is here to sum up this website!

Wiki edit

Title edit

b e'g r a n | ビーグラン |

Description edit

Excerpted from the website description:


Languages edit

日本語 (Japanese)

Address edit

1-14-17, Wave6F
Minato-ku 134-0013 JAPAN

Contact edit

Xavel, Inc
03 3423 6700

Additional Information edit

Related Domains edit

External Links edit

How visible is your website?

Home Page Analysis

A better home page will help you show up in search results.

Titles & Headings Icon-result-problem
Links & Images Icon-result-problem
Search Engine Friendliness Icon-result-good

Site Report

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Web Presence Analysis

How easily can your site be found around the Web?

value for Google crawl date
value for Bing indexed pages

Home Page Analysis

The Home Page Analysis helps you understand how a site's home page appears to both search engines and site visitors.

updated 5 months ago Home Page Analysis Summary

Titles & Headings The title and headings on the home page tell people and search engines what a website is about.
Analyze the title & headings of the home page for free or the entire site for $9.95/month.
Links & Images Relevant links to other sites are good for people and search engines. Images on a web page should be described for visually impaired visitors and search engines.
Analyze the links & images of the home page for free or the entire site for $9.95/month.
Search Engine Friendliness A few simple technical fixes can make any site show up better in search results.
Want this SEO analysis for the rest of your website? Try the Site Report free for a week.

Connect on Facebook or Twitter to hear about new features. Questions? Call 1.800.AboutUs or email us.

updated 5 months ago


The title of a web page appears in search results as the link to that page. Learn more ...


The title of a web page appears as a clickable link in search results and bookmarks. A descriptive, compelling home page title with relevant keywords can increase the number of people visiting the site.

Search Engines

Search engines view the text of the title tag as a strong indication of what the page is about. Accurate keywords in the title tag can help the page rank better in search results.


A title tag should have fewer than 70 characters, including spaces. Major search engines won't display more than that.


The title tag of your home page (and any other page on your site) should not contain the site’s domain name or URL. These will appear near the title in search results, so use your 70 characters to tell people what the page is about. The title tag should not contain any HTML, because it will be displayed incorrectly or not at all.

  • Problem: This web page does not have a title tag.

Meta Description

Search engines often use the meta description of a web page to describe it in search results. Learn more ...


The meta description tells searchers what a web page is about. It is often displayed below the title in search results, and helps people decide if they want to visit that website.


Search engines will read 200 to 250 characters, but usually display only 150, including spaces. The first 150 characters of the meta description should contain the most important keywords for that web page. Using fewer than 50 characters could mean you’re not saying enough about the page.


The meta description should be engaging, and should include keywords that accurately reflect what visitors will find on the web page. The keywords should be the same ones that a site's potential customers are using to search. Include a site’s location if it is important.

  • Problem: The meta description is either empty or missing entirely.

H1 Headings

The H1 heading is an important sentence or phrase on a web page that quickly and clearly tells people and search engines what they can expect to find there. Learn more ...

Just one H1

In most cases, a web page should have just one H1 heading. Using multiple H1 headings is okay if that is a logical way to organize the page, but they should be used sparingly. That’s because search engines can view multiple H1 headings as an attempt to signal that all the content on a page is equally important, a tactic that’s seen as an attempt to game the search engine algorithms.


Search engines look for an H1 heading to determine what a page is about. Human visitors do, too.

Content and placement

The H1 heading appears on the web page itself, unlike the page title, which people will see mostly in search results.

The H1 tag (which contains the H1 heading) is usually listed first among the other heading tags for a page. None of the major search engines, however, will penalize a site for listing H2 through H6 tags ahead of the H1 tag.

The H1 heading for a page should be different from its title. Each can target different important keywords for better SEO.

  • Problem: This web page does not have an H1 heading. It should have one.
Want this SEO analysis for the rest of your website? Try the Site Report free for a week.

Connect on Facebook or Twitter to hear about new features. Questions? Call 1.800.AboutUs or email us.

updated 5 months ago


Your website's robots.txt file can tell search engines to ignore parts of your site. Learn more ...


Website owners usually use robots.txt to let search engines know which pages or sections of their site shouldn't be indexed — for example, web contact forms, print versions of web pages and other content that's duplicated elsewhere on the site. Robots.txt can also be used to request that specific robots not index a site. For more information, read How To Use Robots.txt.

Be careful!

If you're going to use robots.txt, be careful not to accidentally exclude search engines from pages you want people to find. To learn more, read Don't Block Search Engine Crawlers.

Search engine robots

You'll need to know the names of specific search engine robots - or "bots" – if you’re going to exclude any or all of them from any part of your site.

  • Google’s bot is called Googlebot. Google is the world’s largest search engine, and is where many people discover new websites.
  • Bing’s bot is called msnbot. Bing also provides search results to people using Yahoo to search the Web. Together, Bing and Yahoo are the second largest search resource, after Google.
  • Baidu’s bot is called Baiduspider. Baidu is a major search engine in China, and the number of people using it is increasing rapidly.
  •’s bot is called AboutUsBot. To create a Site Report, AboutUs uses crawling technology that’s similar to what search engines use.
  • Good: This website’s robots.txt file is not blocking major search engines from crawling its pages. Your website can appear in any engine’s search results.

Canonical Url

This website can live at or It's best for your site's visibility to live at just one URL, or web address. You'll want to create a 301 redirect to the URL you choose from the other URL. Learn more ...

Choose one or the other

Whichever of these URLs you choose, make sure your website lives ONLY at that location, which is called the canonical URL for your site.

Be careful!

If you choose for your site, make sure people who don't type www can get to your site, too. Create a permanent 301 redirect from to

If the same web page exists at two different URLs, people can choose to link to one or the other. Links from other sites to your website are valuable — they tell search engines that your site is important to people. By splitting valuable links between two identical pages, you're diluting the power of those links to help a page rank higher in search results.

Learn more about why you should have just one home page: Read Twin Home Pages: Classic SEO Mistake

We don't have this information for this site. Please refresh the report for more information.

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Web Presence

Search Engine Visibility

Check this site's prominence around the web and in major search engines.


value for Google
value for Yahoo
value for Alexa

Indexed Pages

value for Google ?
value for Yahoo ?
value for Bing ?


value for Quantcast ?
value for Compete ?
value for Alexa ?

Date Last Crawled

value for Bing ?
value for Google ?
value for Yahoo ?

Check this site's presence on news sharing and community sites.

Social Media Visibility

value for Digg ?
value for Dmoz ?
value for Google Groups ?
value for Yahoo Answers ?
Want this SEO analysis for the rest of your website? Try the Site Report free for a week.

Connect on Facebook or Twitter to hear about new features. Questions? Call 1.800.AboutUs or email us.


Below we show domains that redirect to

We survey every domain on the Internet ending in .com, .net, or .edu to see if any redirect to this website. Large or famous websites like often have many sites redirecting to them.

Domains that redirect to the home page of

A website owner can point one domain to the home page of another. Learn more ...

Capture visitors who type the wrong name

It can make a lot of sense to redirect a domain to an existing web page. For example, many people are likely to type when they are really looking for Creating a redirect from to helps these people get to the site they want.

We have not found any domains that redirect to the home page of

Domains that redirect to a page within

A domain can point to any page within another website. Learn more ...

Get people to a specific web page

Creating a redirect from a simple domain name helps people find an existing web page that has a long, hard-to-remember URL. For example redirects to

We have not found any domains that redirect to pages within

Want this SEO analysis for the rest of your website? Try the Site Report free for a week.

Connect on Facebook or Twitter to hear about new features. Questions? Call 1.800.AboutUs or email us.