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Japan reconstruction minister apologises for outburst

Mark Willacy reported this story on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 08:18:00

TONY EASTLEY: Japan's minister for disaster reconstruction has been forced into an embarrassing apology after publicly berating the governor of one of the country's worst hit tsunami zones.

Angry at being kept waiting by the governor, the minister Ryu Matsumoto blasted him for bad manners.

The minister then warned the assembled media against reporting his outburst.

North Asia correspondent Mark Willacy reports from Tokyo.

MARK WILLACY: He's a man who apparently doesn't like to be kept waiting.

When Japan's reconstruction minister, Ryu Matsumoto arrived for a meeting with the governor of the tsunami ravaged Miyagi prefecture he was clearly peeved that his host was running late.

(Ryu Matsumoto speaking)

"It's proper manners that he's here first," mutters the minister in front of tremulous advisors and the assembled media.

So when the governor, Yoshihiro Murai, jogged into the room moments later he was on the end of a ministerial meltdown.

(Ryu Matsumoto speaking)

"You came in late, but when a guest comes to see you, you must be here first," lectures the minister. "Do you get it? Do it properly," he says.

The governor nods dolefully like a school boy being given a dressing down by the principal.

But just moments after his tirade the reconstruction minister has a moment of clarity, seeming to remember he's being recorded by the invited media.

(Ryu Matsumoto speaking)

"Those last words were off the record," says the minister. "Understand? You write this up and it'll be the end of you," he snaps.

But the usually compliant Japanese media has found a bit of backbone in the months after the March 11 disaster, and within hours the minister's blast was up on YouTube, as was his threat not to help any tsunami-hit regions that couldn't agree on a reconstruction plan.

(Nobuteru Ishihara speaking)

"Mr Matsumoto's words offend the victims of the March 11 disaster," says leading opposition figure, Nobuteru Ishihara. "If he didn't intend to offend them, he should issue a clarification," he says.

Even leaders of the government were aghast at the minister's meltdown.

(Katsuya Okada speaking)

"People in the disaster zone must have thought Mr Matsumoto's comments were a little strange," says ruling party secretary general, Katsuya Okada.

And by now it had finally dawned on the reconstruction minister just how badly his remarks had played to the public. So he fronted the very media he'd earlier threatened.

(Ryu Matsumoto speaking)

"My remarks have been curt and improper. If they hurt the victims of the disaster I apologise," says Mr Matsumoto.

Maybe he'd had time to reflect on his personal motto. Posted on his website biography, it states: "Never forget one's kindness".

This is Mark Willacy in Tokyo for AM.

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