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PSP Hacks

Before you start hacking away, you should probably determine whether or not your PSP is actually hackable. To do that: click here.

HEN for FW 6.31 / 6.35 Virtuous Flame and Coldbird's Homebrew Enabler for PSP firmware 6.31 and 6.35.

6.20 TN Total_Noob's 6.20 TN enables kernel mode homebrew on your PSP running firmware 6.20. You can find 6.20 TN-B here and plenty of plugins that've been ported to work with 6.20 TN.

PSNABLER V5 Get back on PSN with your hacked PSP for select game titles: Syphon Filter Combat Ops, Little Big Planet, Resistance, and PixelJunk.

Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D3 & 5.03 GEN-C for HEN The name says it all — Team GEN's latest and greatest custom firmware for PSP-1000, PSP-2000, and PSP-3000 models.

PSP 5.55 & 6.00 Games Decrypter Play firmware 5.55 and 6.00 required games on PSP Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B2.

XGEN Updater / XGEN Pandora Install PSP Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B2 with XGEN Updater or XGEN Pandora.

GameCategories v4 One of the best plugins for your hacked PSP; Categorize your homebrew with seamless XMB integration.

Soul Calibur IV Broken Destiny ISO Ripkit Fix

MacroFire 3.0.5 Record and execute button macros, adjust the analog nub sensitivity level, remap controls/buttons, and enable rapid-fire on select buttons. It's a must-have plugin for any hacked PSP owner.

PSP Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B PSPGEN's Custom Firmware for the PSP-1000 (Fat) and PSP-2000 (Slim).

Custom Firmware Enabler 3.60 Xenogears and Becus25's Custom Firmware Enabler for use with Davee's ChickHEN. Benefit from all the features of Custom Firmware M33 on your PSP-2000 TA-088v3 and/or PSP-3000.

Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-A (for ChickHEN R2 on the PSP-3000 & TA-088v3 boards) Enable features of Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-A on the PSP-3000 and/or the PSP-2000 with the TA-088v3 motherboard: UMD Backup/ISO Support, homebrew, plugins, PSOne emulation, and much more...

ChickHEN R2 Team Typhoon's Homebrew Enabler for firmware 5.03.

PspStates v2 for 5.00 M33 Save your exact state in any game and return to it later.

5.00 M33 PopsLoader Dark_AleX's PSOne (PSX) emulator for CFW 5.00 M33.

3.71 Memory Stick Driver for 5.00 M33 Learn how to use the memory stick driver (fatmsmod.prx) from 3.71 under custom firmware 5.00 M33.

Custom Firmware 5.00 M33 Dark_AleX's latest and greatest custom firmware for the PSP. 5.00 M33-2 Update | 5.00 M33-3 Update | 1.50 Kernel Add-on for 5.00 M33 (Fat)

RemoteJoyLite Play and enjoy PSP on your computer monitor over a USB connection.

PSPKVM 0.4.1 M@x and Sleepper's PSPKVM. Enjoy endless J2ME compiled apps and games on your PSP.

Project4 V1.6180 Auraomega's Project4 — the one & only complete fully functional XMB replacement.

Howto dump a PSP UMD Learn how to easily and quickly rip a UMD to your memory stick.

CFW 3.71 M33-4 w/ Multi-disc PopsLoader Custom firmware 3.71 M33-4 with Multi-disc supported PopsLoader — the PSX emulator.

PSP Voice-over-IP Phone Furikup: A homebrew alternative to Skype on the PSP.

iR Shell v3.8 Take advantage of various features and functions not present to the native PSP. Enjoy 2 Player PSOne-emulated titles over Ad Hoc WiFi, your own tunes while in game (UMD or homebrew), control your infrared based electronics, multitask between homebrews, and much, much more...

Manhunt 2 Uncensored Learn how to patch Manhunt 2 — play it totally uncensored — the way it was intended to be!

JoySens Allow custom control over the PSP's analog stick sensitivity.

Pandora's Ultimate Magic Stick Create a "magic" memory stick for use with a Pandora battery.

"Pandoraize" your PSP battery Learn how to create a Pandora battery (slim or phat) without any software hacks.

3.50 Downgrade Package Downgrade any 3.50 PSP to 1.50 with a legal UMD copy of Lumines.

How to Downgrade 3.03 & Below Calo's thread detailing how to downgrade your PSP -- supporting firmware 3.03 & below.

Hex Edit PSP MAC Address Learn how to Hex Edit your PSP's MAC address by following this forum thread

Popstation Compatibility List congo's Popstation compatibility list for PSX games under 3.02 OE

3.02 OE-B Custom Firmware Take advantage of Dark_AleX's latest custom firmware for the PSP, 3.02 OE-B. Complete with PSX (PSOne) emulation!

3.02 OE-A Tutorial Learn how to install and use Dark_AleX's 3.02 OE-A custom firmware. Tutorial by brk3

DevHook 0.51.0100 w/ 3.02 FW Emulation How to run DevHook 0.51.0100 to achieve PSP 3.02 firmware emulation

Downgrade your 2.71 TA-082 PSP Easily downgrade your 2.71 TA-082 PSP running HEN-D. To check whether or not you have a TA-082 motherboard, open the UMD drive and check the upper right corner. If it reads "IC1003" it is a TA-082.

Emulate FW 2.8X with DevHook v0.50 A quick guide to install & emulate 2.8X firmware via DevHook v0.50.

How to Load Custom Gameboots from Memory Stick Load your custom gameboot videos from the memory stick instead of flash. Guide by birdman.

Custom Firmware Install/Configuration Tutorial huhh's tutorial detailing how to download & install custom firmwares, as well as configure and add 3rd party PRX modules.

Complete Guide to PSPHost/USBHostfs/NetHostfs/IR Shell/DevHook

Downgrade Every PSP A great tutorial [with screenshots] written by p0Wer detailing the procedures taken to downgrade any PSP running FW 2.71 or lower.

PSP Hacks Official Guide for Everything Literally - everything... A centralized collection of guides/tutorials & hacks compiled by cls.

The PSP Guide to all Guides! A complete listing of available PSP guides and tutorials covering everything you need to know!

Step by step 2.50 / 2.60 Downgrader Guide A tutorial detailing the steps in order to successfully downgrade your 2.50/2.60 PSP to 1.50! Written by craig

Device Hook Sample Launcher Tutorial An in-depth tutorial explaining how to setup and use Device Hook Sample Launcher.

All You Need to Know About the PSP A complete guide to everything surrounding the PSP - emulators, hacks, downgrading, homebrew, loaders, etc...

PSP Loader Compatibility List A complete list of all working/non-working games on firmware version 1.50

PSP Hombrew Guide Another great guide to running homebrew on your psp.

How to run Homebrew on 2.0/2.01/2.50/2.60 Follow this step-by-step tutorial (with screenshots!) explaining how to get homebrew running on your PSP with eLoader.

How to Downgrade your PSP from 2.0 to 1.50! Follow these simple steps to downgrade your PSP from firmware version 2.0 to 1.50 - allowing you to take full advantage of homebrew capabilites!

How to Change your PSP Background Follow these steps to change your PSP background using PSPersonalize

KXploit (Homebrew on 1.50) How-to Read this simplified tutorial on how to get homebrew running on your 1.50 PSP!

Starter's Guide Please read first if you are just starting out.

PSP USB Charger Create your own PSP USB Charger!

Xbox Saves on your PSP Store your Xbox saved games on your PSP!

Play your PSP Online! A little tutorial on how to get your PSP online using a wireless router and XLink KAI

Web Portal, wipeout pure secret browser portal Instructions on using Wipeout pure's secret browser to surf the net.

Sony Memory Stick Hack Step by step illustrated instructions on hacking your PSP to use older non duo versions of Sony's memory stick.

UMD Disc Swap Play multplayer games with only one copy of the game disc and multiple PSPs

PSPonTV instructional video