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  • Info
  • Stats
  • General
  • Gain: +440.9M%
  • Abs. Gain: +440.9M%
  • Daily: 5187014.04%
  • Monthly: 154410136.48%
  • Drawdown: 51.26%
  • Balance: $440896293.09
  • Equity:(100.00%) $440896293.09
  • Highest: (Apr 25) $441036509.71
  • Profit: $440896193.09
  • Interest: -$28851.03
  • Deposits: $100.00
  • Withdrawals: $0.00
  • Updated:2 minutes ago
  • Tracking:2
  • Chart
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  • Profit
  • Advanced Statistics
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  • Summary
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  • Risk Of Ruin
  • Duration
Trades: 5324
Pips: 6023.0
Average Win: 4.65 pips / $375265.89
Average Loss: -4.76 pips / -$406762.91
Lots: 42,464,912.7
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (1879/3067) 61%
Shorts Won: (1454/2257) 64%
Best Trade($): (Feb 16) 3730000.00
Worst Trade($): (Apr 15) -2270000.00
Best Trade (Pips): (Feb 16) 37.3
Worst Trade (Pips): (Apr 15) -22.7
Avg. Trade Length: 1m
Profit Factor: 1.54
Standard Deviation: $442551.52
Sharpe Ratio: 0.18
Z-Score (Probability): -15.12 (99.99%)
Expectancy: $82812.96
AHPR: 0.30%
GHPR: 0.29%
Currency Long Short Total  
Trades Pips Profit($) Trades Pips Profit($) Trades Pips Profit($) Won (%) Lost (%)
AUDUSD 531 736.1 52096189.20 381 524.5 43191886.80 912 1260.6 95288076.00 590 (65%) 322 (35%)
EURUSD 872 641.1 59178533.00 669 768.5 50554307.80 1541 1409.6 109732840.80 937 (61%) 604 (39%)
GBPUSD 1028 1090.6 78368724.30 716 940.5 67863494.90 1744 2031.1 146232219.20 1093 (63%) 651 (37%)
USDCAD 9 7.8 1010.05 4 9.1 130.50 13 16.9 1140.55 8 (62%) 5 (38%)
USDCHF 370 489.8 21208033.08 273 434.0 30332171.85 643 923.8 51540204.93 420 (65%) 223 (35%)
USDJPY 257 98.0 8628215.96 214 283.0 29473546.68 471 381.0 38101762.64 285 (61%) 186 (39%)

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  • History (5325)
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  • 2011
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HIGH RISK WARNING: Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage creates additional risk and loss exposure. Before you decide to trade foreign exchange, carefully consider your investment objectives, experience level, and risk tolerance. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Educate yourself on the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial or tax advisor if you have any questions. Any data and information is provided 'as is' solely for informational purposes, and is not intended for trading purposes or advice.