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Japanese: 編集する, 起草する.

Definition: redact

Part of Speech Definition
Noun 1. Someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication.[Wordnet].
Verb 1. Formulate in a particular style or language.[Wordnet]
2. Prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting.[Wordnet]
3. To reduce to form, as literary matter; to digest and put in shape (matter for publication); to edit.[Websters]
4. Seldom used base verb from the following inflections: redacting, redacted, redacts, redactor, redactors, redactingly and redactedly.[Eve - graph theoretic]
Sources: compiled from various sources, (under license) copyright 2008. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, WordNet 3.0 Copyright © 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

"Redact" is a common misspelling or typo for: redacts.

Date "Redact" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1828. (references)

Specialty Definition: redact

Domain Definition
Noah Webster [Verb] To force; to reduce to form. [Not used.]. Source: Webster's 1828 American Dictionary.
Administration To make ready for release.� Applies to the removal of information from within a document. (references)
Wiktionary 1: [Verb] (law) To black out text for other purposes, such as in law, when legally protected sections of text are obscured in a document provided to opposing counsel, typically as part of the discovery process. (references)
  2: [Verb] To censor, used by a government when parts of a document are kept secret and the remainder released. The military will redact the document before releasing it, blacking out sections that are classified. (references)
  3: [Verb] To reduce to form, as literary matter; to digest and put in shape (matter for publication); to edit. (references)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.

Extended Definition: redact


Redact may refer to:

  • Redacted (film), a 2007 film
  • Redaction, a form of editing in which multiple sources are combined and subjected to minor alteration to create a definitive and coherent work
  • Sanitization (classified information), the process of removing sensitive information

Source: adapted by the editor from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; from the article "Redact". Image Credit.

Topics by Level of Interest: redact

Topics sorted by level of Interest Level (1=low, 600=high)     Topics sorted Alphabetically Level (1=low, 600=high)
Redact 2     Redact 2

Source: the editor, created by/for EVE to gauge likely levels of human interest in linguistically triggered topics (compiled across various sources, such as Wikipedia and specialty expression glosses).

Synonyms: redact
Position Synonyms (sorted by strength)


Consider also: editor, compiler, codifier, bookmaker, redaction.


edit, adapt, arrange, assign, cast, commit, compose, contrive, cut, delete, disgorge, draw, drop, ensnare, entrap, hurl, hurtle, invest, lay, pose, put, regurgitate, retch, roam, rove, set, shed, spew, throw, upchuck, wander.
Consider also: emend, falsify, interpolate, compile, formulate, alter, attract, fix, assuage, regulate, commend, define, secure, adjust, allot, appoint, cancel, chop, congeal, enmesh.


barf, border, cat, chuck, couch, deposit, drift, estimate, frame, honk, mold, mould, order, outline, place, position, project, puke, ramble, range, regorge, reviser, rewriter, sick, spue, stray, swan, tramp, vagabond, vomit, abbreviator, abridger, copyedit, copyread, subedit.


be sick, cast off, draw up, edit out, frame in, frame up, rewrite man, set up, shake off, throw away, throw forcefully, throw off, throw up, vomit up.
Consider also: black out, blank out, bracket out, cut up, make out.
Source: Eve, based on meta analysis.

Computed Synonyms: redact





 Synonyms of synonym

 1   44.1096   redact     edit     editing, fix, revise, fit, set   
 2   18.0093   redact     write     compose, create, writing, inscribe, to write   
 3   11.0092   redact     publish     issue, emit, bring out, publicize, proclaim   
 4   10.1094   redact     subedit     edit, adjust, put right, mend, debug   
 5   10.0092   redact     engross     absorb, engage, occupy, imbibe, edit   
 6   9.1095   redact     draft     draught, design, sketch, outline, plan   
 7   8.1296   redact     repeat     reiterate, repeating, repetition, rehearse, to repeat   
 8   8.0092   redact     compose     write, put together, arrange, adjust, settle   
 9   7.0093   redact     word     promise, parole, speech, term, wording   
 10   6.0295   redact     revise     amend, alter, emend, modify, review   
 11   6.0094   redact     indite     compose, write, pen, make, draw up   
 12   6.0093   redact     issue     publish, question, result, matter, problem   
 13   5.1094   redact     adjust     arrange, settle, fix, adapt, adjusting   
 14   5.0094   redact     frame     framework, form, rack, chassis, skeleton   
 15   5.0092   redact     announce     advertise, notify, declare, proclaim, inform   
--------------------     213 synonyms ranked from 16 to 228 abridged     --------------------

Source: calculated by Eve using graph theory. "Intensity" is a score indicating the number of overlapping cliques where the word pair is found (an integer before the decimal); the first digit after the decimal is the number of overlapping terminal characters up to 9; the second characters is number of leading common characters up to 9; the last two digits measure the Levenshtein distance subtracted from 100.

Computed Synonyms via Expressions: redact





 Synonyms of synonym

 1   19.1094   redact     to edit     edit, write, draw up   
 2   15.0093   redact     draw up     lay, arrange, straighten   
 3   10.0091   redact     to draw up     draw up, edit, to prepare   
 4   9.0089   redact     to publish     publish, issue, reveal   
 5   8.0091   redact     tell again     repeat, to edit, to draw up   
 6   4.1093   redact     put out     extract, extinguish, pull   
 7   4.1093   redact     make out     get, manage, perceive   
 8   3.0090   redact     give notice     announce, advertise, notify   
 9   2.2090   redact     to interject     interject, insert, throw in   
 10   2.2087   redact     broach a subject     start, begin, commence   
 11   2.1093   redact     let fly     shoot, throw out, whizz   
 12   2.1092   redact     bring out     take out, go out, come out   
 13   2.1092   redact     churn out     produce, spawn, lay an egg   
 14   2.1090   redact     blazon out     proclaim, declare, publish   
 15   2.1085   redact     blast into space     cast, to interject, introduce somebody to   
--------------------     44 synonyms ranked from 16 to 59 abridged     --------------------

Source: calculated by Eve using graph theory. "Intensity" is a score indicating the number of overlapping cliques where the word pair is found (an integer before the decimal); the first digit after the decimal is the number of overlapping terminal characters up to 9; the second characters is number of leading common characters up to 9; the last two digits measure the Levenshtein distance subtracted from 100.

Computed Expressions: redact





 Synonyms of synonym

 1   7.2293   to redact     to draw up     draw up, edit   
 2   7.2292   to redact     to write up     to draw up, put   
 3   3.2296   to redact     to edit     edit, redact   
 4   3.2295   to redact     to release     release, to unblock   
 5   3.1093   to redact     edit     editing, fix   
 6   2.0091   to redact     draw up     lay, arrange   
 7   2.0090   to redact     published     floated, interjected   
 8   2.0090   to redact     editing     edit, amending   
 9   1.6696   to redact     redact     edit, to edit   
 10   1.2295   to redact     to draft     to draw, draft   
 11   1.2293   to redact     to issue     make out, ascend   
 12   1.2292   to redact     to publish     publish, issue   
 13   1.2292   to redact     to post-edit     post-edit, to edit   
 14   1.2292   to redact     to compile     compile, build   
 15   1.2292   to redact     to bring out     to publish, publish   
--------------------     36 expressions ranked from 16 to 51 abridged     --------------------

Source: calculated by Eve using graph theory. "Intensity" is a score indicating the number of overlapping cliques where the word pair is found (an integer before the decimal); the first digit after the decimal is the number of overlapping terminal characters up to 9; the second characters is number of leading common characters up to 9; the last two digits measure the Levenshtein distance subtracted from 100.

Translations: redact

Language Translations (or nearest inflections or synonyms, in parentheses)
Al Arabiya حرّر (affranchise, cut, decolonize, decontrol, detach), نَقَّحَ (rectify, retouch, correct, corrected, correcting), حرر (emancipate, free, liberate, manumit, cast off), صاغ (frame, model, shape, coin, draw up). Additional references: Al Arabiya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Al Fus-Ha حرّر (affranchise, cut, decolonize, decontrol, detach), نَقَّحَ (rectify, retouch, correct, corrected, correcting), حرر (emancipate, free, liberate, manumit, cast off), صاغ (frame, model, shape, coin, draw up). Additional references: Al Fus-Ha, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Albanian redaktoj (edit, red pencil, redact), hartoj (compose, compile, draw, draw up, frame). Additional references: Albanian, Turkey (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Arabic حرّر (affranchise, cut, decolonize, decontrol, detach), نَقَّحَ (rectify, retouch, correct, corrected, correcting), حرر (emancipate, free, liberate, manumit, cast off), صاغ (frame, model, shape, coin, draw up). Additional references: Arabic, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Arnaut redaktoj (edit, red pencil, redact), hartoj (compose, compile, draw, draw up, frame). Additional references: Arnaut, Turkey (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Balgarski редактирам (formalize, blue-pencil, edit, indite, redact). Additional references: Balgarski, Bulgaria, Greece, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Balgarski (transliteration) redaktiram (formalize, blue-pencil, edit, indite, redact). Additional references: Balgarski, Bulgaria, Greece, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Bohemian redigovat (redact, edit, copy edit, copy read, editor), ureðivati (dispose, edit, govern, maintain, redact), urediti (accommodate, arrange, array, deal, do up), zredigovat (redact), vydávat (exude, give off, issue, emit, evolve), revidovat (check, audit, rewrite, revise, audited). Additional references: Bohemian, Czech Republic, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Brazilian Portuguese rever (see again, to revise, review, revise, to retrace), redigir (to edit, edit, compose, word, write), editar (to publish, publish, edit, issue, cut), dar forma literária a (redact). Additional references: Brazilian Portuguese, Portugal, Angola, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Bulgarian редактирам (formalize, blue-pencil, edit, indite, redact). Additional references: Bulgarian, Bulgaria, Greece, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Bulgarian (transliteration) redaktiram (formalize, blue-pencil, edit, indite, redact). Additional references: Bulgarian, Bulgaria, Greece, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Capeverdian publika (publish, to publish, edit, to edit, editing). Additional references: Capeverdian, France, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Catalan redactar (edit, formulate, redact). Additional references: Catalan, Spain, Andorra, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Central Tai ปรับปรุงคำพูด (redact), แก้ไข (edit, amend, correct, mend, redact), ร่าง (draft, redact, body, compose, plot). Additional references: Central Tai, Thailand, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Cestina redigovat (redact, edit, copy edit, copy read, editor), ureðivati (dispose, edit, govern, maintain, redact), urediti (accommodate, arrange, array, deal, do up), zredigovat (redact), vydávat (exude, give off, issue, emit, evolve), revidovat (check, audit, rewrite, revise, audited). Additional references: Cestina, Czech Republic, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Chinese Simplified 编写 (compile, redact, redaction, codifier, codifies), 编辑 (edit, compile, editor, compiler, compiling). Additional references: Chinese Simplified, China, Brunei, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Chinese Traditional 編寫 (compile, redact, redaction), 編輯 (edit, editor, compile, compiler, editing). Additional references: Chinese Traditional, China, Brunei, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Corse redige (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), publicà (launch, announce, to announce, publish, to publish), edità (publish, to publish, edit, to edit, redact), cumpilà (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), réddiggi (drafting, draw up, edit, engross, redact). Additional references: Corse, France, Italy, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Corsi redige (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), publicà (launch, announce, to announce, publish, to publish), edità (publish, to publish, edit, to edit, redact), cumpilà (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), réddiggi (drafting, draw up, edit, engross, redact). Additional references: Corsi, France, Italy, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Corsican redige (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), publicà (launch, announce, to announce, publish, to publish), edità (publish, to publish, edit, to edit, redact), cumpilà (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), réddiggi (drafting, draw up, edit, engross, redact). Additional references: Corsican, France, Italy, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Corso redige (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), publicà (launch, announce, to announce, publish, to publish), edità (publish, to publish, edit, to edit, redact), cumpilà (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), réddiggi (drafting, draw up, edit, engross, redact). Additional references: Corso, France, Italy, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Corsu redige (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), publicà (launch, announce, to announce, publish, to publish), edità (publish, to publish, edit, to edit, redact), cumpilà (edit, to edit, drafting, draw up, redact), réddiggi (drafting, draw up, edit, engross, redact). Additional references: Corsu, France, Italy, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Czech redigovat (redact, edit, copy edit, copy read, editor), ureðivati (dispose, edit, govern, maintain, redact), urediti (accommodate, arrange, array, deal, do up), zredigovat (redact), vydávat (exude, give off, issue, emit, evolve), revidovat (check, audit, rewrite, revise, audited). Additional references: Czech, Czech Republic, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Daco-Rumanian redacta (word, compose, couch, draft, draw), pregãti pentru publicare (redact). Additional references: Daco-Rumanian, Romania, Hungary, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Dari تنظيم كردن (redact, adjust, control, edit, lineup), اماده چاپ كردن (edit, redact), انشاء كردن (indite, redact, paragraph), تحرير كردن (redact, write), تنظیم کردن (adjust, control, edit, frame, modulate), تحریرکردن (redact, write), اماده چاپ کردن (edit, redact), انشاء کردن (paragraph, redact). Additional references: Dari, Iran, Indo-European, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Deutsch herausgeben (issue, publish, to publish, edit, publishing), herausgegeben (published, released, Ed, edited, issued), gab heraus (published, redacted, to redact, to release). Additional references: Deutsch, Germany, Austria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Dutch redigeren (edit, redact, redaction, draw up, to draw up), opstellen (edit, compose, align, aline, array), bewerken (cultivate, edit, accommodate, adapt, adjust). Additional references: Dutch, Netherlands, Aruba, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Finnish säätää (adjust, direct, ordain, adjusts, align). Additional references: Finnish, Finland, Russia (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Français rédiger (edit, to edit, write, draft, engross), éditer (publish, edit, to publish, to edit, issue), rediger (to draw up, to redact, to write up). Additional references: Français, France, Algeria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
French rédiger (edit, to edit, write, draft, engross), éditer (publish, edit, to publish, to edit, issue), rediger (to draw up, to redact, to write up). Additional references: French, France, Algeria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
German herausgeben (issue, publish, to publish, edit, publishing), herausgegeben (published, released, Ed, edited, issued), gab heraus (published, redacted, to redact, to release). Additional references: German, Germany, Austria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Greek συντάσσω (compile, redact, draw up, write, compose). Additional references: Greek, Greece, Albania, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Greek (transliteration) sindasso (compile, redact, draw up, write, compose). Additional references: Greek, Greece, Albania, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Hanguk Mal 작성하다 (redact, construct, draw, draw out, draw up), 축소하다 (minify, reduce, curtail, redact, slim down), 기초하다 (make out, redact, draft, draught, to draft), 〔원고 따위〕를 수정하다 (redact), 편집하다 (compile, edit, redact, cut, to edit), 수찬하다 (to compile, to edit, to redact). Additional references: Hanguk Mal, Korea, South, Korea, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Hanguohua 작성하다 (redact, construct, draw, draw out, draw up), 축소하다 (minify, reduce, curtail, redact, slim down), 기초하다 (make out, redact, draft, draught, to draft), 〔원고 따위〕를 수정하다 (redact), 편집하다 (compile, edit, redact, cut, to edit), 수찬하다 (to compile, to edit, to redact). Additional references: Hanguohua, Korea, South, Korea, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
High Arabic حرّر (affranchise, cut, decolonize, decontrol, detach), نَقَّحَ (rectify, retouch, correct, corrected, correcting), حرر (emancipate, free, liberate, manumit, cast off), صاغ (frame, model, shape, coin, draw up). Additional references: High Arabic, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
High German herausgeben (issue, publish, to publish, edit, publishing), herausgegeben (published, released, Ed, edited, issued), gab heraus (published, redacted, to redact, to release). Additional references: High German, Germany, Austria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Hochdeutsch herausgeben (issue, publish, to publish, edit, publishing), herausgegeben (published, released, Ed, edited, issued), gab heraus (published, redacted, to redact, to release). Additional references: Hochdeutsch, Germany, Austria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Hungarian szerkeszt (to compile, to devise, edit, to design, to frame), sajtó alá rendez (redact), megrövidít (to abridge, to cut down, to wrong, to garble, redact). Additional references: Hungarian, Hungary, Austria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Italian redigere (draw up, edit, to edit, draft, engross), pubblicare (publish, to publish, issue, advertise, announce), rivedere (revise, audit, review, to revise, see again), revisionare (overhaul, recondition, revise, look through something, redact). Additional references: Italian, Italy, Croatia, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Japanese 編集する (compile, edit, redact, author, edits), 起草する (draft, draught, redact). Additional references: Japanese, Japan, Taiwan, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Korean 작성하다 (redact, construct, draw, draw out, draw up), 축소하다 (minify, reduce, curtail, redact, slim down), 기초하다 (make out, redact, draft, draught, to draft), 〔원고 따위〕를 수정하다 (redact), 편집하다 (compile, edit, redact, cut, to edit), 수찬하다 (to compile, to edit, to redact). Additional references: Korean, Korea, South, Korea, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Lyonnais appondre (join, to join, arrive, to arrive, happen), apondre (join, to join, arrive, to arrive, happen). Additional references: Lyonnais, France, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Magyar szerkeszt (to compile, to devise, edit, to design, to frame), sajtó alá rendez (redact), megrövidít (to abridge, to cut down, to wrong, to garble, redact). Additional references: Magyar, Hungary, Austria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Moldavian redacta (word, compose, couch, draft, draw), pregãti pentru publicare (redact). Additional references: Moldavian, Romania, Hungary, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Parsi تنظيم كردن (redact, adjust, control, edit, lineup), اماده چاپ كردن (edit, redact), انشاء كردن (indite, redact, paragraph), تحرير كردن (redact, write), تنظیم کردن (adjust, control, edit, frame, modulate), تحریرکردن (redact, write), اماده چاپ کردن (edit, redact), انشاء کردن (paragraph, redact). Additional references: Parsi, Iran, Indo-European, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Persian تنظيم كردن (redact, adjust, control, edit, lineup), اماده چاپ كردن (edit, redact), انشاء كردن (indite, redact, paragraph), تحرير كردن (redact, write), تنظیم کردن (adjust, control, edit, frame, modulate), تحریرکردن (redact, write), اماده چاپ کردن (edit, redact), انشاء کردن (paragraph, redact). Additional references: Persian, Iran, Indo-European, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Persian (Farsi) تنظيم كردن (redact, adjust, control, edit, lineup), اماده چاپ كردن (edit, redact), انشاء كردن (indite, redact, paragraph), تحرير كردن (redact, write), تنظیم کردن (adjust, control, edit, frame, modulate), تحریرکردن (redact, write), اماده چاپ کردن (edit, redact), انشاء کردن (paragraph, redact). Additional references: Persian (Farsi), Iran, Indo-European, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Polish redagować (edit, formulate, redact, couch, draft), wydać (issue, publish, spend, appear, betray), czerwony (red, crimson, gules, scarlet, blushing). Additional references: Polish, Poland, Czech Republic, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Polnisch redagować (edit, formulate, redact, couch, draft), wydać (issue, publish, spend, appear, betray), czerwony (red, crimson, gules, scarlet, blushing). Additional references: Polnisch, Poland, Czech Republic, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Polski redagować (edit, formulate, redact, couch, draft), wydać (issue, publish, spend, appear, betray), czerwony (red, crimson, gules, scarlet, blushing). Additional references: Polski, Poland, Czech Republic, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Portuguese rever (see again, review, revise, to revise, reconsider), redigir (edit, to edit, compose, word, write), editar (publish, to publish, issue, edit, publishing), dar forma literária a (redact), redatar (to draw up, to redact, to write up). Additional references: Portuguese, Portugal, Angola, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Romanian redacta (word, compose, couch, draft, draw), pregãti pentru publicare (redact). Additional references: Romanian, Romania, Hungary, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Rumanian redacta (word, compose, couch, draft, draw), pregãti pentru publicare (redact). Additional references: Rumanian, Romania, Hungary, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Ruotsi redigera (edit, subedit, cabbage, editing, read functions), stifta (found, establish, fasten by pinning, sprag, to draw up). Additional references: Ruotsi, Sweden, Finland, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Russian редактировать (edit, redact, edited, blue pencil, blue-pencil), формулировать (formulate, formulated, word, redact, state). Additional references: Russian, Russia, China, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Russian (transliteration) redaktirovatʹ (edit, redact, edited, blue pencil, blue-pencil), formulirovatʹ (formulate, formulated, word, redact, state). Additional references: Russian, Russia, China, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Russki редактировать (edit, redact, edited, blue pencil, blue-pencil), формулировать (formulate, formulated, word, redact, state). Additional references: Russki, Russia, China, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Russki (transliteration) redaktirovatʹ (edit, redact, edited, blue pencil, blue-pencil), formulirovatʹ (formulate, formulated, word, redact, state). Additional references: Russki, Russia, China, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Serbian (transliteration) redigovati (redact, edit), urediti za izdavanje (redact), urediti (organize, aline, arrange, do up, fix up), prirediti za izdavanje (redact). Additional references: Serbian (transliteration), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Shkip redaktoj (edit, red pencil, redact), hartoj (compose, compile, draw, draw up, frame). Additional references: Shkip, Turkey (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Shqip redaktoj (edit, red pencil, redact), hartoj (compose, compile, draw, draw up, frame). Additional references: Shqip, Turkey (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Shqiperë redaktoj (edit, red pencil, redact), hartoj (compose, compile, draw, draw up, frame). Additional references: Shqiperë, Turkey (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Siamese ปรับปรุงคำพูด (redact), แก้ไข (edit, amend, correct, mend, redact), ร่าง (draft, redact, body, compose, plot). Additional references: Siamese, Thailand, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Skchip redaktoj (edit, red pencil, redact), hartoj (compose, compile, draw, draw up, frame). Additional references: Skchip, Turkey (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Slovak zrevidovať (redact, revise, verify), zredigovať (redact), revidovať (audit, check, redact, review, revise), redigovať (edit, redact), pripraviť k vydaniu (redact). Additional references: Slovak, Slovakia, Hungary, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Slovakian zrevidovať (redact, revise, verify), zredigovať (redact), revidovať (audit, check, redact, review, revise), redigovať (edit, redact), pripraviť k vydaniu (redact). Additional references: Slovakian, Slovakia, Hungary, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Spanish redactar (edit, compose, redact, word, draft), revisar (revise, to revise, check, examine, supervise), rehacer (redo, re-do, remake, do over, recast), escribir (write, to write, compose, pen, type). Additional references: Spanish, Spain, Mexico, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Standard Thai ปรับปรุงคำพูด (redact), แก้ไข (edit, amend, correct, mend, redact), ร่าง (draft, redact, body, compose, plot). Additional references: Standard Thai, Thailand, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Suomea säätää (adjust, direct, ordain, adjusts, align). Additional references: Suomea, Finland, Russia (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Suomi säätää (adjust, direct, ordain, adjusts, align). Additional references: Suomi, Finland, Russia (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Svenska redigera (edit, subedit, cabbage, editing, read functions), stifta (found, establish, fasten by pinning, sprag, to draw up). Additional references: Svenska, Sweden, Finland, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Swedish redigera (edit, subedit, cabbage, editing, read functions), stifta (found, establish, fasten by pinning, sprag, to draw up). Additional references: Swedish, Sweden, Finland, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Thai ปรับปรุงคำพูด (redact), แก้ไข (edit, amend, correct, mend, redact), ร่าง (draft, redact, body, compose, plot). Additional references: Thai, Thailand, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Thaiklang ปรับปรุงคำพูด (redact), แก้ไข (edit, amend, correct, mend, redact), ร่าง (draft, redact, body, compose, plot). Additional references: Thaiklang, Thailand, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Tosk redaktoj (edit, red pencil, redact), hartoj (compose, compile, draw, draw up, frame). Additional references: Tosk, Turkey (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Turkish bir metni düzelterek basıma hazırlamak (redact), baskıya hazırlamak (redact). Additional references: Turkish, Turkey, Bulgaria, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Ukrainian редагувати (edit, redact, blue pencil), складати (compose, make, accumulate, amount, constitute). Additional references: Ukrainian, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Ukrainian (transliteration) redaguvati (edit, redact, blue pencil), skladati (compose, make, accumulate, amount, constitute). Additional references: Ukrainian, redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Zhgabe redaktoj (edit, red pencil, redact), hartoj (compose, compile, draw, draw up, frame). Additional references: Zhgabe, Turkey (Europe), redact. (volunteer & more translations)
Source: Eve, based on a combination of meta analysis and graph theory (for near and back translations).

Constructed Language Translations: redact

Language Translations for “redact” or closest synonym(s); back translations in parentheses.
Athag rathagedathagact (redact). Additional references: Athag, redact. (volunteer)
Double Dutch ragedagact (redact). Additional references: Double Dutch, redact. (volunteer)
Leet |23|)/\¢1 (redact). Additional references: Leet, redact. (volunteer)
Oppish ropedopact (redact). Additional references: Oppish, redact. (volunteer)
Pig Latin edactray (redact). Additional references: Pig Latin, redact. (volunteer)
Terran B rediitr (redact). Additional references: Terran B, redact. (volunteer)
Ubbi Dubbi rubedubact (redact). Additional references: Ubbi Dubbi, redact. (volunteer)
Source: compiled by the editor.

Ancestral and Extinct Language Translations: redact

Language Period Translations (or nearest inflections or synonyms, in parentheses)
Old French 900 - 1400 enditier (to write, write, suggest, to suggest, indicate), embriever (to write, write, edit, to edit, compose). Additional references: Old French, redact. (volunteer)
Source: compiled by the editor.

Volunteer Translation: English() to Japanese()

Moderated translations:

redact編集する4 0
redact起草する2 0

Volunteer Translation: Japanese() to English()

Moderated translations:

編集するcompile8 0
編集するedit6 0
編集するredact4 0
編集するslant2 0
編集するredo2 0
編集するedits2 0
編集するauthor2 0

Adjacent words:

Red Tape     Red Worm     Redaction
Red Tide     Red'ko     Redaction-critics
Red Trillium     Red's     Redactor
Red Underwing     Red...Long     Redactors
Red Valerian     RED/BLACK     Redacts
Red Viper     Redact     Redan
Red Vitriol     Redacted     Red-and-green
Red Water     Redactedly     Redang
Red Willow     Redacteur     Redange
Red Wine     Redacting     Redargue
Red Wolf     Redactingly     Redargued

Web Search Results: redact
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