ATJ Seminar 2002 Scheudule and links to Abstract

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Time Session Name and Chair Title and Author
10:00 - 11:40 a.m. Session A
: Ryuko Kubota, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Delaware A
1. Zero Checker: a CALL program that enhances comprehension and writing skills for Japanese zero anaphora
Miho Fujiwara (Willamette University) & Mitsuko Yamura-Takei (Hiroshima City University)
Mitsuko Yamura-Takei (Hiroshima City University)
2. Understanding Intonational Structures in Japanese Utterances
Sanae Eda (The Ohio State University)
3. ビデオを見せないビデオの授業
Mutsuko Endo Hudson (Michigan state University)
4. How novice level learners of Japanese promote positive interpersonal relationships with native speakers through discourse
Sonoko Sakakibara (Vassar College)
10:00 - 11:40 a.m. Session B
Hiroko Furo, Illinois Wesleyan University
Delaware B
1. Facial Expressions of Smile and Laughter in English and Japanese
Hiroko Furo (Illinois Wesleyan University)
2. The Importance of Discourse Grammar Teaching: A Case Study of 'to yuu"
Shino Takahashi (University of British Columbia)
3. Reflection of Awareness on Self-Repair: Evidence from Conversations
Tomoko Takeda (University of Oregon)
4. Japanese Discourse marker toka
Noriko Chino (The Ohio State University)
10:00 - 11:40 a.m. Session C
Chair: Hiroko Kataoka
(California State University, Long Beach)
Maryland B
1. 週末日本語学校と補習校における学習者の言語背景調査
Toshiko Kishimoto (Clemson University) 代表, Masako Douglas & Hiroko Kataoka
2. 語彙獲得達成レベルにおける第一言語と第二言語の相関性:継承日本語の観点からの考察
Masahiko Minami (San Francisco State University) 代表, Sanae Fukuda, & Emi Fujiyama
3. 日本語学園教師会議と教師アンケート調査結果
Yasuko Koshiyama (Pepperdine University) 代表, Hiroko Furuyama, & Hiroko Kataoka
Discussant: Yoko Pusavat (California State University, Long Beach)
1:00 - 2:40 p.m. Session D
Naomi McGloin, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Delaware A
1. Multiple "wa" and "ga" constructions in Japanese
Yoshie Awaihara (El Colegio de Mexico)
2. Apposition in Japanese
Rumiko Sode (SUNY-Binghamton)
3. The role of Agentivity in Accusatives, Unergatives, and Unaccusatives: A Japanese Case
Yuki Johnson (University of British Columbia)
4. When 'honorifics' indexes 'proximity': A case study of the Japanese desu/masu predicate-final form in a driver-navigator discourse
Masatsugu Yamazaki (University of Arizona)
1:00 - 2:40 p.m. Session E
Chair: Suwako Watanabe, Portland State University
Maryland B
1.「ええと、あの、その...」:日本語学習者の filler words の使用に関する研究
Ken-ichi Miura (Temple University)
2. Students' perceptions toward Oral Error Correction
Akemi Katayama (The University of Texas at Austin)
3. Japanese Addressing Forms: Their Cultural Idiosyncrasies and Pedagogical Implications
Xuexin Liu (Spelman College)
4. Professional development of second language educators of Japanese through narrative
Matt Burdelski (UCLA)
1:00 - 2:40 p.m. Session F
Chair: Masako O. Douglas
(California State University Long Beach)
Delaware B
Panel- 継承日本語教育と国語教科書
1. 国語教科書の学習目標分析
Masako O. Douglas (California State University Long Beach)
2. 継承日本語学習者への国語教科書を活かした会話指導ートロント国語教室を事例としてー
Michiko Suzuki (Toronto Kokugokyoushitsu Japanese Language School)
Michiko Kida (The Giles School, Toronto Kokugokyoushitsu Japanese Language School)
3. 継承日本語学習者の漢字習得と国語教科書
Kazuko Nakajima (University of Toronto)
4. 補習校高校生の継承語教育と国語教科書
Toshiko M. Calder (Princeton Community Japanese)
2:50 - 4:30 p.m. Session G
Chair: Eileen Mikals-Adachi
(Ochanomizu University)
Delaware B
Panel: Taking the Fast Lane to Proficiency--Study Abroad and Language Acquisition
1. Habits of the Home: How the Home Stay Experience Improves Linguistic Proficiency
Noriko Hanabusa (University of Notre Dame)
2. The Japanese 'Rule Book': Does It Work for International Students?
Yasuko Sasaki (Ochanomizu University)
3. Simulating Study Abroad Through Local Resources: The Case of Advanced Japanese Classes
Yoko Collier-Sanuki (The University of British Columbia)
Discussant: Eileen Mikals-Adachi (Ochanomizu University)
2:50 - 4:30 p.m. Session H
Chair: Phyllis Larson, St. Olaf College
Maryland B
1. Reception, Impact, and Transfiguration of the Tale of Genji
Yasuko Sensui (Washington University)
2. Lu Xun as Dazai Osamu's Self-Portrait? A Reexamination of Takeuchi Yoshimi's Criticism of Regretful Parting
Guohe Zheng (Ball State University)
3. Modern Love in George Meredith (1828-1909) and Natsume Soseki (1867-1916): The Dissolution of a Marriage
William Ridgeway (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
4. Between the Political and the Aesthetic: Hirabayashi Hatsunosuke's Advocacy of Mystery Fiction
Kyoko Omori (The Ohio State University)
2:50 - 4:30 p.m. Session I
Chair: Sachiko Matsunaga, California State University - Los Angeles
Delaware A
1. Recasts, noticing, and second language acquisition: How do learners of Japanese perceive feedback?
Mariko Wei (Purdue University)
2. 学習者による身振りの相づちとしての ”うなずき ”の使用
Sachie Miyazaki (Michigan State University)
3. Theoretical Implication for Kanji Instruction in the JFL Curriculum
Yasumi Kuriya (The University of Iowa)
4. Developmental changes in JSL learners' strategies for the usage of Japanese locative postpositions: what we can learn from learner's spoken discourse
Kyoko Masuda (University of Arizona)
4:45 - 6:00 p.m. Session J
Chair: Jan Bardsley
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Delaware A
Roundtable Discussion: Feminists Read the Fantastic
Susan Napier (University of Texas at Austin)
Sharalyn Orbaugh (University of British Columbia)
Atsuko Sakaki (University of Toronto)
Michiko Niikuni Wilson (University of Virginia)

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