



Atomic energy will become the mainstream of electric power.

I repeated that developed nations overestimated danger of atomic energy. Developing countries will construct many atomic power stations in near future. Then, I am afraid that they tend to underestimate the danger based upon distrust against scholars who overestimated the danger in past. Then, I will disclose the real situation of past events











Atomic power and safety

# Radiation and Criticality accidents

 1. The influence on health

Troubles related to atomic power are easy to be measured and the reports and disclosures are required. So, people tend to consider atomic power being danger excessively, but it must be more emphasized that the disclosed information is very valuable.

In other industrial facilities, many troubles were not disclosed because there was no obligation of disclosure. Such troubles were disclosed in the atomic industry, so they were valuable lessons even for other industries.

Influence on health is rather safer than that of other industrial activities, provided that operators refrain from extremely dangerous actions.

Due to the event at Chernobyl (1986), there were significant influences only for thyroid cancer, and thyroid cancer is the most treatable tumor, except the reckless fire fighting during the event.

For thyroid cancer, intake of iodine is a preventive measure and removal of thyroid and administration of the hormone are the final measure.

1996年4月に開かれた「チェルノブイリ10周年(One Decade After Chernobyl)国際会議で、事故の後遺症についての発表が行われました。そこで、笹川記念保健協力財団のプロジェクト(1990-1995に50億円)が発表され、(原子力工業1996年10月p18-23、「放射線健康影響調査から学んだこと」長滝重信)で紹介されています。それにより観察されたのは、


In April 1996, an International forum, "One Decade after Chernobyl" was held and after-effects of the event were discussed. Among them, a project supported by Sasagawa-Memorial-Health Foundation (5 billion yen during 1990 to 1995) was disclosed ("Nuclear Industry (Japan)" December 1996, p18-23, "The lesson from the survey about health and radiation," by Shigenobu Nagataki). The data gave the following suggestion.

(a) There is statistically significant increase of the incidence of thyroid cancer in children aged from three months pregnant to 3 years after birth at the time of exposure of radiation. (b) There is statistically significant increase of deaths within short period due to the work to settle the accident on a wild manner, which would be never happened in western countries.




It is true that scrutiny was not used in reliable manner for the influence of health except thyroid cancer. According to conventional data from death statistics etc., the reason, why statistically significant increase of death in other diseases was not seen due to radiation, was explained as follows:

[(The above article, p20) Except increase of thyroid cancer in children, some reports suggested the increase of cancer in other regions, but the data is inconsistently.




Theoretically, death of leukemia would increase slightly due to radiation. Among 7.1 million people, who live in contaminated area and highly controlled area, almost 720 of excess death would be expected. However, it may be impossible to differentiate such excess death from 25,000 death of naturally occurring leukemia.

According to the calculation for the life-span of 200,000 workers of decontamination during 1986 to 1987, almost 200 excess deaths might be expected, while the death of naturally-occurring leukemia is estimated to be 800. According to the calculation for only 10 years since the event, excess death would be 150 in comparison with 40 of naturally-occurring death. However, there is no consistent data suggesting that radiation caused any cancers except leukemia and thyroid ones.]

Such numbers of death could not be recognized as statistically significant increase, it may be natural to say that there may be many other factors being more risky.


2. 原子炉用核燃料加工中の臨界事故による被害



(2) Damage due to criticality accidents during the process for nuclear fuels for atomic reactors

The criticality accidents cause only operators' death during the process for nuclear fuels for atomic reactors. Even for atomic bombs, containment configuration causes explosion power. In the study to minimize the size of atomic bombs, the key point is that outside pressure, due to explosion powder etc., confines critical mass of plutonium within a certain volume during the period as short as possible. I heard the following episode: If a thin sheet of plutonium is rolled up manually to reduce the volume to criticality state, only the operator would die. I doubted it previously, but the episode was demonstrated with the death of operators during the criticality accident of JCO in Tokai Village in Japan (1999/09/30).


時期;  発生場所;    被爆(死亡)人数

1957/4; ロシア・ウラル; 6人(1人死亡)


1958/6; 米オークリッジ; 8人           


1958/12; 米ロスアラモス; 3人(1人死亡) 


Major criticality accidents accompanied with injured persons in nuclear fuel facilities (Asahi 1999/10/01)

Date;    site;            the number of victims

1957/4;  Russia/Ural;           6 (1 death)

  brief: 3.4 kilogram of uranium compounds were deposited in an uran refining container.

1958/6;  USA/Oakridge;          8

 brief: Concentrated uranium solution was drained with water into a drum.

1958/12; USA/Los Alamos;        3 (1 death)

 brief: Effluent including plutonium was agitated.

1959/10; 米アイダホフォールズ; 11人   


1964/7; 米ウッドリバージャンクション; 3人(1人死亡) 


1965/11; ロシア;        1人           


1968/12; ロシア・ウラル; 2人(1人死亡) 


1959/10; USA/Idaho falls;         11   

  brief: When uranium solution was agitated, it entered an additional drum by syphon action.

1964/7;  USA/Wood River Junction;  3 (1 death)

  brief: wrong label was attached and concentrated uranium solution was injected to another tank.

1965/11; Russia;                   1

 brief: In uranium conversion facilities, 157 kilogram of powder of uranium dioxide leaked through broken filter and deposited in a water tank.

1968/12; Russia/Ural;              2 (1 death)

  brief: Low-level plutonium solution was mixed with organic solution including high-level plutonium.


1996.08.05 (issued in Farc forum in Niftyserve)


 1. 原発反対では以下の文章が出されます。

(1) 原発を増やさなくても電気はとまりません。原発の運転を最優先しているため、水力は22%、火力は51%しか動かしていません。水力や火力発電をふさわしく活用すれば電気は大丈夫です。


1996.08.05 (issued in Farc forum in Niftyserve)

# The discussion about the construction of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) by local objection people

 1. There were the following sentences in the special newspaper by the citizen group against Maki NPP.

(1) "Power supply will not go short even without the increase of a NPP. Due to preferred operation of NPPs, the operation rates are only 22% for power of hydraulic and 51% for power of fossil fuel. If both power of hydraulic and fossil fuel are properly used, electricity is sufficiently provided.

(Objection) For the point, each power company emphasizes that electricity can not be stocked, so I won't discuss more particularly, but I want to point out that energy efficiency is improved by use of NPP for base loads and both power of hydraulic and fossil fuel for peak loads, and that the opposition groups neglect the drastic increase of the demand in emerging countries.



(1) "Today is the era of energy saving and clean energy."

(Objection) The early facilities of wind power in USA included the machine made in Japan. Additionally, Japanese companies are good at producing silicon elements for solar energy generation. So, I do not want to emphasize excessively the disadvantage of so-called "clean energy" because Japanese companies earn considerable revenue from "the clean energy strategies", but the power generation per space and/or per equipment cost is different order of magnitude between NPP and so-called "clean energy plant."



Wind power is instable, so it is difficult to match the fluctuation between the demand and generation. To cover the fluctuation, batteries are used but it becomes a burden of both equipment and maintenance costs.

Solar power by silicon elements have some advantage, in which the peak time of generation tend to be matched with the peak time of the load of coolers during the day time in summer, but it must be considered how many years the power generation takes to recover the electric energy consumed in the production of silicon elements. As a result, solar energy generation with silicon can not be main resources. I want to emphasize further aspect, in which recent cost estimation is based upon the cost reduced with subsidiary for wind/solar power and the increased cost with excessive burden/safety for NPP.








Power generation with fossil fuel accompany with problems such as acid rain, CO2 emission and sulfur dioxide.

Construction of dams give great influence to natural ecosystem and stop the effluence of earth and sand, and then, the dams have been filled by them, resulting in being useless after 30 years. Indeed, the effect of the earth/sand for marine ecosystem is emphasized recently. It is said that glacier provide earth and sand to ocean in polar area and the discharged soil grows lots of plankton and whales gather there.

Sea weed tends to decrease in the sea around Japan, resulting in less area for spawning by fish. The phenomena are called "isoyake" in Japanese, and become serious problem. It becomes predominant theory for the phenomena that the cause may be the control of the effluence of earth and sand by dams.

According to the above factors, NPP is the friendliest energy for global environment.








It is said that natural radioactivity is 200 mrem/year on the average. Please, refer the detail to documents such as "radiology in everyday lives" by Tatsusuke Ichikawa, published by Denryoku Shinpousha, p47, p49.

There are really many regions occurring higher value of natural radioactivity, but the incidence of cancer is not necessarily high in those regions. On the contrary, it is said that the incidence of cancer is more significantly related to the degree of civilization.

Vocational exposure amount for the people, who enter atomic reactors, are limited to 50,000 mrem/year. Peripheral people are protected to be exposed within 5 mrem/year. ("radiology in everyday lives" p47)

Under normal operation, we can say that atomic energy gives the least influence to global/human-living environments.


(「放射線廃棄物処分の基礎」D.G.ブルッキンス、現代工学社、1987年、p32) 米国のバックグラウンド自然ガンマ線は極めて変動している。米国における地殻に由来する平均値は60ミリレム/人/年に過ぎない。コロラド、ワイオミング、ニューメキシコ、ユタが高く、コロラド(地殻105、宇宙線120、計225ミリレム/人/年)、ワイオミング(地殻90、宇宙線130、計220ミリレム/人/年)、ニューメキシコ(地殻70、宇宙線105、計175ミリレム/人/年)、ユタ(地殻40、宇宙線115、計155ミリレム/人/年)、米国の平均値(地殻60、宇宙線45)(米国エネルギー省(DOE)より)、これら4州で高い自然放射能による健康への影響は全く見られずない。悪性腫瘍の発生率は全国的に見て、大都市圏の中心値で最も高く、大都市圏以外の地域で最も低い。大平原の州とロッキー山地の州(ワイオミング、コロラド、ユタ、ニューメキシコ、サウスダコダ(地殻115、宇宙線70)は高い自然放射能を受けているが、悪性腫瘍の発生率は最低。]

(“The basic of radioactive waste disposal” D.G. Brookings, Gendaikougakusha Publisher, 1987, p32). The background natural gamma ray is different extremely among localities in USA. The average ray from crust is only 60 milirem /person /year in USA. The values in Colorado, Wyoming, New-Mexico and Utah are high: Colorado (crust 105、cosmic 120、total 225 milirem /person /year)、Wyoming(crust 90、cosmic 130、total 220 milirem /person /year)、New-Mexico(crust 70、cosmic 105、total 175 milirem /person /year) , Utah(crust 40、cosmic 115、total 155 milirem /person /year). The averaged value is only 60 from crust and 45 from cosmic ray (according to DOE). In these four states, the influences to health are not recognized perfectly by higher natural radio activities. The rates of malignant tumors are the highest in the center of big city area and the lowest in the area except the big city region. The Great Plane and Rocky Mountain states (Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and South Dakota (crust 115, cosmic 70)) accept higher natural radioactivity but are recorded the lowest rates of malignant tumors.]





(3) Safety miths have been denied one after another due to consecutive accidents. There were many accidents only in Kashiwazaki NPP, at February and July last year, and March this year, all of them resulted in the shutdown of reactors.

(Objection) Conventional boilers became very safe equipment after numerous accidents. The plant, which is stopped at the early stage and uses the lessons of accidents and minimizes the influence on outside environment, is safer than the plant continuing operation without detecting any accident.




Chernobyl accident (1986) is often referred. A project supported by Sasagawa-Memorial-Health Foundation (5 billion yen during 1990 to 1995) investigated the influence systematically, and was disclosed in a forum at the 10th anniversary. According to the report, (1) The incidence of thyroid cancer increased in children aged from three months pregnant to 3 years after birth at exposure of radiation. (2) There are deaths within short period due to the work to remedy the accident on a wild manner, which would be never happened in western countries. (3) Statistically significant increase was not confirmed in any other diseases.

Thyroid cancer is the most treatable cancer and it is said that the cure rate can be very high with sufficient monitor.




この時の事情はNIFTYのFFAフォーラムの会議室12 Q&A その6  (質問場所に困ったとき)の発言番号199で述べさせていただきましたので、興味のある方はご覧下さい。

Soon after starting the operation of Colder Hall Reactor in Tokai village, Ibaragi Prefecture in Japan, vibration and breaks occurred in heat-exchanger-tubes and guide vanes in bent pipes of carbon-dioxide circulation channels. Though it took a long time for the repair, later operation became very successful.

I could participate in the discussion to repair the broken guide vanes and entered the pipe for circulating gas of the atomic reactor to examine the break. Before I entered there, the site operators had waited the decay of radio activity for considerable time, and circulated CO2 was removed, and clean air was filled there. Then, we wore tightly protective suits and entered there, but we stayed in the bent tube for very short time. Such sufficient protect may be the requirement of safety.

The report of the above activity was uploaded in No. 199 of the corner 12 (any question as needed) of FFA forum of Niftyserve. So, please, refer it.




The staffs entered the inside when a certain period had elapsed to reduce radioactivity after occurring the trouble. I was strongly impressed with the troubleshooting activities of the breaks, in which the staffs worked very prudently and rather in a timidity manner.

Such a timidity manner would prevent from real catastrophe events, though it might induce a fuss for minor events.






A local group of anti-NPP referred to the accident of Monju, a fast-breeder reactor (FBR), as well.

The accident of Monju was not a catastrophe accident because the break of a thermocouple had not escalated after leaking.

Catastrophe events would be assumed to include the contact of water/sodium and the break of welds. So, the action for the events is established, such as reliable examinations of welds, the restriction of reacted volume of water/sodium and so on.

Sodium reacts with water, resulting in explosion. But elemental sodium and sodium oxide, which is the product oxidized in surrounding air, can be recovered easily by means of sweeping with brooms and/or rinsing with alcohol.


 2. 反対派は以下のことが強調していました。




 2. The local objection group emphasized the following items.

(1) In the area around Onagawa NPP of Tohoku Electric Co., population reduced up to one-third and the retailers suffer from their depressed sales.

(Objection) The construction period is at least 5 years long. So, workers of the construction live like permanent residents and purchase goods at local shopping mall. But population reduces up to one thirds when the construction almost completed. Then, it may be true that retailers suffer depressed sales. Nevertheless, significant part of remained "one-third of population" consists of maintenance/operation staffs of NPP. In case of power station of hydraulic/fossil-fuel, population would decrease further.




Though population will decrease on completion of construction, it is true that temporary increase of sales may give some hints and fund for management innovation. When the influence of construction works of NPP on the region is considered, it may be a important factor that workers live more than 5 years, and that the facilities including roads, of which cost has been depreciated, can be used for any other usage at low cost.

NPP is accompanied by double/triple safety facilities such as the main body, the reactor vessel and containment, and each installment is examined carefully. So, construction period becomes very longer. Additionally, if additional plants are installed, the construction period will continue for 20 to 30 years.





(2) A oppositionist said, "Why do you construct a NPP in Tokyo because you said that NPP is safe", then, a staff of MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry) said that such an equipment should be constructed in depopulated region.

(Objection) NPP is safe. However, it will take a time for the safety to be socially recognized. It needs a kind of insurance, which is called either regional development funds or the cost to improve safety for a while. Such insurance per capita will be minimal in densely-populated area and the residents will not accept it. Then, depopulated area will be chosen as a cost-effective area.