Arudou Debito/Dave Aldwinckle's Home Page

New Novel by ARUDOU Debito

  • Book IN APPROPRIATE: A novel of culture, kidnapping, and revenge in modern Japan
  • Readers: Critics are dominating the discussion re my last Japan Times column on undeserved “Fly-jin Bashing”. Consider writing to the JT to offer some balance?

    Posted by debito on May 9th, 2011

    IN APPROPRIATE, A novel of culture, kidnapping, and revenge in modern Japan, By ARUDOU Debito

    New novel IN APPROPRIATE by ARUDOU Debito

    Handbook for Newcomers, Migrants, and Immigrants to JapanForeign Residents and Naturalized Citizens Association forming NGO\「ジャパニーズ・オンリー 小樽入浴拒否問題と人種差別」(明石書店)JAPANESE ONLY:  The Otaru Hot Springs Case and Racial Discrimination in Japansourstrawberriesavatardebitopodcastthumb

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    Hi Blog. Question for you:

    Did you like my most recent Japan Times column on the “Fly-jin” bashing?

    If so, please write in to the Japan Times and say so (

    Internet bullies are writing in and once again trying to reassert their control over the debate.

    Don’t let them anymore. Offer some balance.



    My previous Japan Times JUST BE CAUSE column on ‘Fly-jin’ was, as predicted, controversial, and occasioned I’m told more comment than any column I’ve written before. Wow. Thanks for commenting.

    However, I’m also told the comments were overwhelmingly negative towards my standpoint. This is fine too, since it is my job as a columnist to stimulate debate and offer alternate views.

    However, remember what my column was on: How NJ are bullying each other into silence and submission in a society that already disenfranchises NJ.

    If you disagree with my last column’s thesis, that’s fine. It’s your right. And clearly your voice is already being adequately represented.

    However, if you agree with my thesis, and you don’t want the bashers to have the last word on this topic, I suggest you speak up now and send in your opinions to the Japan Times.

    After all, it is generally the case that the critics are more likely to comment than those who agree. It’s tougher to build upon the sentiment of “I completely agree, the end”, than it is “I completely disagree and here’s why”.

    But this time it’s special.

    The whole point of the previous column was that media bullies have been controlling the debate on the status of NJ, and decrying them, unfairly as I argued, as deserters. “Fly-jin”.

    If you don’t want them to continue to control the debate or let them have the final word on the subject, I suggest you send in your thoughts to the Japan Times via

    Consider offering some balance, please.

    There has been too much complacency and silent victimization regarding this subject already. Speak up.

    Thanks. Arudou Debito

    One Response to “Readers: Critics are dominating the discussion re my last Japan Times column on undeserved “Fly-jin Bashing”. Consider writing to the JT to offer some balance?”

    1. Bulldog Says:

      Do you have a link to their comments? I’m not seeing anything on JT responding to your column.

      – They’ll be published in the JT soon.

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