If We Could Be Serious For a Moment...

March 23, 2011 - TF2 Team

Here at Valve, we've always been consistently blown away by the creativity and generosity of the TF2 community -- through art contests, map making, item creating, or any one of the hundreds of other ways that you manage to impress us every day.

Today, we'd like to offer a chance to help out at a time when that help matters most. To support the relief efforts currently underway in Japan, we're introducing three limited edition hats and two special noisemakers to the Mann Co. store. The "Humanitarian's Hachimaki" ($7.99), the "Benefactor's Kanmuri" ($19.99) and the most prestigious "Magnanimous Monarch" ($99.99) will be available from now through April 6. All proceeds (net of applicable taxes) will go directly towards the Japanese disaster relief fund that the American Red Cross has set up. The hats can be equipped by all classes; however, they cannot be traded or used for crafting.

After April 6, none of these items will be available in any form. We encourage you to spend as much as you are comfortable with contributing to this good cause. While your Mann Co. store purchases cannot be written off as tax deductions, those who would prefer to donate directly to the American Red Cross fund can do so at their website.


The First-Ever Three-Way Pack Update!

March 10, 2011 - TF2 Team

Cower, peasants! Flee, terrified ronin! Crap in your ancient Japanese bamboo underpants, feudal warlords! For something approaches unlike anything you have ever seen! The Shogun Pack -- a collaboration between Team Fortress 2, the TF community, and Total War: Shogun 2 -- descends upon you like a rising sun! (But in reverse.)

That's right, Japan fans! Unlike other updates, The Shogun Pack represents a three-way partnership of feudal clans to depose a crooked emperor (the emperor being played in this case by "a lack of updates" for this metaphor to work). The awe-inspiring result? Eight all-new, Shogun-themed items for your head-wearing and/or neck-cleaving pleasure. And, in keeping with the three-way theme, you've got three ways to get your hands on them:

  • 1. Pre-order Total War: Shogun 2 from Steam and get all eight items free. (You: "THAT'S INCREDIBLE!")
  • 2. Buy all eight items in Team Fortress 2's Mann Co. Store. (You: "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I WON'T BELIEVE IT!")
  • 3. Collect all eight items through in-game item drops or crafting. (You: "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE! I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK! FROM JOY!")

Pick any one of the three to get your items! Heck, pick ALL three! (Don't actually do this. -Legal Dept.) Whatever your choice, be sure to check out The Shogun Pack!

Community Map Pack!

February 24, 2011 - TF2 Team

We've been listening to our community's famished cries for content, and damn it, we decided to do something about it. Unfortunately, the button that bans everybody in the community at once doesn't seem to be working (every time we press it we just get sparks and the smell of burnt fur). So we went with our tried-and-true Plan B: an all-new map pack, featuring some community favorites including a new map from the guy behind cp_mountainlab, the winner of TF2Maps.net's Art Pass Contest.

Don't forget you can always purchase Map Stamps in the Mann-Co store to show support for your favorite community maps, all proceeds (minus any taxes) go directly to the hardworking map creators.

It's Monday.

February 14, 2011 - TF2 Team

As if we could keep this from you. We tried to but then quickly realized we're not very good at keeping secrets. Case in point, this whole sing along episode. On with the community updates:

  • United Kingdom Community Servers is running a Knockout Cup in the Highlander format. Rules can be found here. Spectators should head over to TF2 TV to check out the action. Live. That's right. Live. As in when it happens. Like a news cast. Except better. There's rockets.
  • ESL is doing a 128 slot 1 on 1 Scout Cup. Two weeks left for signups! As if that wasn't enough, there's prizes for the top three! Be sure to grab the custom map for the contest as well.
  • SlienceMaster's username suddenly becomes forgivable once you realize he's made this fancy hat. It certainly looks like the Voodoo Juju. Probably will need to confiscate it to be sure. Perhaps we could setup a donation drive for him to buy a spellchecker.


From Hell

February 3, 2011 - TF2 Team

Any time we have a tie-in promotion with another game, we'll send the TF mercs a package with all the new items in it (except Heavy, who lives in some remote log mansion in the Dzhugdzhur Mountains. We just mail it to the nearest Siberian town, and they dogsled it up to him eventually). This gives them a chance to get acquainted with the new weaponry, so they're not surprised when they show up back to work.

But when we sent out our latest promotion--Rift, the upcoming MMO from Trion Worlds--we were puzzled when Scout sent it back, unopened. We gave him a call.

"Hey, man," we said. "We were wondering why you hadn't opened--"


It Is Me, But Smaller!

February 2, 2011 - The Soldier

Eyes forward, you damp sacks of wet pants! In stark contrast to the usual garbage masquerading as news on this website, I am pleased to announce something actually noteworthy: I AM NOW AVAILABLE IN STATUE FORM.

Hello. This paragraph is a cool-down period so you can collect yourself before I continue.


Monday Night Combat

January 24, 2011 - TF2 Team

If you buy a copy of Monday Night Combat on Steam up until 10AM PST, February 1st, 2011, you'll get two batches of exclusive items. In MNC, you'll receive class-specific mods to make your classes look a bit more TF2-y. And over at Team Fortress, you'll get an MNC-branded hat that any class can wear, as well as a custom hat and outfit for the Scout.


Look at me! Look at me!

January 21, 2011 - TF2 Team

As if we'd let you languish without some updates from the community!

  • Wireplay is about to launch Season 8 with some new unlocks allowed. Check out their site for the full list.
  • TF2Maps.net has released a completely new theme pack this week dubbed the construction theme. Additionally there's a new arena map, "Hard Hat" that goes along with it showcasing the new assets. They also have an Asymmetry vs Symmetry control point mapping contest going on for good measure. Hopefully they don't take up blogging anytime, because that'd be really embarrassing for us.


Have at 'em, lads!

January 6, 2011 - TF2 Team

Couple of quick community updates:

  • The Pubs vs Pros Winter Wasteland is almost upon us. Once again, 6 pro TF2 players will take on a team of 9 pub players. With TGBF.tv doing the shoutcasting, it's sure to be an entertaining match. Head over to the event page to find out when and how you can catch it. You can also find more info in this forum thread. Good luck to all the players!
  • eXtelevision has also posted its coverage of ETF2L's Highlander Mix-up. If you haven't already, make sure you check out the Badwater and Granary matches.


Back to the drawing board, genius!

January 3, 2011 - TF2 Team

One of the requests we've gotten from community item contributors has been for an easier way to test their creations. We're pleased to announce that last friday's update included a beta version of our new item testing system. Some folks over at the Official TF2 Wiki have already found it and started documenting the system, but we wanted to provide some more information on what's there, and where we're going with it.


Additional time has been awarded

December 22, 2010 - The Administrator

How I do love the holiday season. A time of year that makes the sweet things in life seem so much the sweeter. A time when ignoring the mournful cries of a litter of famished puppies provides the deep satisfaction of labored accomplishment. A time when delivering a sharp kick to the exposed shin of a desperate beggar takes on a certain character of charity. A time when sending one's witless minions repeatedly to their deaths at the hands of their equally witless enemies provides an unrivaled and noble joy.

So it is that in a fit of holiday induced discomposure I requested that Mr. Hale increase his shipments of weapons and equipment for exactly one week. Do not, my dear reader, interpret this as a sign of approval. Do not mistake me for thinking you worthy of this gift. I am merely attempting to ensure that you are properly equipped for the duties that you are required to fulfill as detailed in the contract that each of you signed. There are control points that need capturing, intelligence that needs recovering, and hats to be secured.


Aye! Me bottle o'scrumpy! Anon!

December 17, 2010 - TF2 Team

You demanded a Holiday update, and by gad, you're going to get it and like it, pal. We've cooked up a fine feast of new weapons, garnished it with more headgear than you have heads, and left it simmering overnight in a new game mode. What are you waiting for?! Get over to the Update Page and chow down!


Need a Sentry Here!

December 10, 2010 - TF2 Team


Prepare for your examination!

December 2, 2010 - TF2 Team

As you've probably seen by now, we like to change things in Team Fortress 2. A lot. And while we're perfect most of the time, we occasionally get something wrong. One reason for this is we just don't get enough data from internal play testing, and another is that we spend too much time watching Tom Bui serenades on Youtube (Hint: Search for "Tom Bui" on Youtube) (Another Hint: Click here). So to help us change TF2 even more frequently, we're pleased to announce the Team Fortress 2 (public) Beta.


Let's try that again!

November 24, 2010 - TF2 Team

Our first attempt to play the ETF2L Highlander Exhibition match ran into some technical difficulties. This time around, we've been assured that the appropriate number of chickens have been sacrificed to the dark lord of the internet. You can find out all the details on how you can watch the match here. If you don't feel like firing up SourceTV, this time there are live streams as well.

While we're here, yesterday we forgot to link to the first productive use of TF2. Check it out!