Below are steps you will need to complete to finish the creation of your habbo retro with the help of
edit Steps
- 1Download XAMPP, and set it up.
- 2Once you have installed XAMPP, go to http://localhost/ and find security settings (and click it).
- 3Set up your phpMyAdmin password and remember it.
- 4Now delete everything in htdocs.
- 5Now download WinRAR.
- 6Now download PHPRetro, and extract/move everything from the download into htdocs.
- 7Now download Holograph Emulator (V26), and extract/move everything from that download into a folder called "Server" on your desktop.
- 8Go to http://localhost/phpMyAdmin and login with the password you created earlier. Your username is root.
- 9Create a new database called "retro" and click "Create".
- 10Now click "Import" in phpMyAdmin, and look for the SQL file in the folder "Server" on your desktop and press "Open".
- 11Now press go, and wait for everything to load into the database.
- 12Next go to http://localhost/install, and do everything it asks you to do.
- 13Once you have finished the install, and have moved config.php to /includes delete the /install folder.
- 14After you have completed that, login into the CMS and go to the Housekeeping and edit everything to your liking.
- 15Now you must download Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition if you have not already to get Holograph Emulator fully working.
- 16Now go into Server > bin > Debug > bin and click "mysql" and fill it out with the your MySQL details.
- 17Now for the DCRs part.. go back into Housekeeping, and edit the DCRS to the following (prehosted):
- 18v26 DCRs -
- 19External Variables -
- 20External Texts -
- 21Lastly, go to Server > bin > Debug and click "Holograpgh Emulator.exe", and you are the new owner of a retro!!
edit Things You'll Need
- The following software:
- WinRAR
- Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition or Microsoft Visual Studio
- Holograph Emulator (V26)
- PHPRetro
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Article Info
Last edited:
April 28, 2011 by VC
Recent edits by: Samantha, Know Jesus, the Truth who shall set you free--fundamentally, Connor (see all)