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Former RI Guard chief: Don't let up in fight vs. terrorism

10:16 AM Mon, May 02, 2011 |
Tatiana Pina    Email

PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- A former commander of the Rhode Island National Guard reacted to the news of Osama bin Laden's death with "elation" but says the United States cannot afford to let up in its defense against terrorism.

"My reaction (to bin Laden's death) is one of elation and celebration," said retired Lt. General Reginald A. Centracchio. "We also recognize it's not the end of the war on terror. We need to be cautiously optimistic that we will eventually win this war."

"The taking down of Osama is just a major phase of an eventual win of the war on terror," he said. "I mean, we achieved a major victory. We have to make sure we don't let our guard down until we have another victory when al-Qaida is no more."

"The real message is, if you take the U.S. on with terrorism, you will lose at some point and justice will be served," Centracchio said.

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