Web Archiving For Litigation Protection, Regulatory Compliance & eDiscovery

Reed Technology’s Web Archiving Service is a litigation protection, web compliance and e-discovery solution for all your online assets.

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Why does your organization need web archiving?

Corporate Archive Website

Corporate & Professional

Maintain records of your organization’s and employees’ online communication, including company websites, wikis, blogs, and social networking. More...

Government Archive Web Site

Government Web Records Retention

Automatically archive websites on a custom schedule to ensure compliance with federal and local records management policies. More...

Law Firm Web Archiving

Law Firms

Keep regular or on-demand archives of websites to produce for e-discovery, or create pro-active archives of important web evidence. More...

Web Archiving White Paper

Web Archiving White PaperBusiness and government websites change everyday. Web archiving captures these changes, creating a fully searchable repository of a website's history.

Web Archiving: The Next Phase in the Evolution of Archiving white paper presents industry standards and best practices for web archiving.

Click Here For The Whitepaper