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By 2030, Northern Europe May Turn to Yakutia

by vasja250325 on 11/04/11 at 3:06 pm

By 2030, Northern Europe may turn to Yakutia

Scientists project – futurists, which they did by request of the U.S. Department of Defense, in the coming years, natural disasters completely destabilize the political situation on the continent.

By 2030, Northern Europe may turn to Yakutia

Scientists project – futurists, which they did by request of the U.S. Department of Defense, in the coming years, natural disasters completely destabilize the political situation on the continent.

In its report, “Weather Report: 2012-2020″ Douglas Randall and Peter Schwartz, was the schedule of threats to which we must prepare the Pentagon.

Scientists believe that disasters will already begin next winter. Severe frosts in 2012 forced many inhabitants of Scandinavia to move deep into Russia and Europe. It is not excluded that in the same year, Japan will start against the aggression of its neighbors in order to move to the mainland. You also can not exclude that the Caribbean islands to the United States, Mexico will rush massive flow of refugees.

2015 will also not reassuring. In this year, according to the same scientists, in Europe, a conflict on the distribution of energy, food and water. Moscow and Tokyo will conclude a strategic agreement on joint use of energy resources of Sakhalin and Siberia. And the U.S. expects a strong wave of wealthy migrants from Europe.

In 2020, we expect a sharp rise in oil prices, but in the zone of the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf because of this will begin a serious armed conflict.

2022 will also be less reassuring. This year, because of the river Rhine happens violent conflict between Germany and France. In 2025, China will possibly civil war. It is not excluded that in the Persian Gulf this year, violent conflict will occur between China and the U.S. Navy. By 2030, about 10% of the population leaves the “old lady” of Europe.

Randall and Schwartz believe that the cause of many of these troubles will change the dynamics of ocean currents. As a result, the climate in northern Europe will be like the current climate of Yakutia.

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