



2,000人が「私もこの不気味な男性の夢、見たんです!」でネット騒然 ロケットニュース


この現象に興味を感じた精神科医は、モンタージュを同僚の医師たちに送ったところ、4人の患者が同様のモンタージュの男を描いたという。そのモンタージュの男は『This Man』と名付けられた。


The Presurfer: Ever Dream This Man?

In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams. That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist's desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams.

The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams. Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams. All the patients refer to him as This Man.

ほとんど同じ文章だよね。で、このサイトのコメント欄にネタバレらしき情報が書かれてた。あのサイトはイタリア人のAndrea Natellaというオッサンが仕掛けたヤツじゃねーのか、と。

JW said...

Oh this guy is a real psychiatrist. Infact, it's this “psychiatrist” that registered the website. His name is Andrea Natella and he is a “sociologist specializing in marketing”. For all you Italians, he also wrote quite the article on the “The origins of the subversive use of the hoax in Italy” (2006, http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2006-07-31-natella-fr.html ).

(The Presurfer: Ever Dream This Man?)

「あー、このオッサン知ってるよ、マーケティング専門の"社会学者"で、イタリア人のAndrea Natellaじゃねーの」と言っている。「"hoax"(ガセ)についての記事とか書いてたね」と。

4FilmFestival - 4 Film Festival in Bolzano Bozen: Opere Nuove, No Words, Borderlands, Rimusicazioni



The founder of Guerrilla Marketing ( http://GuerrigliaMarketing.it ), Andrea Wrote on defined his technique as “a set of non-conventional communication techniques that achieves maximum visibility with minimum investment” rendered effective by using “memetic virus can replicate itself in the minds of consumers”.

(The Presurfer: Ever Dream This Man?)

"Guerrilla Marketing"という団体を作って、型破りなマーケティングのテクニックを調べたりしてるらしい。以下がそのサイト。

Google Translate

1. Guerrilla Marketing is a set of non-conventional communication techniques that achieves maximum visibility with minimum investment

2. Guerrilla Marketing strategies to develop the market through the staging of pseudo-events designed



Andrea's site, ThisMan.org, seems to be the proof-of-concept for his marketing theory.

(The Presurfer: Ever Dream This Man?)

「今回の"EVER DREAM THIS MAN?"はまさにその実験なのかもしれないねー」と。

What is unclear is how “This Man” is relevant to any product known to man. Curiously, the site is displayed in English, rather than his native language of Italian. Although I would suspect that a proof-of-concept test of his marketing efforts would occur in plain view of his target market for clients (Italy), it seems a at the very least a bit odd that there would be any profit in this, especially since it targets a demographic of diminished prevalence in many parts of Europe (English speakers).

(The Presurfer: Ever Dream This Man?)

まー、ただ、「もともとはイタリアでやってるはずなのに、今回の"This Man"というサイトはどうして英語でやってるんだろうね」と不思議がってる。

However, I must add that Gerald Vlemmings is a perfect example of an exception to this rule, but of all people, a marketing expert knows not to market something written in Chinese to Americans.

Prior to Andrea's registration of the domain, the address was owned by a group called Galaxie Media, but I have yet to do any research on this particular group. It will be very interesting to see where this site goes in the future.

(The Presurfer: Ever Dream This Man?)

「このドメインは以前に"Galaxie Media"というグループが持ってたらしいので、まぁ、それについても調べてみようかなー」とのこと。

ってことで、例の"This Man"というサイトのWhoisを見てみた。

Thisman.org - This Man

Registrant ID:tuswXI6c1yuHmCEU

Registrant Name:Andrea Natella

Registrant Organization:Andrea Natella

Registrant Street1:Via dell'orso 43

Registrant Street2:

Registrant Street3:

Registrant City:ROMA

Registrant State/Province:RM

Registrant Postal Code:00186

Registrant Country:IT

Registrant Phone:+39.0668891709

Registrant Phone Ext.:

Registrant FAX:

Registrant FAX Ext.:

Registrant Email:

Admin ID:tuswXI6c1yuHmCEU

Admin Name:Andrea Natella

Admin Organization:Andrea Natella

Admin Street1:Via dell'orso 43

Admin Street2:

Admin Street3:

Admin City:ROMA

Admin State/Province:RM

Admin Postal Code:00186

Admin Country:IT

Admin Phone:+39.0668891709

Admin Phone Ext.:

Admin FAX:

Admin FAX Ext.:

Admin Email:

確かに、登録者も管理者もAndrea Natellaというオッサンだった。場所はローマみたい。

ということで、コメント欄の指摘通り、"EVER DREAM THIS MAN?"はイタリア人が仕掛けた"hoax"(ガセ)かもしれない。そういうマーケティングの調査をやってるのかも。


くっだらねー - 今日の雑談


Guerrigliamarketingのサイトから、Andrea Natellaのインタビュー記事があった。

"Fottere il mercato per entrarci" e il loro motto,

Cinecitta Dossier



In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams.

(The Presurfer: Ever Dream This Man?)

ともあれ、「ある有名な精神科医」("a well-known psychiatrist")なんていい加減な書き方をしている記事よりは、よっぽどコメント欄の指摘のほうが信用できるんじゃないかなー。実際にWhoisでAndrea Natellaという名前が出てくるし。


この"EVER DREAM THIS MAN?"のネタ記事にしても、リンクを貼っておけば上記のようにコメント欄での指摘を読めて、「あ、これ、怪しいのかな」って確かめることが出来るのに。

ロケットニュースはネトランの心配してる場合じゃないだろ - P2Pとかその辺のお話@はてな


どっかから適当に拾ってきたガセニュースを垂れ流しておいてガセだという指摘にガン無視決め込んでいるだけに留まらず、自らがガセを作り出してしまっているロケットニュース。「今のうちに好きなだけダウンロードしまくるように推奨しているが、今後このような雑誌(引用注: ネトラン)に関わる人たちがどうなっていくのかも気になるところだ。」なんて他人の心配してる場合じゃないだろうに。



Sources and Suggested Reading:

Internet Archive









Guerrilla Marketing





October 13, 2009

(The Presurfer: Ever Dream This Man?)

*1Google Translateをかけると "Fuck the market to get in" is their motto, which reverses the original John Lennon's "Entering the market to fuck."と出た。

トラックバック - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/rhb/20091016/p1