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Welcome to the DC-NS Website.

New Additions:

DC-NS Website now offers the ability to schedule an appointment online!
to try out this new feature click here.

The danielchild.com email server is now powered by
New! DC-NS Employee Section

Clients try out Google Applications they could be just right for your business.

Clients, have an emergency and need immediate support? Please use our new Emergency Support System (ESS). Simply use the link emergency message found on the contact page to send an immediate message to our on site IT staff.

Clients, Use the HelpDesk!
for all of your support needs.
It sends a request to our support department where your question will be carefully analyzed and a response given as soon as possible. Our HelpDesk also offers two-way communication with our staff as well as a searchable knowledge base which can be utilized to see if your problem has been previously solved. technicians use the HelpDesk to setup appointments and remote support sessions.

Help Desk is now available for all users, even guest, just sign up!

DC-NS will not share information gathered within HelpDesk without your consent.

Copyright 2010 | Daniel Child - Network Services
(678) 833-2859 | Fax (770)-692-1856 | helpme@danielchild.com