Finished a New Book: Yuna Kim: Ice Queen

With Cutters Don’t Cry finally hitting the bookstores in less than two weeks, I should be tightening up its followup, Kaylee. The first few drafts are finished, and I’m in the revision, revision, revision stages right now. But in the words of Randy Jackson, “I just wasn’t feeling it, Dawg!”

Try as I might I just couldn’t get in the Kaylee mood. Finally, I stopped trying to force it. I didn’t want to force myself to work on the book…otherwise….it’s work. Why write when you don’t enjoy it? I never produce good work that way and end up discarding those pages anyway.

But I did have boundless amounts of energy. That’s what bipolar disease does to you. There are 48/72 hour periods where I feel I could raise 20 children, give the whole house a paint job-inside and out- and still write full-time…all with very little sleep. And then there are days which…well…aren’t so nice…or productive, but that’s another story for another journal entry.

Anyway, I had toyed with the idea of writing another children’s biography for some time. I can’t tell you how rewarding it felt to finish Joannie Rochette: Canadian Ice Princess and then to actually see it in print. :) I always thought I disliked writing non-fiction, but I really grew to love the research and writing process of working on a biography.

Ever since finishing the Rochette bio, I was anxious to try my hand at non-fiction again, so I chose another figure skater who really intrigued me…Olympic champion figure skater Yuna Kim. I had such fun researching/writing this book. And by the end I’d become quite the uber Yuna Kim fan. What an amazing athlete. What an amazing person. The book, Yuna Kim: Ice Queen, is shorter than the Rochette biography, but I think it’s because it’s better written. I’ve improved my writing…really tightened it up…cut to the chase, etc. I’m proud of the book.

Anyway here’s the cover. It should debut sometimes this summer. I’ll have some advance copies in time for the festival, though.


  • Betsy says:

    Dude. Christi, Christi, Christi. What’s up, dawg? (Sorry, I love a good Randy Jackson reference) Once again, I am so proud of you!!

  • Christine says:

    bahahaha I think I want to adopt Randy and bring him into my life.

    Thanks :)

  • Betsy says:

    That could be a double-edged sword, though…every time you said something, he’d call your voice “pitchy”, and refer to whatever you’d just said as “sleepy” or “safe” (or whatever Jennifer and Steven had just called it…lmao).

  • Christine says:

    And I’d love every second of it! ;-)

  • YUNAfan says:

    God Yuna Kim is an amazing skater.Yuna is a great role model for young generation around the world as well as a great ambassador for her sport. I am very proud of her.I’m so expectation book.

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  • rock robster says:

    Hi Christine, I found your announcement on the Yuna Kim bio yesterday, and posted it on the English-language fan site Within hours, the news of your new book has been picked up on the Korean web, and an article on it was published today in a major Korean newspaper! (By the way, English language education for young kids is huge in Korea, and the entire country loves Yuna, so you might get some sales there).

    I just wanted to say “thank you” as a Yuna fan and a skating fan, and look forward to seeing it when it’s finally in print. Could you tell us when in the summer that might be?

  • Mackey says:

    Wod~! It’s great to read famouse writer Cristine’s work of Ice Queen~!!!
    Yuna made us very happy, and Cristine will make many children(of coursse, all people,too)
    be happy to read it and having dreams on their various dreams!!!
    I think Cristine is happy maker~^^

  • Stephanie says:

    wow as one of her fans in Korea it’s great to hear that a book about her is coming out! i’m very interested:) i hope i could translate it into Korean when it comes out! Could you please contact me if you have any idea? Thanks!

  • Christine says:

    Hi rock robster,
    Thanks so much for your kind comments and letting me know about the interest the book has received! Wow, how exciting! :) I had no idea! The book is tentatively scheduled for release in early June. However, I will have a few advance copies available at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on April 30/May 1st in Los Angeles, CA. Thanks again for taking the time to drop me a line. :)

  • Christine says:

    Thank you, Yunafan, Mackey and Stephanie. Much appreciated!

  • Jay says:

    Just wanted to thank you for your book. Everyone is waiting for her performance at the Worlds this month and this news might tie us over untill then lol

  • YunaLover says:

    Hi!:D I’m a huge fan of YuNa Kim! I love Yuna so much that I watch her Olympics everyday… I’m still impressed everytime I see it. I bet you’ve included a lot of details. I can’t wait to read your book.. she is like my role model.. you probably know why because you’ve researched her :) Thank you so much for publishing this book… and can you publish the book earlier? I can’t wait…T^T Just Kidding…haha

  • YunaLover says:

    Oh and I can’t wait for her comeback in Russia!!! and her new GalaShow!

  • Young Kim says:

    Great! I’ve just heard about the book publishing soon, it will be interesting. Isn’ it difficult to contact to her mother? Because she is very tough, i’ve heard, anyway hopefully to read as soon as possibly in Korea..

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