part of waking up...
Are you the 1 out of 35,000?
Collision with the railroad
Japanese Sex Catalog
The key to the Sex Question!
Holy shit this really happens
Accident M
Motor vehicle mangling
Hindu ascetic or Taliban missile?
Big Cadaver
Fat and on the slab
War Tattoo
A viewer sent us his tattoo
Better take your iodine
Sent in by a viewer. Man? Woman? Whatever
Paradise upset by misplaced Jihad
How far will a beggar go to get your charity?
Anime mit Iodine
More alarming nonvegetarian anime from Japan
The Eye Gouge
Modern team sports under gladiatorial rules
5000 Naked People Can't All Be Wrong
Features previously published
don't miss
all the best haikus end with boy becomes a man
The Downward Spiral
Falling squarely into the abyss
Misplaced Childhood
You probably shouldn't look here
Shaved Pussy
C'mon baby... you make me horny
Jesus with Boy
New perspectives on religion
The Final Taboo
At least we don't show people eating babies. oh wait.
Nothing gets between me and my Harley
thoughts and images from our correspondents
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Rotten Dead Pool
Feel the pain, baby
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Strange news and terrible happenstance
Rotten Library
All that mankind swore to forget
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The Gaping Maw
Thoughts and ruminations from your fearless leader
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permanent exhibits of rotten dot com
Celebrity Morgue
Where the rich & famous come to die
The famous and infamous
Animal Wrongness
Nature works in mysterious ways
O. J. Simpson
Splattery trial photos, not to miss
We've got the biggest balls of them all
Viva Fidel!
Enough with this Monica Lewinsky. Viva Fidel!
Wounds by aimed projectile
Stinky Monkey Page
Our experiment with monkey video here
Penny Postcards
From another era, send Weird and Wonderful cards
Famous and infamous behind bars
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