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PSP 6.20 TN-E Perma-Patch Released

greg | May 22, 2011

Frostegater delivers a perma-patch for 6.20 TN-E, which permanently patches Total_Noob’s Homebrew Enabler (HEN) into memory, automatically enabling homebrew from a cold boot, each and every time. (more…)


BrainBoxer Beta Released – Knowledge is Power

greg | May 21, 2011

A little something for the PSP Genesis Competition from developer ASKidwai: BrainBoxer Beta! Put your brain to the test in this homebrew game of knowledge. It’s pretty simple: BrainBoxer prompts you with a random question and you answer it. (more…)


Nazi Zombies Portable v1.0 BETA Released

greg | May 18, 2011

All I gotta say is: Nazi Zombies Portable!!! It’s awesome, my word. Check the montage below — it looks, feels, and plays just like this: (more…)


DaedalusX64 (N64 Emulator) REV. 707 Released

greg | May 18, 2011

Suitable for public consumption is DaedalusX64 Revision 707! It comes 3 weeks after the BETA 3 Update, packing many improvements and bug fixes. (more…)


Easy 6.20 DualBoot Released

greg | May 17, 2011

This is pretty cool, for anyone who wishes to jump between 6.20 TN and 6.20 PRO. It’s Rinnegatamante’s Easy 6.20 DualBoot that does exactly that — boot either 6.20 TN or 6.20 PRO by pressing and holding “Start” during startup. Do note however, in the video you’ll see a “6.20 OFW” option, which isn’t actually implemented in the version you’re about to download. (more…)


PSP3DPlugin v2.0 Released – Enable 3D for select PSP games

greg | May 16, 2011

Wizardry at its finest — I’m talking the PSP 3D Plugin v2.0 from PSPWizard! Magically this plugin, which is also entered in the PSP Genesis Competition, adds 3D (real depth) to a variety of PSP titles — more than 50 now! So find your red/cyan anaglyph glasses and get playing because if 3D doesn’t nauseate you then you’ll no doubt dig this. (more…)


HomebrewStore v2.5 Released

greg | May 11, 2011

Like my man Wololo says, I’ve seen many attempts at an online homebrew store, many which’ve failed due to lack of support or manpower. But this one — this one seems to differ a bit. Add a professional look wrapped around some intuitive functionality and you get this new Genesis entry, appropriately titled “HomebrewStore.” (more…)


[WIP] B-Gen: It’s Awesome

greg | May 11, 2011

Who doesn’t like Nine Inch Nails? Show of hands… That’s what I thought. I mean, I’m not even a fan of industrial rock but I still dig NIN — they undeniably have their own unique sound. And that sound mixed with this homebrew makes for one [potentially] awesome game. This right now is a demo: B-Gen … or if you’re super smart: Baryogenesis. (more…)


MP3PlayerPlugin v1.7 Released

greg | May 8, 2011

What’s worse than a game with a shitty soundtrack? Not being able to jam your own tunes in that game. That’s when developer plum steps in and releases his MP3 Player Plugin. It’s like this, but isn’t outdated and works with all the latest CFWs and HENs — both in game and XMB. (more…)


intraFont v0.31 G-spec: Now with Rotation Support

greg | May 6, 2011

Add a little pizazz to your homebrew projects with BenHur’s intraFont, now G-spec’d with font rotation support by Geecko. (more…)


Recently Added Downloads

May 226.20 TN-E Perma-Patch v2
Frostegater's permanent patch for Total_Noob's 6.20 TN-E. Use this at your own risk.

  • Skip coldboot
  • Return of final test
  • Change Delete button vsh.txt, game.txt, pops.txt, version.txt in /seplugins/ on UP
  • If recovery.prx lies on a memory card, then it is loaded from there, if not, then it is loaded from the internal memory PSPgo, if not, then it is loaded from the flash0
  • To copy recovery.prx in flash0, put it in a folder with the installer and install the patch.
  • If you want to use the Recovery Menu from memory cards or internal memory PSPgo, then copy it into ms0 (ef0): /seplugins/
May 21BrainBoxer Beta
ASKidwai's BrainBoxer puts your brain to the test. Test your knowledge in various world affairs and earn bragging rights. Knowledge is power.
May 21SePlugins Manager v1.60
5h4d0w's SePlugins Manager lets you manage your PSP plugins from the PSP itself — no PC intermediary required. See Readme.txt for more info.

  • Moved all files into the "resources" directory. Please delete the old version before copying over the new one.
  • More improvements to the recovery menu code.
  • Removed unused testing code.
  • + The flash is only assigned if you try to access it.
  • ~ This is so TN users with flash protection enabled will still be able to use most of the app.
  • + Improved loading the Recovery Menu.
  • ~ Still won't work on GEN Firmwares...
  • The logo now has a really nice fade in/out effect.
  • Pressing square now shows a short description of the selected plugin (as requested). You can press square again to add your own description if one isn't found. This is done Line-By-Line, and leaving a line empty ends the description.
  • You can now load the Recovery Menu from the Config Page. ('cause I'm running out of buttons xD) ~ Note that exiting the Recovery Menu will exit the app.
  • General optimizations.
  • Put back the plugin addition confirmation.
  • You can now scroll fast in the pop-up menu as well.
  • New option that hides the plugin path.
  • Fixed bug where TN users with flash protection enabled would cause a crash.
  • Various optimizations.
  • Fixed bug where browser would not enable a new plugin
  • Fixed bugs in the config editor
  • Fixed a file browser bug introduced in v1.3
  • Now includes a file browser for selecting a plugin to add. No more typing out the path to the plugin.
    • Shows a device chooser on PSP GOs if there is a memory stick inserted (ef0 or ms0)
    • You can only select a ".prx" file to add
    • The controls are pretty simple, up/down to scroll through items, cross to select an item, and circle to close the browser
  • Now only loads up to 20 plugins per .txt file. I'm pretty sure that this is the PSP's limit, if not, deal with it
  • Added ability to copy and paste plugins between .txt files
  • Added ability to disable requiring the password
    • This is OFF by default; You will need to make a password, then turn it on
  • Added support for multiple "themes"
    • Added ability to select theme in the config editor
      • Themes are sorted alphabetically with the exception of the default, which is always first
      • Theme format is now RxxxGxxxBxxx instead of a LUA color definition
  • Scrolling past the final plugin or option will reset to the first. Scrolling back past the first will reset to the last.
  • Reverted UI changes to the menu. Selected options are highlighted like they used to be instead of showing a ">"
  • Some other changes I don't feel like listing
May 18Nazi Zombies Portable v1.0 BETA
The NZ:P Dev team's "Nazi Zombies Portable" for PSP. It's the Call of Duty: World at War zombie game re-crafted using the Quake engine.
Nazi Zombies: Portable is a zombie survival shooter for the PlayStation Portable and any Windows machine. You start out at Round 1, where few zombies will come. After you kill the full wave of zombies, it will switch off to Round 2 where more zombies will come. The longer you survive, the harder it gets. You get points for rebuilding barricades, damaging zombies, knifing zombies, etc. The points can then be used to open doors, buy perks, buy weapons off the walls, and use the Mystery Box. The Mystery Box is a box where you pay 950 points in exchange for a random weapon, it ranges from a pistol to a killing machine. If your playing multiplayer, you use teamwork and tactics to survive the onslaught. Stick together to survive.
More details can be found at the project's homepage.
May 18DaedalusX64 BETA Rev. 707
Chilly Willy, Kreationz, and Wally's adaptation of StrmnNrmn's Nintendo 64 emulator — DaedalusX64. BETA 3 Update packs many, many changes from a talented crew of developers. Check it out (change log included; see changes.txt)

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