Livy, History of Rome (Livius, Ab urbe condita)
(英訳: Loeb Classical Library, Benjamin Oliver Foster, 1922)
アグリッパの起死回生の秘策 -- 軍旗を敵陣に投げ込む -- などでアエクイ族とウォルスキ族の両面戦争にも勝利したローマは外乱が収まると、それを待っていたかのように内紛が噴出した。毎度のことではあるが、それは平民(plebs)と貴族(pater)の権力闘争である。しかしこの度は少し事情がことなる。
Book4, Section 1
Nam principio et de conubio patrum et plebis C. Canuleius tribunus plebis rogationem promulgavit, qua contaminari sanguinem suum patres confundique iura gentium rebantur,
【英訳】For at its commencement Gaius Canuleius, a tribune of the plebs, proposed a bill regarding the intermarriage of patricians and plebeians which the patricians looked upon as involving the debasement of their blood and the subversion of the principles inhering in the gentes, or families;
Book4, Section 2
Quam enim aliam vim conubia promiscua habere nisi ut ferarum prope ritu volgentur concubitus plebis patrumque? Ut qui natus sit ignoret, cuius sanguinis, quorum sacrorum sit; dimidius patrum sit, dimidius plebis, ne secum quidem ipse concors. Parum id videri quod omnia divina humanaque turbentur:
【英訳】For what else, they asked, was the object of promiscuous marriages, if not that plebeians and patricians might mingle together almost like the beasts? The son of such a marriage would be ignorant to what blood and to what worship he belonged; he would pertain half to the patricians, half to the plebs, and be at strife even with himself. It was not enough for the disturbers of the rabble to play havoc with all divine and human institutions:

Book4, Section 1
... et mentio primo sensim inlata a tribunis ut alterum ex plebe consulem liceret fieri, eo processit deinde ut rogationem novem tribuni promulgarent, ut populo potestas esset, seu de plebe seu de patribus vellet, consules faciendi.
【英訳】... and a suggestion, cautiously put forward at first by the tribunes, that it should be lawful for one of the consuls to be chosen from the plebs, was afterwards carried so far that nine tribunes proposed a bill giving the people power to choose consuls as they might see fit, from either the plebs or the patriciate.
(英訳: Loeb Classical Library, Benjamin Oliver Foster, 1922)
アグリッパの起死回生の秘策 -- 軍旗を敵陣に投げ込む -- などでアエクイ族とウォルスキ族の両面戦争にも勝利したローマは外乱が収まると、それを待っていたかのように内紛が噴出した。毎度のことではあるが、それは平民(plebs)と貴族(pater)の権力闘争である。しかしこの度は少し事情がことなる。
Book4, Section 1
Nam principio et de conubio patrum et plebis C. Canuleius tribunus plebis rogationem promulgavit, qua contaminari sanguinem suum patres confundique iura gentium rebantur,
【英訳】For at its commencement Gaius Canuleius, a tribune of the plebs, proposed a bill regarding the intermarriage of patricians and plebeians which the patricians looked upon as involving the debasement of their blood and the subversion of the principles inhering in the gentes, or families;
Book4, Section 2
Quam enim aliam vim conubia promiscua habere nisi ut ferarum prope ritu volgentur concubitus plebis patrumque? Ut qui natus sit ignoret, cuius sanguinis, quorum sacrorum sit; dimidius patrum sit, dimidius plebis, ne secum quidem ipse concors. Parum id videri quod omnia divina humanaque turbentur:
【英訳】For what else, they asked, was the object of promiscuous marriages, if not that plebeians and patricians might mingle together almost like the beasts? The son of such a marriage would be ignorant to what blood and to what worship he belonged; he would pertain half to the patricians, half to the plebs, and be at strife even with himself. It was not enough for the disturbers of the rabble to play havoc with all divine and human institutions:
Book4, Section 1
... et mentio primo sensim inlata a tribunis ut alterum ex plebe consulem liceret fieri, eo processit deinde ut rogationem novem tribuni promulgarent, ut populo potestas esset, seu de plebe seu de patribus vellet, consules faciendi.
【英訳】... and a suggestion, cautiously put forward at first by the tribunes, that it should be lawful for one of the consuls to be chosen from the plebs, was afterwards carried so far that nine tribunes proposed a bill giving the people power to choose consuls as they might see fit, from either the plebs or the patriciate.
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