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Muslims in Japan sue over anti-terror probe

May 16, 2011 at 16:47
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TOKYO (AFP) - Fourteen Muslims, including Japanese nationals, Monday filed a lawsuit against the Tokyo and state governments, contending that anti-terrorism investigations by police violated their freedom of faith.

The 14 plaintiffs are demanding a total 154 million yen ($1.9 million), or 11 million yen each, in compensation for damage after details of what they called an "illegal terrorism investigation" against Muslims were leaked.

More than 100 documents, dated 2004 to 2010 and including data from the FBI, were leaked online in November giving details on people cooperating with terrorism inquiries and on foreigners under investigation in Japan.

The documents came from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Bureau and included details on Islamic terrorism suspects and on police informants.

But lawyers for the group -- whose own information was leaked -- on Monday said 98 percent of Japan's 72,000 Muslims had been monitored.

For some of them, the private information included not only their names, photos, family members and addresses but also details of their actions such as visits to mosques and Internet habits, the lawyers said.

"It has come clear that if you are a Muslim or have any sort of relations with them, you are immediately put under police surveillance," said lawyer Kazuyuki Azusawa.

One of the most serious violations of religious freedom was undercover officers tailing Muslims from mosques, he said.

A store owner in his 40s who didn't want to be identified said he saw his store sales halved after the details were posted.

"I cannot even go back to my country because I may be detained as a suspect of terrorism," he said. "I want the Japanese police to fix my life."

Muslims are a minority religious group in Japan, mostly foreigners, many of whom married Japanese and settled here. But there are some Japanese who have converted to Islam, and the 14 involved in the lawsuit include some converts.
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alfiya  | 
May 17, 2011 at 19:28
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Sterlin  | 
May 17, 2011 at 18:29
This is really unfortunate and this is why Japan ended with Natural Disastor, American George W Bush openly said that hehas to fight the Islam which is widely increasing in the United States and this is the reason of INVENTED the story of TERRORISM and fought the people of Iraq and Afghan and killed as many MUSLIMS as they can with no solid reason but only they believed in Islam and daily many American converts to Islam, most of them are well educated including Pastors and so on.

American not only fight Islam in USA but they follow them everywhere such as they are real criminal.
See how many Natural Disastor came accros Emerican Lands and more will come unless they change their attitude.
Let us take Guantnamo and Abu Ghareer good sample and see what they did to the bare hand prisoners making dogs to attack them Nacked more and more.
They Quote Muslims are TERRORISTS how about Israel Daily killing Children Mayanmar Killing our Christians, USA & all those arn't they
Abu Salah  | 
May 17, 2011 at 13:31
It is sad to hear story like this; this is the outcome of Osama Bin Laden wrong doing.

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