I have no love for Internet Explorer. Microsoft and Internet Explorer lost me as an user when 15 friggin applications and viruses got loaded on my machine in 10 seconds and I couldn’t do a thing to stop it and then it took me 5 hrs to remove the damage…
Internet Explorer; it’s a polished turd that Microsoft passes out as their version of excellence. For all the efforts Microsoft has placed on it to wax it’s shell; it’s still hogwash.
The latest update from the Global Web Stats from W3Counter you can see that not only is Internet Explorer slipping in the market share, so is Mozilla’s Firefox. The people are speaking… They’re stating that Firefox and Internet Explorer aren’t the innovators anymore, they’re not the forefront of technology when it comes to browsers; Chrome is…
Internet Explorer is one of those browser that stay where they’re because of corporations and ignornace. There’s been an article roaming around claiming that if you use Internet Explorer, you’re dumb. I call bullcrap on that one; I say they’re simply ignorant or lazy. Ingnorant to the fact that there are options for surfing the web, options on what you can do while surfing the web; options to being safer while browsing.
Or people are simpoly lazy in nature. Lazy in the fact that Internet Explorer was the browser that was installed on their system and they just haven’t bothered to change it… too lazy to see if there’s another way to do it, or lazy to make an attempt another browser application. Because there are options.