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Naoto Kan was traced to a Korean background who have received political donations will be accountable

Posted:July 2,2011   Views:68 Bookmark and Share
Global Network reporter Zhu Ying library reports, insisted on the resignation of Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, 1, was exposed to accept from a background of political groups in Korea up to 62.5 million yen in political donations Japan News reported on July 2, As the government's top leaders and 'Headquarters for the North Korean abduction of Japanese citizens' of the Minister, Naoto Kan will be in trouble because of that.

More than the news media in Japan, said Naoto Kan's personal political fund management groups 'grass-chi will be' political groups from Japan, 'people party' affiliated political organization 'to pursue regime change people's will' absorb the 62.5 million yen in donations .

'Grass-chi will be' revenue and expenditure of political funds report shows that in 2007 the group received a 'people's will to pursue regime change' of 50 million yen in political donations in 2008, received 10 million yen in 2009 and received 250 million yen( especially in 2007 to accept the donation of 50 million yen, to the Japanese law the maximum amount of political contributions, accounting for 60% of the amount of income will be.

The message said, 'people party' was a key member of a 28-year-old man, the man is the year to North Korea's abductions of Japanese international wanted Junko Mori hijacked Japanese airliner to North Korea and the first number of criminals Tamiya High Mo (the eldest son of the late and this man was born in Korea in 2004 as the Japanese returned to Japan from North Korea this April, this man as a 'people party' candidates participated in Mitaka, Tokyo election of Members , but not elected.

Donations for this problem, Naoto Kan's personal office issued a statement acknowledging receipt of this contribution too, but the emphasis was just as the Democratic Party, Naoto Kan, the party's first agent, rather than the current position for the donation, the Japanese government said it would according to relevant laws and appropriate treatment. Japan's 'the abduction will' and other organizations have issued a statement, said it would investigate the responsibility of Naoto Kan.

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