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Internet Explorer Market Share: Why is it taking so long to DIE?

klbvtgzi thumb Internet Explorer Market Share: Why is it taking so long to DIE?I have no love for Internet Explorer. Microsoft and Internet Explorer lost me as an user when 15 friggin applications and viruses got loaded on my machine in 10 seconds and I couldn’t do a thing to stop it and then it took me 5 hrs to remove the damage…

Internet Explorer; it’s a polished turd that Microsoft passes out as their version of excellence. For all the efforts Microsoft has placed on it to wax it’s shell; it’s still hogwash.

The latest update from the Global Web Stats from W3Counter you can see that not only is Internet Explorer slipping in the market share, so is Mozilla’s Firefox. The people are speaking… They’re stating that Firefox and Internet Explorer aren’t the innovators anymore, they’re not the forefront of technology when it comes to browsers; Chrome is…

Internet Explorer is one of those browser that stay where they’re because of corporations and ignornace. There’s been an article roaming around claiming that if you use Internet Explorer, you’re dumb. I call bullcrap on that one; I say they’re simply ignorant or lazy. Ingnorant to the fact that there are options for surfing the web, options on what you can do while surfing the web; options to being safer while browsing.

Or people are simpoly lazy in nature. Lazy in the fact that Internet Explorer was the browser that was installed on their system and they just haven’t bothered to change it… too lazy to see if there’s another way to do it, or lazy to make an attempt another browser application. Because there are options.

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Google+ and Facebook: There’s not enough room for both

advblakh thumb Google+ and Facebook: Theres not enough room for bothI’m quickly starting to realize that there’s not enough time in the day for both Facebook and Google+. I’ve been tearing myself apart over the last 2 weeks going from Facebook to Google+ and back again. And while I realize I could post to Facebook from Google+ I just won’t do it. Another surprising thing I’m finding out about Google+ is that I really like it; I like it better than Facebook.

And in that lies the problem. Facebook is established and has millions and millions of users; everyone is on Facebook it seems. And I personally think it’s cool to think that I have contact with all my old school friend and contacts in a singular location, but the sad fact is Facebook is like an elementary school and sometimes just seems too darn dumbed down.

I don’t trust Facebook on their privacy hogwash; forcing me to check the settings every so often to see if the mental rejects at Facebook have changed it again without telling, and the issue of the security and policy breaching applications and games from Facebook just turn me off completely.

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Lacking Focus: Mozilla’s Boot to Gecko

sy2er4so thumb Lacking Focus: Mozilla’s Boot to GeckoMozilla has finally wandered further in to Microsoft territory with this latest project. Mozilla wants to offer it’s own version of an OS that’s based on a web browser. And while it’s a great idea in theory, it not a good move for them…

The playing field is fierce right now with mobile operating systems and each one wants to win the next ‘dominate operating system’ war; and clearly, the two leaders are Android and iOS from Apple. But my problem with Mozilla doing this is that they have so many other projects that they’re disburse thin and can’t put and strong focus on any one thing.

But clarifying, they’re putting A LOT of focus on Firefox right now; it’s their most visible offering/project and sadly they’re not cutting the mustard right now. Internet Explorer browser market share is sliding, Firefox market share actually dropped about .7% on last report and Chrome is up like 6%. Mozilla has no time for this project, they don’t have the resources for this and while it’s a great idea, it’s going to turn in to nothing more than another failed ‘project’ from Mozilla.

Evidence shows that Google is the clear front runner on the tech front right now. Their ChromeOS books are out, the Android operating system is dominating the Smartphone market and their revenue stream to work on these projects is so high the top is swaying.

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LEHSYS Download Watch – 7/19/2011

downloadfolder LEHSYS Download Watch   7/19/2011These are some items that I notice, like to keep an eye on and also to notate any new programs/software that could be useful.

As usual, I’m focused on things that are useful to the average user. LibreOffice is one of my new favorites, VLC is always an absolute must have media player. Firefox and Chrome are now on a blazing pace to see who can put out the most updates and jack up the highest version number. Soluto is a good application to make an attempt and help figure out what’s slowing your PC down.

VirtualBox is a must have if you do a lot of testing and you don’t want to jack up your own system; it’s very easy to use. There’s a lots of others in this list, but you check them out for yourself…

Check out these links…

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Tablets Are Popular, But Not Productive

d4jcyvib thumb Tablets Are Popular, But Not ProductiveI think it’s pretty obvious that tablet PCs are the ‘IT’ toy right now.

The idea of having a small device that could have access to your e-mail, Internet and be able to do an abundance of other things is very attractive; not to mention the ability to touch the screen and have things happen. I think that’s the most novel thing that the tablet PCs bring to the public interest, and I think this is one of the biggest reasons why people purchase tablet PCs in the first place…

And while tablet PCs have an abundance of functions and they can do lots of things, and they’re evolving every day, but the sad fact is that tablet PCs spark more curiosity than they provide practicality.

In people’s minds, it’s cool to have this little thin device that has access to Internet and can browse the web and can play a few video games, but tablet PCs are not for everyone, and they’re not for everyday use; their purpose in life is to bridge the gap between carrying around a laptop and having a bigger screen than your smartphone…

I’m not saying that tablet PCs are worthless, because they can have a true usefulness in various fields, but for the everyday user, if you’re trying to replace your laptop or your PC with a tablet PC, you’re going to find that this is going to be really hard to do.

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Hotmail Bans Common Passwords To Cut Down On Hacked Accounts

uozlis52 thumb Hotmail Bans Common Passwords To Cut Down On Hacked AccountsIf you’ve been on the Internet for any amount of time, you realize that you need an ID and password to do just about anything, on any website. The sad fact is that most people don’t use different passwords per website; they typically use one account and password for everything to be accessed over the Internet, and unfortunately no password is secure.

In a surprising move, Microsoft/Hotmail has decided to make an effort to combat the number of Hotmail accounts are being reported as being hijacked, or hacked.

One of the reasons that Hotmail accounts can be hacked so easily is the fact that there are brute attack applications that have loads and loads of passwords that have been used before and they just simply go through and try every password for specific account until they get access. The possibility of one person using a password and another person using the same password is very likely; so having a database full of passwords that have been used previously… it’s just a matter of time before you can access.

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LEHSYS Awarded MVP from Microsoft

ngissvfi thumb LEHSYS Awarded MVP from MicrosoftAs a person who is critical of Microsoft on quite a few points I was surprised to get a nomination from Microsoft to be a MVP for them, but I’ve spent a lot of time in the Windows Live support forums trying to help other users and share my information.

At first, to get a nomination of any type through email is suspicious, but I checked all the links and references I could before getting back with them. The email I got from them looked like a typical scam email; wanting personal information about me, where I lived and so on, but despite my better judgment, I completed the request and sent it back.

Personally, I believe I would’ve felt better with a SECURE website, but this was email based.

Surprisingly, I got back a positive result and a notice that indeed I had been nominated. The nominations would not be announced until July 1st. And I was still skeptical…

But as of July 1st, I’m a Microsoft MVP.

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Movie Review: Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

0uexjzfj thumb Movie Review: Transformers 3: Dark of the MoonThe last [according to Shia]/latest Transformers movie was released and it’s going over like gang busters. The absence of Megan Fox didn’t even make a dent in sales, but I wasn’t surprised; she can’t act anyway. It’s all about the transforming robots and the explosions [that only Michael Bay can do].

The latest Transformers just seems to get it all wrong and right, at the same time.

The most destructive part of this movie is the script and the director. For those fans of the Transformers legacy, the last two films are nothing more than crap built on the Hollywood garbage machine. They take a great series, huge back story and then start picking and twisting and skewing the whole thing in to some stupid love story; it’s not even funny.

The whole basis behind the Transformers is Autobots vs. Decepticons [good vs. evil]; it’s never been about humans– maybe about protecting them, but not directly about them.

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