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Anders Behring Breivik's comments with

By: a guest | Jul 22nd, 2011 | Syntax: HTML | Size: 105.28 KB | Views: 579 | Expires: Never
  1. Anders Behring Breivik's comments with
  2. 23.07.2011 at. 04.50
  4. This is a complete list of comments Anders Behring Breivik has left at
  5. 2010-10-29 14:08:40
  7.     Thanks for the great effort to date, Hans and Document. You are doing an incredibly important job and is considered today to be one of very few ideological alternative voices. And you will be noticed from the country's parliamentary representatives and journalists. I would even argue that the Document has become a political force in Norway, as we all know that the country's elites secretly read Document weekly! :-) You continue to make Norway a great service! :-)
  9.     I wish however to make some constructive criticism when it comes to Documents organizational and financial plans. Please do not take it personally:)
  11.     Considering Documents modest economy and that in any case, are 50 talented writers in Norway who had willingly helped more active, I think it would be a very bad idea to focus 90% of Documents assets of a permanent reporter position. Today there are a plethora of essays and articles that requested distributed without financial compensation so why spend all the funds in a reporter position? I'm pretty sure that, under the circumstances, very costly position is liquidated in the course of a two-year period when I expect that you will eventually get to the same conclusion.
  13.     It would be a pity if you ignored the suggestions and decided to squandered all the money in a potentially "politically correct" person with a background in the Marxist boot camp: Volda University College or any other journalist (Marxist) camps, etc.
  15.     What you, however should focus economic is to develop "Concept Document" socially and organizationally, primarily through the development of this blog to a solution more like a social networking f such that is linked to similar organizations in other countries (similar to a beginning of a cultural Euro-version of a Tea Party movement).
  17.     Alternatively, should you give out a monthly magazine that is distributed through Narvesen. I have already presented a detailed strategy for how this can be done. I collected all the offers from suppliers, I contacted even Narvesen and then submit this to you, Hans. Full distribution through Narvesen (2000 copies monthly magazine), can be produced for less than £. 35 000 per month, an investment guaranteed to provide "break-even" and could potentially result in twice the revenue! I do not understand why someone from the Document have not wanted to consider my proposal?
  19.     You have, at present, access to a fleet of some of the brightest talents in most industries, that would be willing to work for free. This talent is now unused. So why use up 90% of Documents agents on a reporter position?
  21.     I have worked with the project for 14 years with several projects related to web solutions, have the financial education + two other Bachelor's degrees, earned my first million as an entrepreneur at the age of 24 and have many friends who today are successful entrepreneurs in most industries. Several of my friends are experts on the development of social networking sites (one of them runs, Norway's probably the most profitable online communities despite the frayed moral concept).
  23.     The point of the illustration is that you have access to very valuable skills, free, as you now refuse you to use.
  25.     I hope you will be willing to receive help in a much greater extent than you are today and instead use the modest funds for more essential costs, as outlined above.
  27.     Anyway, get on! I support you 100% no matter what you ultimately have to choose ;-)
  29. 2010-09-21 23:20:25
  31.     The main axes are the economy and culture.
  33.     They were right-wing culturally but economically leftist (not as extreme as the planned economy but still strong socialist). So it is equally wrong to call them right wing as the left extreme. They were both: P
  35.     Liberals like of course to tag them as right wing, as well as anti-socialists refer to them as the left extreme.
  37.     The third axis: authoritarian vs liberal is inappropriate to use as the main marker.
  39. 2010-09-01 08:19:15
  41.     Lasse Moer,
  43.     Japan and South Korea is much clearer examples of countries that consistently and very direct dismissed multiculturalism. This stadfested those in the 70 -, 80 -, 90-number and this confirms the very day.
  45.     The UN has for years been trying to push them to receive hundreds of thousands of refugees but the number has ended in a tiny fraction of the original claim. Europe has never chosen to run the psychological and economic warfare against them for this reason (as they do to European nations / individuals who espouse the same arguments and principles)
  47.     Multiculturalists will be very embarrassed if you mention Japan and South Korea as these nations proves quite obvious that mass immigration is only a result of specific Marxist doctrines and very rarely economically or culturally privileged. Japan / South Korea has a border and border guards. If one lacks the visa one is denied passage ... (Europe had known this scheme prior 1950-1960)
  49.     The interesting question is the, why are not Japanese and South Koreans demonized as the Nazis and fascists? The answer, we know ...
  51. 2010-06-15 11:11:55
  53.     Very good and very important article. Great work, Hans!
  55. 2010-02-17 10:56:52
  57.     The problem is that it often does not help about 80% of Muslims are "moderates", ie they ignore the Quran. "It takes very few people to overthrow a plane."
  59.     What percentage is the Taliban of Pakistan's population? 1%, 3%, 5%? And how much chaos is there today?
  61.     In every society where Islam exists there will be a certain percentage of the Muslims who actually follow the traditional interpretations of the Koran.
  63.     And then we have the relationship between conservative Muslims and so-called "moderate Muslims".
  65.     There is moderate Nazis, too, that does not support fumigation of rooms and Jews. But they're still Nazis and will only sit and watch as the conservatives Nazis strike (if it ever happens). If we accept the moderate Nazis as long as they distance themselves from the fumigation of rooms and Jews?
  67.     Now it unfortunately already cut himself with Marxists who have already infiltrated-culture, media and educational organizations. These individuals will be tolerated and will even work as professors and lecturers at colleges / universities and are thus able to spread their propaganda.
  69.     For me it is very hypocritical to treat Muslims, Nazis and Marxists differ. They are all supporters of hate-ideologies. Not all Muslims, Nazis and Marxists are conservative, most are moderate. But does it matter? A moderate Nazi might, after having experienced fraud, choose to be conservative. A moderate Muslim can, after being refused to enter a club, be conservative, etc.
  71.     It is obvious that the moderate supporters of hate-ideologies, at a later date may choose conservatism.
  73.     Islam (ism) has historically led to 300 million deaths
  74.     Communism has historically led to 100 million deaths
  75.     Nazism has historically led to 6-20 million deaths
  77.     ALL hate ideologies should be treated equally.
  79. 2010-02-16 19:25:24
  81.     According to two studies supports 13% of young British Muslims between 15 and 25 Al Qaeda ideology. UK representative for Norway, so I would guess that at least 15-20% of Norwegian Muslims support murder of gays. There is certainly no fewer that supports the killing of gays than to support Al Qaeda.
  83. 2010-02-02 13:35:11
  85.     I completely agree that Obama is a brilliant retoriker and communicator, one of the best we've seen over the past 30 years.
  87.     But firstly, we can not and should not compare the cultural struggle in the U.S. with that in Europe. Rhetoric must and should be different. The average "right click" - Republican in the U.S. is a "libertarian" (anti-socialist but pro multikulti) while the average conservative in Europe is much more anti-multikulti but arguments based on cultural resistance against Islamization.
  89.     The so-called anti-multiculti in the U.S. based their rhetoric on ethnocentrism alone which thus differs greatly from Europeans. This is the main reason that we must separate the American and European cultural struggle. I usually stay away from American issues as a result.
  91.     Regardless of whether we are in the U.S. or Europe, it is essential you have to ask about the following:
  93.     When was that multiculturalism ceased to be an ideology designed to deconstruct a European culture, traditions, identity and nation-states? If you support a leader who propagate multikulti (ideology as of this writing systematically deconstructs Western civilization), one can not then just as well stick to the class struggle or the MSM?
  95.     And if we then think that multiculturalism wonderful doctrines is the main cause of the ongoing Islamization of Europe and the U.S., one should not criticize multiculturalism while leading No. 1, the one Jesus Christ Obama for his fundamental principles?
  97.     Failure to criticize him, you have not then accepted the multiculturalism wonderful premise?
  99. 2010-01-25 05:20:24
  101.     Public Enemy, Carl Christian,
  103.     What you manages to come up with here is nothing but very nasty control techniques.
  105.     You claim that all Norwegians who do not follow landsmo (s) container Gro Harlem Brundtland definition, is racist:
  107.     "Everyone always holds a Norwegian passport is full Norwegians" ... Which means that even Somali coach (with a Norwegian passport) who chew qat all day, banks send the wife and half the benefit of al-Shabaab should be viewed as a full Doe.
  109.     If anyone in this country dared to look at the Somali coach as anything other than a full-Smith are the racists and need to burn marked public. And you say that everyone who disagrees with their extreme kulturmarxistiske world view - the utopian, global citizen definition are racists?
  111.     In that case, I think you have labeled 95% of the population that just this but it does just a minor role for you?
  113.     You are only committed to paralyze all the debate in society, to silence all those who are not of the same opinion as you, to exercise social control in line with the conservative Muslims in Greenland? Once a person takes off his "ideological veil" his is where you as soon as the troll you are.
  115.     Sorry, but it does not work anymore. More will be increasingly immune to rule techniques due to their massive inflation rhetoric.
  117.     I think the majority of Norwegians require full cultural assimilation (European culture) to calculate the second as full Norwegians. His his analysis is thus correct. Norwegian passport is irrelevant in this context. Get over it ...!
  119.     :-)
  121. 2010-01-24 10:45:19
  123.     The problem with the Progress Party have become that in their etterstrebenhet after reaching up to the multiculturalism fantastic claims and humanism suisidale ideals they have in many ways thrown out the baby with the bath water.
  125.     Genuine resistance has been reduced to listening to the PR agency and do 2-3 tactical statements before each election, to ensure the voices of the core.
  127.     The vast majority of new faces in the Progress Party is now politically correct career politicians and not in any way idealists who are willing to take risks and work for idealistic goals.
  129.     The comic is that even though they have thrown almost all principles of garbage dump and reduced cultural struggle to "reduce the flow of asylum with a couple of thousand" is still burning brand in public, ridiculed, harassed and isolated by the humanist-Marxist.
  131.     Parliamentary Representatives from the Progress Party, should at least read the document every single day and involved a bit when it is their duty to be the people's voice. Unfortunately, very few of them at all know what the document is about something, and fewer than 5% of them know what taqiyya and naskh is.
  133.     F example. when a combined force chose to ignore the Swedish and French intifada before the last election for strategic reasons, which later cost FrP maybe 5%, should Siv have instructed all of his people to call the ARK and other newsrooms and forced them to cover this about this.
  135.     I have great respect for how the Marxist-humanist networks in Norway are able to use their power optimally through "force Multiplication" and cooperation.
  137.     They are insanely hard-working, skilled in the consolidation and hard-working and most on the right side has a lot to learn from them.
  139. 2010-01-22 02:53:39
  141.     I'm tempted to get in touch with the owners and would reflect their success through restructuring through my leadership. This will involve kicking all remaining kulturmarxister and start with the cultural conservative coverage as the first major newspaper in Norway (critical of multiculturalism / Islamization). It is realistic to believe that the circulation will then have the potential to reach up to 120-200k.
  143.     It surprises me that there are no more "cultural conservative entrepreneurs" in the Kingdom of Norway?
  145.     Do you think the owners will have a positive attitude to such proposals?, P
  147.     I will not be a good option when I have absolutely zero knowledge of editorial processes. I think however, Hans Rustad should be responsible for the editorial and invite them to consider his concept. I think the timing of this is optimal at this moment!
  149.     There are 15 kulturmarxistiske politically correct tree trunk, back in Norway and not a single cultural conservative. The first cultural conservative (not politically correct) the publication will be GUARANTEED success.
  151. 2010-01-19 11:25:11
  153.     Very good article:) It helps to push the debate to a new level.
  155. 2010-01-02 14:20:13
  157.     There are political forces in Oslo who want to mass-act subsidized / low cost "Islam-blocks" in Oslo West for "better integration". As far as I know, only the Progress Party / Conservatives who oppose the moment so it can actually become a reality over the next decade.
  159.     If this ever becomes the case, many of Oslo West move to Bærum (and most will eventually follow).
  161.     Hm, but where do you move when this policy when Bærum?
  163. 2009-12-31 14:12:48
  165.     Lars M,
  167.     "Globalization and modernity are irreversible phenomena."
  169.     Classic multiculturalism drug propaganda. What is globalization and modernity to do with mass Muslim immigration?
  171.     And you may not have heard and Japan and South Korea? These are successful and modern regimes even if they rejected multiculturalism in the 70's. Are Japanese and South Koreans goblins?
  173.     Can you name ONE country where multiculturalism is successful where Islam is involved? The only historical example is the society without a welfare state with only non-Muslim minorities (U.S.).
  175.     This I expect that everyone knows when it is elementary documented truths.
  177.     What I can never understand is why multiculturalism seats (which traditionally has consisted of and / or have been supported by the labor movement) have failed to understand that multiculturalism will destroy the future welfare (as social Cohesion / confidence / willingness to let the tax) dollars in line with the spread of multiculturalism?
  179.     Best case scenario for Europe is that we end up with a super-capitalist system such as the U.S. with large sub-class / class differences.
  181.     It does not sound very humanistic out:) But then we are certainly not goblins anymore?
  183. 2009-12-31 09:30:01
  185.     Supra, Aesop, Ira
  187.     It's getting only two basic concepts many use to describe the cultural point of view.
  189.     Conservative Culture (of order preservation / patiot / nationalist / monokulturalist) and kulturmarxistisk (internationalist / multiculturalists / kosmopolitanist / globalist).
  191.     Although the majority of humanists but also many liberals are anti-nationalists, and is therefore by definition kulturmarxister. Promote either multiculturalism (cultural Marxism) or monoculture (nationalist), there is nothing in between, even though most do not dare to admit this yet. Well, there's the multi-culture without Islam is a middle ground.
  193.     However, it is possible that THE does not meet the criteria for a Marxist / Communist but all internationalists are kulturmarxister.
  195.     It's also a known fact that street newspaper is an anarcho-Marxist newspaper and NOT an anarchist newspaper. Anarchism can be both Marxist-oriented and nationalist-oriented. Street newspaper is far from nationalistic one can get;)
  197.     The old definitions often do not apply anymore. Eg. the British Tories who actually still dare to call themselves conservatives support kulturmarxisme / multiculturalism and should be renamed.
  199.     One can not support kulturmarxisme / multiculturalism and simultaneously call themselves conservative, although some might not agree with me:)
  201.     The majority on the right side has unfortunately not yet found out that one must defeat multiculturalism in order to defeat the Islamization as many still see themselves as multiculturalists.
  203.     This will inevitably change and clarified to a greater extent for most of the next decade when the polarization will increase.
  205.     Sometime in the future, most will have to flag the point of view, you will have to make a choice: nationalism or internationalism.
  207.     Unfortunately, there is still much stigma attached to the word "nationalism" as I usually use the word culture conservative:)
  209. 2009-12-30 07:14:01
  211.     The problem is that Europe lost the Cold War already in 1950, the moment they allowed Marxists / anti-nationalists to ravage freely, without restrictions for the positions they could have and the power positions they had the opportunity to obtain the (teacher / professor positions in particular).
  213.     The result, in particular Norway and Sweden is the extreme Marxist attitudes have become acceptable / everyday while the old-established truths of patriotism and cultural conservatism today is branded as extremism (of kulturmarxister and humanists). Anti-nationalist attitudes have unfortunately not only become mainstream but is now required as a basis attitudes to be able to climb in PK hierarchies.
  215.     There are not many prominent kulturmarxister actually admits the purpose behind dennne anti-national and "Marxist grand scheme" but nobody can say it better than Thomas Hylland Eriksen:
  217.     "The main challenge is now to deconstruct the majority and do it thoroughly so that it can never be called majority anymore"
  219.     "Something like that could contribute both to understanding and liberation."
  223.     This is clearly the extremist hate-speech. It admits Eriksen, on behalf of many European kulturmarxister that the goal is to create a Marxist utopia, a world without borders ruled by the UN, an opinion which is the main doctrine of Marxist thinking. To achieve this, the people declared insane (racist / Nazi) and anti-democratic methods can therefore be allowed to replace the people by allowing the systematic colonization of the developing world.
  225.     In a society where Marxist extremists Thomas Hylland Eriksen is allowed to practice freely within the bounds of political correctness, other more moderate humanists / kulturmarxister (extremists), as Mads Gilbert and Erik Fosse appear frigjørngshelter (Nazis (Jews) should be crushed just like the Nazi Germany).
  227.     Had Western Europe and the U.S. decided to imprison all Marxists (Nazis and Marxists) after WW2 and swearing Marxist principles of hate ideology similar to Nazism, we had never been in the current situation.
  229.     But we learn at least as long as we live. I doubt that a future patriotic regime will make that mistake again, if we manage to save the West before it is too late ...:-)
  231. 2009-12-25 09:58:33
  233.     I have never understood why the West focus so disproportionately on Iran and so little on the Wahhabi Saudi leadership, which after all is the most dangerous and most powerful Muslim central power. We should, of course, as soon as the bombing suspect their facilities but otherwise focus much more on Saudi. Could it be something that Iran is not a major oil exporter?
  235.     Shias make up a relatively small proportion of Muslims and has absolutely no influence on the Sunnis.
  237.     I would actually argue that we undermine our own interests by unilaterally attacking the only relatively weak alternative to Sunni Islam. If Iran falls to Wahhabi position strengthened considerably, since they have no competitors.
  239.     We should not forget that Saudi Arabia and several other Sunni Muslim countries want to destroy Iran. Nor is Iran that has built 300-500 Wahhabi centers around around Europe of the finances only 2 of 30 Jihad Fronts around the around the world.
  241. 2009-12-17 18:36:54
  243.     Hans, Aesop,
  245.     Article Series Ekstremistan I, II, III is one of the best that has ever been here. Incredibly well written, Hans:)
  247.     Well, I think one of our problems is that for many individuals (especially liberals) on the right side helps to cannibalizing their own opinion allies. The reason is related to some of the many decades of brainwashing kulturmarxistisk. For others it may be due to cowardice or fear of helping to create something that may one day evolve to an even worse alternative.
  249.     Many people who try to consolidate on the right side of the present organizational structure, bulleted lists or ideological banners (and to push for specific agendas and deadlines are followed to achieve the organizational goals) will be criticized by individuals who want to limit opposition to the "essay critique / criticism of the system ". They hope well that this alone will be NOK that the kulturmarxistiske elites / hegemony will realize how stupid and ugly they have been?
  251.     Before "we" can do something, there must be a "we". Consolidation is the only option and resistance can not be limited to "essay critique / criticism of the system." Progress Party is already established. But it must work actively to ensure cultural conservative control over NGOs (old or new) and also help to create youth organizations (national newspaper is obviously the most important but this is already on the agenda).
  253.     I know that Hans and Aesop disagree with me ang this (because they are afraid to help create a monster which they later will lose control over) but this will take you wrong :-)
  255.     And I hope you are tough NOK to discuss this rather than to censor it out:).
  257.     Key words for discussion:
  259.     "Can dissidence, alone, save us or are we going to finally start to consolidate the cultural conservatives on all fronts?"
  261. 2009-12-09 17:14:41
  263.     Here is a nice overview - 10 reasons why the modern church will die:
  267.     I myself am a Protestant and baptized / confirmed to me by my own free will when I was 15
  269.     But today's Protestant church is a joke. Priests in jeans who march for Palestine and churches that look like the minimalist shopping centers. I am a supporter of an indirect collective conversion of the Protestant church back to the Catholic. In the meantime, I vote for the most conservative candidates in church elections.
  271.     The only thing that can save the Protestant church is to go back to basics.
  273. 2009-12-09 10:50:32
  275.     The day launched as a national publication in papir-/nett edition with a circulation of 2000 + should editors / management of the company moderating them, of course, whichever is the goal in terms of circulation and ideological goals. F example, one can allow themselves to be less moderate in an edition of 2000 100 000 This is obvious.
  277.     It is essential that editors acting in a manner that is appropriate for the company and its ideological goal (if documented at all have any ideological goals). It must also be considered whether in the future (at 20, 50, 100K circulation) should be allowed to comment on articles, in addition to specifying the restrictions to express themselves in that way.
  279.     - If only individuals who believe that the other party is "weak" to express themselves?
  280.     - Are individuals who believe that parts of the other party acting under conscious ideological affiliations being censored?
  282.     - If only individuals who have a humanistic view of news reporting to express themselves?
  283.     - Are those individuals who want to convey clear cultural conservative ideological affiliations being censored?
  285.     These questions can only be answered when setting up their ideological principles. In all cases there should be an open and honest line to himself and his readers as much as possible.
  287.     I think the editors of the future (soon) will have to go in themselves and specify their objectives (the goal of humanistic nature or will it be clear ideological principles of reason). I'm curious about the editorial staff at all have a clear ideological beliefs / goals (an ideological agenda as other publications seem to have: class struggle, the Times, partly Broadcasting Corporation, etc.) or is the goal of humanistic art?
  289.     Humanities in the sense that it is a duty to examine the other side of an issue (where other publications certainly fail). Is it true that the basis for should be driven by a "humanistic duty" and not driven by any kind of ideological ambition (cultural conservative or otherwise)?
  291.     This discussion should not be taken here of course but should be note for editors and, if possible, be discussed on Thursday:)
  293.     It is important to clarify these fundamental issues early when a possible involvement of other parties, such as culture, conservative political parties / NGOs / investors / volunteers will be depended on to clarify this before any are willing to give their financial / organizational support to the Document.
  295.     It is well known that commercial publications (ranging from CNN, BBC, Dagbladet, Fox) is clear but often "unofficial ideological platforms" as it is expected that employees will follow. Such ideological principles is necessary to have an unofficial "ideological mutiny clause" that prevents unwanted future developments.
  297.     F as Lou Dobbs of CNN was hit by the unofficial section and he ultimately chose to go. It is not unlikely that he was forced out because he changed his ideological standpoint in the course of his career. He became more and more critical of Muslim mass immigration to the U.S. which was not consistent with CNN's politically correct line.
  299.     The document is currently relatively innocent, but the price one must pay for success is often loss of innocence:) For better or for worse.
  301.     All idealistic projects / individuals experiencing this identity phase / crisis as soon as they want to cross a certain more or less commercial barrier:)
  303. 2009-12-06 23:39:10
  305.     Hårstad,
  307.     I strongly doubt that your theory is correct. The whole conflict between GDP and EDL started with a change of leadership in the EDL for a few months ago. They threw out the racist and denounced the BNP. They chose instead SIOE's ideological basis that is more or less mainstream view on the right side in Western Europe now (Vienna School of Thought).
  309.     Nick was very offended and began to demonize the EDL. Although they are now attacking each other as they compete not at all as these are two quite different fronts. 90% of all votes in the EDL continued GDP (Since this is the only alternative to multikulti in the UK) and 90% of GDP supports EDL regardless of what Nick had to think.
  311.     Second, Labour governs intelligence service. They had never in his life supported the EDL as these create a lot of positive attention for the cultural conservative movement in the UK.
  313.     I have on some occasions discussed with SIOE and EDL and recommended them to use conscious strategies.
  315.     The tactics of the EDL is now out to "entice" an overreaction from Jihad Youth / Extreme-Marxists something they have succeeded several times already. Over The reaction has been repeatedly shown on the news which has booster EDLs ranks high. This has also benefited GDP. WinWin for both.
  317.     But I must say I am very impressed with how quickly they have grown but this has to do with smart tactical choice by management.
  319.     EDL is an example and a Norwegian version is the only way to prevent Flash / SOS to harass Norwegian cultural conservatives from other fronts. Creating a Norwegian EDL should be No. 3 on the agenda after we have started up a cultural conservative newspaper with national distribution.
  321.     The agenda of the Norwegian cultural conservative movement over the next 5 years are therefore:
  323.     1. Newspaper with national distribution
  324.     2. Working for the control of several NGOs
  325.     3. Norwegian EDL
  327. 2009-12-06 13:26:53
  329.     Jarle J
  331.     You raise many interesting points. I've even made lists of these networks, which I will launch my book. It is essential to counter this is to continue the consolidation (the paste into charts earlier of specific tasks and activities, annual plans etc. to systematically regain control of specific NGOs and strengthen the cultural conservatives of all 7 different political fronts. Another important task is to create a cultural conservative media company with national distribution. We are in the process.
  333.     Ang your choice of an ideological basis. 50 years of efforts by the ethnocentric organizations / movements (from 1960-2009) has failed completely. We know this and further focus, illumination of these strategies will only be counter-productive and potentially very damaging to the current Norwegian and European cultural conservative movement.
  335.     Ethnocentric movements that BNP, National Front is not successful and will never be able to get over 10% support (GDP 5%, the UN has 7%). One can not fight racism (multikulti) with racism. Ethnocentrism is therefore the complete opposite of what we want to achieve.
  337.     We have selected the Vienna School of Thought as the ideological basis. This implies opposition to multiculturalism and Islamization (on cultural grounds). All ideological arguments based on anti-racism.
  339.     This has proven to be very successful which explains why the modern cultural conservative movement / parties that use the Vienna School of Thought is so successful: the Progress Party, Geert Wilders, document and many others.
  341.     Ethnocentrism is contrary to the principles of the Vienna School of Thought which is why you surely have been censored in the past.
  343.     I have worked several years for the Progress Party and guarantee you that the Progress Party had less than 10% support if they had not chosen Vienna School of Thought as an ideological basis.
  345.     Yes, we will defeat the multiculturalism / kulturmarxisme finally (as this is very discriminatory and racist). But we must do it in the correct ideological grounds.
  347. 2009-12-05 15:50:16
  349.     Hårstad,
  351.     It had been strategically and fun PR stunt, Hårstad:)
  353.     It is actually very interesting for us younger generations to learn about Norwegian Marxist movement, the former power conflicts, etc.
  355.     I got the impression that the more "hardcore" Marxists have been denied key posts in the AP after WW2. They were instead predicted leading positions in various colleges / universities, newspaper managements and NGOs?
  357.     Can you confirm whether there have been some organizational incentives / assisting behind this or is simply Marxists exceptional career conscious and able to climb in the cultural hierarchy?
  359.     I've always wondered what happened to the Norwegian fascist movement in Norway? Has it never existed or cut they are simply the politics and focused on the business after WW2?
  361.     Do you know exactly how Aftenposten was the coup and when that happened? They supported the NS during WW2. Was leadership imprisoned or replaced immediately after the war?
  363. 2009-12-05 08:42:59
  365.     In all cases.
  367.     It is very important that we here in the document does not restrict our "political commitment" to this page. There is great political upheavals taking place in Western Europe at this moment (a subversion of gressrotnivå). The cultural conservative movement is growing at record speed and it is a consolidation process going on in all Western European countries. ANYONE can contribute and every contribution counts:) The best thing you can do in Norway is to support either financially or through volunteer work. Visit the various Norwegian debate forum and market articles on the With dedicated effort, I am sure that the document has the potential to become the new "Event".
  369.     He will soon present their ideas for how this can be done.
  371.     I recommend to you all also strongly recommended to extend Facebook their networks, using the daily quota of 50 invitations to connect with Brits, French, Swedes, etc. Join groups that SIOE - Stop the Islamisation of Europe, Against Multiculturalism, join Progress Party, if anything:)
  373.     Watch the pages gatesofvienna, brussels journal, Jihad Watch, religionofpeace etc.
  375.     Read Fjord Man's work "Defeating Eurabia". This is f as the perfect Christmas gift for family and friends.
  377.     Add: Analekta Informatics on Facebook. This group communicates news articles that are unknown to most people. Very good news that the document can use if desired.
  379.     It is especially important that we, the Norwegian cultural conservatives, are making an effort. Norway and Sweden are among the world's most repressive regimes the press (press censorship) when it comes to a critical view of Islamization and multiculturalism.
  381.     The biggest mistake most people make is they assume that "someone else" to make efforts for them. There is no other, it's just us;)
  383.     Looking forward to meeting as many as possible of you on Thursday:). Let's hope his not choose Blitz Café or International:)).
  385.     (To Adde me on Facebook please send an email to
  387. 2009-12-05 07:41:50
  389.     Speaking of stubborn multiculturalists. I remember a story from the Oslo newspaper Aftenposten for approx. 6 months ago very good (I find, unfortunately, not this).
  391.     I can remember that it was a school in the City Center East, in a class where there was only a single Norwegian boy again (the majority were Muslims). Most others had taken their children out of school. The mother of this boy was, of course, a hardcore Marxist who died and life was to prove that multiculturalism and Islam will be functioning. She refused to move to another area or take him out of school. Her son would prove once and for all that Islamophobes on documents and other cultural conservatives were wrong and that it WAS possible.
  393.     The poor boy was harassed for several years until satisfactory one day he began to self harm. He told his marxistmor that he wanted to die. Only after this the mother realized that she had been wrong. The result was that they moved to another neighborhood and changing schools.
  395.     So one should not underestimate the fact how "hardcore" some of these kulturmarxistene is. I'm sure some of these actually had sacrificed their own children just to prove this sick Marxist theory.
  397.     But there are, after all, some justice up in it all. The positive for us, the cultural conservatives, is that we are among the first to protect our children, we move to safe areas where our children do not need to live in dhimmitude.
  399.     It is often the children of the boundless naive and Marxist kids who end up as victims. The irony here is that those who survive with psyche intact ends up as a dedicated cultural conservatives or to with which etnosentrerte of great frustration for their kulturmarxistiske or humanist parents:))
  401. 2009-12-05 07:14:39
  403.     Lars M,
  405.     tell me one country where Muslims have lived peacefully with non-Muslims without the Jihad against Kafr (dhimmitude, systematic slaughter or demographic warfare)?
  407.     I could name 40 countries / areas where this has had catastrophic consequences for non-Muslims. Can you please name ONE single example where it has managed to assimilate the Muslims? You seem limitless naive. Of course, some integrate but it is completely the result that counts (everything else is irrelevant).
  409.     How many thousands of new Europeans must die, how many one hundred thousand European women should be raped, millions robbed and tractor discarded before you understand that multiculturalism + Islam does not work?
  411.     Why do you think Norway will be the first country in the world for the last 1400 years in which this will succeed?
  413.     History repeats itself forever.
  415. 2009-12-04 23:40:02
  417.     Trondb: There is no doubt that what I say ang mass exodus match any documents proving the following:
  421.     And you can check back in 10 years, then the number will be 70-80 schools, 100-120 in 20 years:) The majority of these are Muslims, although this is not mentioned.
  423.     Supra, we all know that people on the right Aslak Nore can forget about getting anything published. Believe me, we have tried at all for years. We had of course had a greater chance to penetrate the kulturmarxistiske press censorship if any of us had had a Somali background, or was an Egyptian copter but I am unfortunately not:). You must also remember that there is no free press in Norway. Aftenposten was the ONLY culture conservative newspaper in Norway, but they were known as the coup of kulturmarxister in 1972. 100% of the national media companies now support multiculturalism full heart and none of these will help to undermine this ideology.
  425.     It should at least be mentioned that the situation improves drastically from the man is 18 years. The reason is that most of the Muslims I spoke not have grades to get into good VGS. Many of these are either craftsmen, unemployed or criminals. It is especially in the age group 12-18 that a large group of Norwegian have it hard when they have to go to open public schools with the most hateful Muslims in the city.
  427. 2009-12-04 20:08:02
  429.     Hans,
  431.     Well, the essence is that Muslim boys learn æreskodekser, pride in their own religion, culture and cultural conservative values ​​at home while Norwegian men have been feminized and teacher excessive tolerance. This makes them totally unprepared for what awaits them ... The curriculum at the school now consists also largely of the demonization of our ancestors (evil imperialists, big farmers who raped maids, bloodthirsty Crusaders who invaded the peaceful Muslims) as it gives a victim the role of Muslims. The result is that Norwegian girls aged 12-18 are particularly vulnerable and often oppressed. They lack pride, æreskodekser and a correct understanding of Islam.
  433.     There have now been a mass exodus of non-Muslims from Oslo East in 20 years, even if the media refuses to cover this trend. The reason is simple. People do not want to be oppressed, they do not want to live like other citizens rangs (dhimmitude). Parents observe but can not do much. There are of course very dependent on the situation. If it is 50% Muslims in school or only 2%. It is often easiest to move in instead of letting your child carry the "integration issue" on their shoulders.
  435.     In many ways intensified the polarization between Muslim and non-Muslim youth among the younger generations. There are ten times as many Muslim gangs as non-Muslim. Abuse and harassment is perceived as clear racism and frustration is high because the media ignores this racism in total. 100 racial / Jihadi murder of Norwegians in the last 15 years are totally ignored as a single murder of a Norwegian racist resulting in a torchlight procession in which 50 000 participants and establishing a Memorial Fund.
  437.     Many young people are apathetic as a result, others are very racist.
  439.     I got the impression that the younger generations in Oslo not quite manage to see the political context here. They see the racist attack but do not fully understand that this is Jihad (political / cultural attacks). They repay why they perceive as racism with racism.
  441.     My hope is that they will see the cultural / political context, but one should not ignore the fact that the new generations of young people going in the direction of ethnocentrism.
  443.     Young people need solutions, and currently there are no anti-racist youth culture conservative options. Some people choose the options that exist, that it is ethnocentric.
  445.     I dare not even think of how many Norwegian children who have been suicide because of these experiences (assault, robbery, rape, psychological terror committed by Muslim youths). There are probably several hundred in the last 15 years.
  447.     Well, this is certainly part of the reason that the Progress Party was larger than the AP at the last school elections ...
  449.     The special thing here is that if we had removed the Muslim vote at the last school elections in Oslo, the Progress Party ended up about 30-40% support.
  451. 2009-12-04 17:01:55
  453.     Non-Muslim youth in Oslo aged 12-18 are in a particularly vulnerable situation in terms of harassment of Muslim youth. I myself am born and raised here and chose out of necessity to the friendships / alliances with A and B team to move freely. The alternative is that you stick to your neighborhood or west side. I know of hundreds of incidents where non-Muslims were robbed, beaten and harassed by Muslim gangs. Top My friend aged 12-17 was Pakistan that I was one of the protected sphere "potatoes" who had protection. But I saw hypocrisy at close range and was disgusted. Muslim gangs have / could devastate free (racism / Jihad behavior), while all attempts "potatoes" do / did to make the same thread are systematically stamped on racism and deconstructed by the local police.
  455.     No wonder the Progress Party won the school election. It grows up to a new generation dhimmifisert youth who actually know what Islam and dhimmitude is in contrast to the white politicians and journalists who choose to move to Oslo in 20-30 years of age.
  457.     I'm glad I've always lived in Oslo West. For it must be hell on the Oslo East: o
  459.     Arild,
  461.     There's a bunch of no-go zones in most American cities. The LA's most famous - Compton, Crenshaw, Watts, Inglewood, etc. but it can not be directly compared with the situation in Europe while the Afro-Americans are Christians, etc.
  463. 2009-12-04 04:10:42
  465.     Yellow - here is the definition of an "Islamic no-go zone"
  467.     There are more than 30 Islamic no-go zones in Norway and those in other Western European countries, proportional to the Muslim concentrations in various cities. There are probably many more than 751 in France. Guaranteed more than 1000, and it is growing every day!
  469.     Here is the definition:
  471.     An Islamic no-go zone:
  473.     1. There, drunk, scantily clad non-Muslim girls / women can travel without the imminent threat of rape, violence, robbery, harassment.
  475.     2. Where non-Muslim young people can travel without imminent danger of harassment, robbery, violence by Muslim gangs and / or individuals.
  477.     3. Where non-Muslim people to express individuality in all the free forms (including religious, sexual, cultural) without the imminent threat of physical / psychological harassment or robbery from Muslims.
  479.     Parts of Holmlia, Furuset and many other areas of the Oslo East / Oslo is obvious Islamic no-go zones.
  481.     Why do you think non-Muslims move from these areas? Why do you think the Muslim enklavisering continue? The existing 30 Islamic no-go zonene in Norway is increasing every day.
  483.     Large parts of Serbia is today a no-go zone for non-Muslim Serbs (Kosovo), to name an extreme. Muslims now require passports from the Christians! An Islamic no-go zone is being developed from the first Muslim family moves into an area where non-Muslims must live in a varying degree of dhimmitude. No one accepts this, so they move away from these Islamic no-go zones. This in turn makes it even harder for the remaining dhimmis to live normally. The results is that the Muslim no-go zonene / enclaves are growing dramatically every day!
  485.     Non-Muslims want to live in freedom, not under dhimmitude.
  487.     Any area where the non-Muslim citizens or those who travel are experiencing varying degrees of dhimmitude (restriction of their freedom, violence, harassment because they are Muslims and follow the sharia, go with the hijab, etc) is by definition an Islamic no-go zone .
  489.     Yellow, I'm impressed regardless of your knowledge related to the rhetorical deconstruction and your rhetorical skills in general. We have much to learn from kulturmarxister in this area.
  491. 2009-12-03 12:29:47
  493.     Donald,
  495.     The number is 270-300 million (not billion). Approximately 80 to 150 were Hindus who were killed in the east-Jihad campaigns (Hindu Kush) before and after the conquest of Sindh, which lasted in an organized manner until the British arrived.
  497.     Hindus and Buddhists were shown no mercy whatsoever in the first centuries, in contrast to the book.
  499.     Today's "space folk / Gypsies" are descendants of the Hindu slaves who were brought over the Hindu Kush. Tens of thousands of these gypsies fled when the Caliphate lost in 1683, in Vienna (they brought about 100,000 slaves in the Vienna-campaign). There were so many of them made it to Europe.
  501.     Hindu Kush genocide is the largest in human history. Ironically NOK is the government of India worse when it comes to indulgence than self kulturmarxistene in Western Europe.
  503.     To hide the genocide similar Hitler x 45 can not be described as anything but insane.
  505. 2009-12-03 01:21:04
  507.     Hlund, Fjordman, Hårstad, Rust
  509.     I'm NOK much later in the game than him when I have only been politically active for 13 years. I førstegenerasjonsdhimmi (Generation Y). I was active Oslo FrP / FpU in the first 6-7 years (in the cultural conservatives + laissez faire capitalist / liberal camp) and contributed to the Progress Party's success before I stopped. I felt the time was more important to help develop / promote the political doctrines abroad especially British, German, French, American). I ran the business a few years while I studied and earned a few million so I could finance a inntektsløs politically active life. I now use these funds to be able to work full time to further develop / promote the Vienna Academy (Vienna school of thought) that Fjordman, Bat Yeor, Spencer + many others have already contributed so much till. The last three years I worked full time with a cultural conservative works that will help to further develop / promote these political doctrines further.
  511.     Anyway, I consider the future consolidation of the cultural conservative forces on all seven fronts as the most important in Norway and in all Western European countries. It is essential that we work to ensure that all these 7 fronts using the Vienna school of thought, or at least parts of the grunlag for 20-70 year-struggle that lies in front of us.
  513.     The book is called, by the way 2083 and is in English, 1100 pages).
  515.     To sums up the Vienna school of thought:
  517.     - Cultural Conservatism (anti-multiculturalism)
  518.     - Against Islamization
  519.     - Anti-racist
  520.     - Anti-authoritarian (resistance to all authoritarian ideologies of hate)
  521.     - Pro-Israel/forsvarer of non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries
  522.     - Defender of the cultural aspects of Christianity
  523.     - To reveal the Eurabia project and the Frankfurt School (ny-marxisme/kulturmarxisme/multikulturalisme)
  524.     - Is not an economic policy and can collect everything from socialists to capitalists
  526.     Frankfurt School (kulturmarxisme) is a very ambitious unofficial ideology (and quite unknown to most) and they have succeeded in most areas (except to smash capitalism, European Christianity and European identity, traditions, culture). Vienna school is more a defense against this where we often use the Marxist 'own creations against them (sexual liberation, feminism, liberalism, anti-racism, anti-autoriære arguments).
  528.     Vienna school of thought is far from a complete ideology but consists of principles and ideas that are constantly under development. It is unofficial and does not necessarily ever to be recognized.
  530. 2009-12-02 19:57:10
  532.     I think that people often forget the very definition of the word "conspiracy". What is it?
  534.     To conspire is to work in common (among peers) to another group / the other group's interests (conspiracy) or to implement a particular goal / agenda.
  536.     All groups with a political agenda conspire directly or indirectly. Whether they will admit this or not is irrelevant. Document, like all other political led entities (such as class struggle, N (A) RK, cnn, daily newspaper. The clue is that everyone working toward a specific political goal conspire (us included, we are cultural conservatives (> 10%), the other is kulturmarxister (> 10%), Muslim (supports kulturmarxistene by default) (> 5%) kapitalistglobalister (> 1%), and so we have the gray mass in the middle (consisting of many humanists, and others who either sympathize with Marxists or the conservative. This is the group (80%) that we all try to "win the favor of."
  538.     A large proportion of multiculturalism seats are not Marxists but rather either naive humanists (KrF, V, Cr, half said, half-Right) or gobalist capitalists (half right).
  540.     Many of these "true humanists" being manipulated by "false humanists" (Marxists) that so often hides his true agenda by playing on humanism.
  542.     This is obvious to me, but still theories. I know that many want to implement a Marxist agenda (they have a Marxist background) but we can not prove it 100%, ergo there will be theories.
  544.     People can of course do not prove this unless all from a political group had admitted it (and they are not going to do). It does not mean that the truth about people's political motives are obvious.
  546.     Individual's background tells all about their intentions). Eg. It is a known fact that Barroso was a member of the Portuguese Communist Party in the past. But it is harder to roll up and prove that he and hundreds of other central European elites want to implement the Marxist doctrines through the EU. This is where the martyr-ideologues rails. They come with the charges, presents theories, do battle plan, other more moderate helping themselves from this and look at what this theoretical material that can be used at the present time, as appropriate, etc.
  548.     To get back to the point. The word "conspiracy theory" is often associated with something very negative. But it is in fact very often the central truths that still lack evidence, only assertions that have not yet been proven. In time the truth will come out for ALL;)
  550.     In the meantime, we share with the mainstream what is "appropriate" at this time;)
  552.     A little theory is appropriate if it is in line with people's perceptions:) And of course it's important to consistently (slowly) stretching the elastic to help ensure that these perceptions are moving towards the truth.
  554.     Hårstad,
  556.     I'm generally quite reluctant to move, and theorize too much ang U.S. due to the conditions which are different from those in Europe. They are dominated by Christian immigration, which is not the case here. We are indigenous to Europe, some Americans are not in the U.S., etc. This does not mean that the development does not unfold the way you describe (though it currently lacks evidence NOK), but I do not think it's necessarily appropriate to put too much emphasis on the U.S. geopolit. at this time. I actually believe the U.S. their fate (and the fate of multiculturalism / kulturmarxisme) will be settled in France in 20-70 years. The indications suggest it.
  558.     It is actually essential that people like yourself and Fjordman continues to develop theories of their (our). These are about to lay the foundation for our "Vienna School". What moderate cultural conservatives believe this work should worry less about. They will come after a few years and shout "hallelujah" when "NOK" evidence supporting these claims;)
  560. 2009-12-02 00:56:39
  562.     Hårstad / Fjordman,
  564.     Do not take it personally but rather as a compliment. You will have to read between the lines sometimes (we have actually gone so far that we have learned some of the Marxists - war is deceit, etc. ..). The truth is there. But do not believe that truth can only benefit us, it can actually harm us if we do not use it properly. The truth is so ugly that it has the potential to scare many moderates cultural conservatives back into apathy. Yes, you (we are right), but we have not such a bad self-image that we have to gloat with it all the time?
  566.     To put it another way. It is critical that individuals / ideologues who Fjordman / Hårstad presents the unpackaged truth to other moderate but experienced cultural conservatives. These moderate cultural conservatives will then make their own judgments and take the necessary precautions. If you believe that the broad strata (individuals who do not have the same intellectual conservative culture knowledge like us) are ready for the full packaged truth will take you wrong. I, with several years of study of this truth is still sick and poor to think about it. What do you think an a-political people had been? He had most likely been shocked and moved to Svalbard or continue to lie to themselves.
  568. has the potential to become an even more influential media company if they play their cards right. When the goal is to reach the broad masses must thus moderating them. The purpose of the media companies / NGOs is to convey as much of sanheten that is "appropriate", the goal is after all the important, not the means. Thus, there is also in the cards that they can and want to acknowledge doctrines of very specific individuals ONLY if it is appropriate.
  570.     I see such ideologues as a martyr-ideologues (I might be in this category, even with similar theories, even though I was not familiar with Fjord Man's works until 2008). They provide the basic ideological lines to more moderate individuals, the ugly truth beauty, foundation, other more moderate build on this. It will often be expedient to distance himself from these martyr-ideologues for tactical reasons (especially if your goal is to reach out to the large masses). How is the game whether we like it or not. Individuals have different functions. Do not be offended because of that, but take it rather as a compliment;)
  572.     Do you think kulturmarxister will ever be so stupid that they admit that they want to implement Marx's doctrines? The fact that they use humanism to advance a Marxist utopia? No, they distance themselves from Marx for strategic reasons. They are not born yesterday and it is not we.
  574.     We were honest once, but Marx and Muhammad has forced us to become more like them, unfortunately.
  576.     They had their "Frankfurt School". We are going to develop our own "Vienna School" of necessity.
  578.     Embrace it! DE has made the rules, we just follow them. ;)
  580. 2009-12-01 12:02:38
  582.     Eddy,
  584.     Controllers - dominate, not necessarily very big difference. The common denominator in all historical cases, dhimmitude + demographic warfare. Are non-Muslims on Furuset, Holmlia today dhimmis? Yes, of course they do. Why do you think they systematically choose to move?
  586.     Why do you think Furuset, Holmlia and other areas in Oslo soon be emptied of non-Muslims? Enklaviseringen in Oslo East continues slowly but surely every day.
  588.     For those words must have it with a teaspoon (this may be fine with a small demographic history reminder now and then):
  590.     Kosovo demographical development [1]:
  592.     1900 40% Islam
  593.     1913 50%
  594.     1925 60%
  595.     1948 72%
  596.     1971 79%
  597.     1981 85%
  598.     2008 93%
  600.     Source:
  602.     1 # 6
  604.     Lebanon demographical development - (Christian / Muslim pop) [1]:
  606.     1911 to 21% Islam
  607.     1921 to 45%
  608.     1932 to 49%
  609.     1943 to 48%
  610.     1970 to 58% (Civil War 1975-1990 started When Islam reached 60%)
  611.     1990 to 65% (Christians lost the war)
  612.     2008 to 75%
  614.     Source:
  616.     1. Tomass Mark, Game Theory with instrumentally irrational players: A Case Study of Civil War and Sectarian Cleansing, Journal of Economic Issues, Lincoln, June 1997.
  618.     Bethlehem
  620.     Source 1
  622.     1948 85% Christian [1]
  623.     2006 12% Christian [1]
  625.     Source 2
  627.     1948 to 60% Christian [2]
  628.     1983 to 20% Christian [2]
  630.     Source:
  632.     1
  633.    2
  634.    3
  636.    Anatolia (Turkey)
  638.    1300 to 99% Christian
  639.    1450 to 90% (3 years before the fall of Constantinople)
  640.    1600 to 55%
  641.    1850 to 35% (Genocide / forceful conversions intensifies)
  642.    1900 to 20%
  643.    1920 to 15%
  644.    1945 to 6% (Focus shift two persecution of Muslim Kurds)
  645.    1980 to 3%
  646.    2009 to 1%
  648.    1 ~ dimostenis / greektr.html
  649.    2. See all sources from Historic Balkans and Anatolia demo graphics
  651.    Syria [1]
  653.    1920 to 33% Christian
  654.    2007 to 10% (Would ask for less than 5% if it Were not for the Christian immigration from Iraq).
  656.    1
  657.    2
  659.    Pakistan (Hindu / Muslim Population) [1]
  661.    1941 to 25% Hindus
  662.    1948 to 17%
  663.    1991 to 1.5%
  664.    2007 to 1%
  666.    Bangladesh (Hindu / Muslim Population) [1]
  668.    1941 to 30% Hindus
  669.    1948 to 25%
  670.    1971 to 15%
  671.    1991 to 10%
  672.    2007 to 8%
  674.    2008 - Numbers and Percentage of Muslims in many European cities (legal / illegal Including city suburbs) [1] [2] [3]:
  676.    Marseilles 38%
  677.    Malmo 35%
  678.    Brussels 35%
  679.    Amsterdam 30%
  680.    Stockholm 20%
  681.    London 20%
  682.    Paris 20%
  683.    Oslo 20%
  684.    Moscow 16-20%
  685.    Berlin 18%
  686.    The Hague 17%
  687.    Copenhagen 17%
  688.    Utrecht 15%
  689.    Rotterdam 15%
  690.    Antwerp 15%
  691.    Hamburg 15%
  693.    Sources:
  695.    1
  696.    2
  697.    3. Notes That Brussels is 25.5% Muslim
  699.    What then is the common denominator in all these historical cases?
  701.    Islam + dhimmitude + demographic warfare (Jihad)
  703. 2009-11-30 19:29:02
  705.    This is only the beginning of a protracted campaign of psychological warfare against the Swiss people. The worst of all, it works very effectively, as we saw in Austria a few years ago. The Swiss people will succumb to demonization, as Østerikerne and Serbs before them.
  707.    The fact that kulturmarxistene controls the Euro / U.S. MSM, 95% of NGOs and 80% of the political parties is perhaps the main reason that we must expect to struggle with multiculturalism (kulturmarxisme) and the Islamization of at least 20-70 years.
  709.    Until this happens, the Hårstad points out further polarization between kulturmarxistene (elites) and the cultural conservatives (the people). Muslims make today 20-25% of the Oslo and similar areas in other European capitals. 50-60% is the magic enklaviseringsgrensen and there are several cities that gradually approaches this. Marseilles is the worst example in Western Europe at the moment with 38% Muslims. The city will have a Muslim majority within 20 years. It is thus conceivable that the battle for Islam's future in Europe will unfold in just France within 20 years. Perhaps the consequence that France breaks out of the nåværeden U.S. / Euro dominated multiculturalism wonderful world order and seeking a new political alliance with Russia and some other mini-nations (hopefully followed by several European nations).
  711.    20 years earlier, my bet (70 years maximum). So change will come, guaranteed, we just have to smear us with a little patience.
  713. 2009-11-30 02:32:30
  715.    The attack was most likely carried out by Muslims of Ingushetia, Dagestan and Chechnya.
  717.    There are now several key Jihadists who are wanted.
  719.    No "bomb" in other words ..., p
  723.    I do not understand why cnn mention the extreme right and the National Socialists? I have never ever heard of a right extreme or NS terrorist attacks of importance on European soil. This sounds like kulturmarxistisk wishful thinking.
  725. 2009-11-30 02:13:40
  727.    Very well written, Hans:)
  729.    Euro / US kulturmarxistisk MSM is now working on a comprehensive motkampanje consisting of psychological warfare against the Swiss people (as we saw against Østerikerne a few years ago). They will be latterligjort, mocked, and threatened to change his point of view. They will be portrayed as Nazis, racists and fascists (monsters) and they are going to be intimidated into silence. It is possibly a new referendum in a few months where only 40% ish is going to vote for. This is how game works, unfortunately.
  731.    We should not underestimate the MSM and their highly efficient power to shape people's opinions.
  733. 2009-11-29 22:39:59
  735.    Daniel Pipes: Leftism and Islam. Muslims, the warriors Marxists Have Been praying for.
  739.    The following summarizes the agenda of many kulturmarxister with Islam, it explains also why those on death and life protecting them. It explains so well why we, the cultural conservatives, are against Islamization and the implementation of these agendas.
  741.    Yellow,
  743.    I have great respect for kulturmarxister that are tough NOK to admit his true intentions. It is very annoying however, that 90% of all kulturmarxister directly lying to the people by hiding / hide their agenda behind the "humanism and human rights".
  745.    Are you tough NOK to admit that this is your agenda, Yellow, or claiming you are still you run of "humanism"? It is the sense to discuss if one side refuses to admit his true intentions.
  747.    Most of us cultural conservatives are honest NOK to admit that we are working towards Marxism and Marxist principles (which is the main reason we are against the ongoing Islamization when we look at the Ummah as an entity that promotes the Marxist principles, among others). So why can not you be tough NOK to admit that it really your agenda is to work for the implementation of Marxist principles and that you look at Muslims as a natural ally (for practical reasons and not the humanities).
  749.    We know by the way all of what happened to the Christians Marxists in Lebanon. Lebanon was once a Christian country (80% in 1911). When the Muslims were in majority in 1970 (an increase of 40% in just 60 years), they declared war. The reason that they were in that situation was due to the Marxist's appeasement policy (they allowed demographic warfare). Marxists thought that they would get an extra special dhimmi status, which of course did not happen. There are now fewer than 25% Christians in Lebanon and even the Christian Marxists living in a difficult situation. Do you really think you will get a special dhimmistatus few decades in Western Europe when all the historical examples show that Christians Marxists being stabbed in the back end again and again?
  751.    It is strange why they never learn from historical examples? Kulturmarxister have much in common with Muslims, but at the end of the day the matter considered by the Ummah as gudshatende and gay-loving infidel, which is incompatible with Islam. The result is that they once again will be betrayed by the Ummah.
  753.    It is quite ironic that the Ummah has more respect for their opponents, the cultural conservative, than their allies, kulturmarxistene, they only see as "temporary" useful idiots.
  755.    They get to enjoy the alliance as long as it lasts:)
  757. 2009-11-29 03:34:23
  759.    The document was intended to be "approved" stamp by Lars M and yellow, they immediately become irrelevant. It is reasonably safe;)
  761.     Most people here have nothing against Muslims in general, Muslims do not follow the Quran that is. It is the political doctrine of Islam is the problem.
  763.     The problem is that key Islamic concepts such as al-taqiyya and naskh (Quranic abrogation) makes it more or less impossible to distinguish "moderate Muslims" (individuals who do not follow the Quran) from orthodox Muslims.
  765.     Who do you first introduced the concept of "War is deceit "?;).
  767.     Lars M. and Yellow,
  769.     What are your reflections on the political concepts of al-taqiyya and naskh?
  771. 2009-11-28 18:04:44
  773.     The document was intended to be "approved" stamp by Lars M and yellow, they immediately become irrelevant. It is reasonably safe;)
  775.     Most people here have nothing against Muslims in general, Muslims do not follow the Quran that is. It is the political doctrine of Islam is the problem.
  777.     The problem is that key Islamic concepts such as al-taqiyya and naskh (Quranic abrogation) makes it more or less impossible to distinguish "moderate Muslims" (individuals who do not follow the Quran) from orthodox Muslims.
  779.     Who do you first introduced the concept of "War is deceit "?;).
  781.     Lars M. and Yellow,
  783.     What are your reflections on the political concepts of al-taqiyya and naskh?
  785. 2009-11-28 00:00:55
  787.     I assumed that the attackers were Muslims immediately south Philippines was mentioned. Everyone knows that the Southern Philippines is one of the world's 40 Jihad Fronts.
  789.     It makes little difference whether the victims were Christians or Muslims. Muslims in the continent is known to use very brutal methods.
  791.     There are a number of extremely brutal Islamist groupings in southern Philippines - Abu Sayyaf Islamists (Al-Harakat al-Ansar) are one of them. They fund their organizations through kidnappings and avkapping of heads of civilian Christians are part of their methods. Now, of course not kulturmarxistiske Euro / U.S. MSM attempt to find connections between these groups and attacked. Again, we ordinary citizens have to do journalistic work FOR them ...
  793.     Again, try European and U.S. MSM to lead his people deceived. I have not yet read a single place in the MSM that the attackers were Muslims.
  795.     So what was it that happened? A more conservative Muslim clan that made an example out of a more secular clan for unknown reasons?
  797.     Here you can read more about the Abu Sayyaf and other Islamist groupings in Southern Philippines:
  801.     For almost 30 years Various Muslim groups Have Been Engaged in an insurgency for an independent province in the country.
  803.     Abu Sayyaf-al Qaeda group
  805.     The group Received funding from Al-Qaeda in the early 1990s through Mohammad Jamal Khalifa, a brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden. [17] [18] Al-Qaeda Collaborator Ramzi Yousef operated in the Philippines in the mid-1990s and Trained Abu Sayyaf soldiers. The 2002 edition of the United State Department's Patterns of Global Terrorism mention links to Al Qaeda.
  807.     Abdurajik Abubakar Janjalani's first recruit were soldiers of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). However, the MILF and MNLF deny HAVING links with Abu Sayyaf. Both officially distance restriction elves from Abu Sayyaf Because of its Attacks on Civilians and its supposed profiteering. The Philippine military, however, ha claimed That element of bothering groups Provide support to the Abu Sayyaf.
  809. 2009-11-26 20:47:00
  811.     Sanobet,
  813.     Mini Nations such as Norway has never recognized an independent, sovereign foreign policy.
  815.     They, however, has always followed the big three European heavyweights - France, UK, Germany, to the letter. In other words, Norway has always copied these heavyweights and will always do so.
  817.     It is like comparing Belarus and Russia. We will always be Belarus and Russia are our three tigers.
  819.     UK is no different from Germany and France have all chosen to multiculturalism. The fact that the UK is wary of the EU is not about multikulti but more that the UK will continue to have a special relationship with the U.S. (which is also 100% multikulti).
  821.     The only "Western" nations that refused to implement multikulti were Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and partly Finland.
  823.     Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have been protected from the EU / US 's witch hunt because they are not Europeans.
  825.     If they had been Europeans had been demonized as the Nazis, fascists and racists.
  827.     Why Norway is "more European" than the EU has something to do with "Little Man Syndrome". It can be likened to a "convert to Islam," which often is much more fundamentalist than even conservative Arab Muslims because they themselves feel they have much to prove ("Little Man Syndrome").
  829. 2009-11-24 07:33:49
  831.     The main problem when cultural conservatives and kulturmarxister debate is that the perception of reality are too different.
  833.     Many kulturmarxister look at Israel as a "racist" state.
  835.     Cultural conservatives disagree when they believe the conflict is based on Islamic imperialism, that Islam is a political ideology and not a race. Cultural conservatives believe Israel has a right to protect themselves against the Jihad.
  837.     Kulturmarxistene refuses to recognize the fact that Islam's political doctrine is relevant and essential. They can never admit to or support this because they believe that this is primarily about a race war - that Israel hates Arabs (breed).
  839.     As long as you can not agree on the fundamental perceptions of reality are too naive to expect that one to come to any conclusion.
  841.     Before one at all can begin to discuss this conflict must first agree on the fundamental truths of Islam's political doctrine.
  843.     Most people here have great insight in key Muslim concepts that al-taqiiya (political deceit), naskh (Quranic abrogation) and Jihad. The problem is that kulturmarxister refuses to recognize these concepts.
  845.     They can not recognize these key Muslim concepts. For if they do so erodes the primary argument that Israel is a "racist state" and that this is a race war (Israelis vs. Arabs) and not defense against Jihad (Kafr vs. Ummah).
  847.     The fact that there are 40 different Jihad Fronts (wars) throughout the world chooses to ignore. For those do not exist Jihad. For them, this 40 ethnic fronts (40 race wars) that does not have anything to do with Islam.
  849.     The Marxist theory is very poorly conceived. F example, the so-called Bosnian Swedes are ethnic Serbs. The only thing that separates the two groups is Islam. The examples are many.
  851. 2009-11-22 23:43:08
  853.     Do not know quite where to take it up but our own Fjordman is about to be cut to 3 position among the most recognized / influential European intellectuals anti-Jihad/anti-multikulti/anti-Marxist / bloggers.
  855.     After Gates of Vienna (No. 1) and New English Review (2). Ovverraskende NOK Fjordman is actually possible to turn himself Brussels Journal!
  857.     In other words. Those who have not yet read Fjord Man's book, "Defeating Eurabia" has not been followed by an hour. I know it's hard to be prophet in his own country but this is beyond all expectations. Congratulations Fjordman:)
  859.     See the list here:
  861. 2009-11-17 22:04:20
  863.     New Muslim riots in Marseilles
  865.     Check the youtube video:)
  867. 2009-11-06 17:24:40
  869.     January Hårstad.
  871.     You have of course absolutely right. What I was referring to were individuals Yellow (leader of the Humanist Association), which only attacks Christianity while ignoring the spread of Islam.
  873.     It is tragicomic that an important NGO that NHA has been the coup of a cultural Marxist, then it should be led by a liberal anti-Jihadist-type Bruce Bawer.
  875.     The next 20 years, we must work hard to regain control of at least five major NGOs. The fact that the Progress Party has been living clean makes this task easier.
  877.     It is wonderful to reflect that multiculturalism is a self-destructive ideology. The European cultural conservative movement is small at the moment but we are growing every day. And within 70 years, it's time for regime changes in Europe. At this point, the multi-cultural neo colonial regimes either imploded or become very Stalinist.
  879.     Before that, we must focus on the following:
  881.     1. Creating a cultural conservative newspaper with national distribution
  882.     2. Regaining control of several NGOs
  883.     3. Develop and consolidate the cultural conservative intellectual movement
  884.     4. Build an "EDL" type of youth
  886. 2009-11-05 06:57:21
  888.     Lars Gule, "This is simply unacceptable in a modern and democratic state, based on religious freedom and other human rights."
  890.     The problem is that many kulturmarxister actually cares very little about religious freedom and human rights. They are kulturmarxister driven by contempt and hatred for the cultural conservatives, for European cultures, etc. Many are hiding behind the false allegations of human rights and religious freedom as it serves as the perfect obfuscation of their true motives.
  892.     Where have they been for the past 20 years with regard to criticism of Islam? Why have they been totally absent in this area? They have however, spent much of your time to attack Christian ...
  894.     It is very difficult to deal with individuals who deliberately use deception to advance their agenda. Kulturmarxistene has for 40 years hiding behind the humanistic principles as their real agenda was to crush the European tradition, culture, identity and sovereignty of nations. All in the name of human rights ...
  896.     You can not have a dialogue if one side deliberately lying, again and again.
  898. 2009-11-04 17:07:25
  900.     National Socialism has always been an extreme left ideology then why are they trying constantly to strategically place it on the right side?
  902.     If you hate capitalism and the free market, such as Marxists, Nazis and Islamists do, attained the left side, period.
  904. 2009-11-02 01:05:02
  906.     Hate propaganda against Italy and Denmark is incredibly hypocritical. Norway's own violent "Marxist / Islamist Jugend" (Red Youth, SOS Racism, Blitz, in partnership with Jihad youth) that have harmed and terrorized hundreds of cultural conservatives in recent years in Oslo is not mentioned with one word ... It may be fine as long as multiculturalism seat control the violent mob?
  908.     It is unacceptable that the Labour Party, Socialist Party, Left, SP, CDP financing these violent extremists.
  910.     Funny to see every single European cultural Marxist "foam around the mouth" of hatred against Denmark and Italy. The only Western European countries that have a hint of wise leadership.
  912.     It is our duty to make sure to support the only anti-racist cultural conservative organization that has the guts NOK to walk the streets of Oslo - SIOE. FpU is another anti-racist cultural conservative organization. Unfortunately they have not the guts to demonstrate to other than tolls and high gas prices, etc.
  914.     However, it is understandable. No one dares because they know they are being harassed and attacked. But people are getting tired of this insecurity. The result is organizations such as the EDL and other forms of vigilante.
  916. 2009-10-31 09:43:58
  918.     The problem is fairly under-analyzed.
  920.     If we are working to "temporary secular" Islam in Europe by supporting individuals Kokkvold, it will be the same as shooting ourselves. The only thing that will be secular, the "visual aspect" of Islam while the destructive aspects - the demographic warfare will continue in silence. This war is accepted as long as the "visual" is a factor.
  922.     Moderate multiculturalists who Kokkvold may thus prove to be even more destructive for Europe than the more extreme multiculturalists.
  924. 2009-10-31 08:39:09
  926.     What most people still do not understand is that the ongoing Islamization (secondary process) of Europe can not be stopped before taking a settlement with the political doctrines that allow this (and the individuals who fronts these doctrines). There must be more focus on multicultural doctrines (multiculturalism = kulturmarxisme) as it is this ideology that allows the political mechanisms that result in continued Islamization (Islamic demographic warfare). People must learn what multiculturalism wonderful doctrines do with Europe:
  928.     Systematic breakdown:
  930.     - European Christianity
  931.     - European tradition
  932.     - European Cultures
  933.     - European (a national) identity
  934.     - Sovereigns
  936.     Of course, it is known that kulturmarxistene and humanities in Europe think they are going to reform Islam but they will fail like all before them have done. We, for our part, the cultural conservatives and anti-Marxist liberal, must focus on the basic problem - multiculturalism (kulturmarxisme) and how to combat this hatideologien. Multiculturalism can only be stopped through the continued consolidation of the cultural conservatives and accountability of individuals as fronts ideology. We need to focus more on defending the "Feedback" option, and our doctrines. A further consolidation of the cultural conservatives are the solution. We need to awaken people and help more contribute through political activism (against specific targets).
  938.     Four important tasks we have to work with the next twenty years are the following:
  940.     1. Have in place a cultural conservative newspaper with national distribution (which will be the only newspaper that will support the Progress Party in 4 years). For believe me, the Progress Party is going to be sabotaged and torpedoed by every choice (a voter base of 35% are "scared" down to 20%).
  942.     2. Develop an alternative to the violent extremes Norwegian Marxist organizations Blitz / SOS Racism / Red Youth. This can for example be done by supporting the development of SIOE. Conservatives dare not currently flagging their views on the street when they know that extreme Marxists clubs them down. We can not accept that Labour subsidize these violent "Stoltenberg Art" that systematically terrorize political conservatives.
  944.     3. Working to gain control of 10-15 NGOs (kulturmarxistene controls currently 10-15 while we only have 2-3).
  946.     4. Initiate a partnership with the conservative forces within the Norwegian Church. I know that the liberal forces within the European anti-Jihad movement (Bruce Bawer, among other things, and some other liberals) will have a problem with this but the conservative forces within the church is actually one of our best allies. Our main opponents must not be Jihadists Jihadists but facilitators - namely multiculturalism seats.
  948.     A nightmare scenario as I see it is if multiculturalism seats do a "Ataturk" in Western Europe. The result in this case is a long and painful death for Europe's part, as in Lebanon. Tykriaeksempelet prove that a Muslim population can restrain himself (no requirements) under an authoritarian regime, to demand Sharia 100 years (or longer) in the future as soon as it opens up a possibility. This combined ability for continued Islamic demographic warfare is going to end in disaster.
  950.     It should be noted that the majority of the Christians in Lebanon were kulturmarxister who fronted multiculturalism wonderful doctrines from 1911 (there were too few who fronted nationalism and separatism of Muslims). As we all know that ended in tragedy:
  952.     Lebanon demographical development - (Christian / Muslim pop) [1]:
  954.     1911 to 21% Islam (79% Christian)
  955.     1921 to 45%
  956.     1932 to 49%
  957.     1943 to 48%
  958.     1970 to 58% (Civil War 1975-1990 started When Islam reached 60%)
  959.     1990 to 65% (Christians lost the war)
  960.     2008 to 75%
  962.     Worst of all is that there are more such examples that can be documented. Western Europe is a Lebanon in effect ...
  964.     So please. Focus on the real evil - multiculturalism and not the result of evil. If there is a water leak then you have to focus on stopping the leak first, do not sweep up the water;).
  966.     Source:
  968.     1. Tomass Mark, Game Theory with instrumentally irrational players: A Case Study of Civil War and Sectarian Cleansing, Journal of Economic Issues, Lincoln, June 1997.
  970. 2009-10-25 18:40:34
  972.     Good post by the way, Fjordman.
  974. 2009-10-25 15:24:16
  976.     Yep. This case should not be underestimated! It helps to prove the following:
  978.     Labour wants mass immigration two engineer multi-cultural UK, says Blair and Straw forms adviser.
  980.     Labour threw open Britain's borders two mass immigration two full socially engineer a "truly multi-cultural" country, a form Government adviser ha Revealed.
  982.     The shapes Labour adviser said the Government opened up the UK borders Mostly two humiliate Right-wing opponents of immigration.
  984.     This proves therefore that some of the motivation for mass immigration is not based on humanism (cloak) but more due. direct hatred of people with conservative values ​​as us, the cultural conservatives. A large part of them hate all European and want to destroy it through multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is an anti-European hate ideology designed to destroy a European culture / traditions, identity, Christianity and the Nations sovereignty. The goal is a utopian Marxistist superstate. To accomplish this, the first all European annihilated. Of course there are genuine humanists (which is only suisidalt naive) but I suspect that a larger proportion of a previously thought are cultural Marxists (multiculturalists) direct hateful intentions.
  986.     Possibly the following proportion:
  988.     Opponents of cultural conservative Doctrines:
  990.     Cultural Marxists: 30% (hateful Intentions)
  991.     Suicidal Humanist: 65% (naive)
  992.     Capitalist globalists: 5% (greed)
  994.     Has anyone tried to make an estimate of our opponent's intentions? This will be relevant to a possible future Nurnbergprosess. It is of course difficult to prove this, because almost everyone uses kulturmarxister humanistic tire alibis.
  996.     Sources:
  999. 2009-09-15 00:33:34
  1001.     Norwegian journalists won the war against the Progress Party. They managed to reduce the party by 6% over four weeks of intense warfare.
  1003.     Successful media blackout of the riots in France, Britain, Sweden sealed the fate and the cost of the socialist victory.
  1005.     This is our own fault because we have failed to create a cultural conservative (pro-FrP) media channel with national distribution.
  1007. 2009-09-14 23:11:14
  1009.     Aesop
  1011.     Yep, the possibilities / solutions we create ourselves. F as independent bloggers who document and others can provide copies of the content / articles / essays of this new company, if they want extra security / screening.
  1013.     There will be minimal risk to those involved, "content providers". There is only upside for these suppliers when they actually get / will get well paid for a job they currently make no charge. They will also have distributed their content to x3/x5/x10/x30 times more readers. Investors are taking all the risk (press is a bonus but not essential).
  1015.     This will start as an ideal project but depending on objectives, it is actually a good potential for earnings (if combined with "popular" content). Earnings are however a secondary goal. The main aim is increasing political influence through unofficial support for the Progress Party / Conservative Party.
  1017.     Finance / business will most likely be the least problem. The challenge lies in whether they want editorial "content providers" dare to take the step.
  1019. 2009-09-14 21:31:52
  1021.     With the necessary capital should be a realistic daily opplagsmål be at 50,000 by strategy 1 and 15,000 by strategy 2 within 5 years. If we proceed correctly, it should be possible to bargain about. 50% of Aftenposten's readers, 20% VG's readers, 10% of Dagbladet's readers in 10 + years (at 1, quite a bit smaller by 2). This should be the goal.
  1023.     If you look at the logical steps (based on the desired readers and their sympathies / interests), there are two strategies, a choice we must make based on the catchment area:
  1025.     Strategy 1 - Harry Model
  1026.     Estimated circulation within 5 years - 50,000
  1027.     Estimated circulation within 10 years - 50000-100000
  1029.     - Former political agenda (see other post) +
  1030.     - Low financial content
  1031.     - Regular news
  1032.     - Many "harry themes" (including the erotic element, ref centerfold girls as found in some continental newspapers.
  1034.     If we choose this model we can of course forget a large part of the conservative Christian readers.
  1036.     Strategy 2 - The conservative model
  1037.     Estimated circulation within 5 years - 15,000
  1038.     Estimated circulation within 10 years - 15000-50000
  1040.     - Former political agenda (see other post) +
  1041.     - A lot of financial content
  1042.     - Regular news
  1043.     - Minimal "harry themes"
  1045.     If we choose this model, we can expect many traders, financial interest, conservative Christian readers. It will be a less "popular" appeal, and therefore significantly smaller circulation.
  1047.     Strategy 3
  1049.     A hybrid of 1, 2
  1051.     It is possible I used the wrong estimates ang strategy 2 If the financial content is solid, it is possible to steal MANY readers from DN, Finansavisen. This will have consequences for the investors / existing newsrooms, we can choose as strategic partners. Depending on the choice it will be a possible chance that we get financial feeds from existing editors. If the Progress Party is interested will be the only realistic option to be demerged Progress editorial (Arbeiderbladet / Times scenarion).
  1053.     Most importantly, the newspaper will have an a board that does not allow the newspaper is infiltrated by kulturmarxistiske journalists (like Event was of 70-80 century).
  1055.     Daily circulation figures - 2008:
  1057.     VG - 284,414
  1058.     Aftenposten's morning edition - 247,556
  1059.     Dagbladet - 123,383
  1060.     Aftenposten Aften - 124,807
  1061.     Bergens Tidende - 85,825
  1062.     Dagens Næringsliv - 82,775
  1063.     Adresseavisen - 77,044
  1064.     Stavanger Aftenblad - 66,343
  1065.     Fædrelandsvennen - 40,729
  1066.     Drammen Tidende - 39,121
  1068. 2009-09-14 20:38:39
  1070. (Norway TODAY) is out of the picture as this is a Christian Democratic Party publication / agency.
  1072.     But I can set up a meeting with OBI and Geir Mo and present the solution. Investors are going to be the smallest problem.
  1074.     The question is how Rust, Nyquist, Mohn and Hjerpset-Østlie views on this? I reckon you have other primary jobs?
  1076.     Putting together an editorial depends on many factors. It is possibly a small team at the beginning and it is online based. We must consider how we can coordinate online venture with any print.
  1078.     Looking first to hear Rustads input in all cases:)
  1080.     This election and its coverage proves once and for all that we can not live without a national spokesperson. We are all agreed (Progress Party / Progress editorial board included). This is all about will and a couple of people who take the initiative.
  1082.     I have the necessary contacts to ensure that this can happen. But I lack total editorial experience, so I can only help to set up a team, a bridge between the relevant parties and help investors.
  1084. 2009-09-14 13:29:20
  1086.     Congratulations Christine!;)
  1088. 2009-09-14 11:30:26
  1090.     I can also help in obtaining funding for this project from my lodge.
  1092.     This is a national project, we seriously can not ignore. It is our duty as the intellectual culture conservative forces in Norway to cooperate on this:)
  1094. 2009-09-14 11:12:20
  1096.     Very well written:)
  1098.     We should immediately work towards joint establishment of a cultural conservative major newspaper (paper / online national distribution).
  1100.     I know many of the Progress Party and know that there are strong forces there that want to develop "Progress," Progress Party newspaper. I also know of several cultural conservative investors.
  1102.     What about working to consolidate the Progress of document (may + Get funding from strategic investors?
  1104.     Call the newspaper: "Conservative" as the only cultural conservative media company in Norway.
  1106.     There is a chance that OBI will want to be part of such a project.
  1108.     Primary Doctrines:
  1110.     Critical to multiculturalism (Anti-kulturmarxistisk)
  1111.     Anti-racist
  1112.     Pro Progress Party (maybe right)
  1113.     Pro Israel (+ support for Armenia, Christian Copts / Maronite / Assyriere, cultural conservative Indians, support for the establishment of a Christian state Biafra, Southern Nigeria and support to the establishment of a Christian state in Sudan, support for Russian / Thailand / Philippines / China + Fighting Jihad)
  1114.     Anti-UN
  1115.     Anti-EU
  1116.     Critical to kulturmarxistiske media (all)
  1117.     Pro free market
  1118.     Pro Christian
  1120.     Some input?
  1122. 2009-09-14 10:57:20
  1124.     Caper,
  1126.     I did not say that the EDL in the present form, where we had wished it had been. But it is essential that the intellectual conservative forces gives (unofficial) political ideologist and training to our young people 15-25. Who else will do it?
  1128.     We can not despise the young people in society and refuse to approach them because they lack ideological training, then it just is OUR (the cultural conservative intellectuals) responsibility to ensure this.
  1130.     Bawer is NOK is not right person to work as a bridge builder. He is a liberal anti-jihadist and not a cultural conservative in many areas. I have my suspicions that he is too paranoid (in terms of its gays orientation). It seems that he fears that "cultural conservatives" are going to be a threat to gays in the future. He refuses, therefore, to seize their opportunity to influence these in a positive direction? This seems completely irrational.
  1132.     It should be noted that many organizations that VB has many "reforms" to complete before they are on our level.
  1134.     In all cases, we are not in a situation where we can pick and choose partners. We must therefore make sure to influence other cultural conservatives to come to our anti-rasistiske/pro-homser/pro-Israel line. When they reach this line, one can take it to the next level.
  1136.     The consolidation should continue, and people must not make a difference (rather than isolate).
  1138. 2009-09-14 09:18:03
  1140.     Jarle,
  1142.     Very good analysis. You're absolutely right. I have not been present in the Norwegian debate until now when I have debated in English for several years / total material Compendium, which I once finished:)
  1144.     I feel it is important to create a pan-European platform for rhetoric / objectives / policy analysis / research of historical factors relevant to so and transfer this knowledge to every nation. It pan-Europeiske/US environment Robert Spencer, Fjordman, Atlas, Analekta + 50 other EU / U.S. bloggers (and Facebook groups) is the epicenteret for policy analysis and has been for some years.
  1146.     Much of this knowledge has already been communicated through "document" (are incredibly impressed with the level of knowledge here:)) indicating that it is going to shape a new pan-European "cultural conservative" intellectual movement that is agreed on the basic truths .
  1148.     10/20/30 The next year we should focus on the following:
  1150.     - Create a cultural conservative major newspaper (paper / online) in each country (our voice that reaches out to all of Norway). The goal is obviously to raise more Norwegians up from the coma.
  1151.     - Provide funding for this project through cultural conservative investors.
  1152.     -Contribute to shape / develop a youth / action group that represents our ideological platform (anti-racist but critical of multiculturalism / Islamization etc) EDL / SIOE form outlines how such an organization would look like. We can f as develop SIOE or create a new one. EDL has been racist stamp, and they work hard to get rid of this (all individuals who are racist / discriminatory speech will be from now thrown out). It is difficult to start a grass roots / action group in Norway when the government pumps in insane amounts of everything to please everyone (except us;)
  1154.     It's just for us to get started. The window opens up in the earliest 10 years, most recently about 70 years so we still have plenty of time. But we should not waste too much time to "confirm to each other that we have a problem." It is essential that we also focus on working specifically at these points.
  1156.     Jarle, I will send you an e-mail:)
  1158. 2009-09-13 23:03:08
  1160.     Hårstad / Xebeche / Skaug
  1162.     Yep, you're absolutely right.
  1164.     Kulturmarxistene managed to bargain crucial popular platforms that secured them victory:
  1166.     - Sexual Liberation (weakening of the church / morals / patriarchy / nuclear family / birth rates)
  1168.     - Feminism - positive and negative effects (weakening of the church / patriarchy / nuclear family / birth rates)
  1170.     - Rights of workers - positive aspects
  1172.     - Drug / alcohol / party of liberation (weakening of the nuclear family / moral / birth rates)
  1174.     - Multi-Cultural - sold in as the introduction of exciting offers / food / experiences (negative aspects: mass immigration, Islam, ghettofication-> enklavisering, crime-murder / rape / robbery / violence, weakening of the identity / culture / unit / nation etc.. )
  1176.     Too much of these elements (with a few exceptions) will help to draw us towards a Marxist utopia (chaos).
  1178.     The only pragmatic we can do is work on cultural conservative consolidation in the next 10/20/30/40 year so that we can avail ourselves of the window that will surely open up (Fjord Man scenario.)
  1180. 2009-09-13 18:24:47
  1182.     98% of all Norwegian journalists are now cultural Marxists / multiculturalists / politically correct (or sympathize).
  1184.     The problem is that the fundamental institutions in Norway as for example, Volda University College (School of Journalism) and University of Oslo has been infiltrated already several decades ago (and most other schools for that matter). These are today indoktrineringsleire for future generations of the cultural Marxists / multiculturalists / politically correct.
  1186.     This was obviously not last year. The cultural Marxists have had the opportunity (when the AP never punished / imprisoned them) to infiltrate our institutions since 1945. In 1968, the first "litter" indoctrinated with Marxists are ready to implement their doctrines. The results we see today.
  1188.     I have no idea how we are to reverse this. It seems as if Islam can actually solve this problem for us in the course of 30-70 years, when the cultural Marxists will soon lose control over these forces.
  1190.     I've always wondered, there was no cultural conservative intellectual and / or grass roots options in 1968?
  1192.     One can see forever the cultural Marxists demonstrating in the streets of the images in 1968-1972, but where was the cultural-conservative forces?
  1194. 2009-09-13 18:07:16
  1196.     4 weeks of Jihad in Gothenburg, Sweden. European media companies are refusing two report. This case and the Muslim Riots in United Kingdom (also categorically ignored by 90% of journalists) could have influenced the Norwegian election. How Can a democracy work When 98% of Western European journalist openly sympathize with "cultural Marxism"? These Deliberate "media black-outs" are authoritarian in nature.
  1198. 2009-09-12 12:18:50
  1200.     Muslim riots in London yesterday - 11.09.09!
  1204.     I reckon this is going on Newsnight today! (NOT).
  1206. 2009-09-08 17:08:03
  1208.     Yep, it's really bad (it can not possibly be worse than it is now?).
  1210.     I got the answers to two of my questions from the chief Communist in Aftenposten yesterday by the way:
  1214.     Aftenposten - interview with Hilde Scientist - Editor in Chief, came from Arbeiderbladet, many Aftenposten journalists are old AKP (ml) and SV sympathizers ...
  1216.     What is the rationale for the Event, by 1972, gradually began to support multiculturalism (kulturmarxisme) and thus in practice no longer continued to be a cultural conservative media alternative? Was it because of pressure from the labor movement?
  1217.     Anders B
  1219.     Aftenposten is an independent newspaper, with a liberal-conservative worldviews. Hilde
  1221.     What do you think that Norway joins the ranks of countries that no longer have any major cultural conservative newspapers (newspapers that are critical of multiculturalism)?
  1222.     Anders B
  1224.     I also think it is a problem that the Norwegian media are too similar in their analysis and views. I think it is because the conflict in Norwegian politics really is not that great. Greeting Hilde
  1226. 2009-09-08 17:00:26
  1228.     Great that you found sources for the survey:)
  1230.     This process (Marxist-infiltration in European universities) began in 1945 after the Communists won the war.
  1232.     Europe's biggest mistake was that they allowed Marxists to operate freely after the war. 45-50 generation of Marxists was learning champions to 68-generation that today manages everything.
  1234.     Infiltration of Marxists in European universities (1945-1968) described in great detail here:
  1238. 2009-09-08 15:46:51
  1240.     Xebeche
  1242.     You argue very good for your eyesight. I have no doubt that you have good intentions. In all cases, we fundamentally disagree when it comes to goals. I wish it was possible to discuss it freely.
  1244.     "When you said what you want, you must say what you want instead. If not, nothing happens."
  1246.     The problem is that the assumptions for the discussion is not present in Norway and Western Europe. We, the cultural conservatives, is already being branded as fascists / racists / Nazis of the political and media establishment because we dare to criticize multiculturalism (cultural Marxism) which is totally unacceptable. It is as bad as the persecution of the Jews for 30 years or under the Inquisition. No / very few thus wishes to share the solution-oriented ideas / concepts in an open forum at this stage as this can help to stigmatize people further in the future.
  1248.     Fjordman,
  1250.     I have worked full time in more than three years of a solution-oriented work (lecture notes written in English). I have taken a view to contributing in areas that are on the side of what has been the main focus. Much of the info I'm sitting on is unknown to most, even for you.
  1252.     If you send me an email at I will send an electronic version when I'm finished.
  1254.     Norway has for me been absolutely no interest until now. The main focus should be on an intellectual platform consolidation of European cultural conservative organizations / individuals. This alliance should have as its main focus is to de-legitimizing multiculturalism (cultural Marxism) of the "European ideology of hate" it actually is. Its purpose (or indirect result) is known to completely destroy western civilization, nation-states, Western culture / norms / traditions, Christianity - European / Norwegian identity.
  1256.     If this rough work is completed there is the basis for a Marxist superstate (EUSSR) without the necessary cultural conservative / nationalist components that could be stopped from Islam to dominate this new entity.
  1258. 2009-09-08 01:27:58
  1260.     Xebeche
  1262.     It seems like you're pretty unenlightened and naive, given the potential consequences of multiculturalism. I'm starting to wonder if you might be one of those who have not even studied the historical demographic surveys of countries that have had multiculturalism and where Islam has been involved?;)
  1264.     Look at the Lebanese demographic trends. As we all know, Lebanon's demographic development has been marked that the Islamic demographic warfare (invandring + high birth rates) combined with an escape of the Christian population. Lebanon was once a Christian country. Thanks to multiculturalism as unexpected pleasures is Lebanon today is a very unstable Muslim country that is characterized by murder, persecution and torture of non-Muslims:
  1266.     Lebanon demographic development - (Christian / Muslim) [1]:
  1268.     1911 to 21% Islam
  1269.     1921 to 45%
  1270.     1932 to 49%
  1271.     1943 to 48%
  1272.     1970 to 58% (1975-1990 Civil War began when Islam reached 60%)
  1273.     1990 to 65% (The Christians lost the war)
  1274.     2008 to 75%
  1276.     What is your reasoning that you believe that no Western European countries will suffer the same fate?
  1278.     Source:
  1280.     1. Tomass Mark, Game Theory with instrumentally irrational players: A Case Study of Civil War and Sectarian Cleansing, Journal of Economic Issues, Lincoln, June 1997.
  1282. 2009-09-07 16:46:27
  1284.     Xebeche
  1286.     I encourage you to read books that explain the ideology multiculturalism, Frankfurt School and its origin. You can for example start with the book "Defeating Eurabia".
  1288.     The main problem in Western Europe is that there is only one accepted alternative, namely PC (PC = cultural Marxism / multiculturalism).
  1290.     Those who dare to criticize multiculturalism (and supporting cultural conservative views) are now branded as fascists / Nazis / racists. The problem is that the doctrines which form the basis of political correctness will not or can allow alternative ideas and are thus very intolerant.
  1292.     Progress Party is a victim of this intolerance.
  1294. 2009-09-07 14:28:28
  1296.     Xebeche
  1298.     The question you should ask yourself is, if cultural differences were too great for the Christian Norwegians and Swedes Christians could live together, how can we expect the Norwegians and Somalis can live together peacefully?
  1300.     Ideology of multiculturalism (cultural Marxism) is an anti-European hatideologi whose purpose is to destroy European culture, identity and Christianity in general. I equate making multiculturalism with the other hatideologiene: Nazism (anti-Jewish), communism (anti-individualism) and Islam (anti-Kafr).
  1302.     Japan, South Korea and Taiwan refused to implement multiculturalism (like the three the only Western country that still has monokulturalisme). They argued that "societal Cohesion" is synonymous with harmony within a society. They still see with amazement at this strange European experiment.
  1304. 2009-09-07 11:48:06
  1306.     The following blog documents the number of white South Africans who have been killed in what begins to resemble a systematic racism motivated genocide.
  1308.     3,066 documented murders (the real numbers are much higher NOK).
  1310.     200 000-300 000 white Africans have already "escaped" from South Africa since the ANC took over.
  1314. 2009-09-07 09:23:59
  1316.     Such cases must be considered together with similar cases where the media consistently ignores issues related to Muslim riots.
  1318.     All remember the July riots in Marseilles and other French cities where the media were instructed not to report the news.
  1322.     One can only wonder how many riots have been in France or other countries that we have never heard of. It is in the process of developing a trend in Western Europe where there is full acceptance that the media can suppressing such cases.
  1324.     Estimated damage from the July riots in France: 800-1500 burnt-out cars, dozens of buildings burnt out, several people injured (including police officers). Not a single article in the MSM. I called both TV2 and NRK but they thought it was not "news worthy" ... Maybe not so strange when 90-95% of all European journalists are in favor of multiculturalism and do not want to contribute to the injury "integration process" by conveying the truth.
  1326.     This is a very frightening development and document further how the media serves as propaganda machinery to multiculturalism seats.
  1328.     ------------------------------
  1330.     The orders of the "media blackout" Have Been Strictly Applied. Le Monde refused two respond, citing "Ministerial instructions." "Yesterday morning, every journalist WHO overcame, even for the narrow-read piece of news, to the Firemen, or gendarmes or police, heard the same answer: 'No fires'. In fact, the truth is quite different. Some of Those we questioned admitted under Their Breath: 'We can not say anything about the fires. We garden Received orders. " In Lyons, the daily Le Progres reports the same blackout: "Orders Not to speak to the press were two pot Firemen, gendarmes and police."
  1332. 2009-09-07 09:23:03
  1334.     Such cases must be considered together with similar cases where the media consistently ignores issues related to Muslim riots.
  1336.     All remember the July riots in Marseilles and other French cities where the media were instructed not to report the news.
  1340.     One can only wonder how many riots have been in France or other countries that we have never heard of. It is in the process of developing a trend in Western Europe where there is full acceptance that the media can suppressing such cases.
  1342.     Estimated damage from the July riots in France: 800-1500 burnt-out cars, dozens of buildings burnt out, several people injured (including police officers). Not a single article in the MSM. I called both TV2 and NRK but they thought it was not "news worthy" ... Maybe not so strange when 90-95% of all European journalists are in favor of multiculturalism and do not want to contribute to the injury "integration process" by conveying the truth.
  1344.     This is a very frightening development and document further how the media serves as propaganda machinery to multiculturalism seats.
  1346.     ------------------------------
  1348.     The orders of the "media blackout" Have Been Strictly Applied. Le Monde refused two respond, citing "Ministerial instructions." "Yesterday morning, every journalist WHO overcame, even for the narrow-read piece of news, to the Firemen, or gendarmes or police, heard the same answer: 'No fires'. In fact, the truth is quite different. Some of Those we questioned admitted under Their Breath: 'We can not say anything about the fires. We garden Received orders. " In Lyons, the daily Le Progres reports the same blackout: "Orders Not to speak to the press were two pot Firemen, gendarmes and police."