An employee warned of terror in nuclear power plants
May 01
Serious situations in Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan continue despite spending more than a month trying to converge. However, the conditions have not changed at all. Fallouts generated by nuclear reaction in the plants are spreading all over the world even now. Workers of TEPCO(Tokyo Electric Power COmpany) cannot find out the resolutions of catastrophic accidents due to high radiation quantity around the places. They cannot gain the correct data of the plants, too. That’s because machines, such as cameras, indicators, and robots, destroy as soon as they are located inside the plants. Therefore, TEPCO employees are in dead lock.
Victims of the nuclear accidents more and more increases day by day. People in Fukushima are exposed to fallouts which emit high radiation, and the amounts of radiation exposure has exceeded their accepted radiation levels. They may have critical disease: cancer, leukemia, brain infarction, and so on. In addition, foods in Fukushima are also contaminated by fallouts with rain. Vegetables are covered with fallouts and livestock eats the vegetables. All the foods cannot be edible.
TEPCO should take the responsibility as a party for medical insurance against disease of victims and security of foods. Compensatory payment will be tremendous(over 1 trillion$ for only Japanese people). They must collect money by even cutting their salaries. On April 20th, TEPCO announced they reduce salaries of all employees by only 10%, but most of Japanese people don’t satisfy the reduction.
Against this background, an employee of TEPCO tweeted in Japanese below on April 21st.
tweet1: Most of our TEPCO employees are calculating so that our salary should be kept current level. If our salary including bonus are reduced, we don’t work any more from that moment. Nuclear power plants at Fukushima and Kashiwazaki will be in meltdown, which means more fallouts are spreading all over the world. In addition, many blackouts will cause in Kanto District. Are you okay?
tweet2: Recently, I have discomfort about criticism directed at my company and hope critics to go abroad. You are safe in foreign country without radiation risks. But you can’t criticize even if you are shooted with a gun by someone.
tweet3: Anyway. I am an employee in TEPCO which is fiercely criticized in Japan. So what?
To summarize these tweets, he threaten humankind with meltdown in the plants at which nuclear fission reaction fiercely advances and of diffusion of fallouts all over the world, if his salary is more cut.
He is an employee of TEPCO. His name is Yuki Sakai. He is 24 years old. TEPCO is criticized by hiding him in spite of people’s pressure. Surprisingly, the police has not arrested him yet. A dangerous person is free. Why?
He plays a guitar everyday even though the catastrophic situations continue. He may be creating an apocalyptic song.