Thursday, June 2, 2011

What the fuck is "Anti-Japanese" anyway?

I saw it written in 2 posts (one a month old and one new one) both by straight talking bloggers...who felt the knee jerk reaction to say it. Or not knee jerk? I get the instinct to not alienate commenters. Notice I DID NOT say readers because if your just reading and not commenting you can go fuck yourself right now....right now....go fuck yourself with something. You bring nothing. You contribute nothing.  Your a fucking voyeur and your intellect is not sufficient to engage or intelligently dispute the topic (heavy) or just show support (light).

I'm clocking in between 800-1100+ per day....I can afford to lose some that contribute nada. As you you drift off....imagine an A4 size full color headshot of you with a hole cut in the mouth with my dick going in and and out...

**Waves goodbye**

If your on my roll than you are obviously not being talked to. I'm talkin to spoons and shit. I'm talkin to people who's names invoke radiation. A flashback to the days when a shitholes like JapS*c  and their rice chasing Sumo ranking bullshit was it. Neil Duckett and Loco were virtually the only readable sites for me just about 3 years back.

I was amazed at the pushback Loco would get about his observations on HIS fucking blog. Who the fuck are all you people and what the fuck makes you think you can imply another persons view is somewhat skewed because it's not matching to yours. Your fucking retards.

I have a student who lived threw the Atomic bombings and was training to put a spear through the 1st soldier that came near her

Her father and husbands father ran a War Industry company that helped killed allied soldiers and she's quite proud of that.....why shouldn't she be??

I met a Yakuza that helped me a lot after I helped him in Hawaii and he lost family in the War too.

They don't need your fucking consideration you buncha nut sack sucking losers. You are unimpressive and everyone knows it but you...or everyone did realize it and that's why your here? 



They have the highest GDP to Debt ratio in the developed world. it's 2x!! They are paying 60% of the taxes towards the interest of their debt immediately. I wonder how many of you geniuses can even fathom what that means? It's getting worse and it's a car that has already gone off the cliff. Can't be fixed until rock bottom is hit...wait for it!!

Thanks 4 tha memories

Thanks to the liberals geo-political 180 they hurt relations with America and the red carpet welcome for a leader of a country that stomps on human rights was made possible by that failed attempted shift. Gee..didn't see that comin'...actually I did. Every year when world leaders gather to mourn the loss of victims of the atomic bomb which was dropped against the aggressor the Chinese watch in anger as world leaders do not gather for an event that was larger and more brutal and they were a non aggressor. Deny the Holocaust can get you arrested in Europe. They can't even teach history accurately.

Watching the Japanese try to snuggle up with a country that despises them was like watching a bad movie with a telegraphed ending.....does everyone NOT see what's going to happen?? Apparently not?

From Wikipedia:
"The Nanking massacre has emerged as a fundamental keystone in the construction of the modern Chinese national identity"

Japan better get used to being fucked cuz China has a hard on for ya and your lack of your own history is gonna continue to be your own disability.

Child Protection Laws in Japan:

Possession of child pornography is currently legal under Japanese law, as long as there is no intent of sale or distribution. (except Kyoto)

I bring that up for a person on Disqus who uses the name AshleyA. Instead of defending human rights for a Maid at a Maid Cafe why not go put that energy somewhere say a "Child Protection in Japan" simple bitch..I'm sorry..I meant you stupid cunt. (Corrine taught me that cunt is O.K.;) 


There are bars 500meters away that have signs explicitly stating Japanese only. "No Foreigners Allowed". I see the effects everyday. I experience them often for reasons that have to do with me and reasons that have to do with I'm not one of them.

Here's a "Stupid test"

Q.) Did you feel offended by those propaganda pictures??

If you did then your a FAIL...again. These are American made racist Wartime propaganda posters. Every single country on this planet has racism and can exhibit racist tendencies to perceived non members, it's human to do so. Japan is just another tribe that was insulated a little longer because they are an island nation. Seriously....if you failed to think about the creator of the posters because you were too focused on the fucking stupid.

Note that under the 2 posts pushed up by sex fiends in my blogs most popular posts list is one about looting in Japan. That's because virtually all the mass media was perpetuating a myth that somehow Japanese were super human. As if it's wrong to treat yourself to a drink or some sustenance just to survive because the government is too fucking inept to care for it's own people. They HAD TO LOOT. That wasn't an "Anti-Japan" post...that was an Anti-stupidity" post. The Japan Times edited and renamed it's article from "no looting" to no "mass-looting" after visiting my post and downloading pics and surfing links.

Your welcome bitch! (woman wrote that edited article)

For my next trick I'm gonna unveil the face of this countries most dangerous person. No one else is doing it so I will. The whole story behind it and everything and it will be password protected so none of you thin skinned dickheads can see it.

You will not hear any I'm not "Anti-Japanese" clarifications on this site. Most of you self serving head in your ass mother fuckers don't even know what that means.

I'm teaching kids and taking care of like 15 handicapped cats. I'm a mother fucking Mother Theresa compared to some of you Japan nut huggers. Your all fucking talk and sometimes action. I spend more in a month on cat food and vet bills than most spend on their rent. Let's get real here. What the fuck are YOU all doing besides taking pictures of shit that every expat for the past 20 years has been taking pictures of??

Are you fucking high? You smoking drugs?

I can see via tracker when some of you scumfaces check the post and then the comments and then just move along. You wouldn't be there repeatedly if it wasn't interesting. Or your life REALLY sucks to the point where your doing shit that you don't even wanna. Nice life...loser.

On a lighter note.

I rent the place next door for all the cats I'm taking care of. It was gonna be destroyed so the landlord lets me do whatever. It's a shelter for every cat that I raised up over the past few years. 1 found in a river, one found in a plastic bag being poked at by kids I scared forever...etc.
I'm taking care of a little 3 day old that was abandoned and I have to get up every 2 hrs to hand feed it. I won't take a pic because it steals their soul. Everytime I took a pic b4 they made it they didn't make it so the superstition stuck.

The first cat in vid was not expected to live. The best vet I know said it was impossible but I did it and now it's a big ole cat. Chibi came from Hawaii and she was having water drained everyday from her lungs until stabilizing recently. She's my rock and reminds me of home. She's a beautiful Hawaiian girl!!

I'm done venting.....

And breathe......

Pointing shit out around you is not anti anything. It's pro change.

This Blog post is a part of Budget Trouble's Show me Japan Series

Monday, May 30, 2011

Message from Chris/New Raw member/Site health check

A message from Chris:

Just a reminder.

A rare bit of lost footage related to a "Mac ipad/Coleman" joint commercial venture that never took off. I put the ipad down too fast and totally stood infront of the chairs logo.


Q.) Chris, what the fuck is wrong with you?
A.) I...I just do not know? Sorry for the non-answer :(

Q.) could a new product have a long lost commercial?
A.) I find that question offensive. **takes off mike and storms out of studio**

Q.) I watched the 1st video and thought..."I wanna do this guy" I o.k.??"
A.) That's a video of me...ME!!.. and I wanna do me too!! "I" o.k.???

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Using a Japanese a prop ;)

I know what's coming..

Everyone is gonna get all upset about my objectifying a portable grill. Please spare me. I'll give her the best home ever. I will be the best owner she could ever have!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What's the chasing demons?

Images moved. A final post about this topic will be made
the image is now confirmed as real. Do as you like. The next post on this topic will sit for 7 days and then be deleted. Please follow the directions at the bottom of the upcoming post.
Interesting shit yo!!

A person who viewers of this blog are familiar with. I will not mention his name in any way. The photos contain ,literally, everything you need.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Don't do (other peoples) drugs!!

I'm not really against drugs. I'm concerned with them like I am guns 

(the people that touch these 2 and do fucked up shit are the REAL problem)

I was a drug dealer for a time and made an enormous amount of money doing so. Not cocaine though....the profit was less, you needed more solid connections and I didn't have em'. It was underworld controlled from top to bottom so it would been a short endeavor with me set-up and jailed at best and at worst, killed and turned into pineapple fertilizer.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This blog has THE best commenters. Thank You!!

It's been almost exactly 5 months since the 1st post

I gotta give out some thanks and blow some kisses.

I  am happy about 50k in 5 months especially since most of that is in the past 3 months. But ...I'm MUCH happier with 640 comments in 5 months. 320 comments and I have responded to each and every one. I don't care how the hit count goes but the comment count is my pride and joy. Interaction. Surprise.Anger. Came and left. Came and stayed.

I wanna say thanks to everyone. Facebook is too dramatic and Twitter is too fast. My blogroll is my connection line and if you make a new post I'm on it. I'll keep paying visits. You honor me when you do the same.

Excuse me while I get on my knees and pull some panties to the side and give thanks ;)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Japanese "Momma's Boys"

So...I'm sitting amongst a group of expats and very fluent Japanese and the topic of Japanese "mamma's boys" came up and we were chatting away...suddenly a friend pipes in.."You know,most of the incest porn is made in Japan?"


This would be like a straight friend saying "Ya know, anal sex doesn't really hurt that much"


Friday, May 13, 2011

Japanese Porno Vending Machines "B" grade...or "C"?

Apparently there are different levels of quality when it comes to Japanese porno vending machines?
This nasty place is located next to a big open parking lot for big rig trucks. I dunno if they got DVD players in their trucks but this place....unlike the others is in the wide open right next to a main road. I have passed it 100x or more but never saw anyone go in...shy?'s a total shit hole?...take your pick.

I'd love to put a hidden camera and then bring a date "gone wrong on purpose" and bring her in here then just start staaaaring and tooouching myself and see how long it takes for her to take off....THATS a Youtube moment ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Japanese Neighbors (Can't trust em')


Considering the fact that most of my neighbors would not be upset by my departure at least, and even my possible demise.....
The utter superficiality really does get on my nerves sometimes.

It's a mix of my personal sensitivity to bullshit and the culturally accepted habit to ask questions that they don't really wanna know the answers to.

I have watched in utter amazement as some foreigners who study Japanese actually begin to engage in an undesired by their level and founded on a rhetorical question. Some Japanese have actually given me the "get this fuckin person away from me" look because I obviously don't wanna chat either which makes them correctly assume that I'm the only one who knows what the fuck is going on. It was tatemae...fucking moron.

Do ya get it?