Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan donated huge amount of money to the leftist political organization, which is suspected to have a connection with North Korea. The time when the money offering was done is corresponding to the time when international economic sanction was done to North Korea.
Japan is a friendly nation of the United States, and a democratic nation. It is the serious problem that Japanese Prime Minister has a connection with the radical leftist organization.
The Japanese conscientious people worry about the future in the country, and feel sorry for international trust of Japan to be lost.
We think that this problem should be known widely. However, media of Japan barely report on this matter according to the Korean lobbyist's pressures.
Please report this problem in detail if you are interested in this.
We wishes peace and democracy to continue in the world for a long time.
315 名前:朝まで名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2011/07/16(土) 02:52:16.10 ID:lZOi45L3 2011.07.07 参議院 予算委員会 礒崎陽輔 (英語版) Untold truth about DPJ - Why do you still support them? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_HsE1TEp5U