
How to Make a Habbo Retro (Full)

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Make a Habbo Retro (Full)

Below are steps you will need to complete to finish the creation of your habbo retro with the help of tophabboretros.com

edit Steps

  1. 1
    Download XAMPP, and set it up.
  2. 2
    Once you have installed XAMPP, go to http://localhost/ and find security settings (and click it).
  3. 3
    Set up your phpMyAdmin password and remember it.
  4. 4
    Now delete everything in htdocs.
  5. 5
    Now download WinRAR.
  6. 6
    Now download PHPRetro, and extract/move everything from the download into htdocs.
  7. 7
    Now download Holograph Emulator (V26), and extract/move everything from that download into a folder called "Server" on your desktop.
  8. 8
    Go to http://localhost/phpMyAdmin and login with the password you created earlier. Your username is root.
  9. 9
    Create a new database called "retro" and click "Create".
  10. 10
    Now click "Import" in phpMyAdmin, and look for the SQL file in the folder "Server" on your desktop and press "Open".
  11. 11
    Now press go, and wait for everything to load into the database.
  12. 12
    Next go to http://localhost/install, and do everything it asks you to do.
  13. 13
    Once you have finished the install, and have moved config.php to /includes delete the /install folder.
  14. 14
    After you have completed that, login into the CMS and go to the Housekeeping and edit everything to your liking.
  15. 15
    Now you must download Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition if you have not already to get Holograph Emulator fully working.
  16. 16
    Now go into Server > bin > Debug > bin and click "mysql" and fill it out with the your MySQL details.
  17. 17
    Now for the DCRs part.. go back into Housekeeping, and edit the DCRS to the following (prehosted):
  18. 18
    v26 DCRs - http://lol7777.co.cc/v2habbo.dcr
  19. 19
    External Variables - http://lol7777.co.cc/v26/external_vars.txt
  20. 20
    External Texts - http://lol7777.co.cc/v26/external_text.txt
  21. 21
    Lastly, go to Server > bin > Debug and click "Holograpgh Emulator.exe", and you are the new owner of a retro!!

edit Things You'll Need

  • The following software:
    • XAMPP
    • WinRAR
    • Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition or Microsoft Visual Studio
    • Holograph Emulator (V26)
    • PHPRetro

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Last edited:
April 28, 2011 by VC


Recent edits by: Samantha, Know Jesus, the Truth who shall set you free--fundamentally, Connor (see all)

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