http://www.amazon.com/Against-Our-Will-Women-Rape/dp/0449908208 の92-97ページ、
And so we come to the Americans - where first we must look
at institutionalized prostitution, for as the American presence in
Vietnam multiplied, the unspoken military theory of women's bodies as not
only a reward of war but as a necessary provision like soda pop and ice
cream, to keep our boys healthy and happy, turned into routine practice. And
if monetary access to women's bodies did not promote an ideology of rape
in Vietnam, neither did it thwart it.
General George S. Patton, who had been so pragmatic about expectations of
rape, is credited with the desire to experiment with military brothels during
his World War II command, an idea he abandoned when he became convinced that
the uproar they would create among wives and mothers back in the States might
hurt the war effort. Patton did not have his way in World War II but
his ghost must have approved of Vietnam.
The tradition of military brothels had been established in Vietnam long
before the American presence. The late Bernard Fall, who wrote so vividly of
the war in its early years, detailed with enthusiasm the French
Army's particular contribution to the use of women in war - the mobile field
brothel, or Bordel Mobile de Campagne, stocked with girls imported from
Algeria. "The B.M.C.'s would travel with units in the combat zones," Fall
wrote, "and in general, the French Army in Indochina kept them pretty much
out of sight of American newsmen and officials. 'You can just imagine the
howl if some blabbermouth comes out with a statement to the effect that
American funds are used to maintain bordellos for the French Army,' said one
colonel." A mobile field brothel, Fall reported, was inside the famous
fortress of Dienbienphu when the French surrendered.
By the time the Americans had fully replaced the French in Indochina the
war had sufficiently disrupted South Vietnamese society to a point where it
was no longer necessary to import foreign women for the purpose of
military prostitution. I do not mean to imply that prostitution was unknown
in Vietnam before the long war. As Peter Arnett told me, "Prostitution was a
time-honored tradition. Certain heads of families would not think twice
before routinely selling their daughters if they needed the money." But as
the long war progressed, prostitution increasingly became the only viable
economic solution for thousands of South Vietnamese women. By 1966 the
problem had reached such proportions that a Committee for the Defense of the
Vietnamese Woman's Human Dignity and Rights was organized in Saigon by
several hundred women educators, writers and social workers, according to an
AP dispatch. The wire service reported that bitter words" were expressed at
the first meeting. "The miserable conditions of war have forced our people to
sell everything - their wives, children, relatives and friends - for the
American dollar," a woman educator was quoted. The Committee for the Defense
of the Vietnamese Woman, overwhelmed by the reality of the Vietnam war, was
never heard from again.
The American military got into the prostitution business by degrees, an
escalation process linked to the escalation of the war. Underlying
the escalation was the assumption that men at war required the sexual use of
women's bodies. Reporter Arnett saw the gradual acceptance of U.S.
military-controlled and -regulated brothels as a natural outgrowth of what he
called "the McNamara theory": "In 1965 the main idea was to keep the troops
contented and satisfied. Ice cream, movies, swimming pools, pizza, hot dogs,
laundry service and hootch maids. The hootch maid were brought in as maids,
not as prostitutes. Sex with a hootch maid was a private arrangement, a
relationship of convenience. A lot of hootch maids did become prostitutes,
however, but in the early days if they were discovered at it, they were
The hootch maids were the first step toward accommodation; bar girls and
massage parlors soon followed. According to Arnett, the rear-area
troops caused the most "problems": "There was a lot of discontent and
boredom. The men were aware that they were soldiers who weren't fighting, who
weren't getting any medals. They might drive into town to the illegal
brothels, but for reasons of VD and security the brothels were off limits."
(Massage parlors, that vague gray area of sexual action from Saigon to New
York City, were always considered legal.)
In 1965 the Marine Corps base at Danang began experimenting
with organized battalion trips to town on a once-a-month basis, but according
to Arnett it was a disaster: "The men would hit town like animals, they
couldn't cope, it was pure chaos." After this early experience the Marine
command decided to confine their men to the base camp, but the inviolate law
of supply and demand went into operation. A shantytown of brothels, massage
parlors and dope dealers, known as Dogpatch, soon ringed the base. "The
marines would bust through the wire at night - the Marine command could live
with that," the reporter told me.
It was Arnett's opinion (not shared by me) that the U.S. Army was "more
enlightened" than the Marine Corps when it came to sexual accommodation. By
1966 the 1st Cavalry Division at An Khe, in the Central Highlands, the
1st Infantry Division at Lai Khe, twenty-five miles north of Saigon, and the
4th Infantry Division at Pleiku had established official military brothels
within the perimeter of their base camps.
The Lai Khe "recreation area" belonging to the base camp of the
3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division was a one-acre compound surrounded by
barbed wire with American MP's standing guard at the gate. It was opened only
during daylight hours for security reasons. Inside the compound there were
shops that sold hot dogs, hamburgers and souvenirs, but the main attraction
was two concrete barracks, each about one hundred feet long - the military
whorehouses that serviced the four-thousand-man brigade. Each building was
outfitted with two bars, a bandstand, and sixty curtained cubicles in which
the Vietnamese women lived and worked.
An individual cubicle contained little more than a table with a
thin mattress on it and a peg on one wall for the girl's change of clothing.
On the opposite wall a Playboy nude centerfold provided decoration and
stimulation for the visiting soldier. The women who lived in the Lai Khe
recreation-center cubicles were garishly made up with elaborate, sprayed
bouffant hairdos and many had enlarged their breasts with silicone injections
as a concession to Western fetish. The sexual service, as Arnett described
it, was "quick, straight and routine," and the women were paid five hundred
piasters (the equivalent of two dollars in American money) for each turn by
their GI clients. Americans always paid in piasters. For each trick she
turned, a girl would get to keep two hundred piasters (seventy-five cents),
the rest going to various levels of payoffs. By turning eight to ten tricks a
day a typical prostitute in the Lai Khe compound earned more per month than
her GI clients, Arnett advised me - a curious sidelight to a not-so-free
enterprise system.
Refugees who had lost their homes and families during the war
and veterans of the earlier Saigon bar trade formed the stock of the brothel.
They were recruited by the province chief, who took his payoff, and were
channeled into town by the mayor of Lai Khe, who also got his cut. The
American military, which kept its hands partially clean by leaving the
procurement and price arrangement to Vietnamese civilians, controlled and
regulated the health and security features of the trade. "The girls were
checked and swabbed every week for VD by Army medics," my informed source
told me approvingly.
Military brothels on Army base camps ("Sin Cities", "Disney-lands"
or "boom-boom parlors") were built by decision of a division commander,
a two-star general, and were under the direct operational control of a
brigade commander with the rank of colonel. Clearly, Army brothels in Vietnam
existed by the grace of Army Chief of Staff William C. Westmoreland, the
United States Embassy in Saigon, and the Pentagon.
Venereal disease, mostly gonorrhea, was a major preoccupation of
the military in Vietnam. One official brothel outside Saigon had a sign on
the wall of the bar that read "GIRLS WITH TAGS ARE CLEAN." Lest the
declaration failed to make its points, a sign on the opposite wall spelled
out "GIRLS WITHOUT TAGS ARE DISEASED." It was mandatory for all units to
report their incidence of VD to the higher-ups, since it reflected on
military discipline as well as on the health of the soldiery, and a high VD
count was charged against the merit rating of a battalion. "Most units lied
about their VD count," Arnett believed. It was also his understanding that
the reported VD rate "was high from the beginning" in relation to other wars
and to a normal civilian population. (in 1969 GI's contracted venereal
disease in Vietnam at a reported rate of 200 cases per 1,000 persons; the
United States rate at the time was 32 per 1,000.) Company commanders often
went to ingenious lengths to lower their counts. One commander, Arnett told
me, boasted that there was no VD at all in his company. His method of
protecting his men was highly enterprising: "He didn't allow them to use the
official brothel, he didn't trust it. It turned out he kept six girls
sequestered on his part of the base and had them shot full of penicillin
every day."
I am sorry that it is not within the scope of this book to explore
the lives of Vietnamese women who became "Occupation: prostitute" as a
direct result of the foreign military presence in their country. It is a
story that should be told in detail, from the tremendous source of revenue
that prostitution provided their beleaguered country, to account of Saigon
brothels filled with ten-year-old girls, to the incidence of work-related
deaths from tuberculosis and venereal disease, and with a special nod of
recognition to those who survived. I have dwelt on official U.S. military
prostitution, and the concomitant concern for control of venereal disease,
because it is necessary to understand the military mind before proceeding to
an examination of GI rape.
Except for the Marine Corps, which attempted to enforce a
relatively strict moral code, the use of women's bodies on the base camps was
seen as a way to "keep the boys happy." Officers were not expected to engage
in whoring; the institution was made available for the foot soldier, or
"grunt," the fellow with the least to gain from being in Vietnam, the one who
needed to be mollified and pacified - perhaps because he was fighting a war
he did not understand and because he daily faced the possibility that he
might be killed. As Arnett cautioned me to remember, "These guys were always
thinking, 'I'm gonna get screwed tonight - this may be my last.'"
It was this mollification aspect, and not a belief that soldiers required
the use of a woman's body out of some intrinsic male urge, that motivated the
U.S. Army to get into the prostitution business. A regular tour of duty in
Vietnam consisted of a one-year stretch, not an unconscionably long period of
time to be without a woman, and relief from sexual tension could be, and I
presume routinely was, accomplished by masturbation. As one GI prisoner of
war remarked upon his repatriation in February, 1973, "This stuff about
not being able to live without sex is nonsense. What I dreamed about was food
and medicine." And while the military's emphasis on avoidance of venereal
disease is certainly commendable, for all the anti-VD training films and for
all the concern about merit ratings, there was no comparable cautionary
training against committing rape.