A lot of problems of "copyright" came to occur as the rapid spread of the Net and the multimedia extended.
The problem of the copyright has a new one after another problem, and has a lot of things that haven't become social mutual agreement and conclusion at various levels like the law, the custom, and morality, etc. either.
It explains the guidelines of the copyright that "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG" thinks about here.
I hope understanding of everybody and cooperation.
1. About Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG
Maritan who is the author has the copyright about the text and the photograph of "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG".
2. As a rule, the reprint of "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG" isn't admitted.
As a rule, "Cyber Agent,Inc. (hereafter, it's written as Cyber Agent)" has the copyright in data in "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG".
There is a possibility that the copyright of "Cyber Agent" not only is violated but also it's punished to reprint, and to modify part or all of information, contents, and the image, etc. though "Cyber Agent" isn't permitted by the breach of the Copyright Act.
The proposal of the reprint from the third party can't be permitted in my judgment alone under the present situation.
As a rule, all of information, contents, and the image etc. of "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG" aren't admitted to be reprinted based on such a current state.
"Cyber Agent" and I have the responsibility of observing a current rule strictly to the establishment of the rule concerning the copyright.
It's requested from the case to violate the copyright of "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG" to correspond severely.
3. Please use it freely at private use.
It's free to use contents, information, and the content etc. of "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG" privately.
There is no problem for the thing privately enjoys.
Please reprint data from the memory of the PC on an individual WEB site, and stop the act of transmitting on the network.
Moreover, this is wrong though there is an opinion with "There is no problem on the copyright because it's non-profit-making", too.
It isn't in the case with non-profit-making for the use of the blog to be admitted without obtaining the copyright holder's approval by the Copyright Law is private to use and to quote it.
4. About the quotation of "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG"
The thing that the blog can be used without in the Copyright Law by the copyright holder based on the idea "quotation" the refusal is exceptionally admitted.
However, please note the thing that a severe condition has adhered in this "quotation".
It's necessary to fill "Agree with a fair custom" and "It's done from the purposes of the report, the criticism, and the research, etc. within the right range" at the same time.
What's a fair custom?
(1) The source is specified accurately.
(2) The subordinate-superior relationship of the text and the quote is observed strictly.
(3) The text and the quote are clearly distinguished.
(4) There must be a necessity that quotes third party's content.
Moreover, rigid conditions are put from a target viewpoint, and bear the cautious reaction in mind, please.
It would be greatly appreciated when it's possible to report in the comment contribution column when quoting it.
5. About the hyperlink
Please link any page with this blog freely. There isn't a claim of approval to me etc. needing when linking either.
The guidelines of the copyright might change without a previous notice for the improvement etc.
Enactment on April 4, 2011
Please continue your favors toward "Model Emily OFFICIAL BLOG" in the future.
Web site in which it referred to this article when writing.
COPYRIGHT & LINK POLICY | TBS | (It's web site written in Japanese. )"Quotation and reprint" : Shinyukai web site "Quotation and reprint" was quoted. (It's web site written in Japanese. )2011.04.12(Tue) Revised Edition(ver.1.1)