Monday, March 21, 2011

Nuclear radioactive effects to health : food, organ, isotope, maximum dose

Nuclear reactor explosion at Fukushima Daiichi, Japan, causing widespread concern about the implications for humans. The worst nuclear reactor meltdowns in history occurred at Chernobyl, Ukraine in April, 1986. How dangerous this radiation for humans?

Naturally, the human body has mechanisms to protect themselves from cell damage from radiation and other harmful chemicals.

For the case in Japan, the WHO believes the public health risk is small. Of course it mean for those who do not live near a nuclear reactor site. There is also no specific recommendations from the WHO about Japanese food and others.

Nuclear radiation exposure that produces a very high radioactive substances that can trigger a number of health problems like hair loss, nerve cell death, seizures and sudden death, circulatory disorders, heart disease, and damage the reproductive system.

Radiation effect is very dependent on levels and types of radioactive substances.

Radiation Effects

Radiation effects for the human body can be divided into two groups :

1. Stochastic Effect
Stochastic effects of radiation effects on individuals whose occurrence can not be ascertained by a factor of 5-10 (from the estimated 100,000 people affected by only 1 person). The effect of radiation is said to be stochastic if the radiation is absorbed by the body in low doses, 0.25 to 1000 mSv. For example, in the goiter diagnostic tool, receiving low radiation is allowed not only safe but actually beneficial.

2. Deterministic effects
Deterministic effects of radiation effects that would arise when the tissues of the body exposed to Ionizing radiation exposure. Deterministic effects can occur if the dose of radiation received was more than the threshold should be below 3000 mSv. When the radiation received between 3000-6000 mSv, it will cause flushed skin or hair loss. 6000-12000 mSv will cause feelings of nausea, decreased appetite, lethargy, weakness, fever, excessive sweating, causing shock that some time will arise that more severe complaints of abdominal pain, hair loss, even death.

But the possibility of deterministic effects is very little, because based on a survey of research institutions that handle nuclear, nuclear radiation only at 0.08 mSv.

Sensitive Organ

The organs that are sensitive to radiation exposure, among others, the thyroid gland, intestines, kidneys, spleen, and bone marrow.

Exposure in pregnant women may interfere with fetal growth, like irregularities in the process of organ growth. Depending on the time of exposure, what body organs are developing in the fetus in the womb.

Exposure in children was also dangerous since the body cells more vulnerable in children. In addition, the extent of the child's body is smaller than adults. Although the same amount of exposure. Children with a smaller doses in the body, the exposure becomes greater.

Efforts to eliminate contamination of radioactive substances on the skin should be done properly and not rude to minimize absorption. Cleanup of radioactive substances on the skin surface by washing in the contaminated section.

To reduce the radioactive substance which has entered the body, sought to reduce the absorption in the digestive tract, inhibiting the deposition in the body organs, dilution, change the chemical properties of materials, and the use of chelate techniques.

Prevention on food supply

Radioactive particles would directly or indirectly bring influence to humans if they eat foods made from ingredients such as dairy products and meat from animals that consume plants and water that has been contaminated.

The release of radioactive particles into the atmosphere will contaminate the surface of the particle. It will befall the agricultural fruit, vegetable crops, grazing land and water resources.

Radioactive contamination through the food

What are the risk of radioactive contamination in food? That depends on several factors. According to experts, the duration is mainly dependent on the type of radioactive element.

Japan found abnormal levels of radiation in milk and spinach from areas near Fukushima. Also, in the tap water in Tokyo and five prefectures center, but there is no threat to health.

In the history of contamination, the main source is wind-borne dust stored in the fruit or vegetables or fall on the ground, where it is absorbed by grass and leafy plants.

Radioactive particles are then transmitted through the food chain, which explains why the cow could have a higher level than normal radioactivity in milk and meat.

When ingested, the particles are dangerous because they release energy that can sneak through in the DNA binding molecule, thereby increasing the risk of cancer.

The problem can be short term or long term, depending on the nature of the radioactive source and amount of contamination in the local environment, which in turn also affected by the weather.

Radioactive isotope

Nuclear power plant (NPP) using an atomic nucleus fission reactions in nuclear reactors. Fission reactions that produce energy and various isotopes, including xenon-133, krypton-85, and iodine-131.

Nuclear radiation containing radioactive substances that produce alpha rays, beta and gamma. The most dangerous gamma radiation. Common isotopes detected in gamma radiation include cobalt-60, cesium-137, cadmium-109, sodium-22, manganese-54, barium-133 and cobalt-57.

Isotopes have a half-life (time required for the whole), which is quite long. For example, cobalt-60 has a half-life 5.26 years. In that period, the radioactive decay half from the original amount, and so on until whole dismiss.

Leakage of nuclear reactors can release radioactive substances into the environment. The case of the 1996 Chernobyl release of radioactive material, especially radio-isotopes of cesium and iodine that contaminate water, food, and air.

Radioactive isotope pollution

Iodine 131, for example, has a "half life" just eight days, which means the possibility of rupture in the neighborhood in recent weeks.

There is a short-term risk to human health if radioactive iodine in food is absorbed into the human body. If swallowed, it can accumulate in the body and cause damage to the thyroid. Children and adolescents are at risk in this regard.

Taking iodine in the form of "stable" as tablets of potassium iodide (PI), to block radioactive iodine in the thyroid.

Long-term problem comes from the timeless elements such as Cesium 137, a "half life" is measured in 30 years and maybe even take a few centuries before it breaks down completely.

The fall of Cesium from the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in April 1986 caused a long-term contamination problems in many European countries, leading to restrictions on sales of beef, milk.

Strontium 90 is another long-term harmful contamination, such as Plutonium 239.

Plutonium is one of the most toxic to humans, but through direct contact, not through food.

Plutonium 239 is absorbed to a negligible level in the soil by plants and is very poorly absorbed by the digestive tract of animals and humans.

The maximum dose of radioactive

Health impacts experienced by residents living near nuclear reactors, also vary depending on the amount of radiation exposure dose, exposure period, and many parts of the body exposed to radiation.

For example, a single dose given in a short time can be fatal. But the same dose administered over several weeks or several months, could only cause a mild effect.

So the total number of doses and exposure speed to determine the effects of radiation on genetic material in cells.

Maximum dose of radioactive iodine, according to the EURATOM guidelines, is 150 Bq / kg or becquerels per liter (l / Bq) for baby food; 500 Bq / kg or Bq / l for milk products; 2000 Bq / kg or Bq / l for another food and 500 Bq / l for liquids intended for consumption.

The maximum dose of the radioactive element lasted more than 10 days, thus including the Cesium, is 400 Bq / kg or Bq / l for baby food, 1,000 Bq / kg or Bq / l for milk products; 1250 Bq / kg or Bq / l for another food, and 1,000 Bq / l for liquids intended for consumption.

Radioactivity also exist in natural environments, such as the originating source of several types of rock. In addition, many states allow irradiated food products which are safe to kill or prevent bacteria to prolong shelf life.

Dangers to health

Once inside the body, radioactive isotopes will be distributed throughout the body. A person can be exposed to radioactive substances from outside the body or internally from radioactive substances when breathing, eating, drinking, or through wounds. Most settle in the organ or tissue, partly out through the urine, feces, and sweat.

Contamination can occur in sea water used for cooling the reactors. Radioactive particles can be ingested fish and will go into the human body that eating contaminated fish.

Radioactive particles could be flown by wind and contaminate soil, water and air. To prevent the impact of radioactive contamination, the Japanese government banned the use of food sources such as vegetable or other needs, such as water, from the region around a nuclear reactor.

The impact of radiation on health can occur rapidly (acute) or slow (long term). It was not separated from the dose and duration of exposure.

Radiation dose for the treatment of individual maximal 0.05 Sv (Sievert) or 5 rem per year. Radiation exposure that is too large can cause nausea, diarrhea, and headache.

Radioactive contaminants can accumulate in body organs according to the nature of chemical and physics. If the body exposed to doses of 350-450 rem in quick time, there is a 50 percent risk of death within 30 days. Dose of 100 rem in a long time cause cell damage that can not be restored.

Acute radiation syndrome can also attack a variety of different body organs, such as brain syndrome which occurs if the total dose of radiation is very high, more than 30 gray. It's fatal, symptoms include nausea and vomiting initially followed by fatigue, drowsiness and sometimes coma. This phenomenon is most likely caused by inflammation of the brain. A few hours later there will be tremors (shaking), convulsions, unable to walk, and death.

The next impact is gastrointestinal syndrome occurs due to lower total radiation dose, which is 4 or more gray. Symptoms include severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which causes severe dehydration.

Other syndromes due to the impact of this radiation is hematopioetic syndrome, which attacks the bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes. The formation of blood cells are the main.

This syndrome occurs when a total dose of 10-20 gray and beginning with the loss of appetite, apathy, nausea and vomiting. The most severe symptoms occur within 6-12 hours after exposure and will disappear within 24-36 after exposure.

The impact of nuclear radiation also resulted in the shortage of white blood cells that often lead to severe infection. If the total dose of more than 6 gray, then usually the function of hematopoietic disorders and digestive tract will be fatal.

Cell damage can impair organ function. Depending on which part of contaminated radioactive substances. If exposure to the gonads (testicles or ovaries), infertility can occur. In addition, mutations can occur that cause cancer cells to organs and blood.

Besides having a momentary effect, the radiation on the human body will provide long-term effects of chronic nuclear radiation.

Generally it is triggered by low levels of radiation that is not realized and are not anticipated until some years. Some of the lethal effects due to long-term exposure to nuclear radiation include cancer, premature aging, nervous system and reproductive disorders, and genetic mutations.

For workers at a nuclear reactor, there are three basic radiation protection (radiation safety). Like working time arrangements with radiation, the spacing with radiation sources, and use of radiation protective materials. The shorter the time spent in the radiation field, the farther from the radiation and thicker protective material, will reduce the radiation dose received.

Nuclear also use as medicine

In addition to power generator, nuclear technology is also used in the medical world, especially in the field of nuclear medicine. Utilization of radioisotopes make it easier for doctors to find the location of the cancer without make operation, as well as to kill cancer cells by radiotherapy.

Radioisotopes are also used to sterilize medical devices from a variety of germs that cause disease. This technology is typically used for medical devices which are not resistant to high heat or easily reacts with chemical compounds used in cleaning fluids.

The risk of nuclear use in the medical field are minimized by ensuring radiation doses do not exceed safe limits. Your doctor will also give a lag time before undergoing radiotherapy or subsequent radiological examination for healthy, cells do not become damaged as most radiation.

Among radiation biologists, recently the term of hormesis are increasingly being discussed. Radiation Hormesis is actually a nuclear radiation in small doses (low dose), which is essential for life. The literature shows that a low dose of radiation to provide a beneficial role for growth, development, fertility, health, and increasing average age of experimental animals.

Does it apply to humans? The effects of radiation for irradiation with a dose high enough will give somatic and genetic effects. Somatic effects suffered by individuals who are exposed to radiation. For example, tissue or cell damage that continues to cancer or shortening of age. Genetic effects of chromosomal aberrations, which enhances the possibility of mutation (change in genetic properties) on the next generation. This effect is not expected to occur in humans. However, it can be used for engineering of seeds, both for plants and animals. Effects are clearly visible, when someone receives a high dose of radiation (10 to 50 rem) within a few minutes. Decrease the number of white blood cells can be observed, and the more severe effects are nausea and internal bleeding. Short radiation throughout the body that cause death, half of the number of individuals, estimated to about 600 rem. When the dose was gradually accepted in the longer term, sustained damage to the cellular level. It is most difficult to observe the effects of low dose radiation exposure due to highly variable and easily confused with other causes.

Almost all living things on this earth always receive low-dose radiation exposure, known as the cosmic background radiation, the magnitude 0.1 to 0.2 rem per year. It comes from cosmic rays and natural radioactive substances on earth. Slightly higher than the background dose received by radiation workers, residents in the area of ​​the geologic structure contains a lot of natural radioactive substances, and most of the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki shortly after the bomb was dropped. From the description above, it appears the assumption that nuclear radiation is always bad for humans, regardless of dose level. However, it began to appear contrary about the assumption of low-dose radiation after evaluation in some existing literature. Previously, the data indicate that radiation hormesis is considered abnormality or deviation, so often ignored. However, when combined with other data, it turns out that data shows the consistency.

Radiation Hormesis it applies to single-celled organisms, insects, fish and other vertebrate animals, including humans. For example, the percentage of white blood cell death in Nagasaki residents affected by radiation, from 1958 to 1982, there is a minimum percentage of the population affected by irradiation 36 rad (radiation unit). In the end, there is the possibility that radiation below the threshold dose is not just safe, but actually beneficial to human health. That means that contrary to recent philosophy of radiation protection for low doses.

Radiation Fact :
- Humans are exposed to radioactive radiation 2 mSv per year.
- The crew of airlines that fly New York-Tokyo route that passes through the north pole , receive radiation exposure to 9 mSv per year.
- Radioactive radiation that causes cancer at least reach 100 mSv per year. If the accumulated reached 1,000 mSv would cause a fatal cancer in the next few years, incidence rates 5 out of 100 people.
- A dose of 1000 mSv of radiation cause illness such as nausea, but not deadly. While a single dose of 5000 mSv of radiation can cause death in 1 month.

If we assume independently with a question; number of casualties among which the most number of people who died because of nuclear radiation with the people who die from smoking?. If you are health experts, of course you would say conclusively that the people who died because of smoking, more numerous. But because the information media such as TV, newspapers, or the Internet, presents more nuclear negative, so it influence public opinion.

You imagine it, if you are presented with the events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or Chernobyl tragedy events have claimed the lives of thousands of people at once. It is far different from the victims of smoking, of course we never heard of any mass casualties due to toxicity of cigarette smoke. There are victims of smoking fell around us, sometimes we do not realize. Based on data from World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 4.9 million people die each year. Generally, the final verdict in health care for victims of smoking are due to cancer.

The above description is one example of that natural radiation is more dangerous than nuclear radiation? Unwittingly by smokers, that as long as they smoke, they have been exposed to radiation, one of which is the natural radioactive gas radon gas found in tobacco leaves. It comes from natural radioactive fospat fertilizer (P) which already on tobacco leaves so that radon gas accumulates in tobacco. So that smokers will easily affected by lung cancer due to radiation from radon gas which can enter the lungs.

In general, radon gas is mostly absorbed by the miners of excavated materials, because of miners are directly inhaled excessive radon gas. According to estimates, the risk of dying from radon gas to reach 0.005%.

Some building materials such as asbestos and gypsum is widely used as roofing, cement, and others contain radioactive material. In Sweden, the houses are made of a thick wall with a little ventilation. Therefore accumulation of radon in homes is exceeded, so that there are some homes that contain elements of natural radioactive like U238, Th232, and K40 in the upper limit of normality. Levels of radon gas in homes has reached 260 Bq/m3, whereas normal levels in the air is 10 Bq/m3.

In addition to radon gas radiation, several other natural radiation is cosmic radiation and UV rays from fluorescent lights. When compared with this natural radiation, dangers of nuclear radiation is much smaller than the natural radiation that we receive. This is because the intensity of natural radiation, we are exposed nearly every day while the nuclear radiation occurs only when a leak from reactor. But with advances technology, the possibility of leakage is very small due to reactor safety. Also, benefited from artificial nuclear radiation with a half-life of a short radiation sources, including Ce137, Co60, Xe, and I131. Artificial radiation has a short half-life and this can be expressed radioactive substances if it has 10 times of the half-life. Such half-life of I131 is 8 days, so if a leak from reactor, the reaction of iodine will be exhausted within 80 days.

From the above explanation, we know that nuclear is not a terrible scourge for us. Various things we feared did not as fear as we imagined. It can even be said that nuclear technology is environmentally friendly technologies and we can derive benefits from this nuclear. The government and society should try to understand more about nuclear.


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