A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
Below portable apps are in a simplified PortableApps standard.
Tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 and Windows 7 Integrale since 22 october 2009.
On Vista and 7 turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

More portable apps (reported to Blogger by Adobe, IDM and Techsmith) can be found here.

23 June 2011

Fast and free Web browser without installation.
Download Portable Opera RC Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Opera Final Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)

Flash Plugin

Can use Java Runtime Environment Portable

Extract and run OperaPortable.
Edit OperaPortable.ini to choose Open & Save Dir, not empty cache, not backup icons & thumbnails...
Settings of installed Opera should be preserved.

Results in Acid3 Test: 100 %

High-level system of e-communication messages without installation.
Download Portable TheBat Beta Online from MegaUpload (0.1 MB)
On first screen enter: 50142 (English but multilingual if update)
Download Portable TheBat Online from MegaUpload (0.1 MB)
On first screen enter: 5-0-14

Extract and run TheBatPortable.
Settings of installed TheBat should be preserved.

Google Internet browser without installation.
Download Portable Google Chrome MultiVersion Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)

In first screen of Chrome MultiVersion Online, enter ver number:
14.0.797.0 for Chrome Dev
13.0.782.32 for Chrome Beta
12.0.742.100 for Chrome Stable
Chrome Online will download setup and extract files.

Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome.
Download Portable Chromium Latest Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)

Chromium Latest Online will download latest build (you can run also as updater to check if you have latest) and extract files.

SRWare Iron is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome but without the critical points that the privacy concern.
Download Portable SRWare Iron 12.0.750.0 Online from MegaUpload (0.2 MB)

Iron Online will download setup and extract files.

Flash Plugin (not needed for Chrome)

Can use Java Runtime Environment Portable

Extract and run ChromePortable or ChromiumPortable or IronPortable.
If you want to add parameters, start in incognito mode, not set cache in temp, not delete cache or allow multiple instances: edit *Portable.ini.
Example: AdditionalParameters=--app=http://portableappz.blogspot.com
Settings of installed Chrome, Chromium & Iron should be preserved.

Results in Acid3 Test :
Chrome, Chromium & Iron: 100 %

Full-Featured Browser without installation.
Download Portable Maxthon MultiVersion Online from MegaUpload (0.6 MB)

In first screen of Maxthon MultiVersion Online, enter:
Maxthon Online will download setup and extract files.

Extract and run MaxthonPortable.
Settings of installed Maxthon should be preserved.

Can use Java Runtime Environment Portable

or Beta is only in english and simplified chinese but multilingual if update.

22 June 2011

Organize, secure and customize your mail without installation.
Download Portable Thunderbird 5.0b2 Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Thunderbird 3.1.11 Multilingual Online from MegaUpload (0.4 MB)
Download Portable Thunderbird Multilingual Online from MediaFire (0.4 MB)

Extract and run ThunderbirdPortable.
Multilingual Online will download setup in selected language (Afrikaans, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, German, Greek, English, SpanishInternational, Spanish, Basque, Finnish, French, Irish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Dutch, NorwegianNynorsk, Polish, PortugueseBR, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Ukrainian, SimpChinese) and extract files.

Multi-Users: change Profile by editing ThunderbirdPortable.ini with User=NameOfNewUser
Associated to Firefox Portable if FirefoxPortable and ThunderbirdPortable folders are in the same folder. A link clicked in a mail will be opened in Firefox Portable.

Settings of installed Thunderbird should be preserved.

21 June 2011

Free graphic and photo viewer without installation.
Download Portable XnView Full from MegaUpload (9.5 MB)
(md5: e954a640899d48f37ef863d691a78c7c)
Download Portable XnView Standard from MegaUpload (3.9 MB)

Extract and run XnViewPortable.
Copy Adobe Photoshop Plugins (*.8bf) in Data\8bf

Edit XnViewPortable.ini to fix Cache:
Cache=Disabled Default
Cache=Temp Cache set in Windows Temp folder deleted when leaving
Cache=Portable Cache set in Data\Cache

If you drag'n drop a file on (or open with) XnViewPortable: it will be opened in XnView.
Integrated in shell explorer while running: right click on a picture to show thumbnail, convert, send to ImageShack...
Settings and integration of installed XnView should be preserved.

20 June 2011

A fast file manager with many special features without installation.
Download Portable SpeedCommander from MegaUpload (14.1 MB)
(md5: 774a9eb6a9da0cfcf390b5d7e96b8b66)

Extract and run SpeedCommanderPortable.
Settings of installed SpeedCommander should be preserved.

Graphic viewer without installation.
Download Portable IrfanView from MegaUpload (8.1 MB)
(md5: 802af06a367467b02c6607b1e518b124)

Extract and run IrfanViewPortable.
Additional Plugins 4.28 included.
Additional languages: download ZIP for the version 4.28 and extract in IrfanViewPortable\App\IrfanView\Languages then run IrfanViewPortable and Options/Change language...
SaveDir in portable folder: if you don't want: edit IrfanViewPortable.ini.
JPM and JP2 format export registered.
Settings of installed IrfanView should be preserved.

Multimedia Player without installation.
Download Portable KMPlayer Online from MegaUpload (0.6 MB)
Download Skins for Portable KMPlayer from MegaUpload (2.4 MB)

Extract and run KMPlayerPortable.
If you drag'n drop a file on (or open with) KMPlayerPortable: it will be opened in KMPlayer.
Language set by launcher according Windows localization: Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, PortugueseBR, Bulgarian, TradChinese, SimpChinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian.
If you don't want, write SystemLang=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Capture in portable folder. If you don't want, write PortableCapture=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Settings of installed KMPlayer should be preserved.

19 June 2011

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, SSI, WML, Perl editor without installation.
WeBuilder includes all features of HTMLPad, Rapid CSS & PHP.
Download Portable WeBuilder from MegaUpload (8.1 MB)
(md5: b71d0737b7dfda2e49331fcf5c2fcb08)

Extract and run WeBuilderPortable.
PHP 5.3.6 will be downloaded if you check PHP Interpreter (Preview php page)
Tools/Preview In/Portable Firefox, Netscape or Opera if found.
Settings of installed WeBuilder should be preserved.