UPDATE 1-US did not deliver coolant to Japan nuclear reactor

JoelUpchurch wrote:

I think they are talking about diesel generators to supply power for the cooling pumps. It’s possible one of our military installations in Japan have generators mounted on a truck.

Mar 11, 2011 6:52pm EST  --  Report as abuse
JNH67 wrote:

She jumped the gun – tried to look good.

This is a sign of incompetence.

At her level she must make sure she speaks on facts not guesses.

Mar 11, 2011 6:53pm EST  --  Report as abuse
temple62 wrote:

No news here, just Hillary and Obama looking for praise as if they did something important.

Mar 11, 2011 7:09pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Mike00oo5 wrote:

No news here, just the same aimless leadership this administration is best at…

Mar 11, 2011 7:41pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Mike00oo5 wrote:

No news here, just the same aimless leadership this administration is best at…

Mar 11, 2011 7:41pm EST  --  Report as abuse
wtrash wrote:

Does Hilary really know anything that’s going on? what a train-wreck of an Administration.

Mar 11, 2011 8:36pm EST  --  Report as abuse

Like all amateur diplomats and like all politicians, Hillary wanted credit and publicity. An experienced diplomat would quietly assist Japan rather than causing them public embarrassment as needing help from Big Brother. Her haste to get credit and the carelessness of her staff in knowing what is actually going on combined to produce the usual — the term from World War II is SNAFU.

Mar 11, 2011 9:10pm EST  --  Report as abuse
AlPhresceaux wrote:

Thought the coolant was water. Something they have plenty of.
What is this coolant they speak of? Another example of Hillary talking about something she knows nothing about and the media talking about something they know nothing about.

Mar 11, 2011 9:16pm EST  --  Report as abuse
kaitydidnt wrote:

Oh please, naive people. Of course we’re (US) helping to deliver coolant. The US wants to allow the Japanese government to assure people that they have things in hand. Good idea. Promotes confidence and stability in the Japanese gov’t and prevents panic. Delivery of coolant will come from where ever it has to come from and get there the fastest. Don’t be daft, and look for an excuse where we (US) didn’t or wouldn’t help. We are. Get real.

Mar 11, 2011 10:08pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Raystar wrote:

Another US friendly nation shunned! SUPRISED? NOT… This administration has NO thoughts for anyone that is friendly to our nation….. to the nation of Japan I am only sorry this Obama administration has over a year more… In spite of the Current US president our prayers and thoughts are with You

Mar 11, 2011 10:22pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Rich.B wrote:

GET THE AID THERE NOW! Japan needs us damnit, take this seriously!

Mar 11, 2011 11:42pm EST  --  Report as abuse
PWNAGE wrote:

Guess Hillary “misspoke” again. I mean c’mon…sometimes you actually think you DID have to dodge sniper fire in Bosnia, even if you really didn’t. Sometimes you think your government DID deliver coolant, even though they didn’t. Give her a break, it’s not her fault she never knows what’s going on, she’s only Secretary of State.

Mar 11, 2011 11:48pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Rich.B wrote:

This is unforgivable, I am really peeved about this. America should be making this top priority right now.

Mar 12, 2011 12:01am EST  --  Report as abuse
MrLogical wrote:

Just another example of our witless, inept, lying* SoS trying to make herself the center of attention when she’s really just the least important person in the room – next to Barack Hussein Obama.

* E.g., her patently false claim to have been named after Sir Edmund Hillary; her claim to have been caught in enemy crossfire in Bosnia; among other whoppers that she’s told over the years.

Mar 12, 2011 12:01am EST  --  Report as abuse
MarioI wrote:

You would think in this day and age of communication, that the goverments would get a critical issue like this right! This obviously affects the international community.

Mar 12, 2011 4:09am EST  --  Report as abuse
AstroLee wrote:

Why in the heck are they using something that Ex-President Hillary has said? He doesn’t have a clue about anything going on ….. may not even know that Japan is another country, not a U.S. state.

Mar 12, 2011 4:19am EST  --  Report as abuse
Koolestcat wrote:

Or is the Obama administration just trying to make nuclear power look bad. Nothing a little coolant shortage during a catastrophe wont cure.

Mar 12, 2011 4:24am EST  --  Report as abuse

Never forget 9/11 lies.
Study prevailing winds.
Traditional cooling not possible.
Containment has been breached.
Dishonest governments never tell the truth.
Corrupt controlled media never tell the truth.

Mar 12, 2011 3:35pm EST  --  Report as abuse
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