
About Adobe

Adobe product license agreements

Legal notice:

Adobe products are not sold; rather, copies of Adobe products, including Macromedia branded products, are licensed all the way through the distribution channel to the end user. UNLESS YOU HAVE ANOTHER AGREEMENT DIRECTLY WITH ADOBE THAT CONTROLS AND ALTERS YOUR USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE ADOBE PRODUCTS, THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENTS BELOW APPLY TO YOU. Please read the agreements applicable for the products you want to use. Some software is distributed together as a collection. Please be careful to read the agreement for the software you want to use.

You can access the product license in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) by clicking the version number for the appropriate product(s) below. For your convenience, when available, we have provided you with a selection of languages in which to review the product license. You will need to download Adobe Reader® software, if it is not already installed on your computer, to view and print the license agreements.

Software compliance preparedness

As a volume licensing customer, you know first-hand the complexities of managing a multiple-seat installation across your entire enterprise. Review our guidelines and policies below to learn more about what staying in compliance means for your organization. If you have compliance-related questions, please contact a licensing specialist at

Desktop products

Product Version(s)
Adobe Acrobat® Approval 5.0 (PDF, 1.2M)
Adobe Acrobat Capture® 3.0 (PDF, 159k)
Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader 2.2 (PDF, 2.5M)
Adobe Acrobat Elements 6.0 (PDF, 2.0M) | 1.0 (PDF, 1.0M)
Adobe Acrobat Messenger® 1.0 (PDF, 159k)
Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.0 (PDF, 3.7M)
Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0 (PDF, 3.7M)
Adobe Acrobat Publisher's Kit Click here (PDF, 103k)
Adobe Acrobat SDK Click here (PDF, 47k)
Adobe Acrobat Standard 9.0 (PDF, 3.7M) |8.0 (PDF, 3.8M) | 7.0.5 (PDF, 2.9M) | 7.0 (PDF, 3.1M)
Acrobat X Standard 10 (PDF, 4.4M)
Acrobat X Pro 10 (PDF, 4.4M)
Acrobat X Suite 10 (PDF, 4.4M)
Adobe ActiveShare® 1.5 (PDF, 2.3M)
Adobe After Effects® CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe AIR® 2.6 (PDF, 3.3M) | 2.5 (PDF, 3.3M) | 2 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Audition® CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | 3.0 (PDF, 3.9M)
Adobe Bridge® 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Mini Bridge 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Captivate® 5.0 (PDF, 86k) | 4.0 (PDF, 518k)
Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2.0 (PDF, 395k) | 1.0 (PDF, 353k)
Adobe ColdFusion Report Builder Click here (PDF, 355k)
Adobe Creative Suite SDK CS5 (PDF, 20k)
Adobe Creative Suite® CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Contribute™ 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Device Central® CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Digital Editions CS4 (PDF, 4.2M) | 1.7 (PDF, 893k) | 1.6 (PDF, 201k) | 1.5 (PDF, 201k)
Adobe Dimensions® 3.0 (PDF, 5.3M)
Adobe Director® 11.0 (PDF, 77k)
Adobe Download Assistant Click here (PDF, 43k)
Adobe Dreamweaver® CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Dreamweaver® Developer Toolbox 1.0 (PDF, 49k)
Adobe eLearning Suite 2.0 (PDF, 86k) | 1.0 (PDF, 518k)
Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Encore® 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Fireworks® 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | 4.0 (PDF, 3.5M)
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Flash® Live Media Encoder 3.1 (PDF, 28k) | 2.0 (PDF, 29k)
Adobe Flash Media Playback 1.5 (PDF, 70k)
Adobe Flash Platform Services Distribution Manager Software License Agreement Click here (PDF, 32k)
Also see the Adobe Flash Platform Services
Adobe Flash Builder for PHP 4.5(PDF, 195k)
Adobe Flash Player 10.3 (PDF, 3.3M) | 10.2 (PDF, 3.3M) | 10.1 (PDF, 3.3M) | 10.0 (PDF, 2.3M)
Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Flash Video Encoder CS4 (PDF, 4.2M) | CS3 (PDF, 3.9M)
Adobe Flex® Builder™ 3.0 (PDF, 279k) | 2.0 (PDF, 448k) | 1.5
Adobe Flex Charting 2.0 (PDF, 448k)
Adobe Flex SDK 4.5 (PDF, 93k) | 4.0 (PDF, 168k)
Adobe FrameMaker® 10 (PDF, 551k) | 9.0 (PDF, 518k) | 8.0 (PDF, 699k)
Adobe FrameMaker+SGML 6.0 (PDF, 2.3M)
Adobe FrameViewer® 6.0 (PDF, 864k)
Adobe GoLive® 9.0 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS2 (PDF, 4.8M)
Adobe Help Viewer 2.1 2.1 (PDF, 95k)
Adobe Illustrator® 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe InCopy® CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe InDesign® CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe LiveCycle™ Designer ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES (PDF, 529k) | 7.1 (PDF, 529k)
Adobe LiveMotion® 2.0 (PDF, 2.4M) | 1.0 (PDF, 1.6M)
Adobe OnLocation® 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Media Player Click here (PDF, 878k)
Adobe PageMaker® 7.0 (PDF, 1.2M)
Adobe PhotoDeluxe® 2.0 (PDF, 28k)
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Business Edition 1.0 (PDF, 339k)
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition 4.0 (PDF, 339k)
Adobe Photoshop® 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 5.1 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 (PDF, 1.9M) | 1.0 (PDF, 2.9M)
Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 2.0 (PDF, 2.9M)
Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0 (PDF, 1.5M) | 8.0 (PDF, 4.2M) | 7.0 (PDF, 4.2M) | 6.0 (PDF, 3.9M)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® 3.0 (PDF, 4.2M) | 2.0 (PDF, 3.9M)
Adobe Premiere Elements 9.0 (PDF, 1.5M) | 8.0 (PDF, 4.2M) | 7.0 (PDF, 4.2M) | 4.0 (PDF, 3.9M)
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Presenter 7.0 (PDF, 85k) | 6.0 (PDF, 74k)
Adobe PS Printer Driver (PDF, 14k)
Adobe Provisioning Tool CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Reader X 10.0 (PDF, 3.2M) | 9.0 (PDF, 2.3M)
Adobe Robohelp® 9.0 (PDF, 551k) | 8.0 (PDF, 518k) | 7.0 (PDF, 699k)
Adobe Resource Central CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
Adobe Shockwave® 11.0 (PDF, 61k)
Adobe Soundbooth® CS5 (PDF, 3.3M)
CS4 (PDF, 4.2M) | CS4 Audio Content License (PDF, 791k)
CS3 (PDF, 3.9M) | CS3 Audio Content License (PDF, 375k)
Adobe Stock Photos (ASP) License_0405 (PDF, 1.2M)
TOS_0405 (PDF, 1.5M)
Adobe Streamline™ 4.0 (PDF, 5.3M)
Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0 (PDF, 2.5M)
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 3.0 (PDF, 551k) | 2.0 (PDF, 518k) | 1.0 (PDF, 699k)
Adobe Version Cue® CS4 (PDF, 4.2M)
Omniture SiteCatalyst Extension for Adobe Flash Builder 4 4.0.1 (PDF, 71k)

Server products

Product Version(s)
Adobe Connect™ 8 (PDF, 1.2M) | 7.5 (PDF, 1.3M) | 7.0 (PDF, 965k) | 6.0 (PDF, 857k)
Adobe Capture Handheld Client 5.1 (PDF, 723k)
Adobe Connect Hosted (SUBSCRIPTION PLANS PURCHASED THROUGH A SPECIALIST) Adobe Connect Hosted Terms of Service | Participant Terms of Use
Adobe Connect Hosted (SUBSCRIPTION AND PAY-PER-USE PLANS PURCHASED ONLINE) Adobe Connect Subscription Service Agreement | Participant Terms of Use
Adobe Central Output Server 5.7 (PDF, 358k) | 5.6 (PDF, 358k)
Adobe Central Pro Output Server 5.7 (PDF, 358k) | 5.6 (PDF, 358k) | CS5.5 (PDF, 723k)
Adobe ColdFusion® 9.0 (PDF, 400k) | 8.0.1 (PDF, 399k) | 8 (PDF, 377k)
Adobe Day CRX/CQ Click here (PDF, 51k)
Adobe Distiller Server 8.0 (PDF, 36k) | 6.0 (PDF, 57k)
Adobe Document Server 6.0 (PDF, 644k) | 5.0 (PDF, 660k)
Adobe Flash Access 2.0 (PDF, 274k)
Adobe Flash Media Server 3.0 (PDF, 71k) | 3.5 (PDF, 77k) | 4.0 (PDF, 203k)
Adobe Flash Media Server on Amazon Web Services Click here (PDF, 267k)
Adobe Flash Media Rights Management Server Click here (PDF, 75k)
Adobe Form Client 5.0 (PDF, 723k)
Adobe Form Designer 5.0 (PDF, 723k)
Adobe FrameMaker Server 10 (PDF, 157k) | 9.0 (PDF, 518k) | 8.0 (PDF, 665k)
Adobe Graphics Server 2.1 (PDF, 559k) | 2.0 (PDF, 40k)
Adobe InDesign Server CS5 (PDF, 703k) | CS4 (PDF, 478k)
Adobe LiveCycle Assembler 7.2 (PDF, 323k) | 7.1 (PDF, 323k)
Adobe LiveCycle Barcoded Forms ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k) | 7.0 (PDF, 627k) | 1.0 (PDF, 69k)
Adobe LiveCycle Business Activity Monitoring ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k)
Adobe LiveCycle Connectors ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k)
Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k)
Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES 3.0 (PDF, 339k) | 2.5 (PDF, 476k) | 2.0 (PDF, 479k)
Adobe LiveCycle™ Designer ES2.5 (PDF, 839k)
Adobe LiveCycle Digital Signatures (formerly Adobe LiveCycle Document Security) ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k) | 7.2 (PDF, 359k) | 7.0 (PDF, 388k)
Adobe LiveCycle Form Manager 7.2 (PDF, 460k) | 7.0 (PDF, 348k)
Adobe LiveCycle Forms ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k) | 7.2 (PDF, 296k) | 7.1 (PDF, 296k) | 7.0 (PDF, 373k)
Adobe LiveCycle Mosaic ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k)
Adobe LiveCycle Output ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k) | 7.2 (PDF, 109k) | 7.1 (PDF, 109k)
Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k) | 7.2 (PDF, 291k) | 7.0 (PDF, 291k)
Adobe LiveCycle Process Management (formerly Adobe LiveCycle Workflow) ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES 2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k) | 7.2 (PDF, 377k) | 7.0 (PDF, 381k)
Adobe LiveCycle Production Print ES ES2 (PDF, 40k) | ES Update 1 (PDF 114k) | ES 114k (PDF 4k )
Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k) | 7.2 (PDF, 466k) | 7.0 (PDF, 383k)
Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management (formerly Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server) ES2.5 (PDF, 839k) | ES2 (PDF, 540k) | ES Update 1 (PDF, 676k) | ES (PDF, 422k) | 7.2 (PDF, 244k) | 7.0 (PDF, 551k)
Adobe Output Designer 5.7 (PDF, 358k) | 5.6 (PDF, 358k) | CS5.5 (PDF, 723k)
Adobe Output Manager 5.3 (PDF, 199k) | 5.0 (PDF, 723k)
Adobe Output Pak for® 5.7 (PDF, 358k) | 5.6 (PDF, 358k) | CS5.5 (PDF, 723k)
Adobe Output Pak for Oracle® E-Business Suite 5.4 (PDF, 723k)
Adobe RoboHelp Server 9.0 (PDF, 112k)
Adobe Web Output Pak 2.0.7 (PDF, 358k) | 2.0.5 (PDF, 723k) | 2.0.3 (PDF, 723k)

Type products

Product Version(s)
Adobe Font Folio 11 Click here
Adobe Font Folio® OpenType® Edition Click here
Adobe Font Folio 9.0 Click here
Adobe Western Fonts (5 seat) Click here
Adobe Far Eastern Fonts (1 seat) Click here


Product Version(s)
Adobe Reader for Android 10.0.2 | 10.0.1 | 10.0.0
Adobe Reader for QNX 10.0.0
Adobe CreatePDF for Android 1.0.0
Adobe Reader for WP7 9.0.0

Mobile runtime products

Product Version(s)
Adobe Flash Player 10.2 | 10.1
Adobe AIR® 2.6 | 2.5

Macromedia branded products

The license agreements for many Macromedia products are listed below. Please visit the Macromedia website for a complete list of Macromedia product license agreements.

NOTICE TO USERS: Adobe offers Macromedia branded software under limited warranty terms. Learn more about Adobe's warranties and limitations.

Product Language(s)
Authorware® English
Dreamweaver® English | French | German | Japanese
FlashPaper™ English | Japanese
Flash Player for Pocket PC Distribution Kit English
FreeHand® English | French | German | Japanese
Homesite® English
Studio English | French | German | Japanese

Home use of Macromedia branded products

Notwithstanding the terms of the product license agreement included within a Macromedia branded product, when such a product is licensed through Adobe’s Open Options licensing program (not including Student Licensing, Site Licensing, and Term Licensing), the primary user of the computer on which such software is lawfully installed may install a second copy of such software for his or her exclusive use on either a portable computer or a computer located at his or her home, provided that the software on the portable or home computer is not used at the same time as the software on the primary computer.