―――The world constantly seek compensation, in any way that it applies to all ...
sawul fffam tccasa sssy
感じる あなたの哀しみを
―――It is time to return to zero order
―――Lynx eat a goddess descended to this world
―――Dreams are eaten, trampled hope is the future is closed
―――Maid of the advent of the Line Maiden
―――No girl is scared of cutting forces and destroy the order form of the Goddess, a puzzled
―――Protection over and brave warriors who challenged extermination order
―――Conceives the Dragon girl shot by a bullet destroyed
―――Men yearn for Blue Tears first love was burned without mercy
sos karf shyun tes lulurnya,
その哀しみを 喜びへと変えるため
―――My father was a slave girl dressed as a man will disappear by the light
―――Schwarzer Regen took the sword in order to destroy the man who painted the mud while holding a fallen hero hatred
yerh zecta ferx cafeb maarb itt sss
―――Also Silent Zephyros, even Arakhne, before losing power of violence
―――Also Fang Quakes, even Silverio Gospel, before the helpless girl
SAax tlirs fawEE rAE Stlyn ra YEE!!
想いに宿りし 我が使命よ 全てを解き放て!
―――Shield is also Mysterious Lady, blessing of the Schwarzer Zweig has no meaning
―――White Knight also revived, also an instructor friend, she received no thing