Posts Tagged ‘dogs’

Dress up as a dog in sub zero Manchester? Are you barking mad?

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

By Alison

What a day of high jinks it’s been at Smith & Smith towers. We’ve been out raising much-needed funds for our wonderful client, Manchester and Cheshire Dogs’ Home.

Jane and Pickles braving the cold

Jane and Pickles braving the cold

The kids adored our Pickles the dog outfit, and we had far too much fun for a work day throwing shapes in Market St dressed as a mongrel (or was that just me?!)

Bad dog Buster, put Pickles down!

Bad dog Buster, put Pickles down!

The home’s stocks of winter food are at an all time low. But with a new intake of homeless puppies expected after the festive period, the team of devoted kennel carers need all the support they can get to keep up their great work.

To do your bit, head to the dogs’ home’s Christmas fair in Warrington this Sunday afternoon.

Does my bum look big in this?!

Does my bum look big in this?!

Have a wonderful weekend dog lovers,

Alison and the PR pooch posse