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62 件の動画 アラート アイコン登録リストに追加しました
アラート アイコン
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アラート アイコン

投稿者: | 作成日: 2011/03/18

司会・橘謙蔵 ゲスト・朝堂院大覚、ベンジャミンフルフォード benjamin fulford 古歩道 橘相全

  • 高評価 人、低評価 18


  • @MsRedqueen Explain to me how in the hell someone with the information he proposes should be HAPPY looking. The fact of the matter is you probably have watched television news and are brainwashed to believe the typical zombie who gives information from reading off of a screen. Where there is no thinking just doing. This man however, has emotion in his voice; he is NOT reading off a screen. This is a sovreign man SPEAKING from the HEART. something you should learn about.

  • Wooohooo!!!!

    Sounds good, let's do it!!!


すべてのコメント (238)

アラート アイコン
  • I live in Santa Cruz area in California and the Tsunami hit our harbor and damaged about 100 boats and sunk quite a few. So, the waves did not go in only 1 direction. The tsunami also killed a 25 year old in Crescent City, CA who had gone down to the ocean to film the waves.


  • I live in Santa Cruz area in California and the Tsunami hit our harbor and damaged about 100 boats and sunk quite a few. So, the waves did not go in only 1 direction. The tsunami also killed a 25 year old in Crescent City, CA who had gone down to the ocean to film the waves.

  • I wish it was true, but Ben has been saying the same thing since 2005. Many of these criminal elite would be very easy to get at. For example, most of the jewish extremists who funded & carried out 9-11 are the zionist neocons of the USA & Israel. Most have no bodyguards & yet not 1 has been killed. On the other hand, journalists, whistleblowers, & 9-11 witnesses have died suspiciously. I can think of about 10-12. So I don't believe this guy anymore. He cries wolf too much. I wish it was true.

  • @MrShaziman YOU have no proof, I have more proof than I care to look at !!! and so do all the 25.00 victims of alien abductions. You seriously need to widen you limited mental horizon sir !

  • @gkossatzgmxde We have no proof that there are any aliens on this planet.

  • Love, peace and light to ALL PEOPLES OF THE WORLD!

  • atrocious curtains! surely a crime against humanity.

    WHITE DRAGON SOCIETY SUCKS DONKEY PENIS.. OOPS! did I just sign my death warrant? will i be tracked down and forgiven? be sure to tune in next time for the benjaminSHILLMEISTERGENERAL fulford show.

  • The Stealing of James Damiano's songs by Bob Dylan on Bing

  • The Stealing of James Damiano's songs by Bob Dylan

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