Charlie White(CharlieaWhite)さんのツイートを表示
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Having so much fun in Japan! One last show tomorrow. Can't wait to get home, but I'm going to miss the amazing fans and the great cast!

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Heading to Japan for The Ice Tour! Looking forward to seeing friendly faces!

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Hahaha "@TanithJLB: gota CamelBak hydration pack for bike rides and am tempted to wear it 24/7... one less trip to the fridge #couchpotato"

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Check this article out on Granderson, and try not to be inspired!

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Curtis Granderson is truly inspirational. I miss having him on the Tigers, but am glad he can use the fame that comes with being a Yankee.

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Mosley being mascot

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Me and Mosley, our new rink mascot!

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I believe it is a major violation @trevorjyoung @AlexShibutani

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@mgoblog The word of the Zoltan cannot be wrong. And if the word of an ice dance world champ has any weight, I agree #bestblogever

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From the game (The tigers won!)

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On my way to Comerica Park to throw out the first pitch for the tigers game with @meryl_davis!!

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I thought it would be funny for everyone to see how burnt I am... but the auto red-eye remover took me completely out of the picture

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Apparently the soft indoor lighting of the rink was not up to the task of preparing my skin for the harsh mexican sun...

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The only thing better than returning home after such a successful world championships? Going straight to Mexico for vaca with @TanithJLB!

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Sad that the "competitive rivals but still best friends" thing is still so hard to believe... Haha, what more do we need do?

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Nice shot of the rink/ notice the clock! That's a.m. We got saddled with the earliest practice...

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@LibbyWA Haha, Possible side effectsfor jet lag curing pill include: instant death, pregnancy, loss of sense of humor, shortening of limbs..

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The physical embodiment of jet lag came over last night and beat the crap out of me. Scientists need to get to work on pill to cure this...

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Off to China for the GP Final... First time there, and looking forward to an adventure!

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Dj and I are holdin down the fort for @Tanithjlb. Hoping for some great skates [and more screen time for the best part of the show ;) ]

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