Fukushima Reactors
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Questions regarding locations in reactor #3 and #4
(Update - new images at bottom of the page)
Based on high resolution images and a video capture from various sources.
Video capture of inside reactor #4 before the earthquake, tsunami and explosions.
The big yellow thing in the upper right is the containment cap. Black and red dome on the left is the reactor vessel cap.
Large blue in the middle reactor well. Below the reactor well is the spent fuel pool.
Please note the position of these items vs. some out the outside images of reactor #4. We see the yellow cap where it appears
to be still in it's maintenance storage position. Yet the SFP is in a different position. We know where #4 SFP is due to steam coming off
of it and the location of the water pumping boom set directly above it. This lead me to believe this image shown in the video is
backwards. If you took this image and match it to #4 the SFP just doesn't line up with anything. There is also one of the images
where the stored reactor cap looks to be that backs up the "flipped image" theory.
Marked up version of the video to detail what is where. Please note the reactor cap is a gunmetal grey color with the collar portion of the cap painted safety red.
Colored in drawing of the reactor to show known details of #4
Reactor deck with concrete plug and SFP off to the lower right
Reactor #3 was in service at the time of the accident so both caps were on the reactor. If both #4 and #3 are in the exact same position and not built as mirror images of the other the mark up of the #3 reactor would match the #4. Please note that the SFP (spent fuel pools) go very close to the edge of the
reactor well so there is a portion near the #3 reactor well that reflects light like it is water. That is likely a portion of the SFP that is not covered with debris. The SFP in #4 is fairly close to the wall from what can be seen. If it is in the same position in #3 is it partially covered with debris.
A detailed markup of the above image. The stored dark grey and red reactor cap in #4 may be visible in this image. There is a faint circular light/dark area where the reactor cap would be stored based on the inside video in a relative position to the yellow containment cap. It appears that the yellow cap stores on a carriage as seen in the reactor deck image above with the concrete slab installed. That could explain why that yellow reactor cap stayed in place during the explosions.
A side view of the two reactors from the other side.
Marked up version of the above image. Note the pumping boom's position where the #4 SFP is. The containment cap looks to be in it's stored location.
Close up of the reactor cap from the video, image posted to the scribble page:
New reactor cap image
Reactor well down below the larger well opening.
I did notice something looking for images. If these two illustrations are accurate the bolts on the outside of the yellow containment cap go into a
lip in the secondary containment concrete. If that is the case could this be a weak spot that could have caused a weak link?
New Images from TEPCO PR
The object sticking up, is that the reactor well head? Smoke is coming out of it and the SFP location is on the edge of the building
toward #4.
Large image of fire or steam from #3 from another angle.
Reactor #4 from a new angle
Reactor #4 from a new view.
Another new view of #4
Good view of the rubble near Reactor 4's SFP
Another view of #4 from below
Pit pictures below. found on 4.3.2011
New images from high resolution photos.
Reactor #4. Other images showed a possible round object in that location that was dark colored. The reactor cap is dark grey
with a red band. The image is quite blurry but there may be a grey and red object in that location. This is where the reactor
cap would have been stored during refueling.
What looks like the open reactor well on reactor #3 taken from the low side of the building (the side with less wall left making it lower in height).
Black smoke coming from the SFP area. What looks like a flat flange to the right of the SFP could be the top of the reactor well
with some of the concrete work deck missing? This image taken a day TEPCO evacuated, possibly due to this SFP fire?
Close up of the area in question on reactor #3 that is about where the reactor well would be. Looks like smoke rolling out of the flat area. The SFP is off to the left. Taken from the low side of the building.
Another shot of the same angle on reactor #3.
Reactor #3 from the high side (side with more wall remaining). Pink lines approximate center line across the building and another that matches the angle of opposing building posts to relate the perspective of the building. The fueling elevator shows at the bottom of the image. What looks like it could be the yellow containment cap or a portion of it may be near the reactor well hole. Nothing big and yellow shows from the opposite side. Either covered by rubble, burned or cap ripped apart?
Reactor #4 from the SFP end. Low angle shot shows destruction below the SFP. Pink outlines for the overhead green crane
and work deck. With the damage to the outer wall below the SFP could there be damage to the pool structure?